What Is Love – Part 2 | Joyce Meyer | Enjoying Everyday Life Teaching

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What Is Love – Part 2 | Joyce Meyer | Enjoying Everyday Life Teaching

If we love the way God loves, we’ll love others when there’s nothing in it for us. Be encouraged by scriptures and stories about the importance of walking in love on this episode of Enjoying Everyday Life with Joyce Meyer.

Joyce Meyer, one of the world’s leading practical Bible teachers and New York Times best-selling author, shares encouragement and advice to help us enjoy our daily lives.

With a heart to share Christ and love people, Joyce’s messages help people in all walks of life to grow in their faith, learn to study the Bible, find healing from the wounds of life, get answers to life’s questions and encounter the love of God in a powerful way.

Now if I say to you, I love you. I’m not saying that doesn’t mean anything to you.
But if I say to you, I love you, but I never do anything that shows that, then it just becomes a bunch of empty words.
I’m Joyce Meyer. I’ve seen god’s power transform my own life, and he will do it for you.
I finally know what Paul meant.
When he said he was not talking to them about offerings because He wanted their money, but he wanted the fruit that would increase to their credit.
You see, I know that givers are happy people.
I mean, really, what what is tell me, what does anybody want other than to be happy?
That that’s really what you want. So we think we can buy it.
So we buy things and We think we can marry it so we marry somebody.
And then if that don’t work, we get rid of them. We marry somebody else.
Come on. You know how it goes.
But you might as well keep the one you got because I’ll tell you the next one ain’t gonna be any better.
People have asked me if anything happened today, would you ever get married again?
No. No. No way would I ever spend 1 more year in my life trying to get used to another man.
I got mine. We’ve got our own deal worked out.
We get along good. We’re having fun.
Just quit thinking about everything that’s wrong with the person you’re married to.
Don’t throw stones at me, but you got a few things wrong with you too.
Romans 55, and hope does not put us to shame because god’s love has been poured out.
Into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who’s been given to us.
So we have love in us.
It’s a fruit of the spirit that comes into us when we’re born again, but it comes as a seed.
You know, you have mussels.
You might look like it, but you got them.
Maybe nobody can see them, but they’re there.
And the only way anybody is ever gonna see them is if you exercise them.
Well, love is not gonna grow if you don’t exercise it.
Kindness won’t grow if you don’t exercise it. Humanity won’t grow if you don’t exercise it.
And so the more we do what god asks us to do, you know, The Bible says knowledge puffeth up.
I know you can open that Bible.
And if you’re like me, you got lot of stuff underlined. Well, that don’t mean we know anything.
And aren’t we proud when the pastor says, wanna preach on first Corinthians 13th, a day in y’all open your bible.
You got the whole thing underlined and highlighted in yellow.
And don’t you secretly hope the person sitting next to hue notices how spiritual you are.
We do.
You can color in your whole Bible. I can give you a box of crayons.
And you can sit there and color in your whole Bible all weekend. And that doesn’t mean you know anything.
How do you know when you know something when you’re doing it?
Only when you’re doing it.
I know the power of forgiveness when I’m doing it.
I know the power of prayer when I pray about things instead of worrying about them.
I know the power of giving when I Joshua 18 way over in the very beginning of the Old Testament says, meditate on the word of god day and night that you might observe and do.
According to all that’s written therein.
For then, you shall deal wisely, make your way prosperous and have success.
You see, we wanna have the prosperity and success and skip the doing.
And you can’t do that.
We’re partners with god, and god has made 7000 promises to us in the word of god, but there is something for us to do.
I’m marvel at the fact that when Jesus went to raise Lazarus from the dead, he told the people to roll away the stone.
Now let me ask you, if you’re getting ready to raise a dead man, why would you need people to roll away the stone?
Why not just blow that baby out of there?
Because they had to use their faith.
See, god only moves through our faith.
The devil moves through our fear, and god moves through our faith.
And faith is a force on the inside of us, but it must be activated.
And the way we activated is through praying, through saying, and through doing.
When I say I trust god, I’m releasing my faith.
When I pray, instead of worrying, I’m releasing my faith.
And when I go roll away the stone because god said to, I’m releasing my faith.
We have to start doing what god tells us to do.
Why is this so hard? Is this so hard? No.
Being disobedient is hard because then your life is a mess. Come on.
I’ve been at this 45 years. I’ve I’ve tried it every way that you can try it.
And the only way that you’re gonna end up with what god wants you to have is to do what he tells you to do.
I’m so glad I haven’t forgotten how to preach.
I love you, Lauren.
Alright. 1st Corinthians 13, 4 through 8.
Love endures long and is patient and kind.
Love never is envious nor boils over with jealousy. It is not boastful or vainglorious.
It does not display itself hottily.
It is not conceded, arrogant, and inflated with pride.
It is not rude and unmanually does not act unbecomingly.
Love, god’s love in us does not insist on its own rights, or its own way for it is not self seeking.
It is not touchy. Are fretful, are resentful.
It takes no account of the evil done to it. It pays no attention to a suffered wrong.
It does not rejoice at injustice and unright graciousness.
Love bears up under anything and everything that comes is ever ready to believe the best of every person.
It’s hopes are faithless under all circumstances, and it assures everything without weakening love never fails.
Now that’s good. We just read all the stuff about love, but now we’re gonna have to spend the weekend taking it apart.
Because these are the things that love is seen through.
Love is seen through being patient with somebody else’s weakness.
They feel loved when instead of making them feel stupid.
The new clerk at the grocery store.
She’s nervous. It’s her 1st day.
This was me 45 years ago. Come through.
Got my big rhinestone Jesus pen on. Any of you ever have one of those?
Those were big in my big rhinestone Jesus fan.
And of course, I was in a hurry because I needed to get home and pray.
And so she’s getting shit.
There’s no price on this item and she’s getting all mixed up and she runs out of tape and her register and she’s nervous wreck and, you know, here I am.
Now that is not luck.
Because that is not patient. And that is what makes people not like Christians.
Because I had my Jesus pen, but I was making her feel awful.
Now love you don’t have to wear the pin.
Love is to say Don’t worry about it. Just take your time.
You’re doing good. We’ve all been new at things. You’re gonna do great.
And then it’s to pray for her.
When you leave, you pray for her that she’ll do good at that job, that she’ll learn quickly.
We were in a restaurant 1 night after I had done a conference, and I was tired.
I’d done 4 or 5 sessions.
I I used to be like a nutcase and probably prayed for everybody in the building.
And, you know, we went out we went out to eat and We made a reservation.
And then when we got there, they told us they didn’t take reservations.
It’s like, well, why did you take hours if you don’t take reservations?
We had to wait 45 minutes to get a table.
There was a whole bunch of people with us. We had probably twelve people with us.
So we had this big table.
And this girl comes and takes our order, and she seemed a little nervous, but she she took the order and we gave her drink orders.
And so she comes back with this big tray, And there wasn’t much room between the table and the wall And she dumped the whole thing on Dave.
Coke, water, ice tea, all down his suit, He was so kind.
He said it’s not a problem. Don’t worry about it.
She’s she went off crying. She came back in her eyes.
We’re all red Dave went and got the manager, and so I don’t want her to get in trouble.
It wasn’t her fault. It’s too crowded in here.
She looked across the table at me, and she said, I know who you are, and I was so nervous because I was waiting on you.
And I thought, oh, thank you Jesus.
Thank you, thank you, thank you, Jesus, but I didn’t act like an idiot.
Say god told me Don’t ever forget Joyce Meyer that however many people you can help, that’s exactly how many you can hurt.
That’s why you don’t need to be up here if you’re not gonna live a life.
And that doesn’t mean I don’t make mistakes, but I’m talking about live this nonsense of living a double life.
Preaching the people and then not not doing what you tell them.
Henry Henry Drummond wrote a book called the greatest thing in the world.
And it’s it’s only about that thick.
And I I wanna encourage you to get a copy of that book.
You can order it on 1 I’ve got a real old copy.
It was written in the 18 1800s, and this one looks like might have come from there, but I just I just bought I just bought several new copies.
I wanted to give all my kids 1 and I gave Dave 1 and and Man, he has got some one liners in there.
They’re just wonderful. And here’s one of the things that he said.
He says, It is better not to live than to live and not love.
So That’s page 1.
I did an extra message all day.
I worked all day. Yes, and I did an your message because I thought I wouldn’t have enough stuff.
I’m so funny. Jesus said John 13, 34, 35.
One new commandment I give unto you One.
Love one another as I have loved you by this shall all men know that you are my disciples.
He said, in this one commandment, You fulfill all the law and all the prophets, and they had thousands of laws in the Old Testament.
He said all you gotta do is love. If you love, you won’t sin against anybody.
You won’t hurt anybody. You won’t be jealous of them. You’ll forgive them.
Honestly, I mean, if we if we didn’t study anything but love the rest of our life, we’d be okay because all the rest of it would just come.
Matthew 22, 37, 339, they asked Jesus. Which one?
Which one of your commandments is the heaviest? Which one is the most important?
And he said, you shall love the lord your god with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and all your strength, and you shall love your neighbor even as you love yourself.
So you’re even supposed to love yourself in a balanced, not a selfish, Michael, I’m so wonderful, but you’re supposed to love yourself because god loves you, and you haven’t really received god’s love until you Love yourself.
Love the you that god created. The you that you’re becoming.
In first Timothy 15, I love this.
Timothy said the purpose of my instruction all these things I’m teaching you is that all believers would be filled with love that comes from a pure heart, a clear conscience, and genuine faith.
So he said, that’s a whole deal.
Must say it again.
We should study love, pray about love, practice love, no scriptures on love.
Study stuff you need.
I mean, it’s okay to, like, read the Bible through every year if that’s what you wanna do or just but, you know, just getting in the Bible and seeing how much you can read every day.
I don’t I don’t really know how much good that does anybody.
I think we need to we need to study in areas where we have weaknesses and issues and problems.
I think we spend too much time trying to fix the problem and not enough time on the answer.
We go about it backwards.
You know, if we have a bad habit, we try to break the bad habit, and what we should do is form a good habit, and then the bad habit won’t have any room in our life.
Loving people who are hard to love.
You know, there’s a lot of stuffed animals, but I’ve never bought one of my kids or grandkids a stuffed porcupine.
I didn’t even think they existed, but I looked online and sure enough they’re there.
But I watched a special on porcupines, and they have 30,000 quills that come out.
But believe it or not, once a year.
A male and a female porcupine managed to get together.
But The woman is in charge.
She’s like, if I say no, It’s no or out comes the quills.
All third I listen. I read it. I’ve I’m not making this up.
Love can only be known from the actions that it prompts.
God’s love is seen in the gift of his son. Now if I say to you, I love you.
I’m not saying that doesn’t mean anything to you.
But if I say to you, I love you, but I never do anything that shows that then it just becomes a bunch of empty words.
But we could show love and never say it and a person would know that they were lost.
We have to start doing, but whose job is it?
Well, here’s a story I heard years ago about four people named everybody, somebody, anybody, and nobody.
There was an important job to be done, and everybody was sure somebody would do it.
Anybody could have done it, but nobody did it.
Somebody got angry about that because it was everybody’s job and everybody thought anybody could do it, but nobody realized that everybody wouldn’t do it.
In the end, everybody blamed somebody when nobody did what anybody could have done.
How many times do we say they need to do something about that?
Who are they?
Well, they need to do something about that.
It’s nebulous. They they say what colors you can wear together, and they say, and they say we let they run our lives, and we don’t even know who they are.
But just from now on, just you know what?
I’ve just got so much to say.
You know, I was praying one time for god to help somebody.
And he said, will you stop asking me to do things that you could easily do and just don’t want to?
God, they need a new mattress.
They’re sleeping on the floor. Lord, would you provide a mattress? Yes. I certainly will. Through you.
Just get your little she money out of your billfold.
Come on. How many of you have she money? Yes.
So you don’t know what that is. That’s money you hide.
Dave has he money and I have she money.
Well, I used to have she money.
Now I I actually keep money in my wallet all the time tucked in a certain place just to give to people if I run into somebody that needs help.
You gotta do this on purpose. And you gotta be prepared.
My daughter was in the grocery store, and She realized she left her wallet in the car.
And so she said to the checker, oh my gosh, I left my wallet in the car.
I’ll uh, run out and get it be right back. She said, no. No. No. No. No.
I’ll take care of it. She whipped her credit card out of her pocket.
Pays for my daughter’s groceries, and I thought that lady carries that credit card all the time because that’s a great way for her to help people who don’t have enough money to pay for their groceries or who forget their wallet.
She was prepared. And see, that’s why a lot of times we don’t do anything because we’re not prepared.
Well, I’m prepared. I’ve got money hidden for it.
And I set aside a certain amount of money every month over my tithe and my regular giving just to do things for people.
And everybody you do something for doesn’t have to be flat, broken, going down the drain.
Sometimes somebody you would consider rich needs a blessing more than somebody you would consider poor because rich people, everybody’s after them to get something.
Yes. Amen?
I mean, I know wealthy people that can’t even go to church because they said everybody just wants something.
Give me give me give me give me give me give me give me.
I’ll tell you what, I have found a new way of living.
And I’ve been at it now for a few years, and I’m liking it more and more all the time.
Whose job is it? It’s your job. It’s my job.
And nothing in our country is gonna change until we all realize it’s all of our jobs.
Have you been looking for a 365 day devotional?
Well, look no further than the promises for your everyday life devotional from Joyce Meyer.
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The biggest thing that we need to do is learn how to think like god thinks, and the only way you can do that is by knowing the word of god.
In words to live by Joyce Meyer shares how studying the word of god transformed her life.
Experience a deeper and more meaningful relationship with god through the captivating collection of verses in this beautiful hardcover book by Joyce Meyer.
Discover the transformative power of his word, words to live by from Joyce Meyer. Get your YouTube exclusive offer today.
Go to joycemeyer.org/words, and the number 2.
Have you ever been trapped in a never being frenzy where every passing moment feels like a blur, leaving you gasping for a chance to pause and catch your breath.
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This heartcover edition is filled with meaningful scriptures and uplifting quotes from Joyce, providing valuable guidance for living a peaceful lifestyle.
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The mind actually is the battlefield.
That’s where we win or lose the war with Satan. He said all he gets to sail.
Thank you so much. This is the last day’s mine.
You start asking god to heal you, and he will restore.
It’s the god of all comfort, and I am so grateful that I know how to call on god.

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