The Invisible Kingdom | Radio Podcast | Joyce Meyer
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The Invisible Kingdom | Radio Podcast | Joyce Meyer
Join New York Times bestselling author Joyce Meyer as she explores the spiritual realm, encouraging us to look beyond the physical world and recognize God’s unseen work. In this episode, Joyce shares inspiring teachings and personal stories that will help you strengthen your faith and see God’s hand in every aspect of your life.
Joyce Meyer, one of the world’s leading practical Bible teachers and New York Times best-selling author, shares encouragement and advice to help us enjoy our daily lives.
With a heart to share Christ and love people, Joyce’s messages help people in all walks of life to grow in their faith, learn to study the Bible, find healing from the wounds of life, get answers to life’s questions and encounter the love of God in a powerful way.
[Music] welcome to Enjoying Everyday Life with New York Times bestselling author Joyce Meyer on today’s program Joyce will be teaching from her series The Invisible Kingdom instead of looking at the world around us try and think about what’s happening in the spiritual realm it’s time we see into the Unseen God has so many good things going on now here’s Joyce with today’s teaching I was reading the Bible the other day and I came across I started a new Bible I just started in Genesis and I came across
Adam and Eve had two children one named Cain one named Abel Cain rose up and killed Abel and he ran off to a land called nod and married a wife well the the first thought you have was yeah well where didd he get that wife now I’m telling you there’s a world full of people that would get that far and throw it out in the trash because they couldn’t understand mentally where did his wife come from so I did a little bit of research just to look at some commentaries and one guy had a great answer he said there’s nothing that says
how old Cain and Abel was when Cain killed Abel Adam lived over 900 years I mean they could have been 700 years old and this guy did enough math to figure out by then there’s no telling us how many kids Adam and Eve had just cuz God didn’t mention them they had them and they said there could have been 32,000 people on the Earth by then so we don’t need to well I don’t understand that well the Bible just says one thing one place one thing some someplace something else quit thinking about the stuff you don’t
understand and hang on to what you do know and the things you don’t understand just trust God with it you know just I mean I’m not giving up my faith that’s all I’ve got and I’m not giving it up over something that I don’t [Applause] understand I mean you you can get yourself really confused even watching nature shows if you don’t know who you are and I mean I just I’ll just usually say it’s too bad Lord they don’t see what I see cuz I know that I’m not the result of a germ that crawled out of somewhere
and evolved over millions of years and you know I’m sorry but my relative is not an [Applause] ape it’s no wonder people are messed up I mean if you think you were an accident just kind of a big bang and whoops there you are millions of years later then it gives you no value but if you know you’re created by the hand of God and he has a purpose and a plan for you you say well yeah but they can prove Evolution you can’t prove God no evolution is a theory and they call it a [Applause] Theory and I’ll tell you
what I might not be the smartest person in the world but I’d rather be a fool for Christ than a genius for the devil I believe don’t care whether it makes any sense or not I believe I believe I believe I believe I believe if God said it I believe it [Applause] you know even thoughts operate in that spiritual realm the things that you think you can’t see them but they affect your whole life words are spiritual you can hear them but you can’t see them and the words that we speak greatly affect our
life and our future I was saying about that the other day that’s something that I hope I never get tired of doing a teaching every now and then on the power of words because no matter how many times we’ve heard it our mouth is probably still our biggest problem [Applause] amen now unless a man is born again John 3:3 truly I say to you unless one is born again you cannot see the kingdom of God you can’t see it if you’re going to pray for an unbeliever the best way to pray is God Open the Eyes of their
understanding because they’re just deceived they don’t see it they don’t get it because Satan has blinded the eyes of the unbelievers that they may not see the kingdom of God so the only way you can even see the kingdom is to be born again when my brother who was had a lifetime of problems alcohol drugs and just big big big mess he would disappear for years at a time and then when he’d get to his lowest he might call one time we hadn’t seen him in 8 years and he called and asked if he could come home and if we’d
try to help him get straightened out so we sent him a bus ticket picked him up he he just looked terrible he was skinny had teeth missing he was his skin looked bad he just you could tell he just had not been taken care of himself at all and uh at that time we also had a couple that lived with us that helped with our kids when we had to travel and did some homeschooling and different things and so he was around four people at least all the time plus he would be in our meetings and things where he was around this kind of stuff that I’m talking
about and here’s what he said to me one time he said you all are apparently seeing something that I don’t see but I want to see what you see now listen to what he said you all have your own little kingdom don’t you you have your own language your own rules you do different things with your money you know you all just live in your own little world but you know what that’s really true that’s why you know the worship team said something tonight about are they saying something about being here with family
and you know what we we call each other brother and sister and we’re family you don’t feel uncomfortable sitting next to the person you’re sitting next to tonight I’m me I mean good gracious we may have a Baptist sitting next to a wild Pentecostal and yet [Applause] you let’s find what we can agree on and not the little things we can’t agree on then now this is very interesting John 33 said you cannot see the kingdom if you’re not born again but John 3:5 says unless one is born of water and the
spirit he cannot enter the Kingdom so that used to be one of those kind of perplexing things to me and I sought some understanding on it and you know there’s salvation there’s water baptism and there’s being filled with the Holy Spirit now sometimes people are filled with the spirit of the baptism sometimes when they’re born again but for many people it’s a separate I don’t like to use the word experience but I’ll use it just for the sake of this and I don’t like to use because I don’t want people to think
they have to have some kind of a big experience with God some people get that some people don’t but to be honest I don’t think God can come into your life and you not know it so I guess we could call it an experience and I was born again for a lot of years went to church all the time did Church work believed in Jesus I know I would have gone to heaven if I would have died and the world is full of people like that but I did not have one ounce of victory in my life nor did I behave like a Believer except maybe in church when somebody was
watching hello you know when we get to church we all pull out our church face and put it on well praise the Lord glory to God of course I’d been I’d been baptized but in 1976 God touched me with his power there was a great outpouring of the Holy Spirit back then thankfully you don’t have to wait for an outpouring to be touched by God but sometimes if you happen to be in the middle of one of those it does seem to be a little bit easier and it was something happening all over the world but I want to
encourage those of you that are born again pray daily to to be filled completely full with the Holy Spirit you know why because the holy spirit is the power of God and we need the power of God in our life to be able to live out these principles that God is asking us to live so you can see the kingdom when you’re born again but if you want to actually get in it and live in the benefits of it and the enjoyment of it and see the changes in your life that you need then you need to be baptized and you need to be full of the
holy spirit so what’s the deal about baptism well you know to be honest if somebody’s born again and they don’t get a chance to get baptized before they die I don’t think that’s going to send them to hell but here’s when you’re baptized all it is it’s an outward symbolism of an inward decision that you have made to bury the old man to bury that old way of living and to be resurrected in Christ to a brand new life so really what you’re saying when you’re baptized you’re not just getting
wet what you’re saying when you’re baptized is I’m turning away from an old life of sin everything in my life is going to change I’m going to live for God as a new creation Now [Applause] actually to repent means to do this it means to turn around and go in a whole different direction it just it doesn’t just mean oh I’m sorry for my sins and I hope God will give me mercy and I won’t get in trouble repent we have to repent and repent means that we don’t want to do that anymore now we may do it again but
God sees you want to and if you don’t want to and you’re working with him on it eventually you will be free from it come on all things are possible with God he can deliver you from any kind of addiction he can deliver you from any kind of mental disorder or mood disorder yes he can deliver you from any kind of sad abusive unjust past yeah he restores us he redeems us he renews [Applause] us and I encourage you to go to as many things like this as you can be in a good church not just a church but be in a
good church where where you’re learning something don’t go somewhere every week where you’re not learning anything and you and you get you go there late and you can’t wait to get over be somewhere where they make you squirm in your seat once in a while make you want to come up higher and be a better person and challenge you and want to know where you’re at if you’re not there amen so the biggest biggest biggest biggest problem that we have as Christians and the biggest problem that the world has with
Christians is those who talk the talk and don’t walk the [Applause] walk and that’s because of not having made that decision that you’re walking away from that Old life you cannot just take Jesus tack him onto your old life and expect him to go along and fix all your problems while you still live the same way that you lived before no matter what we see or don’t see we can trust God is working in our lives today’s resource offering will let us truly know he is always right there with us request your copies of Joyce’s
books learning to hear God’s voice and how to talk with God now these are available now for a gift of $25 or more visit Joyce or call toll-free at 1800 [Music] 78989 your gift today and your partnership with Joyce Meyer Ministries allows us to share the love of Christ around the world thank you for listening to Enjoying Everyday Life have a blessed day