Living in the Rhythms of Grace – Sunday Service

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Living in the Rhythms of Grace – Sunday Service

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that we were able to amplify our results like big time so I want you to know that when the the disaster took place here in Georgia and and in Florida and South Carolina even what’s happening right now we are doing our part with our partner Samaritans purse to make sure they have a quick response they have the equipment to get it there but I want you to know that praise God we might be paying for the fuel we’ll be buying the water we’ll be purchasing the stuff and they’ll be sending it out and get there so thank
you guys so very very very much it’s offering times ladies and gentlemen to learn to give generously amen if you need an offering envelope raise your hands and uh the users will help you out and and it’s so so very important I I I saw this scripture in Proverbs 11:25 in the NIV this morning it says a generous person will prosper whoever refreshes others will be refreshed isin’t that good but I want to show you something in Galatians chapter 6 and 7 Galatians 6 and 7 I’m going to read out of the mirror the mirror translation
Galatians 67 and I’m going to read 79 and 10 out of the out of the the uh mirror translation uh he says show business does not deceive God and what he’s talking about is people that kind of show out in church what they do he says show business does not deceive God do not be led astray and then pull your nose up at God as if it was God who let you down so you were looking for a harvest you were looking for something to come to pass and don’t don’t be looking at God as if it was God that let you down
he said the Harvest always reveals the seed did you get that the Harvest will reveal the seed he says so zero AR Harvest will reveal there was Zero seed he says he says all right so you don’t want to talk from the perpect from the perspective of sewing seeds all right let’s look at your Harvest your Harvest reveals the seed and that struck me and I said praise God all I need to do is look look at my Harvest it’ll tell me everything I need to know about my seed then he goes down to verse um nine he says every good deed has a
predictable Harvest every see this is this is this is showing me uh seed time and harvest time and and and a lot of people want to ignore the seed time because anytime you mention money you think somebody taking it from you because you don’t trust their God can care for you so you go through these little worldly things you hear on YouTube and stuff about your money your money your money and so you just decide well I ain’t going to give nothing to nobody and I’m going to be safe no you’re not your Harvest is going
to reveal your seed and so it says every good Good Deed has a predictable Harvest let’s not get discouraged in the in between times how many you know there’s an in between time a far farmer calls it stalk time there’s an in between time and he says don’t get discouraged in the in between time because I’m telling you exactly when you need it how you need it where you need it God will take care of you and your Harvest will once again reveal your seed amen so this is this is important and we’re living Liv in a
world today that they just don’t believe nothing they don’t believe God the Bible don’t believe nothing but I’m telling you if you’re going to going to get prepared to live in these last days the Bible makes it clear he says let us take advantage of every opportunity to be a blessing taking advantage take advantage of every opportunity to be a blessing when I’m at a restaurant or we’re flying out of town somewhere and I bump into somebody that’s served me in some capacity that’s an opportunity for me to
be a blessing and I want to experience a wow moment praise God and sometimes you know some I I we went to some restaurant half out the other day and uh the guy he just did an ex just an extraordinary job of of of serving plus he bought me he bought me two um uh Apple um um yeah he was it was he was indeed a blessing so I gave him a $200 tip wait a minute he couldn’t say nothing I thought I wanted the wow moment but when you give somebody a tip and they just look at you and they walk away I said you got it
then your God he’s said yeah we got it amen you know the next thing going say where your church at every opportunity to be a blessing amen come on let’s go ahead and sew into the things of god father we thank you for the opportunity to to give an opportunity to be a blessing an opportunity to make sure that our generous giving translates into being a blessing in somebody else’s life we thank and we praise you for it right now that we give out of a cheerful heart we give out of a Heart of Thanksgiving and
we give cuz we want to in Jesus name we pray amen us just go ahead and receive the offering this morning those of you who are at home eating the word of God Amen begin to give into that word that you’re eating praise God begin to sew into the word that you’re you’re eating there’s a principle that God wants us to begin to walk in and to understand and when we understand that we’re going to see some things take place in the natural and I thank God for it amen praise God well you’re ready to eat
this morning you don’t sound like it one bit well you’re ready to eat this morning yeah you see expectation is the breeding ground for miracles and if you showed up with no expectation you know you got you got to have some expect you got to expect something amen and I’m tell I’m expecting something I I hadn’t taught this before I’m excited because normally when I teach something comes up that I didn’t study and so I’m glad I finally made it to the to what you call this the holy book board where it ain’t no book
because stuff kept flowing out of me so I want you to go with me to the Book of Matthew 11 and verse 28 and 29 in the message translation and I want to this this this first lesson in this series today is going to be a lot of teaching and Foundation because this this is literally going to blow your mind it’s like I promise you on the inside when it clicks you’ll say yeah but it’s just something that we’ve been doing for so long out of based in religion just nobody ever just you know we just hadn’t thought about
it all right verse 28 he says are you tired somebody says sure yeah no he’s talking about playing church and religion are you tired worn out burned out on religion he said come to me get away with me you’ll recover your life I’ll show you how to take a real rest how many you ready to take a real rest he said walk with me and work with me watch How I do it learn The unforced rhythms of Grace I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you now remember that he says I’m not going to lay anything heavy
and ill fitting on you if you’re going to learn The rhythms of Grace I won’t be laying anything heavy and still fitting on you and all my life as a Christian in religion it’s all been heavy he said keep company with me and you will learn to live freely and lightly so I want to start this next series and I call it living in The rhythms of Grace how does that work living in The rhythms of Grace now uh I feel led to share this scripture before I’m going to tie what we’ve been talking about into where
we’re going go to Galatians Chapter 2 and verse 20 in the King James Galatians 2 and verse 20 in the King King James now this is all about us standing on the bus this morning and really getting a hold of what I’m saying all right Galatians chapter 2 verse 20 I am crucified with Christ nevertheless I live yet not I but Christ liveth where Christ lives where and the life which I now live in the flesh so right now we are living life in this physical body the life that I now live in the flesh how do I live it
I live that life by the faith of the Son of God all right so I’m living my life right now as a born again Christian in the flesh I’m living my life right now by the faith of the Son of God whose faith is it whose faith is it Son of God so he says I’m living my life by the faith of the Son of God I’m not living my life by my own constructed faith I’m living my life by the faith of the Son of God now you have to understand that you know Jesus said this Jesus said if you’ve seen me you’ve seen the father so Jesus
is a reflection of the father we would know nothing of about the father had Jesus not come Jesus is a reflection a perfect reflection of the father if you’ve seen Jesus you’ve seen the father so you have to understand that the faith of the Son of God is just a reflection of the faith of God Almighty Everybody follow me now so so the faith of God was wrapped up in flesh called Jesus all right so the faith of Jesus Christ is God’s faith wrapped up in flesh MH and God’s faith is is is is Faith where everything is perfect
complete and done God called the end at the beginning so everything about our lives as Christians has already been finished it’s already been done faith has come Faith lived on the earth people saw Faith experienced Faith this calls his name Jesus then Jesus got on the cross and here’s what Jesus or faith said on the cross it is finished and that’s what faith is saying today it is finished and so God’s faith is finished Faith God’s faith is completed faith God faith is done faith and can’t be undone
so Jesus comes to the Earth in flesh in an earth suit with God’s faith where everything is finished it is done that’s why he could do everything he did and went it went through everything he went through because it was finished he could go to a hell and not be afraid because his resurrection was already finished glory be to God and then God declares in Romans 12 that I am going to give you the measure the measure means not you get a measure and you get another measure and you get another measure or he would have said I give you
a measure and then you got degrees of measure he says the faith that I have I now put in Jesus and the faith that we have you now have that Faith because you live by the faith Faith that’s in Jesus which is the faith of God finished completed and done so everything about God concerning you is finished completed and done if you look at Jesus how he talked when he was on the earth he talked in in in the tenses of finished completed and done he told people that one day I’m going I’m going die I’m going to spend three days
and you going to raise it up again he he he’s he talked like that and now we are now forgetting about the faith of Jesus the reflection of God and we are going around talking about I got my faith and with my faith I’m going try to get healed and with my faith I’m going to try to get delivered why are you trying to use your faith to perfect something that’s already been perfected yes sir you’re using your faith and I don’t know we get the term if your faith is not his faith where you get that Faith
from your faith should be his faith see I’m going to tell you what your faith is your faith is based on Works your faith says I got to add work to my faith in order for my faith to work see all of our life we’ve been living like this I got to add Works to my faith in order for my faith to work and and I said where you get that from well James says that faith without works is dead and so now you still adding Works to your faith to try to get your faith to work but James was not saying that you have to add Works to your faith
to get get your faith to work James was saying if you really got his faith then from your faith works are going to come from your faith we’ll see fruit from your faith we’ll see proof and evidence he wasn’t talking about adding Works to Faith so Faith could work God’s faith already Works in fact God’s faith has already worked [Applause] Ed it is the invitation to live in the realm of the finished to put all that together he says now that you realize who you are and you’ve accepted me and you’re born
again now live in the realm of the finished the completed the done and so whatever needs you see in your life call it finished completed and done doctor say you sick what do you say my he is finished it’s done you say well financially I don’t have the money to meet this particular thing so you so you don’t live in that realm about what you don’t have and what you do have you see what you need and you call it finished cuz you live in the realm of the finished you need to try this folks see what you’re doing is you’re still
trying to get something to happen cuz you hadn’t realized excuse me English it done happen stop it when you if you have a battle today the victory is finished the victory that you need for that battle is completed finished done can’t be undone but you keep trying to come up with a religious five steps well first of all you need to pray for 4 hours and then secondly you might need to add a little fasting with that and then thirdly you need to say these three pages of confessions and then after you say them pages of confession you need to
go love somebody that don’t love you well I can’t find them I don’t know who they are there are lots of people and it just adds burdens upon burdens upon burdens and it makes it hard and it makes it just tough and eventually you get so confused you quit now if you confused with what I’m saying today you’re confused from the Simplicity you’re confused cuz I won’t make this difficult I won’t give you a list of things you got to do to make it happen only thing I’m saying to you is
whatever you need it’s John live and you like I’m confused what you confused for well the doctor said I’m sick well God says your your healing is is is done it’s finished it’s completed I don’t understand no it ain’t that you don’t understand you a you you don’t receive it because you won’t realize that it is done in that realm and as soon as Faith reaches out for what’s finished Grace will supply more of what is needed it’s a [Applause] rhythm everybody say on the now if
you’re if this is your first time here I understand you’re looking like what in the world did he just say I am saying the day you realize and believe that Jesus is Lord and you accept him into your life he’s already completed everything you’ll ever need in this life amen he just needs you to realize it agree with it and live according to what’s done and not to live trying to get it done cuz what I just said is real Faith the other stuff we’ve been doing I’m going to use my faith to try to get this
done is against what this whole thing is about it’s finished it’s it’s done most of the things I’m going sh say to you today is going to have to do with your thinking and your thought cuz I’m getting ready to show you something that’s just mindboggling you just I’m getting ready to absolutely destroy religion in your life wait wait let wait let me Define religion or return to bondage in the Latin religion is is Performance Based religion is all about what you got to do to see if you can get God to do
something religion is I got to be good in order to get God to do something good that’s not according to the New Covenant that was according to the law and according to the law nobody was ever good enough yeah so this is going to be interesting I’m I I I am teaching this today it is going to be something that’s going to challenge you and and I will start off with this statement that I told Taffy this morning that woke me up and blew my mind Heaven is not our goal it’s our starting point God somebody now I’m that’s what that’s what
I’m going to be explaining to you Heaven used to be my goal until I found out that I’m already there yeah I sit with him in he what you say Rick I am seated with him in Heavenly places yes sir so what you realize that you’re seated with him that ain’t my goal that’s been accomplished I Am SE Oh see now some of y’all like I ain’t sitting in heaven I’m sitting in church now you don’t understand to you this is what faith is all about faith is receiving what God has already done and
finished and your goal and the goal of most Christians the goal is to get to heaven and I telling you I am already seated in Heavenly places Heaven is not my goal Heaven is my starting [Applause] point so what we’re getting ready to talk about today we’re talking about it from the starting point of where I sit cuz if you don’t talk about it from the starting point of where you sit then you you can just forget about it ever being done I’m going to show you these things God’s asking us to do and I’m
going to become an enemy to it at first because he’s telling us to you know to to to to give our bodies as a Living Sacrifice holy and acceptable unto God which is reason Ser which is completely denying everything and and giving it to him and I don’t see how that’s reasonable to me how can you make that appeal how can you ask me to do that y’all ready so before we get to that I’m going way ahead of myself go to Romans chapter 2 verse 3-4 Romans Chapter 2 3-4 and then I’m going to read Romans 2 1-4 in the mirror
this is all Foundation I got to get your mind free from religion so you can hear how it is how it really is since I have been living in the realm of the finish so much has changed I mean so much has changed so much is including the increase of the glory including the increase of manifestations very interesting verse three he says and thinkest thou this oh man that thou judges them which do such things and and does the same that thou shalt escape the Judgment of God or despises thou The Riches of his goodness The Riches of his what the
riches of his goodness and forbearance and longsuffering not knowing that the goodness of God leadeth thee to rep repentance the goodness of God leadth thee to repentance now the word repent means it is the change of mind to change the mind it literally means to change the mind the other scripture says repent for the kingdom of God is at hand in other words change your mind from your way you thought about one thing to way you think about basically in that verse of scripture it is literally talking about changing your mind from the law to the
gospel of grace because that Kingdom it was talking about was the kingdom of of this Grace but he says something here he says God’s going to use his goodness to lead people to change their mind and that ain’t what I was told I was told if you don’t change your mind and and act right and do right God going to get you he going to put a put something on you he going to take something from you he going to hurt you he ain’t going to bless you and what we created is a fear-based religion just back up a little bit just
back up a little bit you ain’t got to go go back go back 10 20 years ago it was all based in fear you know God don’t like hugly H if you don’t give you going to be cursed if you get a divorce then the blessings are going to weaken in your life and it was it was and if you don’t come to church then don’t expect for favor to be in there that’s the reason why you get that job cuz you don’t come to church if you come church a little bit more then maybe God be able to do something for you and you’re coming to
church out of fear you’re giving out of fear and dog praying now if you don’t pray like this then he not going to hear your prayer well dang I’m just trying to talk to him I ain’t never met him before you ain’t met Jesus yet well you know what I’m saying I’m talking to somebody I can’t see I can’t hear and and then you telling me I need to talk to him like this how come I just can’t talk to him and he can teach me how to it’s all fear-based it’s fear-based we have been
living in a fear-based religion yes sir and everything about what we do and every religion is fear-based look at all the religions of the world they all come with an attachment of fear yeah and he go so far saying you know if you don’t if you don’t shout in church then you ain’t got no Spirit I’d rather you’re not I’d rather you sit down shut up and listen to what I got to say but they tell you now if you ain’t if you ain’t shouting you ain’t full of the spirit it’s all fear and we bought it
we bought every bit of it women ought not wear pants well buddy you get up in a dress and try to do all the things you got to do [Music] then women ain’t supposed to be on the pool pit and then you and this is so insulting I I God forgive us you got to stay on the floor you can’t come up to the pool pit you got to stem that pull pit that’s for the holy men of God stand up here on the floor women couldn’t do nothing they couldn’t wear no dress they couldn’t put on too much makeup if you put on too much
makeup you’re a jezebel uh you can’t get on the pool pit you got to preach from the floor now it’s all right for you to sing in the pool pit but now you know it it just contradicted because it’s Tom Foolery it’s a bunch of Croc God’s not going to change somebody’s mind with that he says I’m going to change your mind with my goodness he said he says I’m going to be so good so good so overwhelmingly loving so overwhelmingly good I’m going to bless you when you don’t even deserve it when
you think you’re least deserving that’s when my Mercy going to show up and blow your mind because you know you don’t you know you deserve hell you know you deserve to die you know you deserve to get caught you know you deserve to have the disease you know you deserve it all but I ain’t going to let that happen and when that goodness shows up you going to say my God I got to change my mind about [Applause] [Music] God you know Bishop a that’s all we know man that’s all we knew but we promised to
never stop growing just keep going just keep going just keep and we were never afraid to get up to say nobody what I said last week we we might need to look at that a little harder until the day to right now I need you to know all your Pastors in this church we’re all digging digging and digging and digging and digging and digging and just continue to do it I mean what I’m talking to you about now in Romans Ken bought it up in the middle of a set what we lifting weights and he bought it up and I’m like oh God that’s
it God ain’t trying to change your mind about him by being bad to you mean to you pressuring you he wants you to want him cuz you want him and he says here’s what I’m going to use to change mankind goodness and you know what you know what the church has done the church has become God’s opponent and said no he not going to use goodness he going to use bad here Wicked there uh curse here you know God will still curse you and I’m like how did we buy that I’m trying to I asked myself how did I buy I didn’t know no more
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