Dr. Bill Winston: Salvation is NOW – Joint Heirs
Salvation is NOW – Joint Heirs
When you were born again, you became an heir to the wealthiest family ever known to mankind, with an inheritance beyond measure. In Joint Heirs, Dr. Bill Winston teaches how consistent meditation of God’s Word brings revelation knowledge and opens your spiritual eyes to the inheritance of power, riches, wisdom, strength, honor, glory, and blessing that Jesus Christ died to provide you.
The believer’s walk of faith is paid for by Bill Winston ministry partners and viewers.
The best was made for you.
Don’t you want the best school for your kids?
Come on, don’t you want the best dental care?
I’m saying why we stopped there? The best was made for God’s people.
Your portion is not payday to payday. Your portion is wealth.
Jesus said, I’m come that you might have life and heaven house God has not brought you into the earth to do small things.
You’re gonna do something big. It was never meant that the government take care of the poor.
It was meant for the church to take care of the poor all over the world. Eradicate poverty.
You can decree something that sounds impossible. Who we is.
Don’t let them talk you out of your property, don’t let them talk you out of your battle.
Don’t let them talk you out of what belongs to you. Your portion is big.
Heirs are those who have inherited something.
They have come into a time where one generation has written them in the will and this Bible is the last Will and Testament.
This new Testament here of the Lord Jesus Christ.
No, it’s interesting about this because he left you something in the will.
He left you something in the will.
And many times people don’t know that they had been left something and because of it, they have not partaken of it and as a result of that they may be going through things that they really don’t need to go through.
But you have inherited something in the will.
Now you have to take title of that.
You have to get that in the will first when you got to discover it, what’s in the will.
So you have to look in here and find out what he left you.
And if you, you can’t find it in here, he didn’t leave it for you.
But in here is its last will and testament.
And Jesus just didn’t leave situation like that.
He actually sent the Holy Spirit back to probate the will.
So he, he really is here making sure that we get what belongs to us.
Now, what’s mine? I gotta find out in the world. What’s mine? All right.
Look what it says. Look what it says in Psalms chapter one oh five and verse 43.
And he brought forth his people with joy and his chosen with gladness, check it out and gave them the what lands of the heathen and they inherited the what the labor of the people, the who, who, who, who here he is saying Hey, I’m giving you their land now, wasn’t it?
When they came out of Egypt, they were supposed to go to King, am I right about that?
When the, when the 12 spies went and spotted out, didn’t they say somebody was on the land that it was occupied?
Well, look what God says over Luke’s Gospel chapter 19 verse 13.
Look what he says about you and me occupy till I come.
So this idea about me occupying till He comes that I’ve got to take back property apparently that was taken from Adam that was possessed by the enemy and who he set up on it.
Now, I’m supposed to dispossess and take back what belongs to me. Yeah.
So I’m, I’m not supposed to live in.
Not enough, I’m not supposed to live in just enough.
God wants me rich that, that I can see that, that the devil right there.
God wants me rich, say amen to that.
Now I can prove it before anybody runs out here and tweets something on me.
Look what it says in Second Corinthians and chapter eight and verse nine, this is talking about Jesus and what he did for you for, you know, the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ that though he was what?
Rich for your sakes, he became. What poor that you through his poverty might be what rich.
So God wants me rich, let’s say out of the mouths of two, let every word be established.
Let’s go to revelation chapter five and verse 12 saying with a loud voice worthy is the lamb that was slain, slain for who you and me was slain to receive what power?
This is part of our inheritance. He received power, received what else? Riches? Say it loud riches.
He has given us as an inheritance to be rich. God wants his people rich.
Now, if I say that too much, somebody wants this not outside, but in the church will rise up at me and said, oh, that’s one of those prosperity preachers.
I’m preaching the word of God. Put Romans chapter three, verse three up there one more time, please.
For what if some did not believe? Well, you might be an unbeliever.
If you’re just trying to find something wrong with what I say.
He said, shall their unbelief make the word of faith of God without effect. No, God forbid yay.
Let God be true. Come on. Not just getting rich so I can be rich.
I’m getting rich so I can save the South side. I’m getting rich so I can save the West side.
All these inner cities, all this crime, babies getting shot. You don’t say anything about that. Why?
Because that’s not on TV? Because it doesn’t make the headline.
But now things are gonna change because you won’t get upset, especially when we close this wealth divide, when we come and give the church back its place of respect.
Of honor. Come on, put it up there again. Revelation chapter five verse 12. Look at all of this.
That’s supposed to be a part of your inheritance. Look what he said.
He said the lamb was let us receive what power and what else and what else?
Wisdom and what else. Strength and what else and what else. Glory and what else. Blessing.
You’re gonna see the blessing of God’s people. This is going to be a new day for the world.
The church is now rising up. It’s gonna let Jesus flow through them.
It’s going to let the king of kings and the Lord of Lord manifest through them.
You can’t separate God and wealth, try to do it. You can’t. He is wealth.
We’re about to go on and saints we got, he said, we as a people will get to the promised land.
This is the promised land. The promised land are houses that you didn’t build.
Come on, but we going for it.
I have made up in my mind. If nobody else gonna preach it, Bill Winton is gonna preach it.
I’m gonna let you know that healing is yours. I’m gonna let you know that deliverance belongs to you.
I’m gonna let you know that social standing belongs to you.
You are supposed to be honored and I’m gonna let you know that financial wherewithal belongs to you.
Cindy Jacobs came in here and I’m telling you that prophecy stirred me up.
Some of you want to be millionaires. But she said, what about billionaires say? Amen.
Now, here’s the deal. I want you put this up there.
Joshua chapter 18 and verse three, this is what he told Joshua.
Now, Joshua and the people that were with him were born for acquisition.
You were born for harvest, do what he says.
And Joshua said unto the child, unto the Children of Israel, how long are you gonna be slack to go in to possess the land which the Lord God of your fathers has given you.
How long are you gonna delay? Well, we’re waiting on God.
Let’s go to lube chapter 15 verse 31. This is the coming home of the prodigal son.
The father gave him the best that he had. He gave him the best that he had.
And then the other elder elder brother was coming in and heard music and dancing and said, what’s going on?
And one of the servants said, well, your brothers come home and your father’s given a celebration.
He said, what until the father came out and tried to get him?
And he said all these years, I’ve served you and you’ve never given me a party to celebrate with my friend.
Look at the father’s response and he said to him, son, thou are ever with me?
Come on and all that I have is yours to the son. That was his problem.
Wealth is your portion riches is your portion, your portion is not poverty.
The biggest thing I have to do when you come in here is I have to get and destroy the image that lack has produced.
I’m gonna make a producer where you were just a consumer.
It’s time for you to have your own company, your wealth producing asset.
Now there are people who made a lot of money on keeping you where you are, people who talk like that think they gotta get the money and keep it all.
That’s why they think like that, they gotta keep it all.
But if you know you were a steward, a steward is one who is responsible for the poor.
It was never meant that the government take care of the poor.
It was meant for the church to take care of the poor all over the world.
Eradicate poverty on the south side, eradicate poverty on the west side.
Well, I’m preaching here and not going to preach. Yes.
Well, not only that, if God is living in you, God always has the best.
He always has the best.
He always did if, if you look at it and look at Genesis chapter 45 this is when uh Joseph was down to Egypt and now it’s about to sin for his father and them to come down watch this.
This is Israel up there and Israel was sitting down trying to get food and so forth.
And Pharaoh said unto Joseph say unto thy brethren this.
Do ye laid your beast and go and get you onto the land of Canon and take your father and your household and come to me and I will give you the good land of Egypt.
Now, if you look at the N I V translation, look what it says.
And I will give you the what I will give you the what the, what I’m about to say something that’s gonna take revelation.
The best was made for you the best.
Listen, don’t you want the best school for your kids?
Come on, don’t you want the best dental care for your son? I’m saying why we stopped there?
He knows what size houses there are in the best.
The best was made for God’s people.
Look at Psalm chapter one oh five and verse 44 1 more time and gave them the what lands and put a s on it.
Lands of the who? Heathen and he what?
They inherited the what labor of the people, whatever it took for them to build it.
They built it for you. The best car you, you gotta hear me.
It wasn’t made for them. It was made for you. The best one.
It for you. Look at job 27 to verse 13.
This is the portion of the wicked man with God and the heritage of oppressors which they shall receive of the Almighty.
If his Children be multiplied, it is for the sword verse 17, he may prepare it but the just so put it on and the what?
Innocent. That’s the one who has been washed in the blood shall divide the silver.
Let God be what and ever a man be a what I’m telling you, your portion is not just enough, your portion is not not enough.
Your portion is not payday to payday. Your portion is wealth, your portion is rich.
Your portion is more than enough. Jesus said, I’m come that you might have life and have it.
How Ecclesiastes 2 26 for to the person who pleases Him, God give God gives wisdom and knowledge and joy.
But to the sinner, he giveth the work of gathering and heaping up that he may.
What give to one who what pleases God. So notice He’s giving the center a ministry.
The Senate’s Ministry is together.
Your ministry is to receive the transfer.
Now we’re not preaching this. Don’t think you gotta wait till this happens.
I remember I was in Minnesota. We were starting a little church there in Minnesota.
We’re still both with I B M and, and, and uh and, and so we went to A Y and the kind of group got bigger and went to a bigger Y MC A on Sunday mornings.
And I remember one of our people that worked for me came and she was in my department.
She came as a visitor because I invited her. And so I started to pray and worship went on.
It was so good. And then I got up and said a few words and her hand went up in the back.
I said, uh uh yes, Anne, she said, I wanna be saved.
I said, OK, I said, look, listen, wait a minute because we’re gonna be calling for that. I see.
I was new. We’re gonna be calling for that.
Uh, after a while just, just and so her hand went down.
She said, I went on and said a few more words.
I guess the thing just, it just got in her heart. She hand went up again. I said yes.
And she said, I wanna be saved right now. Praise God.
But in acts chapter eight, the Ethiopian eunuch, he heard the word passed by some water.
He said, Philip, what keeps me from being baptized right now? Salvation?
You don’t have to wait, you. You don’t have to wait.
God want you saved? Twin. How about healings?
Here’s a lady of woman in Mark chapter seven starting at verse 24.
So she came to Jesus and said, hey, my daughter’s life, she needs help, she needs deliverance.
So for Jesus said, no, don’t trouble me. Now.
He said, this is the children’s bread and, and, and she said, well, even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from the tape.
What Jesus was saying? It’s for the Jew first, not for you. The Greek. And she said no.
Uh but, but even the dogs eat the off the floor that fall from the table of the Children just messing over it.
He said woman for this saying, go thy way thy daughter is healed. What am I telling you?
Here’s another lady that pressed her way through the crowd and touch his instantly, it was healed.
Jesus didn’t even lay hands on her.
She didn’t, he didn’t even know she was back there except he felt something come out of him.
He said, who touched me? That lady got a healing when she wanted it right now.
You can get deliverance right now. You can get healing right now.
You can get saved right now. Why can’t you get rich right now?
I’m telling you, man, we’ve put this thing off so far in the future.
God wants you to work on it right now.
And the first step is that you gotta get a revelation of what the word of God says, say amen to that.
Now you gotta save this one because this one is designed to root up all that poverty spirit.
Deuteronomy chapter 28 verse 11. Praise God and the Lord shall make you plenty in good.
Let’s put that up there in the amplified instead of plenty.
Maybe you need to get a better understanding of what plenty mean the Lord shall make you have a what a what surplus of prosperity.
Next verse, please. Not only that, he said, and the Lord shall open unto you as good treasure in heaven.
Give you rein in your land and season and he’s gonna bless how much of the work of your hand, all the work of your hand and you shall be the borrower.
That ain’t what it says. Did it say that?
It says you shall learn what to many who you’re going to help nations meet their budget.
No, no, no, no, no, no, you didn’t get me.
You gonna have enough to help nations Haiti, you gonna help them meet their budget.
Come on now parts of Africa, you’re gonna help them meet their budget.
It’s not that you reap it and keep it. He’s got, you’re gonna help nations folks.
When you got the money, you can set the rules.
Genesis chapter 13 verse 14, the Lord said unto Abraham after the lot was separated from him.
Look thou now now thy eyes and look from the place where you are northward and Southwood and eastward and Westwood watch this and all the land which you see to the will I give it and until I see how, how much forever.
So the problem with this is the sight of God’s people.
What happened when Samson’s eyes got poked out, what did they do with him?
Then they made him to plow like an ox, you know what they were doing?
They were making sport of him, watch this and making money off of him and I’m telling you the world’s been making money off the church.
Uh You don’t have to agree, man. It’ll sink into you one day.
My point to you is, is the church supposed to be the head, not the tail supposed to be the lender?
Come on, not the borrower. Let’s look at this one more place and look at uh Joshua 18.
This book of the Law shall not depart out of your mouth.
But thou shalt do what meditate at night, that work, day and night, that thou what observe to do according to all that’s written there in for, then thou shalt make the way prospers and then you’ll have good success.
Now notice what meditation gonna do. It’s gonna make you have good success.
You see when meditates, when you meditate, you revelate it.
When you get the revelation of it, revelation, not only shows you what’s there, but gives you an instructions for getting it.
So don’t listen to all this talk, all this stuff and so forth and so on.
If they criticize you, ask them what they got, ask him if that car still, I got a car note on it.
Ask him at the house still in Morgan. If it is, you’re owned by the man. Ask him this.
Ask him, are you free in your house? Uh If your what is your credit card?
It is at its limit. See, I’m just selling it.
They criticize you but don’t want to get out of it but don’t pay any attention.
Leave them in the wilderness. Let’s go. We got business to do.
Well, praise the Lord.
I trust that you are blessed by this teaching.
Now, this teaching on joint ears is talking about who we are as the believers.
You see the days of us sweating and toiling and all of that. That’s over, that’s over.
We have inherited something. We are a joint heir with God. What does he owe everything?
We are a joint heir with him, my wife and I, we share everything that bank account is our joint account.
Praise the Lord. And don’t you think I know it. Hallelujah.
But it is that I’m saying we’re joined heirs with Christ. Think about it. What he get you get too.
So what does he own everything? So this poverty is not your portion and your portion is riches and honor.
That’s what the Bible says. And so what we have to do is make up our mind.
We’re gonna get our portion. We’re not gonna settle for something less than what God says. We have.
This teaching tells you how to get what belongs to you. Powerful teaching. Get it right away.
Bill Winston saying, we love you and keep walking by faith.
The best was made for you.
You don’t, you want the best school for your kids?
Come on, don’t you want the best dental care?
I’m saying, why don’t we stop there? The best was made for God’s people.
Your portion is not payday to payday, your portion is wealth. Jesus.
I come that you might have life and heaven, how God has not brought you the earth to do small things.
You’re gonna do something big. It was never meant that the government take care of the poor.
It was meant for the church to take care of the poor all over the world. Eradicate poverty.
You can decree something that sounds impossible. Who was?
Don’t let them talk you out of your property?
Don’t let them talk you out of your battle. Don’t let them talk you out of what belongs to you.
Your portion is big lay hold of the blessed life God has for you with Dr Winston’s series Joint Heirs in this teaching, you’ll learn how consistent meditation of God’s word brings manifestation of the inheritance.
Jesus died to provide for you the inheritance of wisdom, riches, power, strength and much more order this four series today on CD DVD or MP3 P four and receive each teaching in its entirety including a special never before aired message to order, go online to Bill Winston dot org or call 1 807 119327.
Get this breakthrough series Joint Airs today. Well, hello, I have written a new book.
It’s called Revelation of Royalty. Now, this book was written because many Christians have not been receiving the divine inheritance because they really don’t know their identity in Christ, Jesus.
They really don’t know who they are.
I’m talking about in the eyes of God, not talking about uh your, your relatives or, or the boss man or whatever, but who you are in the eyes of God because your image affects everything.
It affects how high you climb. It affects how rich you become.
It affects all of that and nobody really can affect like that.
But you now what we do is we allow other people to call us names or put us in certain position.
And we take on that identity. But God is telling you who you really are. He sees you as royalty.
He sees you as one of his family.
It is the richest and wealthiest family that has ever been known to mankind. You are in that family.
If you’re born again, now this book will help you.
It’ll help you identify who you are, what you have and how to get it.
We have been missing out on our inheritance and that’s wrong.
We want you to get what God says is yours. The first step to it.
Change your image, go and understand who God says you are and be that. Praise God.
Well, this is Bill Winston saying we love you and keep walking by faith.
The believer’s walk of faith is paid for by Bill Winston ministry partners and viewers.
Now remember you need faith to get to your destiny.
So don’t forget to subscribe and click on the notification bell so that you don’t miss any of our videos.
This is Bill Winston. I love you and keep walking by faith.
The best was made for you.
Don’t you want the best school for your kids?
Come on, don’t you want the best dental care?
I’m saying why we stopped there? The best was made for God’s people.
Your portion is not payday to payday. Your portion is wealth.
Jesus said, I’m come that you might have life and heaven house God has not brought you into the earth to do small things.
You’re gonna do something big. It was never meant that the government take care of the poor.
It was meant for the church to take care of the poor all over the world. Eradicate poverty.
You can decree something that sounds impossible. Who we is.
Don’t let them talk you out of your property, don’t let them talk you out of your battle.
Don’t let them talk you out of what belongs to you. Your portion is big.
Heirs are those who have inherited something.
They have come into a time where one generation has written them in the will and this Bible is the last Will and Testament.
This new Testament here of the Lord Jesus Christ.
No, it’s interesting about this because he left you something in the will.
He left you something in the will.
And many times people don’t know that they had been left something and because of it, they have not partaken of it and as a result of that they may be going through things that they really don’t need to go through.
But you have inherited something in the will.
Now you have to take title of that.
You have to get that in the will first when you got to discover it, what’s in the will.
So you have to look in here and find out what he left you.
And if you, you can’t find it in here, he didn’t leave it for you.
But in here is its last will and testament.
And Jesus just didn’t leave situation like that.
He actually sent the Holy Spirit back to probate the will.
So he, he really is here making sure that we get what belongs to us.
Now, what’s mine? I gotta find out in the world. What’s mine? All right.
Look what it says. Look what it says in Psalms chapter one oh five and verse 43.
And he brought forth his people with joy and his chosen with gladness, check it out and gave them the what lands of the heathen and they inherited the what the labor of the people, the who, who, who, who here he is saying Hey, I’m giving you their land now, wasn’t it?
When they came out of Egypt, they were supposed to go to King, am I right about that?
When the, when the 12 spies went and spotted out, didn’t they say somebody was on the land that it was occupied?
Well, look what God says over Luke’s Gospel chapter 19 verse 13.
Look what he says about you and me occupy till I come.
So this idea about me occupying till He comes that I’ve got to take back property apparently that was taken from Adam that was possessed by the enemy and who he set up on it.
Now, I’m supposed to dispossess and take back what belongs to me. Yeah.
So I’m, I’m not supposed to live in.
Not enough, I’m not supposed to live in just enough.
God wants me rich that, that I can see that, that the devil right there.
God wants me rich, say amen to that.
Now I can prove it before anybody runs out here and tweets something on me.
Look what it says in Second Corinthians and chapter eight and verse nine, this is talking about Jesus and what he did for you for, you know, the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ that though he was what?
Rich for your sakes, he became. What poor that you through his poverty might be what rich.
So God wants me rich, let’s say out of the mouths of two, let every word be established.
Let’s go to revelation chapter five and verse 12 saying with a loud voice worthy is the lamb that was slain, slain for who you and me was slain to receive what power?
This is part of our inheritance. He received power, received what else? Riches? Say it loud riches.
He has given us as an inheritance to be rich. God wants his people rich.
Now, if I say that too much, somebody wants this not outside, but in the church will rise up at me and said, oh, that’s one of those prosperity preachers.
I’m preaching the word of God. Put Romans chapter three, verse three up there one more time, please.
For what if some did not believe? Well, you might be an unbeliever.
If you’re just trying to find something wrong with what I say.
He said, shall their unbelief make the word of faith of God without effect. No, God forbid yay.
Let God be true. Come on. Not just getting rich so I can be rich.
I’m getting rich so I can save the South side. I’m getting rich so I can save the West side.
All these inner cities, all this crime, babies getting shot. You don’t say anything about that. Why?
Because that’s not on TV? Because it doesn’t make the headline.
But now things are gonna change because you won’t get upset, especially when we close this wealth divide, when we come and give the church back its place of respect.
Of honor. Come on, put it up there again. Revelation chapter five verse 12. Look at all of this.
That’s supposed to be a part of your inheritance. Look what he said.
He said the lamb was let us receive what power and what else and what else?
Wisdom and what else. Strength and what else and what else. Glory and what else. Blessing.
You’re gonna see the blessing of God’s people. This is going to be a new day for the world.
The church is now rising up. It’s gonna let Jesus flow through them.
It’s going to let the king of kings and the Lord of Lord manifest through them.
You can’t separate God and wealth, try to do it. You can’t. He is wealth.
We’re about to go on and saints we got, he said, we as a people will get to the promised land.
This is the promised land. The promised land are houses that you didn’t build.
Come on, but we going for it.
I have made up in my mind. If nobody else gonna preach it, Bill Winton is gonna preach it.
I’m gonna let you know that healing is yours. I’m gonna let you know that deliverance belongs to you.
I’m gonna let you know that social standing belongs to you.
You are supposed to be honored and I’m gonna let you know that financial wherewithal belongs to you.
Cindy Jacobs came in here and I’m telling you that prophecy stirred me up.
Some of you want to be millionaires. But she said, what about billionaires say? Amen.
Now, here’s the deal. I want you put this up there.
Joshua chapter 18 and verse three, this is what he told Joshua.
Now, Joshua and the people that were with him were born for acquisition.
You were born for harvest, do what he says.
And Joshua said unto the child, unto the Children of Israel, how long are you gonna be slack to go in to possess the land which the Lord God of your fathers has given you.
How long are you gonna delay? Well, we’re waiting on God.
Let’s go to lube chapter 15 verse 31. This is the coming home of the prodigal son.
The father gave him the best that he had. He gave him the best that he had.
And then the other elder elder brother was coming in and heard music and dancing and said, what’s going on?
And one of the servants said, well, your brothers come home and your father’s given a celebration.
He said, what until the father came out and tried to get him?
And he said all these years, I’ve served you and you’ve never given me a party to celebrate with my friend.
Look at the father’s response and he said to him, son, thou are ever with me?
Come on and all that I have is yours to the son. That was his problem.
Wealth is your portion riches is your portion, your portion is not poverty.
The biggest thing I have to do when you come in here is I have to get and destroy the image that lack has produced.
I’m gonna make a producer where you were just a consumer.
It’s time for you to have your own company, your wealth producing asset.
Now there are people who made a lot of money on keeping you where you are, people who talk like that think they gotta get the money and keep it all.
That’s why they think like that, they gotta keep it all.
But if you know you were a steward, a steward is one who is responsible for the poor.
It was never meant that the government take care of the poor.
It was meant for the church to take care of the poor all over the world.
Eradicate poverty on the south side, eradicate poverty on the west side.
Well, I’m preaching here and not going to preach. Yes.
Well, not only that, if God is living in you, God always has the best.
He always has the best.
He always did if, if you look at it and look at Genesis chapter 45 this is when uh Joseph was down to Egypt and now it’s about to sin for his father and them to come down watch this.
This is Israel up there and Israel was sitting down trying to get food and so forth.
And Pharaoh said unto Joseph say unto thy brethren this.
Do ye laid your beast and go and get you onto the land of Canon and take your father and your household and come to me and I will give you the good land of Egypt.
Now, if you look at the N I V translation, look what it says.
And I will give you the what I will give you the what the, what I’m about to say something that’s gonna take revelation.
The best was made for you the best.
Listen, don’t you want the best school for your kids?
Come on, don’t you want the best dental care for your son? I’m saying why we stopped there?
He knows what size houses there are in the best.
The best was made for God’s people.
Look at Psalm chapter one oh five and verse 44 1 more time and gave them the what lands and put a s on it.
Lands of the who? Heathen and he what?
They inherited the what labor of the people, whatever it took for them to build it.
They built it for you. The best car you, you gotta hear me.
It wasn’t made for them. It was made for you. The best one.
It for you. Look at job 27 to verse 13.
This is the portion of the wicked man with God and the heritage of oppressors which they shall receive of the Almighty.
If his Children be multiplied, it is for the sword verse 17, he may prepare it but the just so put it on and the what?
Innocent. That’s the one who has been washed in the blood shall divide the silver.
Let God be what and ever a man be a what I’m telling you, your portion is not just enough, your portion is not not enough.
Your portion is not payday to payday. Your portion is wealth, your portion is rich.
Your portion is more than enough. Jesus said, I’m come that you might have life and have it.
How Ecclesiastes 2 26 for to the person who pleases Him, God give God gives wisdom and knowledge and joy.
But to the sinner, he giveth the work of gathering and heaping up that he may.
What give to one who what pleases God. So notice He’s giving the center a ministry.
The Senate’s Ministry is together.
Your ministry is to receive the transfer.
Now we’re not preaching this. Don’t think you gotta wait till this happens.
I remember I was in Minnesota. We were starting a little church there in Minnesota.
We’re still both with I B M and, and, and uh and, and so we went to A Y and the kind of group got bigger and went to a bigger Y MC A on Sunday mornings.
And I remember one of our people that worked for me came and she was in my department.
She came as a visitor because I invited her. And so I started to pray and worship went on.
It was so good. And then I got up and said a few words and her hand went up in the back.
I said, uh uh yes, Anne, she said, I wanna be saved.
I said, OK, I said, look, listen, wait a minute because we’re gonna be calling for that. I see.
I was new. We’re gonna be calling for that.
Uh, after a while just, just and so her hand went down.
She said, I went on and said a few more words.
I guess the thing just, it just got in her heart. She hand went up again. I said yes.
And she said, I wanna be saved right now. Praise God.
But in acts chapter eight, the Ethiopian eunuch, he heard the word passed by some water.
He said, Philip, what keeps me from being baptized right now? Salvation?
You don’t have to wait, you. You don’t have to wait.
God want you saved? Twin. How about healings?
Here’s a lady of woman in Mark chapter seven starting at verse 24.
So she came to Jesus and said, hey, my daughter’s life, she needs help, she needs deliverance.
So for Jesus said, no, don’t trouble me. Now.
He said, this is the children’s bread and, and, and she said, well, even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from the tape.
What Jesus was saying? It’s for the Jew first, not for you. The Greek. And she said no.
Uh but, but even the dogs eat the off the floor that fall from the table of the Children just messing over it.
He said woman for this saying, go thy way thy daughter is healed. What am I telling you?
Here’s another lady that pressed her way through the crowd and touch his instantly, it was healed.
Jesus didn’t even lay hands on her.
She didn’t, he didn’t even know she was back there except he felt something come out of him.
He said, who touched me? That lady got a healing when she wanted it right now.
You can get deliverance right now. You can get healing right now.
You can get saved right now. Why can’t you get rich right now?
I’m telling you, man, we’ve put this thing off so far in the future.
God wants you to work on it right now.
And the first step is that you gotta get a revelation of what the word of God says, say amen to that.
Now you gotta save this one because this one is designed to root up all that poverty spirit.
Deuteronomy chapter 28 verse 11. Praise God and the Lord shall make you plenty in good.
Let’s put that up there in the amplified instead of plenty.
Maybe you need to get a better understanding of what plenty mean the Lord shall make you have a what a what surplus of prosperity.
Next verse, please. Not only that, he said, and the Lord shall open unto you as good treasure in heaven.
Give you rein in your land and season and he’s gonna bless how much of the work of your hand, all the work of your hand and you shall be the borrower.
That ain’t what it says. Did it say that?
It says you shall learn what to many who you’re going to help nations meet their budget.
No, no, no, no, no, no, you didn’t get me.
You gonna have enough to help nations Haiti, you gonna help them meet their budget.
Come on now parts of Africa, you’re gonna help them meet their budget.
It’s not that you reap it and keep it. He’s got, you’re gonna help nations folks.
When you got the money, you can set the rules.
Genesis chapter 13 verse 14, the Lord said unto Abraham after the lot was separated from him.
Look thou now now thy eyes and look from the place where you are northward and Southwood and eastward and Westwood watch this and all the land which you see to the will I give it and until I see how, how much forever.
So the problem with this is the sight of God’s people.
What happened when Samson’s eyes got poked out, what did they do with him?
Then they made him to plow like an ox, you know what they were doing?
They were making sport of him, watch this and making money off of him and I’m telling you the world’s been making money off the church.
Uh You don’t have to agree, man. It’ll sink into you one day.
My point to you is, is the church supposed to be the head, not the tail supposed to be the lender?
Come on, not the borrower. Let’s look at this one more place and look at uh Joshua 18.
This book of the Law shall not depart out of your mouth.
But thou shalt do what meditate at night, that work, day and night, that thou what observe to do according to all that’s written there in for, then thou shalt make the way prospers and then you’ll have good success.
Now notice what meditation gonna do. It’s gonna make you have good success.
You see when meditates, when you meditate, you revelate it.
When you get the revelation of it, revelation, not only shows you what’s there, but gives you an instructions for getting it.
So don’t listen to all this talk, all this stuff and so forth and so on.
If they criticize you, ask them what they got, ask him if that car still, I got a car note on it.
Ask him at the house still in Morgan. If it is, you’re owned by the man. Ask him this.
Ask him, are you free in your house? Uh If your what is your credit card?
It is at its limit. See, I’m just selling it.
They criticize you but don’t want to get out of it but don’t pay any attention.
Leave them in the wilderness. Let’s go. We got business to do.
Well, praise the Lord.
I trust that you are blessed by this teaching.
Now, this teaching on joint ears is talking about who we are as the believers.
You see the days of us sweating and toiling and all of that. That’s over, that’s over.
We have inherited something. We are a joint heir with God. What does he owe everything?
We are a joint heir with him, my wife and I, we share everything that bank account is our joint account.
Praise the Lord. And don’t you think I know it. Hallelujah.
But it is that I’m saying we’re joined heirs with Christ. Think about it. What he get you get too.
So what does he own everything? So this poverty is not your portion and your portion is riches and honor.
That’s what the Bible says. And so what we have to do is make up our mind.
We’re gonna get our portion. We’re not gonna settle for something less than what God says. We have.
This teaching tells you how to get what belongs to you. Powerful teaching. Get it right away.
Bill Winston saying, we love you and keep walking by faith.
The best was made for you.
You don’t, you want the best school for your kids?
Come on, don’t you want the best dental care?
I’m saying, why don’t we stop there? The best was made for God’s people.
Your portion is not payday to payday, your portion is wealth. Jesus.
I come that you might have life and heaven, how God has not brought you the earth to do small things.
You’re gonna do something big. It was never meant that the government take care of the poor.
It was meant for the church to take care of the poor all over the world. Eradicate poverty.
You can decree something that sounds impossible. Who was?
Don’t let them talk you out of your property?
Don’t let them talk you out of your battle. Don’t let them talk you out of what belongs to you.
Your portion is big lay hold of the blessed life God has for you with Dr Winston’s series Joint Heirs in this teaching, you’ll learn how consistent meditation of God’s word brings manifestation of the inheritance.
Jesus died to provide for you the inheritance of wisdom, riches, power, strength and much more order this four series today on CD DVD or MP3 P four and receive each teaching in its entirety including a special never before aired message to order, go online to Bill Winston dot org or call 1 807 119327.
Get this breakthrough series Joint Airs today. Well, hello, I have written a new book.
It’s called Revelation of Royalty. Now, this book was written because many Christians have not been receiving the divine inheritance because they really don’t know their identity in Christ, Jesus.
They really don’t know who they are.
I’m talking about in the eyes of God, not talking about uh your, your relatives or, or the boss man or whatever, but who you are in the eyes of God because your image affects everything.
It affects how high you climb. It affects how rich you become.
It affects all of that and nobody really can affect like that.
But you now what we do is we allow other people to call us names or put us in certain position.
And we take on that identity. But God is telling you who you really are. He sees you as royalty.
He sees you as one of his family.
It is the richest and wealthiest family that has ever been known to mankind. You are in that family.
If you’re born again, now this book will help you.
It’ll help you identify who you are, what you have and how to get it.
We have been missing out on our inheritance and that’s wrong.
We want you to get what God says is yours. The first step to it.
Change your image, go and understand who God says you are and be that. Praise God.
Well, this is Bill Winston saying we love you and keep walking by faith.
The believer’s walk of faith is paid for by Bill Winston ministry partners and viewers.
Now remember you need faith to get to your destiny.
So don’t forget to subscribe and click on the notification bell so that you don’t miss any of our videos.
This is Bill Winston. I love you and keep walking by faith.
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