The Mysterious Picture of Aaron & Jonathan’s Ministry | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
The Mysterious Picture of Aaron & Jonathan’s Ministry | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
Every believer is called to be a priest. Discover the keys of the priesthood and the investiture that shows you how to fulfill your calling.
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Jonathan Cahn has been called the prophetic voice of his generation and is known for unlocking the deep mysteries and revelations of God’s Word. He leads Hope of the World, a worldwide ministry of outreach of God’s Word to all nations, and His love and compassion to the world’s most needy.
Recorded Live at Beth Israel at the Jerusalem Center in Wayne, NJ. Friday Nights (8pm) & Sunday Mornings (10am and 11:30am)
These are holy sacred garments as holy as the tabernacle itself. You don’t wanna mess it up.
Your calling is as holy as anything god has made.
So the prophet Isaiah when he was called, he he he sees god and god is amazing.
He sees the holiness and he says, woah, it’s me. I’m on clean. He knew what he did. He sinned.
He could have sinned that morning. I’m on clean, and yet god called him. He’s not only clean.
I can’t and then god cleanses him. And then he says, God says whom shall I send?
And Isaiah says, please send me.
He went from he went from condemnation and guilt and shame and and himself himself and he went to send me god.
I’m focusing on your cleansing. I’m not focused on my on me. I’m focusing on your power.
Send me God did it. God will do it.
God will do it in Europe, but you have to go with it. You gotta go with it.
You know, and we know that that verse if anyone will cleanse himself from these base things or these vulgar base low purposes, He will be used as a vessel of honor.
And and and the principle is in your house, if you have if you’re gonna do some mopping up, you know, use your good China to put the mop water in there.
And if you put mop water, you cannot to you cannot lift it up as a vessel of honor.
So if you have mop water and you have unclean, unclean, unclean, that’s pro that’s hindering you from being used for what you’re called to.
Get rid of the mop water, and then you can be used as a vessel of honor.
Get rid of the low purposes. You’ll be used for the high purposes. Get rid of the distracting purposes.
You’ll be used for the focus purposes. Now what else do the priests have to do?
Now I spoke when I shared I believe what I shared a while back on on Friday about the Mignes.
I mentioned this, but I what happened to me in my life, I’m gonna mention it here.
During when I was waiting on the lord for the ministry, my calling, Gautic woman, I was still, as I said, ministering.
And it it was a day that I was starting a ministry to the homeless in New York City, to give them food, and give them, and to give the word.
And as we go out and one of the people who was with me had been to a thrift shop, and she found a lithograph on it that was more than a hundred years old.
She gave it to me that day, not because she planned it to give it that day.
She just happened to be with me, and she happened to have it in her car, And it just but it turned out it was the very beginning of ministry.
And it was an image from from the 18 1800 of Arab the priest, ministering with the incense in the holy place.
And there were words in on the bottom in Hebrew, and it read around right around this section, you shall make holy garments for Aaron, your brother, and for his sons, that they may minister to me or that they may be priest to me.
Now I was totally struck because of what it meant to me, And here, it was a word on ministry, and the word for ministry or priest in Hebrew was c h n for where we I get my last name And so it’s there, and I’ve kept this image to this day in my office.
I’ve never shown it except for the first service. Do you wanna see it?
That’s the image that was given to me on that day. On the bottom, you’ll see Hebrew.
That is the image that was given.
And the lord gave it to me on the 1st day of the ministry, and it’s about the 1st day of the ministry in Aaron and his sons.
And that day, it’s about you should put on you give them holy garments.
And that that day I was wearing a spring jacket that I just bought at a thrift store that turned out to be the same thrift store where she got that.
First day, it was first day I was wearing it.
And the jacket had on it, the word Levi’s.
Now and it was about the garment.
The scripture was about the garment so they could minister, and I’m wearing this.
And so, gone again, god was saying, listen. You’re gonna fulfill your I got a calling.
You can only fulfill it in Messiah. You could never have gotten even near your calling.
Besides the only not just about every one of you, you have a specific calling.
Each one has a different calling from someone else.
I mean, there are things that are the same that that we go united in but there’s different specifics, just like parts of the body.
All different yet, each one of us has the same way to fulfill it, and that is through Messiah, we become who we are.
We become who we’re meant to be.
But to wear the sacred garments, They had to do the cleansing first. And and it’s very simple.
You have a you’re going out. You’re going out for something. You have great co you have your best clothes.
You wanna put Well, you know, if you’re dirty, you’ve been working, you don’t put them on, you first clean yourself, or else you’ll you’ll you’ll make dirty the thing.
It won’t it won’t fit. Your calling in god is so high that you wanna be cleansed so you can receive the garment, the mantle of your calling.
The garment represents your calling. And so and so you wanna deal with the other thing.
Get rid of the more you can get rid of the stuff. The more you can wear your mantle.
It says, Exodus 29 says this.
Take the garments, dress Aaron with a tudic, the robe of the, the the breast piece fasten the thought around him by a skillfully woven waistband.
It says skillfully woven. These are holy sacred garments as holy as the tabernacle itself.
You don’t wanna mess it up. Your calling is as holy as anything god has made.
You don’t wanna mess it up.
I was once talking to doctor Dobson, and I’m saying, you know, look at what god has done and all that.
He says, yeah. He says, and he says, I don’t wanna mess it up.
I’m afraid to, and I’m the same way too.
Be I mean, with the calling, people say, oh, don’t get a big head. It’s it’s the opposite.
I don’t wanna mess it up. Um, it’s it’s above me. It’s it’s like, woah, lord.
I’m not as a young believer, I was given a book It spoke about warnings for a belief like like pastors belief.
They said beware of temptation. Beware of of of temptation of sexual immorality, be careful with women, the whole thing, protect yourself.
The booklet was written by Jimmy Swagger.
When I was getting my ministry license years later, I remember that the moment I was handed the ministry license by the church there, someone said, oh, by the way, did you hear the news?
Jimmy Swagard fell. Same moment. Same moment. Same moment. And I took his god saying, be careful.
I don’t care what you have when nobody is above. Temptation.
Nobody, you know, there, but for the grace of god, go So many believe many believers in this have stained their garments, and they can’t use the garment anymore.
We must all take our coalings so seriously, and it’s not the outright sins. It’s the attitudes.
People come into god’s house and into ministry with the old attitudes that are not clean.
In other words, all you’re gonna do is stain your garment.
You know, you cannot be coming into ministry and you’re gossiping. You’re staining the garment.
The economies of industry, and you’re jealous of this one and this one, you’re staying in the garment.
Philip self pity. You’re bitter you’re staying in the garment. In there.
The words, the priest had such a high calling.
They couldn’t have anything in their life that was not consistent not just maybe an outright scene, but wasn’t consistent with it.
You’ve got the same high calling. You don’t want anything to mess it up to stay in.
The priest had to be purified. What does PURA mean? You know, what does PURA mean?
PURA means this is simply a 100%. That’s what PURA means.
It’s not it’s not it’s a 100% meaning you’ve written you’ve taken out all the other stuff.
That’s not it doesn’t go along. If something doesn’t go with the rest of me, it’s out.
If it doesn’t go with my calling, it’s out. Hi.
I’m Jonathan Khan, and I hope you were blessed with the video.
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For watching, and I’ll see you next
- The Shortest Distance Between Two Points | Jonathan CahnTháng 5 6, 2023