Jonathan Cahn challenges us to stop hiding from God, break the “doritos” habit, and open the untilled ground. God will give you keys of change and life-changing growth when you let go of the old identity, and let God shine a light on all the darkest parts of your life!
“As God was expunged from American life, idols came in to fill the void; idols of sensuality, idols of greed, of money, of success, comfort, materialism, pleasure, sexual immorality, self-worship, self-obsession. The sacred increasingly disappeared, and the profane took its place.”
― Jonathan Cahn
Near is the same word we get the word menorah from.
You know, menorah means a place of life. Near in Hebrew also means light.
There is so much a god putting to happen in your life can only happen when you are part of the great commission, part of ministry.
Only way. Well, that’s why we talk about membership, not because of a piece of paper, but because that’s about becoming part of god’s calling in you.
The strength of the congregation is that having people on the outs of the untilled getting tilled coming in from being on being watching, you know, 1st year’s unsaved, saved, then your part, your member, your ministry that the growth comes from that.
So all starts with the until. Sometimes people would say to me, hey.
Can you come over and witness to my brother or can you witness to this person in my life?
I say, listen. I I love it. I don’t even have time to witness to myself. You know?
People have the idea that the pa ministers are the ones who in charge of doing all the ministry.
Not at all. The Bible doesn’t say that. Unbiblical.
The Bible says that the ministers are to equip you the same for you to do the ministry.
We can’t reach who you’re supposed to read.
If we do that, we’re taking your job, and we couldn’t do it anyway. We couldn’t our job.
It’s your job. It’s not our job to do your job.
It’s our job to equip you to do your job. We need to do it.
If you have not been spreading the word of god, you are you are you god is right there saying that’s you.
You have to get in god’s will, you must do that. You have to start doing that. Right. Right.
I sometimes have shared a scriptural principle through the use of an illustration called Doritos.
And that is what I’m talking about temptation, you know, if it’s in the house, you know, um, or you try to get just a little bit of it.
It’s like sin, you know, you you keep going with that.
And also if you’re filling yourself up with junk food, you don’t you lose your hunger for the good food.
That’s a lot of things in Doritos to to give to give message. You know?
So well, I I’m pleased to report. I’ve been pretty much Doritos free. Defree Dorito clean for a time.
You know? We had a, like, 12 step group, and I put away the Dorito.
But I was at one of our summer picnics, like, we’re gonna have, and somebody had a big bag of Doritos, you know, and I was hungry.
And those Doritos were looking good.
And sometimes, just some of those chips come out from the factory looking better than others, and I’m I’m thinking, well, I’m free to do it.
It’s not in the Bible. I’m debating going back and forth. Nothing wrong with just Doritos, just a little handful.
I’ll just suck my mouth a little handful just so I’m I started doing it. It’s something here of voicing.
Jonathan Jonathan. It’s a little kid about 15 feet away from me. He’s like like
a half feet. He says, what are you doing? I said, what do you mean?
I’m gonna he said, what are you doing? I said, I said, you’re eating junk food. I said, what?
I said, you should not be eating junk food. I’m like, caught.
I’m saying, you know, I’m saying, well, it’s not exactly what junk food isn’t exactly in the Bible.
It’s not exactly there. And and I’m getting this condemnation from a five year old kid using the Bible to for an anti Garrido argument.
I’m thinking I have to stand here being condemned by a by a 2, you know, by a two foot this thing, you know, and he said, well, he says, well, this is not in the Bible.
You know, and I was thinking it’s not in the Bible that I can have it.
You’re saying it’s not in the Bible. And so what do you mean?
So the Hebrews did not eat this junk food. They didn’t eat fast food.
I said, well, Masa, that was pretty fast coming out of Egypt. That was pretty fast. You know?
But the Hebrews didn’t eat junk food, you know, so we shouldn’t be eating junk when he looks to his left and to his left.
I see his little girl, his sister, and she’s standing there condemning me as well. Both of that.
He’s got a partner Since my our mother tells us only eat good food and you’re eating junk food.
I said, well, I just have a little bit.
It’s not exactly as you and they’re just staring at me condemning me. You know?
And and and I’m and and they look at me like that.
Well, what does that have to do with until ground? Well, until ground is another aspect to it.
One of the most important areas of this principle has to do with your life.
The until ground is the ground in your life that you have not let god change or touch, uh, a secret sin, a habit, Whatever that is.
The most the part that you have not let god change, even the most ungodly part, that is your until ground.
It no no matter what that is the thing that you’re most ashamed, that’s your untilled ground because you haven’t let god really come into it and change it.
And what it’s saying is from those most ungodly or most unhealthy, most unspiritual, most untouched most hardened places.
Most kept away from god’s hand or mo or your it could be your emotions.
You never let god touch it.
The that is the untill ground from that is gonna come the most growth when you give it to god.
The areas of your life, you want growth the areas of your life that are gonna have the most growth is when you give those places to god.
Let god come in because that is your untilled ground.
That’s what’s gonna bear the most fruit once it comes into god’s presence when god comes into that.
You know, even look at, you know, fertilizer.
What makes it it’s often garbage refuse and yet it makes things grow.
What is the until ground that that will give a if you have any bitterness against somebody in your life, that’s untilled.
You’re not you didn’t let god touch it. You gotta let him touch it and change it.
There’s gonna become blessing. There’s gonna be bless and life for you in that getting god to touch it.
Doesn’t matter what it is.
The area of the greatest change are those sins that you hang on to, that habit you hang on to, or even just that attitude or that scar, you just don’t let god touch.
That’s where the thing is gonna be. That’s where the greatest thing is gonna be.
The greatest movements.
You know, you know, the the greatest moment that, you know, there was a there was 2 major organizations in the Messianic Movement you know, of congregations, things like, you know, associations, and they they had a thing with each other.
And they they they remember the sins that this one did, and they just human nature.
This one did, and they they had a whole thing.
And finally, one day, one day, they said, we just had enough. Let’s just get rid of all that.
Who cares? It doesn’t matter. Let’s get rid of all our lists.
And we they opened themselves up, and god just did a miracle with them, and god had things flow with them towards revival.
That, you know, no matter what was done to you, okay, let just let it go because you’re killing yourself.
The word for Untilled in Hebrew is the word near. Try it.
Near is the same word. We get the word Manorah from.
You know, Manorah means a place of light. Near in Hebrew also means light. So what kind
of so put this together It’s like the untilled ground is filled with light.
It’s like it’s like ready for light to be released.
And and because most likely back then, the untill ground in some way was glistening to them, but it means it’s way that you break it up and light comes out of it.
You want blessings? Here’s the mission. First, identify the untilled ground in your life. Write it down.
What have I not really let god touch in my life?
Could be that it could be there’s all sorts of ways you could have something still the same pretty much when you first came to the lord.
The until ground in your private life. The until ground in your walk with god. You’re until life in evangelism.
You’re until life in that habit.
They onto whatever it is, that hurt, that rejection, that old identity, whatever it is, that that part of your life, the hours, and the time you have not been using for god.
God is calling you to break up that ground. Break it up. So it up.
Like, I’m doing with this whole.
Break it up We it may be crusted over, break it up to, you know, shake it up, turn it up, turn it over, and then let god’s life come into it.
A foolish farmer is the one who sows the who does the same soil, the same crop, over and over again.
Exhaust. So if you do something the same all the time, if you’re walking, god, is always doing the same thing without anything new, you’re in danger of exhausting it becomes a habit, becomes a role.
Look at all these churches that have become dead, and they don’t even know it.
Where all they do is they do it by rope, the same thing, the same thing, same thing, and break it up.
I remember I once took my wife Renata’s skiing.
I had skied, like, twice in my life, both when I was about 12 13.
So it was a little while ago. So we we went out. We we got the skis.
She was real nervous. She said, I I don’t know. I don’t wanna do this. I said, come on.
It’s you know, I’ll show you how. Big mistake. So I’ll show you stay there.
I’ll go up. I’ll show you it’s real easy. You’ll be confident. You’ll see me do it. It’s easy.
You know, so I go up.
She’s a while I’m at the top of the slope, and I see her down there, and I wave you all easy.
It’s all good. Piece of cake. I’m inching up to the slope. I don’t know what happened.
There was these little kids in back of me. I don’t think they pushed into me.
I don’t know what happened. But all of a sudden, I’m going down the hill backwards.
Backwards. I’m out of control. I’m literally going down backwards.
Finally, I fall back backwards my head, you know, going down the slope.
Fall back, but it was like ice. So I didn’t stop.
I kept going down the mountain on my back. And Renata’s watching in horror.
She’s already planning how to get a refund for the the thing.
Finally, it stopped And I I get up. I look. She’s still staring at me. I say, Hey.
Everything good piece of cake? You see? That’s how you do it.
Well, by the end, it was like a lot of a lot of those things, but by the end, we were racing down the mountain.
And it was actually, you know, it was that we were using muscles we never did.
It actually It actually we did something we never did, and we felt so good because we actually had a victory.
You know, you know, if you don’t ever press out the in the same way in the in god, you have to press out.
And you have to step out, even if though you’ll fall on your face, you gotta go out.
Peter could never walk on water if he didn’t do that. That’s where the new ground is.
That’s that’s where you’re gonna have new victories. That’s where it’s gonna be revived. Step out of your routine.
You know what else is new? You know, until the ground is new people.
Even in the congregation, you know, people get where they sit exactly in the same spot.
I’m not talking about anybody in particular, but people are gonna get get get get.
But, you know, we are people of habit. We’ll sit in the exact spot because that’s the law.
That’s the law we’re following. It’s the law. It’s okay.
I’m not telling you to move around, but I am telling you you should be re meeting other people.
You should step out. If you have friends here. It’s because you stepped out.
At one point, they were untilled, and then you met them and now you know them.
That’s how it all happened. You wouldn’t be here if you didn’t step out. We have to reach out.
Reach out. Look at how many people there are here. Reach out.
Everyone you don’t know is an untill ground for you and you to them.
There are those who’ve been, you know, who can maybe for years, but you don’t you don’t reach out and also bringing new people.
You know, it’s like Yeah. If I if I invite them, they might say no. Who cares? What doesn’t matter?
If they say no, you’re where you are now. If they say yes, you can change their life forever.
Start inviting, step out, invite people out.
Once there you know, a woman came up to me.
She says, I’ve been here for a while, you know, and I said, but, you know, I don’t see why why I need to be a member.
I said, well, this is the point. It’s not about a piece of paper. Not about that at all.
It’s about if you’re committed, then then the then we can be committed entrust you to do all that god has for you and your life.
And she literally did and she literally exploded exploded in that could sound like a tragedy.
In fruitfulness to this day where she’s serving the lord all over, it was like the until ground.
You gotta break it up.
The disciples had to had to step out if they’re ever gonna fulfill the calling. They had to do it.
They had to leave Jerusalem. They had to leave Galilee where they were comfortable in order for the life to go and all those blessings.
Book of Acts is all about people at every moment stepping out to the untilled ground.
Finally, they go into the to the Gentals, total untilled, and look what happened. Hi.
I’m Jonathan Khan, and I hope you are blessed with the video.
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- I’ve Fallen and I Can’t Get Up | Jonathan Cahn SermonTháng 5 3, 2023