Thankful Saturday Blessings August 24, 2024

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Thankful Saturday Blessings

Dear God, thank You for your endless love and grace. It’s a miracle to see another day. It’s a miracle to open my eyes. It’s a miracle to be in my right mind. It’s a miracle to be here. Every day is a miracle that You graciously give me. Thank You that You are my source. You are constantly working, constantly showing me Your goodness with every good gift that comes into my life. I will live today and each day with an attitude of gratitude. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

This is the day the Lord has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it. -Psalm 118:24

Prayer of the Day: 

Father, I am thankful for the truth of Your Word. When I feel a prompting in my spirit, I am grateful that I can make sure it lines up with Scripture. Today, I will listen for Your voice and live in accordance with what You tell me and what You have written in Your Word.

Thankful Saturday Blessings August 24, 2024
Thankful Saturday Blessings August 24, 2024

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

How great You are, Lord! Every moment, You send me signs of Your love and protection. This morning, I praise You for blessing me with the beauty of a new dawn. In the colors of the rising sky, I see Your perfection and majesty—such a masterpiece could only be created by the supreme Artist.

I want to continue my day with full confidence that You walk beside me, filling me with Your strength. You grant me the courage to fight against anything that pulls me away from Your presence. Lord, I want to greet You this morning. I know You are here with me, never leaving me alone. I feel the companionship that my life needs to be truly happy. Thank You for allowing me to hear Your voice in the midst of my life—a voice that is light, strength, and certainty. I place my life in Your hands. I don’t know what the day holds, but I trust that You will stay by my side and accompany me with every step I take.

Blessed God, You never abandon me. With You, life is faced with greater confidence, which is why I never want to be apart from You. Guide me throughout the day You have given me. Go before me—I dare not take a single step without You. I feel protected under Your mighty, healing arm that gives me strength and wisdom. Breathe Your Spirit upon me, fill me with the transformative power of Your love so I may share my faith with others and bear witness to the love You have for us.

Thankful Saturday Blessings August 24, 2024
Thankful Saturday Blessings August 24, 2024

Help me to always understand that love is greater than anything and that what unites us is far more significant than what divides us. Heal my heart with Your mercy, for I acknowledge that there have been times when I’ve strayed from Your love. Give me the strength to overcome, and grant me the grace to distance myself from anything that takes me away from the happiness You offer. Protect my life and help me to discern Your will, so I may follow it with dedication and effort as I face the challenges of this new day. Today, I am ready for Your Word to be fulfilled in me, guiding every decision I must make.

Thank You for moments of joy and even for moments of trial, for both draw me closer to You and strengthen my faith. I trust completely in Your divine providence and know that everything that happens in my life has a purpose, planned by You with love. May this day, Lord, be filled with peace, love, and blessings. May Your presence accompany me and guide me in every step I take, in every word I speak, and in every decision I make.

My God, I offer You my day, hoping that every action I take will be pleasing to You and in line with Your will. Amen.

I commit to performing a small ecological action today, like recycling or planting a tree, to care for this world—Your creation.

“In bed, I remember You; I think of You through the watches of the night. Because You are my help, I sing in the shadow of Your wings.” (Psalm 63:6-7)

May the Lord bless us this day. In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


  1. I love your prayers shared every morning and evening. I change around a very little to make mine but your words are more beautiful than what I would pray. Thank you for sharing these prayers every morning and evening.

    Just one question: are you based in the Christian group of religions? Your prayers seem so. Just want to make sure because sometimes I see a website with daily prayers and as I get further into it I find out it is Catholic. But your prayers only point to the fully Christian group.

    Again thanks for sharing them. I look for them every morning and every evening.

  2. Well, granted part of mine and we still have to wait but, I know it is in his time not ours. Dealing with a mother that is not a mother at all. She dilhleted the formula , shock Elliot saying he will cause her to relapse. Me and my son took care of them all the time. She ignored them but, wants them so, she can used them against us. Hoping they will keep them out of their lives.

  3. Thank so much for the daily prayers may the good Lord bless you i.i pray sound mind,power joy especially when I speak English I forget words or whatever I want to say something I can’t I forget Lord Jesus have mercy on me and my family in Christ name amen and amen 🙏

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