Thankful Thursday blessings June 13, 2024

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Thankful Thursday blessings

Dear Heavenly Father,

On this Thankful Thursday, June 13, 2024, we come before You with hearts overflowing with gratitude. Thank You for the gift of this day and for the countless blessings You bestow upon us. We are grateful for Your unending love, mercy, and grace.

Lord, I lift up my friend and their family to You today. I ask for Your divine protection over them. Shield them from harm and surround them with Your loving care. Guide their steps today and every day, filling their hearts with Your wisdom, peace, and understanding.

Bless them with good health, joy, and prosperity. Provide for their needs and help them to trust in Your provision. May their home be a sanctuary of love, compassion, and harmony, where Your presence is always felt.

Help them to communicate with love and patience, to support one another through life’s challenges, and to celebrate each other’s successes. Strengthen their bonds and deepen their faith, drawing them ever closer to You and to each other.

Grant them the grace to face any difficulties with courage and to find solace in Your presence. Fill their hearts with hope and joy, and let Your love shine through them in all that they do.

As we reflect on our blessings today, may we always remember to be thankful for Your constant presence in our lives. Thank You, Lord, for hearing our prayers and for Your unfailing love. We trust in Your perfect plan for our lives and rest in the assurance of Your constant presence.

In Jesus’ name, we pray.


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In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Heavenly God, I praise You this morning as You allow me to open my eyes once more. Share Your joys with me and my loved ones, and protect us with Your arms. Be our refuge in times of distress and our rock in troubles. I want to feel loved by You and filled with Your Holy Spirit. I ask You to speak the word that heals and liberates and lifts me from all discouragement.

I praise You today because I recognize that I am Your creation, molded with love, and You have given me all the gifts I need to be happy. Every time I cry out for Your protection, You defend me and let me live in peace. Make me strong to overcome in Your name, and let me fall in love with You to reach where You are. I want my life to be a testimony of the love You have given me.

Take my hands and grant me the necessary strength so that, through them, I can help those who need You, who do not judge but liberate. Take my mouth and proclaim Your word through it, so that the words that come from me are blessings and not curses. Let my prayers announce the wonders You promised and proclaim Your message of salvation.

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I ask that You continue to show me the good and the bad, especially when I am most tempted. Thank You for trusting me and making me feel that I can serve You according to what You need for the building of Your kingdom. I am Yours, and I know that whatever happens, I will move forward. I love You and trust in Your presence. I place this day in Your hands with the certainty of Your joy and delight.

I want to be cheerful and motivated to start this new day under Your grace, as You have given me countless reasons to feel like the most fulfilled being in existence. I ask that You allow me to see Your greatness throughout the day so I can find You in the simplest things, in the smallest details. Thank You for answering me when I call, without considering my sins. Thank You for lifting me to live in Your presence; I have the most important thing, Your love over me.

Thank You for letting me see Your presence in the praise of Your creatures, in the color of this beautiful sunrise, and the harmony of Your landscapes. I am convinced that in everything, I will be more than victorious because I have the best being of all with me. I no longer want to go through life without You, my good God. I praise and bless You because You never abandon me, You give me strength, and You help me move forward. I abandon myself to Your word to thank You for all the blessings with which You have adorned my life.

Teach me to love You more every day and to seek to glorify You in everything. Thank You for receiving me in Your arms, embracing me, comforting me, and encouraging me to keep going. Heal my body, my soul, and my heart. Thank You for each of the gifts You have bestowed upon my life; I know that in each one of them is Your goodness and grace. I thank You, Lord, for this day that You allow me to begin under Your protection, where I place each of my activities in Your hands. I trust in Your mercy and Your word, and I entrust my new day to Your holy will so that Your right hand may guide me. Amen.

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