The War Against the Soul Pt 3 – Sunday Service

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If you need an offering envelope, simply raise your hand, and one of our ushers will bring it to you. Today, I want to emphasize the incredible value of maintaining a generous heart. In the Book of Mark 12:41-44 (NLT), we see a profound teaching on giving that challenges conventional thinking about generosity in the church.

Many people struggle with the idea of giving at church, often misinterpreting the Bible’s teaching about the “love of money.” The love of money isn’t about having money—it’s about trusting money more than trusting God. When we prioritize money over God, we risk turning it into an idol.

Let’s look at what Jesus teaches us. In Mark 12, Jesus does something noteworthy: He sits near the collection box in the temple and observes the crowd as they give. Imagine the reaction today if a preacher sat near the offering basket! Yet, Jesus was intentional about this moment.

The Bible says many rich people gave large amounts. Then, a poor widow approached and dropped in two small coins. At first glance, her offering seems insignificant compared to the wealthy donors. However, Jesus called His disciples and said, “This poor widow has given more than all the others who are making contributions.”

How could this be? The wealthy gave large amounts, but Jesus explained that they gave only a small portion of their surplus. Meanwhile, the widow, despite her poverty, gave everything she had to live on. Jesus highlighted the principle of proportional giving—giving in accordance with how you’ve been blessed.

For example, a billionaire might give a million dollars, which appears generous. But proportionally, it’s a small fraction of their wealth. On the other hand, the widow gave sacrificially, out of her very livelihood, demonstrating a heart fully devoted to God.

The Heart of Giving

Everything we have comes from God. As 1 Chronicles 29:14 says, “All things come from You, Lord, and we have given You only what comes from Your hand.” When we give, we’re simply returning to God what is already His. Our giving reflects the state of our heart—whether it’s filled with gratitude and trust or overshadowed by fear and selfishness.

This teaching isn’t about pressuring anyone into giving. It’s about understanding that the measure of our generosity isn’t determined by the amount we give but by what we have left after giving.

Jesus used this moment at the collection box to reveal a powerful truth: genuine generosity stems from faith and selflessness.

A Call to Reflect

As you consider your own giving, ask yourself:

  • Am I giving proportionally to how God has blessed me?
  • Am I trusting God with my finances, or am I holding back out of fear?
  • Is my giving an act of worship, reflecting a grateful heart?

The Bible assures us that our harvest will always reflect the seeds we sow. Examine your heart and watch how God moves in your life.

Looking Ahead

As we enter 2025 and beyond, I envision creating opportunities to dive deeper into teachings like this through small, intimate seminars. These gatherings will be for those hungry for spiritual growth and eager to apply God’s Word to their lives. The goal isn’t to impress others with knowledge but to live out the principles of Scripture, becoming a testimony of faith that inspires others.

God calls us to be the change we want to see in the world. By living out His Word daily, we can reflect His love and transform the lives of those around us. Let us embrace the spirit of generosity and live out our faith in every area of life.

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