Jack Hibbs Today: It’s Time You Quit
It’s Time You Quit
What does Pastor Jack mean when he says, “It’s time you quit”? It means we are to step out of the driver’s seat and allow the Holy Spirit to work through us. Put an end to the senseless striving and let God take the wheel of your life. Learn more in today’s episode of Real Life TV.
This Real Life TV program is taken from a recent teaching by Pastor Jack. It has been formatted for TV and contains some additional material. We hope you gain new insights as you enjoy this message.
Well, when have you ever heard these words? It’s time you quit.
Well, maybe somebody will say that to you. It’s time to quit.
Smoking or it’s time to quit in that bad thing that you might be involved in.
But rarely do we ever equate its time you quit to the Christian walk. Right?
But the truth is theologically, it’s time you quit.
He listen, friend, here’s a big revelation for you from the word of god. God doesn’t need you and I.
He includes you and I. He doesn’t need us. He includes us.
And so when I say, why don’t you just I mean this.
Why don’t you just let god in and let him live his life through you?
See, religion legalism, morality. We do the pushing. The Holy Spirit’s not in that.
But when we quit and let the spirit of god lead us and we trust him to do this thing called Christianity, then god gets all the glory.
You and I get all of the surprise, and we get to enjoy the rest. The rest.
I’m talking about the Sabbath. When you and I quit, we quit from our own laborers.
And then, and only then, my friend, the key to Christianity works, that is letting god be god in your life as you let him lead you and guide you.
So listen, grab your bibles. Let’s get into this because it’s time you quit and let god be gone.
How do you know that you’re a child of god?
Do you wanna prove it to yourself? Ask yourself this question.
Number 1 is, are you being led by the spirit of god? Ask yourself that question.
Number 2, is the spirit of adoption within us are within you crying out Abba father.
Do you wanna draw closer to god? Don’t answer out loud.
Just answer on the piece of paper, these are things that must be proven in your life.
This is a diagnostic test for all of us as a church.
Am I being led by the spirit?
In other words, do you sense the spirit of god leading you, frankly, on a daily basis?
And here’s the scary thing about what I just said.
If I have to explain it to you, the answer is no for you.
Do you have a desire to call him father?
Listen, if you’re Jewish right now, you’re offended by what I just said.
You’ll never hear in the old testament scriptures.
The due being invited to call god father. Because we say the word father, Abba, that’s aramaic.
I like it in Italian. The aramaic word in Italian is Papa.
The Bible is telling us Jesus said it himself when addressing the father, he called him papa.
Can you inside say, yes, when I speak to him, when I call out to him, I have that desire and he’s papa.
Now some legalist is gone they’re gonna say, oh, that’s so irreverent. Well, you need to read your Bible.
Is it possible that God would want us to have a relationship with them so close?
Oh, yes. Thirdly, is the witness of the Holy Spirit happening to our Spirit?
Third thing is the is the witness of the Holy Spirit speaking to your internal spirit.
Fourthly, it’s this, can we agree with the Bible that because we follow Jesus, there’s a sense of suffering in our lives.
Are we in any way shape or form suffering for the name of Christ?
Now this is not a weird statement, and I don’t wanna bum you out. It means this guilty by association.
Your mom and dad told you, be careful who you hang out with.
You might say, well, I was never like my friends. Well, you that’s amazing.
Usually birds of a feather get in trouble together. No. I’m kidding.
But you had it right. I just changed it just now. But it’s true. You know?
And so the fact of the matter is regarding you and I knowing Christ, are we the only ones who know that we know Christ?
In other words, do you know that I know Christ? You say, Jack. Yeah. You talk about him every week.
Uh, yeah, I make that assumption. Sure. I get it. I get it.
But does the world know that Jack belongs to Christ. Does your world know that you belong to Christ?
The moment they do, there is a beautiful, wonderful, holy, appointed suffering. People are gonna no.
Invite you because you’re a Christian.
They’re gonna exclude you because you’re a Christian, whatever it might be. So church, let’s dive into this together.
The the title for this series is it’s time you quit. How’s that? Just quit.
So we’ll pass I was thinking about that today. That’s why I came to church.
I’m just about ready to end it all. God.
Maybe it’s time you just absolutely quit because that’s what god wants us to do.
Is to absolutely quit doing it on our own and to wake up to the realization that we belong to his family.
And when you’re in the family of god, there is nothing Listen carefully, there is nothing that you do to put you in that family and keep you in that family.
This is gonna be some challenges to our legalism today. We are listen.
We are no longer obligated to rules and regulations. Hang on.
We are no longer obligated to do anything for god. Listen.
Obligate. Did god ever say you do this, and I’ll love you. No.
You do these 5 things or these 10 things, and I will approve of you. No.
We are not obligated to do any thing for god.
Number 1, he doesn’t need us. Amen. Superced?
Or what do you mean he doesn’t need us He doesn’t need you. He doesn’t need me.
He lets us get involved with what he’s doing.
It’s like your two year old wanting to mow the lawn with you.
It’s the worst thing ever if you wanna get the job done, but it’s the most beautiful thing for a photo moment.
Or remembering, oh my gosh, because here’s what god says to mom and dad trying to mow the lawn with a two year old who wants the mo they wanna push the lawn mower is it’s gonna take me forever, and then god says to you, that’s exactly that’s exactly what you’re causing me to do with your life.
We Jack, we could go from from 0 to a100 in a second.
If you would just stop trying to mow them on and let me do it, Jack.
Just hang on or better yet. I’ll hold you. I’ll carry you.
And this is vitally important. It may sound crazy to you for me to say you are not obligated to do anything for god.
But read the fine print. You are now church obligated to god. That’s far broader.
That’s much deeper. And so we note this in verses 12 to 14, It’s time you quit.
Don’t just do something. Stand there. Don’t just do something. Stand there.
God might be speaking to some of you today saying, I just want you to stop and just stand there and let my truth wash over you.
You need to hear this so that you might be liberated.
And the first thing is this, stand in his debt. Can you write that down?
Stand in his debt The word debt, like financial debt, or when you’re indebted to somebody, stand in his debt, Watch this.
Verse 12 says, therefore, circle the word therefore, very important. Very key point.
Jayvert and McGee would say, That’s why it’s there for.
Therefore, we are debtors, circle the word debtors, not to the flesh, to live according to the flesh verse 13.
For if you live according to the flesh, you will die. We already know this as believers.
If we live according to the flesh, it’s gonna kill us. It’s it’s heartless.
Our flesh won to do its own thing, but it’s hard to live like that.
Before you were a Christian, you survived, maybe you didn’t weekends.
It was probably better for you to go back to work on Monday because you would didn’t treat yourself well during the weekend.
What was going on? Your flash was in control. Right?
And all of that sinning and living for self and, oh, I want this and at your expense, I’m gonna have it.
Leads to death the Bible says. And we become indebted to sin.
We become indebted to our passions, but there’s an indebeding that is holy and pure.
And that is to stand in his debt. What do I mean by that?
Is understanding this market down, if you would.
The word debtors is a a word and meaning both, listen, in Greek or in English, it’s it’s colorful, but look at the Greek meaning of the word debtors.
This is what Paul is saying.
This is what you need because it’s plural, deters.
It’s not on the debtor. It’s that we were all once children. The Bible says, listen to this.
Again, why would man write this if man wrote the Bible?
We were once all children of the devil. How’s that for a strong cup of coffee this morning?
That’s plurality. We were all in debt the things of the world.
We were culprits together in living out fleshly appetites.
In the positive, meaning this, being the debtor to or indebted to owned by or under the obligation of another.
Do you see the difference? Listen, you don’t you don’t do anything for god to earn his acceptance.
Because of what he’s done for you and I, we are now indebtedness to god because of his great love, wherewith, he’s loved you.
What he has done causes us not to be grabbed by the ear or twisted, not to be grabbed by the neck and drug to church, and you sit down and you learn this.
No. Listen. The world is probably more full of people like that tragically maybe by ignorance, than by what god would have.
And that is I can’t wait. Watch. I can’t wait to meet up with god’s people.
I can’t wait to worship like we did a moment ago. I can’t wait to break open the Bible.
I can’t wait to find out what god might say next in the message.
I can’t wait to see what god’s gonna do this week in my life.
Listen, when that is in your life, that means the Holy Spirit is in control.
He’s leading And why is that true? Because you were now indebted to him. You didn’t even know that.
You wanna know why? You were set free by his salvation, which brings you into debt to his love.
You know this on a on a earthly plane when you’re in love, Listen, when you’re in love and your your girlfriend or your fiance, she she says, you know, um, I would sure I’d love to have I don’t know.
I would love to have a fish taco.
Uh, you know, and I know the stores are probably closed.
Listen, What do you do when you hear your sweetheart say that? Oh, man. You’re looking. You’re calling.
Are you guys open? Can you stay open? I’ll pay you twenty bucks extra if you just stay open.
Why would you wouldn’t do that for you. You wouldn’t do it for any of your friends.
You wouldn’t do it for anybody else in the planet.
But, listen, because she wants it, you love her, and so you’ll bribe the store owner.
Keep it open twenty bucks. I’ll be there along my way and you’ll go through that Yeah. For her. Amen.
And that is true on both sides of the equation regarding god’s love for you?
He did it all. And our love for him now. Hit that love displayed to us.
Remember the Bible says, listen. We did not first love him. He loved us first.
He first loved us. That’s how we are able to love him.
I don’t don’t you don’t work. Okay. I gotta do this. What are you gonna do?
I’ve gotta I gotta get some more love going on in my heart for god.
Every single one of us are, in some way, ashamed to say we love god. Because why?
The moment we say it, we know how bankrupt we are in saying it. It’s not enough.
We wanna say, I love you god and bring in a bouquet of flowers.
I wanna say, I love you god and bring in gifts. Right?
The only way we can do that rightly is say, god, I love you.
I quit. I quit all this stuff of me trying to impress you.
I quit all the stuff with me trying to earn your favor. I quit doubting your love for me.
I, god, believe exactly what your word says, that you love me.
And he, listen, He doesn’t love us because he looked down from heaven and saw something in us and said, my my heaven would be so much better if Jack were here.
No. That’s false doctrine. Yeah.
God more accurately looked over a cloud, so to speak and said, men, are those people messed up and they’re doomed for help?
If I don’t rescue them, that’s exactly where they’re going.
And he stepped off of his throne, and he took on human skin. Absolutely epic.
Remarkable. So as we look at this, we god is calling us to stand in this liberty and to do that is to stand in debt to him.
I, you, we owe god everything. It’s awesome. Listen to this. I’m gonna it’s quite a read.
We’ve got a chunk of scripture here. But listen about, uh, you and I being emancipated, set free.
Galatians 5 verse 13. We’ll start there. For you, brethren, have been called to Liberty.
Only do not use liberty as an opportunity for the flesh. Wow. I’m a Christiano.
I could smoke pot. Really? I’m a Christian. I can do anything I want. Really?
How about getting a heart transplant?
Because when you become a Christian, you only wanna do those things that please god.
It doesn’t mean we’re sinless because you know the battle.
I still wanna do some things that I’m not supposed to do, and god says, don’t do that.
And I said, but I want to. And then he says, you’re not don’t do that.
And here’s the part that kills me.
When god says this, I don’t know if he says this to you or not, but he says this to me.
Jack, you have the license. You can you can grab the license to do whatever you wanna do.
But it’s not good for you. Listen, Jack, I’m gonna love you no matter what you do.
But because I love you, I’m asking you to do what I say to do.
And then I have to drop the weapons step back and say, How do god, how do I wrestle with you like this?
How do I how do you and I get an argument?
Every argument we get in, I lose every time because of your sweetness because of your kindness.
He doesn’t wallop me on the head with a hammer. That’s the god of religion.
My flesh is the problem, but through love, serve one another. Isn’t that amazing?
Every single one of us are commanded to serve one another. Why? Cause that’s the nature of god.
For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even this, you shall love your neighbor as yourself.
But if you bite and devour one another, words beware lest you be consumed by one another.
Look at verse 16 through 18.
I say then walk in the spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh.
See the practicality of that? It means that the lust of the flesh is constantly pounding on the believer’s head just like it is in anybody else.
But the believer is fighting that. Yeah. Non believers don’t have a fight. They’re suckers.
There’s no liberty for them. They’ve got no liberty.
This temptation comes by, they grab onto it, and they go, and they’re enslaved to it.
They can’t even say no. They’re given over. We all know what that’s like.
We used to live like that.
For the flesh, lust against the spirit, and the spirit against the flesh, and these are contrary to one another.
Oil and water. For that, you do not do the things that you wish.
But if you are led by the spirit, you are not under the law. Why does the Bible say that?
Turn commandments, the commandments of the church, the commandments of the fathers, the commandments of the, oh, stop it.
You can’t keep the commandments.
And I realize, listen, as I’m reading this, the only people in this room right now are those that are watching right now.
The only ones that have frown on their face are those who are not liberated because they’re hearing this, and they’re going, I don’t like that.
Why? We love it. What’s the difference?
A big difference, and it has nothing to do with us. We’re indebted to him.
Because of what he’s done. You can have it too, by the way. You can be indebted.
But you wanna add some new debt onto your life? How about his debt?
You’ll never have to pay back. You will eternally be so indebted to him.
That you will forever be with him in worship in heaven forever.
But verse 22, but the fruit of the spirit is love.
By the way, if you’re a student of the Bible, the fruit of the spirit is only one thing and one thing only.
It’s not the other things. It’s one thing.
Notice it says, but the fruit singular, it’s not the fruits It’s the fruit of the spirit is love, period.
And the English has got a comma, and it suggests that the fruit of the spirit is joy.
The fruit of the spirit is peace. Long, you see where I’m going? No, no, it’s this.
The fruit of the spirit is love.
And when you have god’s love, and that relationship is two ways between you and him and he to you, You are walking with him in love.
And guess what? You can’t. You cannot, but have joy.
When you realize this theological fact, you cannot, but have peace.
Look, you can’t have the fruit of the spirit, which is the love of god and have no joy.
Yeah. That doesn’t work. Are you with me? Oh, you know, I I have the fruit of the spirit.
I’ve got love. I’ve got kindness. My faithfulness is questionable. You see how funny that is?
Listen, it’s the love of god and his love for us, the spirit dwelling in our lives, results in joy, peace, long suffering, kindness.
You don’t muster these. You don’t take a course for this.
Goodness, faith generalist self control against such there’s no law. Why is there no law regarding these things?
Because it’s not done by us. God has to do it. It’s gotta be a spirit of god.
This is liberating. So amazing statement. Right? If you think about it, it’s time you quit.
And any other venture, you you wouldn’t hear that.
Uh, how are we going to achieve anything if we quit?
I remember Winston Churchill said it’s always too soon to quit.
Well, I understand that in whatever endeavor it might be.
If it’s storming the hill or if it’s finishing for the degree or if it’s whatever it might be.
Maybe it’s even a marriage. Maybe it’s even a situation or a relationship.
But god is saying to you and I, it’s time to quit.
It’s time for you and I to stop being you and I regarding our relationship with god.
I don’t mean become somebody else.
What I’m asking you to do is to consider god’s word when he says it’s time for you and I to quit this way, Number 1, to be liberated.
God’s word liberates us from who we are.
Look, let’s you and I be honest with each other right now. The things that you and I suffer through.
We either got into those things, or we’re dealing with those things because you and or I made the wrong decisions at some point in time in line It’s time for you and I to quit calling the shots.
It’s time for you and I to quit holding onto the wheel. Friends. Listen. Very important.
You must let go and quit and finally let God be the lord who leads and guides you.
He doesn’t need your help. He doesn’t need your assistance in getting you saved and in the kingdom of heaven.
For those of you who don’t know Christ, you need to get on your knees right now and say, Jesus, I want to know you as lord and savior.
Forgive me of my sins and come into my life.
For those of us who do know Christ, every day, let’s get out of bed and hand him the wheel, the steering, the controls to our life.
Friends, when god’s in control, everything works better, and it’s beautiful.
So listen, if you wanna know more, and that’s why we exist, that’s why we are going through the effort to bring to you this truth.
If you wanna know more, you can find out more at jackives.com.
There’s a whole lot of teaching there for you. How you can get in contact with us as well.
God bless you until we see again.
You are watching real life. Jack Hips.
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Well, maybe somebody will say that to you. It’s time to quit.
Smoking or it’s time to quit in that bad thing that you might be involved in.
But rarely do we ever equate its time you quit to the Christian walk. Right?
But the truth is theologically, it’s time you quit.
He listen, friend, here’s a big revelation for you from the word of god. God doesn’t need you and I.
He includes you and I. He doesn’t need us. He includes us.
And so when I say, why don’t you just I mean this.
Why don’t you just let god in and let him live his life through you?
See, religion legalism, morality. We do the pushing. The Holy Spirit’s not in that.
But when we quit and let the spirit of god lead us and we trust him to do this thing called Christianity, then god gets all the glory.
You and I get all of the surprise, and we get to enjoy the rest. The rest.
I’m talking about the Sabbath. When you and I quit, we quit from our own laborers.
And then, and only then, my friend, the key to Christianity works, that is letting god be god in your life as you let him lead you and guide you.
So listen, grab your bibles. Let’s get into this because it’s time you quit and let god be gone.
How do you know that you’re a child of god?
Do you wanna prove it to yourself? Ask yourself this question.
Number 1 is, are you being led by the spirit of god? Ask yourself that question.
Number 2, is the spirit of adoption within us are within you crying out Abba father.
Do you wanna draw closer to god? Don’t answer out loud.
Just answer on the piece of paper, these are things that must be proven in your life.
This is a diagnostic test for all of us as a church.
Am I being led by the spirit?
In other words, do you sense the spirit of god leading you, frankly, on a daily basis?
And here’s the scary thing about what I just said.
If I have to explain it to you, the answer is no for you.
Do you have a desire to call him father?
Listen, if you’re Jewish right now, you’re offended by what I just said.
You’ll never hear in the old testament scriptures.
The due being invited to call god father. Because we say the word father, Abba, that’s aramaic.
I like it in Italian. The aramaic word in Italian is Papa.
The Bible is telling us Jesus said it himself when addressing the father, he called him papa.
Can you inside say, yes, when I speak to him, when I call out to him, I have that desire and he’s papa.
Now some legalist is gone they’re gonna say, oh, that’s so irreverent. Well, you need to read your Bible.
Is it possible that God would want us to have a relationship with them so close?
Oh, yes. Thirdly, is the witness of the Holy Spirit happening to our Spirit?
Third thing is the is the witness of the Holy Spirit speaking to your internal spirit.
Fourthly, it’s this, can we agree with the Bible that because we follow Jesus, there’s a sense of suffering in our lives.
Are we in any way shape or form suffering for the name of Christ?
Now this is not a weird statement, and I don’t wanna bum you out. It means this guilty by association.
Your mom and dad told you, be careful who you hang out with.
You might say, well, I was never like my friends. Well, you that’s amazing.
Usually birds of a feather get in trouble together. No. I’m kidding.
But you had it right. I just changed it just now. But it’s true. You know?
And so the fact of the matter is regarding you and I knowing Christ, are we the only ones who know that we know Christ?
In other words, do you know that I know Christ? You say, Jack. Yeah. You talk about him every week.
Uh, yeah, I make that assumption. Sure. I get it. I get it.
But does the world know that Jack belongs to Christ. Does your world know that you belong to Christ?
The moment they do, there is a beautiful, wonderful, holy, appointed suffering. People are gonna no.
Invite you because you’re a Christian.
They’re gonna exclude you because you’re a Christian, whatever it might be. So church, let’s dive into this together.
The the title for this series is it’s time you quit. How’s that? Just quit.
So we’ll pass I was thinking about that today. That’s why I came to church.
I’m just about ready to end it all. God.
Maybe it’s time you just absolutely quit because that’s what god wants us to do.
Is to absolutely quit doing it on our own and to wake up to the realization that we belong to his family.
And when you’re in the family of god, there is nothing Listen carefully, there is nothing that you do to put you in that family and keep you in that family.
This is gonna be some challenges to our legalism today. We are listen.
We are no longer obligated to rules and regulations. Hang on.
We are no longer obligated to do anything for god. Listen.
Obligate. Did god ever say you do this, and I’ll love you. No.
You do these 5 things or these 10 things, and I will approve of you. No.
We are not obligated to do any thing for god.
Number 1, he doesn’t need us. Amen. Superced?
Or what do you mean he doesn’t need us He doesn’t need you. He doesn’t need me.
He lets us get involved with what he’s doing.
It’s like your two year old wanting to mow the lawn with you.
It’s the worst thing ever if you wanna get the job done, but it’s the most beautiful thing for a photo moment.
Or remembering, oh my gosh, because here’s what god says to mom and dad trying to mow the lawn with a two year old who wants the mo they wanna push the lawn mower is it’s gonna take me forever, and then god says to you, that’s exactly that’s exactly what you’re causing me to do with your life.
We Jack, we could go from from 0 to a100 in a second.
If you would just stop trying to mow them on and let me do it, Jack.
Just hang on or better yet. I’ll hold you. I’ll carry you.
And this is vitally important. It may sound crazy to you for me to say you are not obligated to do anything for god.
But read the fine print. You are now church obligated to god. That’s far broader.
That’s much deeper. And so we note this in verses 12 to 14, It’s time you quit.
Don’t just do something. Stand there. Don’t just do something. Stand there.
God might be speaking to some of you today saying, I just want you to stop and just stand there and let my truth wash over you.
You need to hear this so that you might be liberated.
And the first thing is this, stand in his debt. Can you write that down?
Stand in his debt The word debt, like financial debt, or when you’re indebted to somebody, stand in his debt, Watch this.
Verse 12 says, therefore, circle the word therefore, very important. Very key point.
Jayvert and McGee would say, That’s why it’s there for.
Therefore, we are debtors, circle the word debtors, not to the flesh, to live according to the flesh verse 13.
For if you live according to the flesh, you will die. We already know this as believers.
If we live according to the flesh, it’s gonna kill us. It’s it’s heartless.
Our flesh won to do its own thing, but it’s hard to live like that.
Before you were a Christian, you survived, maybe you didn’t weekends.
It was probably better for you to go back to work on Monday because you would didn’t treat yourself well during the weekend.
What was going on? Your flash was in control. Right?
And all of that sinning and living for self and, oh, I want this and at your expense, I’m gonna have it.
Leads to death the Bible says. And we become indebted to sin.
We become indebted to our passions, but there’s an indebeding that is holy and pure.
And that is to stand in his debt. What do I mean by that?
Is understanding this market down, if you would.
The word debtors is a a word and meaning both, listen, in Greek or in English, it’s it’s colorful, but look at the Greek meaning of the word debtors.
This is what Paul is saying.
This is what you need because it’s plural, deters.
It’s not on the debtor. It’s that we were all once children. The Bible says, listen to this.
Again, why would man write this if man wrote the Bible?
We were once all children of the devil. How’s that for a strong cup of coffee this morning?
That’s plurality. We were all in debt the things of the world.
We were culprits together in living out fleshly appetites.
In the positive, meaning this, being the debtor to or indebted to owned by or under the obligation of another.
Do you see the difference? Listen, you don’t you don’t do anything for god to earn his acceptance.
Because of what he’s done for you and I, we are now indebtedness to god because of his great love, wherewith, he’s loved you.
What he has done causes us not to be grabbed by the ear or twisted, not to be grabbed by the neck and drug to church, and you sit down and you learn this.
No. Listen. The world is probably more full of people like that tragically maybe by ignorance, than by what god would have.
And that is I can’t wait. Watch. I can’t wait to meet up with god’s people.
I can’t wait to worship like we did a moment ago. I can’t wait to break open the Bible.
I can’t wait to find out what god might say next in the message.
I can’t wait to see what god’s gonna do this week in my life.
Listen, when that is in your life, that means the Holy Spirit is in control.
He’s leading And why is that true? Because you were now indebted to him. You didn’t even know that.
You wanna know why? You were set free by his salvation, which brings you into debt to his love.
You know this on a on a earthly plane when you’re in love, Listen, when you’re in love and your your girlfriend or your fiance, she she says, you know, um, I would sure I’d love to have I don’t know.
I would love to have a fish taco.
Uh, you know, and I know the stores are probably closed.
Listen, What do you do when you hear your sweetheart say that? Oh, man. You’re looking. You’re calling.
Are you guys open? Can you stay open? I’ll pay you twenty bucks extra if you just stay open.
Why would you wouldn’t do that for you. You wouldn’t do it for any of your friends.
You wouldn’t do it for anybody else in the planet.
But, listen, because she wants it, you love her, and so you’ll bribe the store owner.
Keep it open twenty bucks. I’ll be there along my way and you’ll go through that Yeah. For her. Amen.
And that is true on both sides of the equation regarding god’s love for you?
He did it all. And our love for him now. Hit that love displayed to us.
Remember the Bible says, listen. We did not first love him. He loved us first.
He first loved us. That’s how we are able to love him.
I don’t don’t you don’t work. Okay. I gotta do this. What are you gonna do?
I’ve gotta I gotta get some more love going on in my heart for god.
Every single one of us are, in some way, ashamed to say we love god. Because why?
The moment we say it, we know how bankrupt we are in saying it. It’s not enough.
We wanna say, I love you god and bring in a bouquet of flowers.
I wanna say, I love you god and bring in gifts. Right?
The only way we can do that rightly is say, god, I love you.
I quit. I quit all this stuff of me trying to impress you.
I quit all the stuff with me trying to earn your favor. I quit doubting your love for me.
I, god, believe exactly what your word says, that you love me.
And he, listen, He doesn’t love us because he looked down from heaven and saw something in us and said, my my heaven would be so much better if Jack were here.
No. That’s false doctrine. Yeah.
God more accurately looked over a cloud, so to speak and said, men, are those people messed up and they’re doomed for help?
If I don’t rescue them, that’s exactly where they’re going.
And he stepped off of his throne, and he took on human skin. Absolutely epic.
Remarkable. So as we look at this, we god is calling us to stand in this liberty and to do that is to stand in debt to him.
I, you, we owe god everything. It’s awesome. Listen to this. I’m gonna it’s quite a read.
We’ve got a chunk of scripture here. But listen about, uh, you and I being emancipated, set free.
Galatians 5 verse 13. We’ll start there. For you, brethren, have been called to Liberty.
Only do not use liberty as an opportunity for the flesh. Wow. I’m a Christiano.
I could smoke pot. Really? I’m a Christian. I can do anything I want. Really?
How about getting a heart transplant?
Because when you become a Christian, you only wanna do those things that please god.
It doesn’t mean we’re sinless because you know the battle.
I still wanna do some things that I’m not supposed to do, and god says, don’t do that.
And I said, but I want to. And then he says, you’re not don’t do that.
And here’s the part that kills me.
When god says this, I don’t know if he says this to you or not, but he says this to me.
Jack, you have the license. You can you can grab the license to do whatever you wanna do.
But it’s not good for you. Listen, Jack, I’m gonna love you no matter what you do.
But because I love you, I’m asking you to do what I say to do.
And then I have to drop the weapons step back and say, How do god, how do I wrestle with you like this?
How do I how do you and I get an argument?
Every argument we get in, I lose every time because of your sweetness because of your kindness.
He doesn’t wallop me on the head with a hammer. That’s the god of religion.
My flesh is the problem, but through love, serve one another. Isn’t that amazing?
Every single one of us are commanded to serve one another. Why? Cause that’s the nature of god.
For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even this, you shall love your neighbor as yourself.
But if you bite and devour one another, words beware lest you be consumed by one another.
Look at verse 16 through 18.
I say then walk in the spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh.
See the practicality of that? It means that the lust of the flesh is constantly pounding on the believer’s head just like it is in anybody else.
But the believer is fighting that. Yeah. Non believers don’t have a fight. They’re suckers.
There’s no liberty for them. They’ve got no liberty.
This temptation comes by, they grab onto it, and they go, and they’re enslaved to it.
They can’t even say no. They’re given over. We all know what that’s like.
We used to live like that.
For the flesh, lust against the spirit, and the spirit against the flesh, and these are contrary to one another.
Oil and water. For that, you do not do the things that you wish.
But if you are led by the spirit, you are not under the law. Why does the Bible say that?
Turn commandments, the commandments of the church, the commandments of the fathers, the commandments of the, oh, stop it.
You can’t keep the commandments.
And I realize, listen, as I’m reading this, the only people in this room right now are those that are watching right now.
The only ones that have frown on their face are those who are not liberated because they’re hearing this, and they’re going, I don’t like that.
Why? We love it. What’s the difference?
A big difference, and it has nothing to do with us. We’re indebted to him.
Because of what he’s done. You can have it too, by the way. You can be indebted.
But you wanna add some new debt onto your life? How about his debt?
You’ll never have to pay back. You will eternally be so indebted to him.
That you will forever be with him in worship in heaven forever.
But verse 22, but the fruit of the spirit is love.
By the way, if you’re a student of the Bible, the fruit of the spirit is only one thing and one thing only.
It’s not the other things. It’s one thing.
Notice it says, but the fruit singular, it’s not the fruits It’s the fruit of the spirit is love, period.
And the English has got a comma, and it suggests that the fruit of the spirit is joy.
The fruit of the spirit is peace. Long, you see where I’m going? No, no, it’s this.
The fruit of the spirit is love.
And when you have god’s love, and that relationship is two ways between you and him and he to you, You are walking with him in love.
And guess what? You can’t. You cannot, but have joy.
When you realize this theological fact, you cannot, but have peace.
Look, you can’t have the fruit of the spirit, which is the love of god and have no joy.
Yeah. That doesn’t work. Are you with me? Oh, you know, I I have the fruit of the spirit.
I’ve got love. I’ve got kindness. My faithfulness is questionable. You see how funny that is?
Listen, it’s the love of god and his love for us, the spirit dwelling in our lives, results in joy, peace, long suffering, kindness.
You don’t muster these. You don’t take a course for this.
Goodness, faith generalist self control against such there’s no law. Why is there no law regarding these things?
Because it’s not done by us. God has to do it. It’s gotta be a spirit of god.
This is liberating. So amazing statement. Right? If you think about it, it’s time you quit.
And any other venture, you you wouldn’t hear that.
Uh, how are we going to achieve anything if we quit?
I remember Winston Churchill said it’s always too soon to quit.
Well, I understand that in whatever endeavor it might be.
If it’s storming the hill or if it’s finishing for the degree or if it’s whatever it might be.
Maybe it’s even a marriage. Maybe it’s even a situation or a relationship.
But god is saying to you and I, it’s time to quit.
It’s time for you and I to stop being you and I regarding our relationship with god.
I don’t mean become somebody else.
What I’m asking you to do is to consider god’s word when he says it’s time for you and I to quit this way, Number 1, to be liberated.
God’s word liberates us from who we are.
Look, let’s you and I be honest with each other right now. The things that you and I suffer through.
We either got into those things, or we’re dealing with those things because you and or I made the wrong decisions at some point in time in line It’s time for you and I to quit calling the shots.
It’s time for you and I to quit holding onto the wheel. Friends. Listen. Very important.
You must let go and quit and finally let God be the lord who leads and guides you.
He doesn’t need your help. He doesn’t need your assistance in getting you saved and in the kingdom of heaven.
For those of you who don’t know Christ, you need to get on your knees right now and say, Jesus, I want to know you as lord and savior.
Forgive me of my sins and come into my life.
For those of us who do know Christ, every day, let’s get out of bed and hand him the wheel, the steering, the controls to our life.
Friends, when god’s in control, everything works better, and it’s beautiful.
So listen, if you wanna know more, and that’s why we exist, that’s why we are going through the effort to bring to you this truth.
If you wanna know more, you can find out more at jackives.com.
There’s a whole lot of teaching there for you. How you can get in contact with us as well.
God bless you until we see again.
You are watching real life. Jack Hips.
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Life is full of fear, doubt, and worry.
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to Real Life Radio with Jack Gibbs.
God’s word, whomever will return void. God’s word is spirit, it’s power, and it has its effects.
God not give us a Bible prophecy to scare us, but to prepare us.
You are the light of the world Jesus said. You are the salt of the earth. How does it happen?
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