Hope for The World – The Law of Favor
Hope for The World – The Law of Favor
In ‘The Law of Favor’ Dr. Bill Winston shows you straight from the Word of God what divine favor is and how to use it to fulfill your God-given destiny. Let the revelation shared in this series help you to release God’s favor in your life when you begin activating the Law of Favor!
The believer’s wonk of faith is paid for by Bill Winston.
Ministry partners and viewers favor, determines the limits of everyone’s destiny.
Favor is like faith. It demands that God be your source and your only source you can wear favor.
People can see it on you. One encounter with favor was worth a lifetime of labor with favor.
You’re going to get confidence with favor. All you got to do is know God.
Now, I want you to get that saints because that is one of the biggest differences between the world and the church.
I said, God will open up your door, that door can be locked and sealed for years.
But when you stand in front of it, it will open up the favor of God is so powerful until no harassment, no weapon, no nothing because God has endorsed you.
You’re going into a place now where God’s about to raise you up, but I don’t want you to compromise.
Going up the mountain. Come on, I don’t want you to bow to bail.
I want you to maintain your stand. And the way you’re going to do that is through favor.
I’m giving you favor because favor is gonna lift you up and it doesn’t lift you up through you complaining, you start complaining and that’s an indication you’re not in faith because faith is always positive.
It, so God, there are seven mountains. I’m gonna name the mountains.
One, the religious mountain. I don’t care what religion you have. It’s religion, whether it’s Islam Christianity, it’s a mountain.
The next mountain is family and the family is saying, here’s a family, a family considers in terms of marriage, a husband and a wife, not other.
This is a family. Now, I’m just giving you the Bible.
Now I’m not trying to be, you know, next educational mountain.
This is a mountain that is something that gives people understanding of the times or, or history and, and gives an interpretation of reality to a degree education government mountain, this government mountain is a mountain that it gives you legislation and laws and so forth and so on like that.
What’s happening in Washington now this financial cliff because of the things that are happening in terms of the strife, in terms of this, this mountain.
Also the media. Yeah, the media is very key because you’ve got not only television but you’ve got screenwriters, you’ve got people who are in that particular mountain.
Another mountain is, of course the arts and entertainment mountain that’s including your sports figures and so forth and so on.
And then the last is business. Now in that these mountains are there in society.
And the enemy’s job is to control those mountains because he’s controlling those mountains because he wants to keep his culture in those mountains.
Say amen to that in it.
There is something that these mountains cooperate together, we call sphere overlap.
And the enemy has very cleverly tried to get the church to stay behind four walls and not realize that the church is people and that you can take the church to business because you are the church.
And what he’s done is trying to separate, to do, for example, religion, I call it religion because you know what that word is and business.
Ok? And some people say they don’t mix well, just think about it.
Think about Islam for example and how in their religion, the business people know that part of their responsibility in terms of doing business and getting profit is to help to build Islamic training centers or mosque for their religion.
That’s a natural on thinking. Got it. Ok.
They even may go to some political whatever and they wear their religious outfit because they haven’t separated that from this.
Come on, help me now they haven’t separated Lord have mercy in their schools.
They teach some on the Koran because they’re not separating their education from their religion.
All of a sudden the politics told you separate church and state.
But the truth is if there were no church, there would be no state, why let’s keep going and in the schools, if you dare open a Bible and read from it, you will be arrested.
That’s where the church has come. Why?
Because somebody preach religion and not the kingdom.
Yeah, that’s gotta change.
When our forefathers made these writings, the Bill of Rights, the Constitution, they prayed.
Now these mountains, can I keep going on the way up that mountain?
What bow to will own you at the top?
And that’s why some of these politicians can’t say nothing because somebody is in their pocket.
So now the kingdoms, he said, all these kingdoms see it’s an s on that.
If you know anything about revelation, revelation chapter 11, he said in verse 15, the seventh angel sounded and there were great voices in heaven saying the kingdoms of this world are become the what kingdoms of our lord and of his Christ and he shall reign come on forever and ever the devil had some kingdoms.
But we coming in and the kingdoms of this world shall become the kingdoms of our God and of his anointed ones.
This is good preaching folks Over in first John five and 19.
He says, we know that we are of God and that the whole world, what life and wickedness.
Let me give you a translation. You might want to doubt it in your Bible.
The whole world is under the control of the wicked one, Simon.
Now we are here to change that folks say amen to this.
And you just wonder why people who are in debt will go and borrow more money.
Now, there are, there are trillions of dollars in debt but about to go either borrow some or print some more.
You know, when you’re in a hole, stop digging.
Well, how about a storm comes a storm?
Let’s say it’s sandy point. A storm is coming. Oh, it’s coming.
Tell me this is gonna be, oh, this is gonna be the storm of all storms.
I tell you this is so forth. I thought now I understand that’s what people are saying.
Got it now, the media because it doesn’t know any better.
Now, I understand people are not doing it maliciously But the enemy.
The Bible says in Revelation 12 9 has deceived the whole world.
So what are they doing here? Here’s what it says.
He said, Satan, the devil, the serpent which has deceive how much of the world the whole world.
So people who don’t know God are walking in darkness and been deceived.
So they say, oh, it’s coming, it’s gonna be the greatest storm, this storm so forth.
So on now, what are they doing? They are licensing the spirits that are behind it, right?
And what does it do? Wipe him out?
What did job say? He said, look at Job chapter six and verse 24.
Look at, look at that. Teach me, keep going and I will do what to my tongue, hold my tongue and calls me to understand why I’m Aaron.
Look at Proverbs chapter, come on. Proverbs chapter 18 and verse 21. Look at it.
I’m talking about folks call storms, death and life are where not in the power of the devil.
He can’t move unless you allow it.
The demons need authority and they get it from people’s speech.
So when the storm starts to come, the church got to rise up, folks.
We can control the economy. What’s this? And we can control the weather.
I better go to the other side.
So if you don’t want it, don’t say it, we can cut it off.
We are here to lift the curse, not cause the curse. They right.
Let me just finish this. So here’s Daniel. Now I’m gonna just for the sake of things.
Let’s go to Daniel chapter 6 1st. Oh, wait, wait, I took you to Ephesians at night.
Ok. Ephesians chapter six and look at verse 11, put on the whole armor of God just talking to you that you may be able to withstand, to stand against the wilds of the devil because you can stand for, we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against Principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness where in high places.
Alright, let’s watch Daniel. Daniel chapter six, please.
Over in Daniel Chapter six, Daniel was doing real good.
But what happened is the rulers or the people who are in position of authority taught the king into making a law and the law that they talk them into making.
Yeah, here, verse seven and all the princes and presidents and king of the kingdoms and governors and the princes and councilors and the captains have consulted together to establish a royal statute and to make a firm decree that whosoever shall ask a petition of any God or man for 30 days, save the old King, he shall be cast where in the den of lines.
Now, Old King established the decree and signed in writing that it be not change according to the law of the Mideast and Persians, which alter is not where King Darius signed in writing the decree.
Now, when Daniel knew that the writing was signed, he went into his house and his windows being open and his chamber toward Jerusalem, he kneeled upon his knees three times a day.
And what on the line praying and gave thanks to his God as he did a four time.
I’m saying that the devil was trying to stop Daniel from praying because what you will discover is that Darius wouldn’t run in the kingdom.
Say to that, Let’s go over to Daniel chapter 10, Please.
Daniel now is praying and before God asking for a petition and he did it went on a Daniel fast for 34 weeks.
Now, the angel shows up verse 10 and behold a hand touched me which set me upon my knees and upon the palms of my hands.
And he said to me, oh, Daniel, a man greatly beloved, understand the words that I speak unto thee and stand up right for unto thee.
Am I now sent? And when he had spoken his word unto me, I stood trembling then said he to me, fear not Daniel.
For from the first day that you did set your heart to understand and to chase a thyself before thy God.
Thy words were heard and I am come for your words.
But the prince of the Kingdom of Persia which stood me one and 20 days but low Michael, one of the chief priests came and helped to help me and I remained there with the kings of Persia.
So what am I saying?
Prayer was what they’re trying to stop because Daniel was the one that was running this thing, not them.
And Lord see God is a king glory to God.
And I’m telling you, you don’t have to sit down and take just anything glory to God.
So what am I saying to you?
Now, the wicked spirits in heavenly places are assigned by Satan to run government.
I’ll say it again. The wicked spirit that are in heavenly places are signed by Satan to run government wasn’t running it.
What the enemy does is people in positions who don’t know Jehovah God.
A subject two glory to God. I would just see this. I would have mercy.
Come to another verse.
Same chapter verse 20 then said, he knoweth thou therefore where I come into the and now will I return to fight with the prince of what Persia?
And when I am gone forth, lo the prince of whore shall come.
What I’m trying to get to you is that Darius Prince of Persia, Prince of Greece were only secular representations of the demons that were running it.
The demons were running. Babylon was a figurehead. He was being controlled.
I don’t have mercy by demon spirits to take the country whichever way the demons wanted them to take it.
It’s the demons that are trying to run America and we are not going to let it happen.
You, the Bible says, how can you stop spoil a strong man’s house unless you first ain’t a strong man.
See, we’re going into every mountain. Yeah. Now what am I saying?
They ain’t the enemy is assigning people to run government and you and I are the only hope for the world because we combine the strong man.
But I want you to see this first after Persia was going come Greece.
Well, that’s what Daniel talked about in Daniel chapter two.
He said there are gonna be some kingdoms first Babylonian, next Meto Persian, next Grecian kingdom uh uh or yeah, Grecian kingdom, then Roman Kingdom so forth.
He told whatever kingdom coming and, and in each one of those kingdoms. The devil raises up a strong man.
He raises up somebody to be over a principality, to be over the leadership in that country.
We are gonna break that up.
Now, what am I saying to you?
And I, we have favor in our lives and I wanna close that favorite piece out with this.
Now, I don’t think prayer won’t work because the devil is trying to do everything to keep you from praying because when you pray something happens, he’s trying to keep you so busy fussing with your wife or your husband.
Come on, come on trying to deal with re rebellious kids. Whatever have you pray for him.
Pray the power of God down on them.
I don’t care where they at pray that bitches back up and pray that they wanna go to school prayer, desire for good thing I’m talking about.
We can pray everything he said. My house shall be called.
What house of prayer for all nations folks?
We’re gonna find out how powerful prayer really is.
Satan made one law to keep a man from praying. You think about this.
If he can take over government by putting people in there, he can take over companies.
Come on, he can take over you. You name it.
So I’m here to tell you his days have taken over are over.
Say amen to that.
All right, let me just finish this and just give you this because I’m wrapping up favor.
The favor of God is on your life. Genesis 39 21 the favor of God produces supernatural increase.
Exodus three and 21 the favor of God produces restoration. Exodus 11 and three.
The favor of God produces honor among your enemies. Deuteronomy 33 23.
The favor of God produces increased assets, real estate. Joshua 11 and 20. The favor of God produces victories.
First, Samuel 16 and 22, the favor of God will produce recognition.
They’ll recognize you out of a group of people.
Well, in Esther chapter two and 17, the favor of God produces preferential treatment over in chapter five.
And verse eight, the favor of God produce petitions.
Granted the favor of uh Esther chapter eight and verse five, the favor of God produced laws change and pro and Psalms chapter 44 verse three, the favor of God produces battles won which you don’t have to fight.
I’m saying to you right now that you are like Daniel, you are like Joseph, you have been put in this world, but you are not of this world.
And I don’t care what Babylonian system is trying to do.
You have Dominion over that system and you are the one that is going to bring the blessing of Abraham into a place and cause all kinds of people to avoid the curse.
Your day of, of favor has come and your time to manifest His favor is now.
Well, I trust that you are blessed by this powerful message.
Now the day is offering day on the broadcast.
This is a time we give you the listening audience of those that are being blessed by this broadcast, an opportunity to sow seed into this ministry.
We are doing a world wide work, praise God and it takes money to do it as you sow your seed.
You’re making an investment, not only in this ministry and in the kingdom, but you’re making an investment in people’s lives.
People are able to actually be a benefit off of the teachings that we’re doing because we’re able to go there.
Praise God. Well, as I was sewing into the kingdom and learn the process of sowing and reaping.
I learned that I cannot take my confession and go against what I believe is being done.
In other words, if I saw a seed, I can’t say, you know, I can’t ever get these bills paid.
Uh You know, none of this ever works for me here.
You know, I bet you as soon as I so this seed I’ll get laid off.
You know, you can’t say things like that.
You gotta say, hey, I’ve given and now it is given unto me, good man, pressed out, take it together, running over, men are giving into my business.
I remember the confession was really taught to me when I spoke to my bills, I took my bills and I put him on the table.
You know, I talked, heard this man’s teaching about how he did that.
And then I remember going out one winter day when my car would start and spoke to it and it started and then I said, if you start, my car will start with words, then my bills can get paid off with words.
And so I spoke to those bills.
I said bills, I’m talking to you in the name of Jesus be paid off.
Now, God then led me to sow some seed and as I did that supernaturally and within one year, every debt I had was gone.
I’m telling you folks, I was super naturally in debt. People were calling to have.
I said we didn’t have caller ID like you have today, but they were calling the house and I’m telling you, I uh I got those debts paid off.
That was the biggest burden off of my shoulder and I owe no man anything even today.
That’s been 30 years. No house, no, no car, no, nothing. Everything is paid cash. Why?
Because I give and it shall be given unto me. Well, I want you to do the same thing.
I want you to know that as you do.
So this seed into this, this ministry that My God shall supply all your need according to his riches and glory by Christ Jesus.
As you prepare your seed. I’d like to pray over it right now.
So just in mind or keep it in the envelope or hold it in your hand, whatever you do just as a point of contact, father, I come before you in Jesus name.
Thank you for the seed that are being sown into this ministry. Every person Lord that is sowing the seed.
I pray that you measure it back to them 1000 times more. Father or whatever need they would have.
I pray that that need is met. Lord. We thank you for it. We believe it’s done in Jesus name.
Amen. Well, this is Bill Winston. Thank, thank you very much.
Thank you for helping us to get the gospel to the nations of the earth.
We love you and keep walking by faith.
Favor determines the limits of everyone’s destiny.
Favor is like faith. It demands that God be your source and your only source you can wear favor.
People can see it on you. One encounter with favor was worth a lifetime of labor with favor.
You’re going to get confidence with favor. All you got to do is know God.
Now, I want you to get that saints because that is one of the biggest differences between the world and the church.
I said, God will open up your door, that door can be locked and sealed for years.
But when you stand in front of it, it will open up the favor of God is so powerful until no harassment, no weapon, no nothing because God has endorsed you.
You’re going into a place now where God’s about to raise you up. But I don’t want you to compromise.
Going up the mountain. Come on, I don’t want you to bow to bail.
I want you to maintain your stand. And the way you’re going to do that is through favor.
Understand God’s favor, expect his favor and wear divine favor on your life in Pastor Winston’s dynamic.
teaching entitled The Law of Favor to Order on CD or MP3 DVD or MP four.
Contact us online at Bill Winston dot org. You can also reach us at 1 807 119327.
Now, remember you need faith to get to your destiny.
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This is Bill Winston. I love you and keep walking by faith.
Ministry partners and viewers favor, determines the limits of everyone’s destiny.
Favor is like faith. It demands that God be your source and your only source you can wear favor.
People can see it on you. One encounter with favor was worth a lifetime of labor with favor.
You’re going to get confidence with favor. All you got to do is know God.
Now, I want you to get that saints because that is one of the biggest differences between the world and the church.
I said, God will open up your door, that door can be locked and sealed for years.
But when you stand in front of it, it will open up the favor of God is so powerful until no harassment, no weapon, no nothing because God has endorsed you.
You’re going into a place now where God’s about to raise you up, but I don’t want you to compromise.
Going up the mountain. Come on, I don’t want you to bow to bail.
I want you to maintain your stand. And the way you’re going to do that is through favor.
I’m giving you favor because favor is gonna lift you up and it doesn’t lift you up through you complaining, you start complaining and that’s an indication you’re not in faith because faith is always positive.
It, so God, there are seven mountains. I’m gonna name the mountains.
One, the religious mountain. I don’t care what religion you have. It’s religion, whether it’s Islam Christianity, it’s a mountain.
The next mountain is family and the family is saying, here’s a family, a family considers in terms of marriage, a husband and a wife, not other.
This is a family. Now, I’m just giving you the Bible.
Now I’m not trying to be, you know, next educational mountain.
This is a mountain that is something that gives people understanding of the times or, or history and, and gives an interpretation of reality to a degree education government mountain, this government mountain is a mountain that it gives you legislation and laws and so forth and so on like that.
What’s happening in Washington now this financial cliff because of the things that are happening in terms of the strife, in terms of this, this mountain.
Also the media. Yeah, the media is very key because you’ve got not only television but you’ve got screenwriters, you’ve got people who are in that particular mountain.
Another mountain is, of course the arts and entertainment mountain that’s including your sports figures and so forth and so on.
And then the last is business. Now in that these mountains are there in society.
And the enemy’s job is to control those mountains because he’s controlling those mountains because he wants to keep his culture in those mountains.
Say amen to that in it.
There is something that these mountains cooperate together, we call sphere overlap.
And the enemy has very cleverly tried to get the church to stay behind four walls and not realize that the church is people and that you can take the church to business because you are the church.
And what he’s done is trying to separate, to do, for example, religion, I call it religion because you know what that word is and business.
Ok? And some people say they don’t mix well, just think about it.
Think about Islam for example and how in their religion, the business people know that part of their responsibility in terms of doing business and getting profit is to help to build Islamic training centers or mosque for their religion.
That’s a natural on thinking. Got it. Ok.
They even may go to some political whatever and they wear their religious outfit because they haven’t separated that from this.
Come on, help me now they haven’t separated Lord have mercy in their schools.
They teach some on the Koran because they’re not separating their education from their religion.
All of a sudden the politics told you separate church and state.
But the truth is if there were no church, there would be no state, why let’s keep going and in the schools, if you dare open a Bible and read from it, you will be arrested.
That’s where the church has come. Why?
Because somebody preach religion and not the kingdom.
Yeah, that’s gotta change.
When our forefathers made these writings, the Bill of Rights, the Constitution, they prayed.
Now these mountains, can I keep going on the way up that mountain?
What bow to will own you at the top?
And that’s why some of these politicians can’t say nothing because somebody is in their pocket.
So now the kingdoms, he said, all these kingdoms see it’s an s on that.
If you know anything about revelation, revelation chapter 11, he said in verse 15, the seventh angel sounded and there were great voices in heaven saying the kingdoms of this world are become the what kingdoms of our lord and of his Christ and he shall reign come on forever and ever the devil had some kingdoms.
But we coming in and the kingdoms of this world shall become the kingdoms of our God and of his anointed ones.
This is good preaching folks Over in first John five and 19.
He says, we know that we are of God and that the whole world, what life and wickedness.
Let me give you a translation. You might want to doubt it in your Bible.
The whole world is under the control of the wicked one, Simon.
Now we are here to change that folks say amen to this.
And you just wonder why people who are in debt will go and borrow more money.
Now, there are, there are trillions of dollars in debt but about to go either borrow some or print some more.
You know, when you’re in a hole, stop digging.
Well, how about a storm comes a storm?
Let’s say it’s sandy point. A storm is coming. Oh, it’s coming.
Tell me this is gonna be, oh, this is gonna be the storm of all storms.
I tell you this is so forth. I thought now I understand that’s what people are saying.
Got it now, the media because it doesn’t know any better.
Now, I understand people are not doing it maliciously But the enemy.
The Bible says in Revelation 12 9 has deceived the whole world.
So what are they doing here? Here’s what it says.
He said, Satan, the devil, the serpent which has deceive how much of the world the whole world.
So people who don’t know God are walking in darkness and been deceived.
So they say, oh, it’s coming, it’s gonna be the greatest storm, this storm so forth.
So on now, what are they doing? They are licensing the spirits that are behind it, right?
And what does it do? Wipe him out?
What did job say? He said, look at Job chapter six and verse 24.
Look at, look at that. Teach me, keep going and I will do what to my tongue, hold my tongue and calls me to understand why I’m Aaron.
Look at Proverbs chapter, come on. Proverbs chapter 18 and verse 21. Look at it.
I’m talking about folks call storms, death and life are where not in the power of the devil.
He can’t move unless you allow it.
The demons need authority and they get it from people’s speech.
So when the storm starts to come, the church got to rise up, folks.
We can control the economy. What’s this? And we can control the weather.
I better go to the other side.
So if you don’t want it, don’t say it, we can cut it off.
We are here to lift the curse, not cause the curse. They right.
Let me just finish this. So here’s Daniel. Now I’m gonna just for the sake of things.
Let’s go to Daniel chapter 6 1st. Oh, wait, wait, I took you to Ephesians at night.
Ok. Ephesians chapter six and look at verse 11, put on the whole armor of God just talking to you that you may be able to withstand, to stand against the wilds of the devil because you can stand for, we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against Principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness where in high places.
Alright, let’s watch Daniel. Daniel chapter six, please.
Over in Daniel Chapter six, Daniel was doing real good.
But what happened is the rulers or the people who are in position of authority taught the king into making a law and the law that they talk them into making.
Yeah, here, verse seven and all the princes and presidents and king of the kingdoms and governors and the princes and councilors and the captains have consulted together to establish a royal statute and to make a firm decree that whosoever shall ask a petition of any God or man for 30 days, save the old King, he shall be cast where in the den of lines.
Now, Old King established the decree and signed in writing that it be not change according to the law of the Mideast and Persians, which alter is not where King Darius signed in writing the decree.
Now, when Daniel knew that the writing was signed, he went into his house and his windows being open and his chamber toward Jerusalem, he kneeled upon his knees three times a day.
And what on the line praying and gave thanks to his God as he did a four time.
I’m saying that the devil was trying to stop Daniel from praying because what you will discover is that Darius wouldn’t run in the kingdom.
Say to that, Let’s go over to Daniel chapter 10, Please.
Daniel now is praying and before God asking for a petition and he did it went on a Daniel fast for 34 weeks.
Now, the angel shows up verse 10 and behold a hand touched me which set me upon my knees and upon the palms of my hands.
And he said to me, oh, Daniel, a man greatly beloved, understand the words that I speak unto thee and stand up right for unto thee.
Am I now sent? And when he had spoken his word unto me, I stood trembling then said he to me, fear not Daniel.
For from the first day that you did set your heart to understand and to chase a thyself before thy God.
Thy words were heard and I am come for your words.
But the prince of the Kingdom of Persia which stood me one and 20 days but low Michael, one of the chief priests came and helped to help me and I remained there with the kings of Persia.
So what am I saying?
Prayer was what they’re trying to stop because Daniel was the one that was running this thing, not them.
And Lord see God is a king glory to God.
And I’m telling you, you don’t have to sit down and take just anything glory to God.
So what am I saying to you?
Now, the wicked spirits in heavenly places are assigned by Satan to run government.
I’ll say it again. The wicked spirit that are in heavenly places are signed by Satan to run government wasn’t running it.
What the enemy does is people in positions who don’t know Jehovah God.
A subject two glory to God. I would just see this. I would have mercy.
Come to another verse.
Same chapter verse 20 then said, he knoweth thou therefore where I come into the and now will I return to fight with the prince of what Persia?
And when I am gone forth, lo the prince of whore shall come.
What I’m trying to get to you is that Darius Prince of Persia, Prince of Greece were only secular representations of the demons that were running it.
The demons were running. Babylon was a figurehead. He was being controlled.
I don’t have mercy by demon spirits to take the country whichever way the demons wanted them to take it.
It’s the demons that are trying to run America and we are not going to let it happen.
You, the Bible says, how can you stop spoil a strong man’s house unless you first ain’t a strong man.
See, we’re going into every mountain. Yeah. Now what am I saying?
They ain’t the enemy is assigning people to run government and you and I are the only hope for the world because we combine the strong man.
But I want you to see this first after Persia was going come Greece.
Well, that’s what Daniel talked about in Daniel chapter two.
He said there are gonna be some kingdoms first Babylonian, next Meto Persian, next Grecian kingdom uh uh or yeah, Grecian kingdom, then Roman Kingdom so forth.
He told whatever kingdom coming and, and in each one of those kingdoms. The devil raises up a strong man.
He raises up somebody to be over a principality, to be over the leadership in that country.
We are gonna break that up.
Now, what am I saying to you?
And I, we have favor in our lives and I wanna close that favorite piece out with this.
Now, I don’t think prayer won’t work because the devil is trying to do everything to keep you from praying because when you pray something happens, he’s trying to keep you so busy fussing with your wife or your husband.
Come on, come on trying to deal with re rebellious kids. Whatever have you pray for him.
Pray the power of God down on them.
I don’t care where they at pray that bitches back up and pray that they wanna go to school prayer, desire for good thing I’m talking about.
We can pray everything he said. My house shall be called.
What house of prayer for all nations folks?
We’re gonna find out how powerful prayer really is.
Satan made one law to keep a man from praying. You think about this.
If he can take over government by putting people in there, he can take over companies.
Come on, he can take over you. You name it.
So I’m here to tell you his days have taken over are over.
Say amen to that.
All right, let me just finish this and just give you this because I’m wrapping up favor.
The favor of God is on your life. Genesis 39 21 the favor of God produces supernatural increase.
Exodus three and 21 the favor of God produces restoration. Exodus 11 and three.
The favor of God produces honor among your enemies. Deuteronomy 33 23.
The favor of God produces increased assets, real estate. Joshua 11 and 20. The favor of God produces victories.
First, Samuel 16 and 22, the favor of God will produce recognition.
They’ll recognize you out of a group of people.
Well, in Esther chapter two and 17, the favor of God produces preferential treatment over in chapter five.
And verse eight, the favor of God produce petitions.
Granted the favor of uh Esther chapter eight and verse five, the favor of God produced laws change and pro and Psalms chapter 44 verse three, the favor of God produces battles won which you don’t have to fight.
I’m saying to you right now that you are like Daniel, you are like Joseph, you have been put in this world, but you are not of this world.
And I don’t care what Babylonian system is trying to do.
You have Dominion over that system and you are the one that is going to bring the blessing of Abraham into a place and cause all kinds of people to avoid the curse.
Your day of, of favor has come and your time to manifest His favor is now.
Well, I trust that you are blessed by this powerful message.
Now the day is offering day on the broadcast.
This is a time we give you the listening audience of those that are being blessed by this broadcast, an opportunity to sow seed into this ministry.
We are doing a world wide work, praise God and it takes money to do it as you sow your seed.
You’re making an investment, not only in this ministry and in the kingdom, but you’re making an investment in people’s lives.
People are able to actually be a benefit off of the teachings that we’re doing because we’re able to go there.
Praise God. Well, as I was sewing into the kingdom and learn the process of sowing and reaping.
I learned that I cannot take my confession and go against what I believe is being done.
In other words, if I saw a seed, I can’t say, you know, I can’t ever get these bills paid.
Uh You know, none of this ever works for me here.
You know, I bet you as soon as I so this seed I’ll get laid off.
You know, you can’t say things like that.
You gotta say, hey, I’ve given and now it is given unto me, good man, pressed out, take it together, running over, men are giving into my business.
I remember the confession was really taught to me when I spoke to my bills, I took my bills and I put him on the table.
You know, I talked, heard this man’s teaching about how he did that.
And then I remember going out one winter day when my car would start and spoke to it and it started and then I said, if you start, my car will start with words, then my bills can get paid off with words.
And so I spoke to those bills.
I said bills, I’m talking to you in the name of Jesus be paid off.
Now, God then led me to sow some seed and as I did that supernaturally and within one year, every debt I had was gone.
I’m telling you folks, I was super naturally in debt. People were calling to have.
I said we didn’t have caller ID like you have today, but they were calling the house and I’m telling you, I uh I got those debts paid off.
That was the biggest burden off of my shoulder and I owe no man anything even today.
That’s been 30 years. No house, no, no car, no, nothing. Everything is paid cash. Why?
Because I give and it shall be given unto me. Well, I want you to do the same thing.
I want you to know that as you do.
So this seed into this, this ministry that My God shall supply all your need according to his riches and glory by Christ Jesus.
As you prepare your seed. I’d like to pray over it right now.
So just in mind or keep it in the envelope or hold it in your hand, whatever you do just as a point of contact, father, I come before you in Jesus name.
Thank you for the seed that are being sown into this ministry. Every person Lord that is sowing the seed.
I pray that you measure it back to them 1000 times more. Father or whatever need they would have.
I pray that that need is met. Lord. We thank you for it. We believe it’s done in Jesus name.
Amen. Well, this is Bill Winston. Thank, thank you very much.
Thank you for helping us to get the gospel to the nations of the earth.
We love you and keep walking by faith.
Favor determines the limits of everyone’s destiny.
Favor is like faith. It demands that God be your source and your only source you can wear favor.
People can see it on you. One encounter with favor was worth a lifetime of labor with favor.
You’re going to get confidence with favor. All you got to do is know God.
Now, I want you to get that saints because that is one of the biggest differences between the world and the church.
I said, God will open up your door, that door can be locked and sealed for years.
But when you stand in front of it, it will open up the favor of God is so powerful until no harassment, no weapon, no nothing because God has endorsed you.
You’re going into a place now where God’s about to raise you up. But I don’t want you to compromise.
Going up the mountain. Come on, I don’t want you to bow to bail.
I want you to maintain your stand. And the way you’re going to do that is through favor.
Understand God’s favor, expect his favor and wear divine favor on your life in Pastor Winston’s dynamic.
teaching entitled The Law of Favor to Order on CD or MP3 DVD or MP four.
Contact us online at Bill Winston dot org. You can also reach us at 1 807 119327.
Now, remember you need faith to get to your destiny.
So don’t forget to subscribe and click on the notification bell so that you don’t miss any of our videos.
This is Bill Winston. I love you and keep walking by faith.
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