Who Has Freedom Of Speech? Part 1

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Who Has Freedom Of Speech? Part 1

Who has access to the First Amendment? Where does it come from? What is it for? Who gets to enjoy its protections and what is the qualifier? Tune in to today’s show as Pastor Jack discusses the topic of freedom of speech.

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Hey, everybody. Um, the 1st Amendment, who has access to the 1st Amendment? Certainly not everybody.
First Amendment, where does it come from? What’s it for? And who gets to enjoy its protections?
What’s the qualifier? There is one, you know. Listen in and find out.
Real life presents the Jack Gibbs podcast.
With intention and boldness to proclaim truth equip the saints and impact our culture.
Today, if this podcast lifts you up, and encourages you to live will encourage others to listen.
Now open your hearts to what god’s word has to say to you. Here is Jack Gibbs.
Hey. Welcome to this podcast with us being together here in the real life podcast.
Uh, I was gonna say studio kinda sound like rush limbo. Right? Welcome behind the EIB mic. Not really.
But it’s us together. I love these times because, um, there’s there’s no there’s no formality to it.
And we can talk and we can uh, just discuss things that otherwise I don’t really have the platform, uh, to do, in so much of my life in so many ways, uh, is either scripted one way or another either scripted by a calendar, scripted by a clock, or in this case, it’s, uh, when I when I say this in this case, meaning when it’s, uh, teaching the scriptures, I’m scripted by time unlimited by the time or whatever it might be.
Podcasts a little bit different. We do try to keep these to about 20 minutes ish because that seems to be palatable for people.
They like that. But then on the other side, we get people saying, don’t stop.
Just keep going, which is really great to hear.
But today might be one of those days where we, by nature, have to go off script because of what’s going on.
Now Look, by the time this podcast drops to your device, things, uh, could be so outdated.
Even though it’s going to be released to you as quick as possible.
I don’t know, maybe 4 days from now, 5 days from now, something like that.
But what’s happening in our nation is just going so quick, and that’s true for the entire world.
There’s things changing so fast. And I wanna encourage all of you who are believers in the word of god.
You recognized immediately when I said that, that things all of a sudden are going so fast.
Many of you who know the word, uh, went like this in your heart. Yes.
Thumbs up because That’s exactly what the scriptures would say.
Did say, do say that in the in the last days, things would happen very, very quickly.
As we’ve mentioned before, where Jesus is behold, I come quickly in the book of Revelation.
It doesn’t mean behold, I come soon, It means that once things get set off, once the fuse is lit, it goes very fast and I come back quickly once the fuse is lit.
I’m not saying the fuse is lit in this world.
I’m saying that the fuse has been set, and there’s a guy standing about 5 feet away with a mat.
That’s where we’re at in this world right now.
So, um, I’m probably gonna share with you more of what is a understanding on my part and a belief on my part.
So I’m not gonna be citing, you know, Wilson versus Connecticut.
I’m not gonna be citing Barnes Versus Florida.
What I’m gonna be saying is that the way I see things right now in what’s happening in the United States and some of the things that I’ve been told by military and or law enforcement personnel.
Some of them retired, but are still in the intelligence world. I’m not going to, uh, expose them.
I’m not stupid. Uh, and so but in light of that, when I say some things in this podcast with you, um, if you say, well, I need I need your citation for that.
Where are you getting that from.
I’m not gonna tell you where I’m getting it from if if it’s gonna compromise somebody.
But I do, uh, want you to know that you ought to take note of it and just write it down and wait and see.
Or how about this? Write it down and check your sources. Okay?
So I almost wanna, you know, say the things that I’m gonna be telling you are a 100% true.
They are unless some of the things I tell you, I was told wrongly.
What if somebody told me something that was wrong? So but it’s gonna be clear enough.
And that is this. First of all, let’s start right here. Let’s start right here. Um, Jeremiah 29 verse 7.
Seek the peace of the city wherewith, I’ve caused you to dwell.
And pray for the pray to the lord for it. That is the city.
For in its peace, you will have peace. Is that confusing to anyone?
Whoever wherever you are as a believer on this planet, It is commanded in Jeremiah 2097 that you’re to seek the peace of the city in which you live.
And you’re to do that because it’s where the lord has put you because the lord wants you to not only dwell in peace, but he wants that city to be in peace.
That’s the will of the lord.
Enter the well funded, well staged, and for some of us, routine shenanigans that are going on on our university campuses right now.
When I say routine, um, listen, we’ve been I have been I’ve been in a group.
I’ve been in, uh, a gathering. I’ve been in a, um, a, tributary of information.
Um, basically ever since 2001, And in some of those areas, I even had the chance to address members of Congress on Islamic activity uh Muslim beliefs, uh, the factions between Islam, why are some Islamic groups at war with other Islamic groups?
I have spoken in places and in seminars And when president Trump was in office, uh, I served with 37 other clergy slash theologian slash experts on uh Islamic uh, cleared, uh, cleric concerns under Chad Wolf, um, Homeland Security.
And so went through the vetting process of all of that stuff was was in that situation.
I I can I’m letting it out now because obviously, it’s all done.
And Trump’s gone and Chad Wolf’s gone and all of that kind of stuff.
So I just want you to know, I I know a little bit about what I’m talking about.
But there was a time in the United States where there were a lot of hostile people filing for immigration into the United States or getting the easiest visa possible to get onto US soil and then never again showing up for either a visa extension or they had their, uh, visitors visa expire or their tourist visa expire, and they’re still here somewhere.
In America with intent. So having said that, let’s talk about Columbia University. Let’s talk about NYC.
Let’s talk about, uh, UCLA USC. Let’s talk about the nearly now 220.
I uh, universities in the United States that are hosting, uh, the what what do we call it?
The the media calls it pro Palestinian rallies pro pelist.
Doesn’t that sound sweet. Pro Palestinian rallies. Uh, and yet they have Hamas signs.
They’re saying uh, pro Hamas in the in the group. Listen to listen to this, everybody.
Newsflash And now we take you to UCLA or USC for the pro Palestinian rally.
That sounds great. Pro Palace pro Palestinian rally carrying pro Hamas signs.
And in reality, That should be oil and water that doesn’t mix.
To be pro Palestinian is to say the Palestinians are being abused.
And we’re against that. It’s to mean that the Palestinians are hurting.
We we need them to be okay. The Palestinians are in trouble.
We need to help Okay.
Then the number one way of helping them is to separate Hamas from the Palestinians.
Do you know what I’m talking about?
Do you even know the news Do you know that Hamas is using Palestinians?
Look, Hamas has always used little kids. And women to be body shields for them. Still secret.
You can watch it online. Go to YouTube.
Uh, go to some, uh, go to some of the, uh, some of the TikTok stuff or some of the there’s some stuff on x.
It’s pretty violent, pretty ugly stuff. But they’re using women and children for body shields.
Now they perpetuate Hamas. Hamas. Not the Palestinians.
Hamas attacked Israel on October 7th. Israel has turned around to eradicate Hamas.
What does Hamas do? Hamas runs among all the population. What’s the result of that? Israel can’t stop.
No way. Cannot stop. No no nation with a brain. Would stop.
They have to go get them, but it’s hard to get people when they hide behind four year olds.
But I guess when you don’t really you know, when you don’t have a god and you’re doing all this bad stuff, then you would hide behind a four year old because you You don’t have a god that can protect you.
Your god is fabricated. Uh, and he’s not able to protect you against the Israelis.
The Israelis on the other hand, they have a god. And so you grab a kid.
Hi, Biden. And then Israel does everything they can to keep from killing the child to take the Hamas guy out, but there’s collateral damage in war because war is horrible, and we live in a fallen world.
But all you see on the headline news is Israel shot a four year old, and it’s tragic.
What’s, uh, what nobody thinks is tragic in this demon dumdled world is that it was pretty sick for that guy to hide behind a four year old and shoot at Israeli soldiers.
But that’s what cowards do.
So now we have it in America all over the United States.
Texas, California, Massachusetts, all over the place.
So the shutting uh, pro Hamas death to Israel, death to America, death to Israel, death to America.
Who’s shouting that? I ask you. Palestinians or pro Hamas. Pro Palestinians are pro Hamas. Please educate us.
Please tell us. Watched it last night to 1 o’clock in the morning here in LA.
And shouts of Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, on the campus of UCLA.
What does Palestine Palestinians have to do with Allah?
Because not all Palestinians are Muslims. Not all Arabs are Muslims.
In fact, Israel has some pretty strong data that Hamas isn’t even Muslim.
Hamas uses Islam because it allows them to recruit and to come across as freedom fighters, holy fighters.
So now on university campuses in the United States, we’ve got all akhbar being shouted.
Which in any other context in the world is a cry to battle. It’s a cry to war.
Ola Akbar. Um, that is a war cry.
And there’s no getting around it.
You can cry, foam at your mouth, scream, and holler all you want.
It’s still a war cry, which is why, again, you go to YouTube and you watch terrorist, uh, watching, you can do it through their eyes.
They’re watching their buddy driving a jeep.
Or motorcycle up near a bunch of people or US soldiers or European soldiers, uh, or they get to an entry way somewhere.
And they’re going, oh, and they’re they’re you can hear them.
And then the guy blows himself up, and they’re going, oh, look, borrow log, borrow log.
What what are they doing? You can view this 10,000 times over. It’s a war cry.
And by the way, all of Akbar is Allah is greater.
Allah is greater. Do you know what Allah means? In Arabic? Nope.
What what’s What’s the name of the Islamic god? What’s his name?
No. That’s not his name. The name of Islam’s god is not Allah.
Allah is Arabic for god. God’s not a name. God is a title, a description.
So for example, Uh, there’s a lot of gods. Money is a god.
Sex is a god. Religion is a god. God is god.
And the deities of cults, they’re gods. Allah is Arabic for god.
What’s the name of the Muslim god? Who is Allah? I find it interesting.
You kinda get a clue by the statement, Allah Akbar. God is greater.
Greater than who? Who is he greater than?
If you find the answer to that one, you just might find your way home to the arms of y a h or y eh Yahweh, the name of the god of the bible They’re not the same guys.
So I’m going somewhere with this, and I appreciate your patience, but it’s important.
Um, either of a sudden, across the United States, we’ve got a COVID outbreak and everybody’s donning masks right now and covering their faces.
Are there involved in some form of uprising that they’re so ashamed of.
Uh, they they so do not wanna be identified the uprising they’re being paid to shout at that they cover their faces with either a Kaffia or a medical mask or a diaper.
They’re covering their faces. And they’re shouting and they’re disobeying the police. They’re disobeying the, uh, campus police.
They’re disobeying orders. But they they’re all covered up.
They’re so brave that they’ve covered their faces, but they’re shouting Allah Akbar and they’re saying death to America, death to Israel, and they have their pro Hamas signs on the u on US soil.
And then like we saw last night in Los Angeles, the police are called in by which is really remarkable.
The police were finally allowed to move in onto campus because the campus, the administration, of UCLA re would not let law enforcement under the campus.
I can’t believe I’m saying this.
Gavin Newsom, the governor of California, who is soon to visit the Vatican and give some sort of speech there because, uh, I don’t know why because he’s got awesome hair and he’s tall.
Sounds like Batman when he speaks.
Gavin Newsom said it’s absolutely wrong that Los Angeles has allowed this protest to go on as long as it has.
They never should have had a chance to build their incantments. Gavin Newsom.
This is the 1 and only applause you’ll ever get from me. No.
The problem is you should have said that, you know, 2 weeks ago, but, hey, you said it.
And that’s great. We appreciate it.
So here’s the big here’s the big mic drop to what we’re talking about right now.
How do these people get away with what they’re doing when the mayor of Los Angeles has just issued a warning that she will have 0 tolerance for any pro Israeli.
Uh, protest or gatherings as a response to the pro Palestinian.
She said she will, and I quote, prosecute anyone who gathers in support of Israel.
This is Bass. I forget her first name. Karen.
Karen Bass, mayor of Los Angeles, a George Soros, uh, implant. That’s pretty spectacular.
But, uh, how do people get away with this?
Let let’s play this out because I’m watching it happen in the media right now.
How are they getting away with it? Can somebody can somebody post right now?
How are they getting away with doing what they’re doing, disobeying the police, refusing to obey, an order from the police department to evacuate your encampments because we’re gonna be earn your encampments down because they are illegal dwellings.
You’ve built structures. You’re camping in a non camping zone.
You’ve done all this stuff that is in violation of campus rules and of city ordinances.
By the way, uh, fecal matter, urine, pot, drugs, not being reported in the media, But if you know any police officers who are there, these are things going on.
How do they get away with it? Somewhere.
I don’t know if if it’s happening on this podcast, but if there’s comments in place, let us know.
Please let us know. The question is, how are they allowed to do this? Death to America.
Burning the American flag.
You are going to probably And I hope our audience is smarter than the average bear, but let’s just play along.
I hope you’re smarter than the media. All of it’s out there.
Every single one of the media outlets, and I mean them all. I watch them. I watch them all. Disgusting.
Do you know what? You know how they’re able to get away with it?
Because this culture believes The media believes that they have a first amendment.
They’re saying death to America, and they’re not even saying it’s our constitutional right.
Most of them don’t even believe in the constitution. Hey. Listen. Let’s be honest.
A kid on USC or UCLA’s campus can’t even give you can’t even quote the first amendment.
So, hey, listen, we’re gonna stop right here and jump into part 2 next time.
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