How Not to Survive 2024 (Colossians 1:9-14)

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How Not to Survive 2024 (Colossians 1:9-14)

Join us for our New Year’s Eve Service with a recap of what God has done through CCCH, followed by a survival guide to 2024.

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this church is is active this church is informed and this church is equipped and so uh often times uh we are so focused on the battle like we have been all year long that um we mobilize you and equip you and educate you so that you can fight the fight of righteousness because that’s what we’re supposed to do and um what was awesome in our staff meeting uh a couple of weeks ago was the fact that uh we were just going around the room and and leaders were were sharing about what had been going on in their.
Ministries and it dawned on us that you guys need to hear a sliver of this because you don’t hear about it enough and then I’m going to end uh this portion or the portion I’m speaking about I’m going to end it later with a message uh to just kind of put a Capstone on it for the year end and for the year that’s ahead of us but um there’s so much that happens and so much that’s good that we can lose sight of that because you know we’re fighting the fight right so everything seems to be uh.
terrible well it’s not terrible there’s a lot more good than the bad that you hear about uh I just don’t talk about it much because I believe Jesus said it right that um the right hand shouldn’t know what the left hand is doing and the scripture says let another man’s lips praise you so I take that collectively but it it is a good thing for you especially if you’ve been involved in this church that you should know what’s going on and these are some Ministries that we’re going to hear from.
that are um really not on the radar and by the way this is about 1if of them uh many of you don’t realize some of the things that are taking place uh you have no idea what you’re doing for those that are uh financially hurting and have no place to live uh what you do regarding that and just so many other things in in so many other countries but as well and I’m talking about also here locally but let’s just do this we’re going to ask I’m going to ask you to put your eyes to the screens and you’re.
going to hear first of all uh about Agape stitches and you say what is that this is a gathering of people who have brought conversation and talent together and I think it originally started years ago as as just a a group of people getting together to talk and boy have they been a blessing put your eyes to the screen and check this out Agape Stitch’s goal is to send out our handmade items to the missionaries that are all over the world we are able to allow them to minister to the people that are in need and we attach like.
these cute little red hearts on each item as well as a sewn tag that has the heart and the cross on it we send out the gospel in John 3:16-17 we have been so blessed this year to see how God is moving in Agape stitches he has provided countless talented and gifted people and we have been so blessed with the fabric and yarn donations that we get I am above and beyond how he works and how he guides and provides each thing that needs to go out and how it goes out he is I I can’t even with him we are so excited that we have people that watch.
Pastor Jack online that just want to be a part of Agape stitches they want to be a part of the church and they will ship us items we’ve had handmade things this year sent from Hawaii from Florida from Idaho he’s just so wonderful this year we have been able to help our school in Molly Africa with 12 giant packed like trash bag size bags that we pack back full we had so many items going they were able to help the school there as well as the local Village and then we have 40 bags that we’ve given to our.
pro-life pregnancy centers um they’re able to help the moms um in need there and we’ve also helped the homeless with over 40 bags packed full of hats and scarves of ponchos um wrapped in Love Takes a lot of those out it has been amazing to see all the Ministries we’ve helped locally here at this church locally in our area as well is abroad Agape stitches does so much and we’re so excited to be a part of Calvary Chapel Chino Hills and what he what God’s doing here in and through Agape stitches it’s.
amazing that’s beautiful isn’t that amazing and so the next Ministry some of you know about this it’s relatively new but um leave it up to you guys it’s a it’s a relatively new ministry here it’s a nationally known Ministry uh where we have joined in with the great work of uh Trail life in American Heritage Girls which is a Christian response to the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts departure from Orthodoxy from their history um and so what happened was is uh the trail Life Ministry was launched.
U I don’t know how many years ago uh but it was just recently uh picked up here and our first day uh our Trail life American Heritage uh te what do you call itap chapter thank you uh became the the largest one in the United States with the First with the first go at it so uh listen to Dr Austin he’ll he’ll define more so we have a few incredible Ministries at the church that not too many people know about it because because we don’t promote it uh and there’s a reason why because already in.
the last 2 years we’ve started American Heritage Girls and Tra life we have grown tremendously so what is Trail life and American Heritage Girls well let’s start with Trail life Trail life is sort of like Boy Scouts but it actually has boys American Heritage Girls is sort of like Girl Scouts but it’s focused exclusively on building biblical Christian character in our ladies this year we have 143 girls in American Heritage Girls with uh over 50 adult volunteers and for trail life we have 120 boys uh with over 40.
volunteers uh and things are happening we see kids uh learning new skills every week we’ve done first aid where theyve bandage bandaged each other up where they’re carrying each other in stretchers and having competitions to see who can do it the quickest and safest we just finished having an archery day where a lot of our dads got involved and they taught our young ladies how to shoot arrows and to do it accurately we’ve done hikes and backpacking trips and we’ve done camping trips it’s incredible things are.
happening with with Trail life and American Heritage Girls the objective for trail life and American Heritage Girls is not just to build character in our kids it’s also to develop intentional families and it blesses me so much to see moms learning with their daughters and dads learning with their sons all of these new skills um that that they can apply to every Every Day Life it has been such a blessing to see and experience all of this learning take place and I can’t wait to see God continue to move in our family.
Ministries oh boy you guys he was he was being um he was holding it back they’re doing so much more and so also this we are so thankful that for really 33 I I could probably push that back to the point when we first at got out of the home uh looking for uh a place to meet as a church in a warehouse the city of Chino we were Calvary Chapel Chino Hills that’s our legal name and we started in Chino Hills uh but Chino Hills uh didn’t have any facilities they at that time they had no infrastructure to be able to.
take care of of a growing congregation at that time and so uh we moved into a a warehouse down the street from here and I got got to tell you something where does this happen where the city fathers uh and can I say the city mom the mayor uh did everything possible to make sure that we got into the building did everything possible to make sure that we got our conditional use permit asking us how can we help you that doesn’t happen anymore people in the world that we’re in but the city of Chino has been remarkable and by the way we have.
enjoyed as a community as a people incredible uh benefits from the politics of of this of this city and we’re still led by an amazing tremendous mayor mayor Unice Yola is incredible and we love She’s she attends this church she’s been a fixed and a point of prosperity and wisdom for this community but uh we’re heavily involved in all kinds of ways and Pastor George will tell you one more way I don’t know if a lot of people are aware but we’re intimately involved with the city of Chino we’re in constant.
communication with the mayor the city manager the chief of police and the complete staff some of the things we do as we’re available for Crisis Intervention when any ever anything happen happens they contact us and we’re able to go out there and talk to them we’re in constant meetings with them about how we can help in the local situations and things that are happening also in the city of Chino also the body here did an Outreach to the local Ministry of the Chino Neighborhood House we filled their shelves with food we you.
provided 10 truckloads of food for the city to be able to give out and distribute to people in the city you always go above and beyond the call and ministering to people God Bless you that’s great that’s great you guys also uh the fact that um there are times when uh law enforcement will use our facilities uh for their their uh planning and for their preparation before they go out and do what they need to do so we just stand open and available to them as well uh the next thing is high school Ministry.
and we’re going to see a lot of tremendous things this year uh to come 2024 with our high school Ministry uh but the youth ministry is period but uh particularly from uh our high school Ministry so give a listen hey everyone just wanted to make you aware of what’s been going on in the high school Ministry recently and you might say wait High School Ministry isn’t that gen Z is there any hope for Gen Z and I’d say yes there is absolutely hope what’s awesome is the students come to church they come every.
week with their Bible and with their note book ready to learn and it’s not just head knowledge that they want it’s also coming down into their hearts and eventually to their feet and right out the door they want to go walk worthy of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and one of the most encouraging things from this past year were our two camps we had our summer camp and winter camp and during these two camps we were able to take over 400 students to Camp which is awesome but what’s even cooler is that at these camps at summer camp.
specifically we had over 20 students get baptized many of them making a first time decision for Jesus and having seen them come home on fire for the gospel still walking with the lord it’s super encouraging for me and also awesome for you guys to know and the last highlight that I want to share with you guys is Arma disciplina now Arma disciplina is our senior equipping course it’s almost like a boot camp for our seniors uh before we send them out into the world before they go to college or go out and.
get a job in the world we want to make sure they’re fit and ready the main thing is that they know why they believe what they believe so that they’re not going to go out there and hear these uh different opinions or oppositions and not know what to say now during our Arma disciplin course we had 22 students graduate which is awesome but the more significant portion were the classroom discussions where these students had to verbalize with their own words what it was that they believed and give a reason.
for why and those classroom discussions and just the general excitement around Arma disciplina gives me a tremendous amount of Hope for the future and for the high school Ministry in this gener generation as we see them grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ a awesome is that great Junior High Ministry um wow right how many of you have Junior highers raise your hand and Junior higher parents in here next service put your eyes to the screen and hear from Pastor Joel God has been doing some awesome things in the junior high Ministry and.
uh we believe part of that is because we teach the word of God uh students have been hungry bringing their Bibles and notebooks Sunday and Wednesdays as they seek after God through this year of 2023 we’ve gone through uh the book of First Peter uh first John we’ve done a small group uh Series in the book of Acts we’ve done a small group series on Wednesdays uh through the I am statements of Jesus we’ve taught through Hebrews chap 11 the Hall of faith and it’s just been such a blessing to see.
students uh not only take that in but then seek to apply that to their lives uh we’ve seen so much growth through our uh camps that we do on a yearly basis uh we’ve done a winter and summer camp where we saw over 300 students uh join us and Camp is just an amazing time uh away from the normaly of life where God just changes lives as students baptized and I can just go on and on and one of the coolest things have been uh the creation of something we call our student serve team these are students who have signed up uh in rather a formal.
fashion uh to serve their fellow students within the ministry whether it’s things like greeting on Sundays or serving up snacks in the snack bar and to see our students put feet to their faith is just the best thing ever and so we’re just so excited for what God’s doing and so looking forward to 2024 yes it’s it’s so great you guys our Junior High and high schoolers your Junior High and high schoolers are probably more biblically anchored than many adults in churches um and part of that reason is.
what you just saw a moment ago uh listen when when when a man at his age Pastor Ron Rose should could have should have retired uh he he couldn’t he wouldn’t because I’ve known this guy for decades and there’s more vitality and vision in in this man’s life uh he’s like Caleb uh and and his in his last days he’s doing more than he did 30 years ago and he’s absolutely an amazing amazing man him and cola both but Pastor Ron oversees our love Life Ministry and we could not have anyone better in the.
nation and this is another thing love life life love life is out out of uh North Carolina and uh it’s a national Ministry and as soon as uh Pastor Ron threw the switch to do it here uh we wound up becoming the the largest national chapter and it is so effective so put your eyes to the screen for love life and Pastor Ron 2023 has been an amazing year in love life God has done a miracle in Saving so many lives and and and babies and and also people making a profession of Faith last year we had three week 40.
perw walks this year we had nine we had three in Northern California and six here locally God is expanding the ministry and and he is is so faithful we’ve had o over 200 professions of Faith people committed their lives to Jesus Christ here locally and we’ve had over a hundred baby saved I know there’s probably more than that but God is is is doing a miracle and seeing people like even a young lady in the Shell gas station hearing the gospel committed her life to Jesus Christ lives are being impacted simply because people are there.
to share the Glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ and we need more prayers we need more volunteers to come out and make an impact in the culture I’m excited to see what God’s going to do in 2024 I want to thank the congregation for all the prayers the encouragement and support it means a whole lot we need this in this ministry that God has called us to it’s beautiful because of his leadership other Ministries have said and asked Ron come and tell us show us how to do it and let’s let’s get get this going.
because Church honestly if we do not stand to defend those that are innocent and defenseless then we’re just playing church and we’re not going to play church so um wrapped in love uh lesie bow has an amazing heart for those that are um Fallen upon rough times those that are uh homeless and hurting and so wrapped in love is a Ministry that she has been doing uh and it’s powerful so eyes to the screen so I’ve been serving with wrapped in love for many years and we are so blessed here at Calvary Chapel Chino.
Hill to have been able to collect so many blankets here especially over this last year it’s been just amazing and we always say that wrapped in love is God’s Ministry he takes care of all the details of everything for us all the time he makes this ministry a Ministry inside and out so there’s so many opportunities to volunteer for people to come and bring blankets and sleeping bags and and then also to be at our collection tables and wrap the blankets and then we take them out to different locations all around Southern California.
so this year we just went to a big Outreach up in Paris California and we were able to give out over 400 blankets there so that was amazing and that was that was ministering to both the homeless and then all the needy families in the community too and so every size blanket was given out the big one ones for the family and then smaller ones for the children and we were able to share the gospel with people and pray with them and people gave their lives to the Lord and they came back to the Lord so that’s the best part of the ministry is.
that by wrapping them in the blanket and God’s word they are indeed knowing that they are loved by the Lord and not forgotten and that he is wrapping them in his love there are many many more Ministries that are contacting us and saying that they would love to have blankets and have our teams come out and so as the Lord provides the blankets we make sure that they all get out to the community and that’s what we do with rupt in love and you guys the next one is music only but you’ll get it and that is um.
our VBS every year the VBS Ministry Vacation Bible School takes place in the summer and uh it’s always a great great uh event that incorporates not only the kids of the church but uh our kids your kids inviting neighborhood children to come so put your eyes to the screen and check out [Music] VBS [Music] [Music] [Music].
well they do a tremendous work as you guys know and um just an awesome work our children’s ministries is is exceptional and one of the things that I would have thrown in there is the super swordsman um event that takes place here uh maybe you don’t know maybe you do but um every year we graduate more and more kids uh metal uh gold silver bronze uh those who met memorize uh vast portions of scripture it’s an incredible incredible thing but uh children’s ministry uh pastors now that I’m um an.
old Pastor uh young pastors ask me um if you if you were me what what would you do and they expect me to say oh you know hire a hire a worship leader go find some rock star worship NOP they don’t hear that from me oh you got to have this no they’re not going to hear that from me the number one thing I tell pastor that are starting churches is get a great children’s ministry up and running as soon as possible and that’s what we have here and we’re very blessed by that and so also this this is pretty.
cool now I’m going to I want to be careful how I say this because I just saw a news clip the other day where it said some church back East is experiencing a Revival and they baptized 148 people on a Sunday and that’s great that’s great great um earlier this year there was uh some event uh some Revival type description at a uh a university and they baptized over 300 uh people and that’s great uh but what’s very unique with what’s happening here and it’s always been amazing uh but ever since Co during.
during co uh in one summer during Co I forget what year it was you might remember but we baptized over 3,011 people uh it took us three Saturdays to do that that’s something and so when we look at this uh image and I’ll just keep talking about it just this year again just this year 2023 over 1,200 people were baptized uh down at Pirates Cove and so this does not think about and I want to encourage all of you here in Southern California this does not include this is not a picture of nor does it include for.
example the uh the gigantic Jesus movie revolution baptism that they held after the movie was released this doesn’t include that so in Southern California there have been remarkably in high numbers thousands and thousands of people publicly making their profession to Christ and then making that known by entering the Waters of baptism so I know California is known as a a lost State a gone State an overstate well you know what God doesn’t hear that stuff he he God doesn’t read the headlines uh he just makes them uh but.
uh you don’t see this in the news though they don’t report on this stuff because you know what it might bring hope to people it might cause encouragement to happen to people but you know us here we’re not an Evangelistic Church much we’re a discipl making church people do get saved here but um we focus on making disciples and of course the word of God is going to bring people to Christ but over 1200 1200 baptized in 2023 um that’s that’s pretty amazing and God should get all the glory for this uh.
and because the world is not going to report it the world is not going to announce that so and then finally before we look at a our year-end message is the fact that seven months old now real life network is seven months old and we’re shocked as to what has transpired and to most of you including myself these numbers numbers don’t mean anything because we don’t understand them but um in seven months we’re approaching 200,000 uh subscribers to the network uh we’re seeing nearly 40,000 downloads just from Apple alone uh we.
have surpassed 750,000 videos viewed in seven months the hour is watched in the last 7 months is 286,000 hours of viewing time on the real life Network by the way if you’re not aware of the real life Network it’s free to you and listen it’s free to you the subscriber and it’s free to all broadcasters so for example Dr David Jeremiah doesn’t have to pay a penny to get his teaching out on that programming um The Star Spangled Adventures this is the the uh Patriot series I believe this one is by by Dr.
Ben Carson uh the Legacy series with Billy Graham Adrien Rogers Dr J berer McGee Chuck Smith nobody pays for that and and by the way when we call them star Parker she’s on with regarding cure America they don’t pay for this it it’s it’s part of the blessing that God blessed us with during Co to create a cancel free network because remember we were being canceled all the time that God blessed during Co and so we were able to put this together and make it free Nobody Does this you guys no one does this to make it free to the.
programmers so the first thing when you call them up I mean I don’t call them up there’s real life Network staff that will call up uh a Ministry for example Philip the Cory I love him um call him up and and yeah we want you to be on what well okay how much nothing just tell your cameraman to do a good job but nothing and um Pastor Steve Santos and Maui seven months ago a great Bible teacher I love that kid we he we had him on and then then the obviously Maui was devastated and real life nwor was able to get him on right so that he could.


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