GOD’s Order of Authority – The WORD of the Kingdom
GOD’s Order of Authority – The WORD of the Kingdom
In The Word of The Kingdom Dr. Bill Winston shows you how to use the words of the Kingdom of God to radically transform everything in your life that is out of line with the declarations and promises of God.
The believer’s wonk of faith is paid for by Bill Winston, ministry partners and viewers.
We have been delivered out of the Kingdom of Darkness and we are now in a new kingdom.
Those are two different systems in those systems. We have two different ways of speaking.
The enemy tries to use words of darkness to get you to express yourself.
People use the words, I’m catching a cold. You make me sick.
I’m dying to go. Words are authority in the Satan was on your words.
So we got to always speak the words of the kingdom because those words are gonna empower you and move you forward.
How do you get God’s word out of his book?
Speak something in line with what God says about your life inside of you is soil, you stick something in it, it will try to grow it.
And what you’re gonna sow is the seed of the word of the kingdom and the word will become flash.
Well, wait a minute. Suppose I stick some house seed in there.
The word will become house once you meditate this and get this out in here, all of a sudden your seeing God with you is bigger than you seeing the devil coming against you.
Speaking, the word of the kingdom would dominate anything that’s out of line with Him.
Now, the Kingdom of God is this government that contained everything that mankind would need this kingdom.
And so now Jesus was preaching this kingdom and demonstrating the power of this kingdom which he brought with him.
And when he taught in Luke chapter 17, you can put it up there in verse 20 when he was the man of the Pharisees, when the Kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said, the Kingdom of God cometh not with what observation and neither shall he say low here or low there.
Behold, the Kingdom of God is where within you. So it’s an invisible kingdom at this point.
I understand in the days ahead in the millennium, it will be a physical kingdom when the city of God will come down out of heaven and sit up on the earth.
But now it is a invisible kingdom and God put you and I in the earth in that kingdom.
And we showed you that over Colossians chapter one.
And we’ll just start reading at verse 12, giving thanks unto you unto the Father which has made us meet or able to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light.
Say in light who had delivered us from the power of darkness and translated us into what the Kingdom of his dear son.
So we have been delivered out of the Kingdom of Darkness and we are now in a new kingdom and everything we need or desire in this earth will be in that kingdom.
And one of the things about it is that this kingdom functions, we appropriate the things that God has given to us by faith, we have to get them by faith.
So in that kingdom, it’s our health care in that kingdom is our economy, our wealth in that kingdom is our joy and our peace in that kingdom is our strength in that kingdom.
Our, our, our is our blessing.
Everything is coming for us and is in that kingdom now without the Kingdom of God and the teaching of the kingdom that you and I then are left with insufficient truth to overcome the enemy.
That many times what’s happened is we’ve been taught about the gospel of salvation, but we haven’t been taught about the Gospel of the Kingdom and salvation.
I get to save. But if you don’t get your mind renewed, you won’t be able to inherit what saved folks supposed to get.
And so you see a lot of people in the church and in church, they say, but they’re broke, save, but sick save but marriage breaking up, save and so forth.
Why? Because something is missing and I would submit to you.
That one of the things that’s missing is the teaching of the gospel of the kingdom.
It’s how to live in that reality.
See if, if, if, if, if you know enough, then Satan is defeated, be because he said my people are destroyed.
Come on, come on for the lack of knowledge. See what money wasn’t positioned when anything.
And, and, and in this, we’ve got to learn now how to come into that kingdom because it says here that we are saints in light.
See that Kingdom is a kingdom of darkness. We’re in light.
In this, this, this dark system of the Babylonian system, this the light system is the Kingdom of God, the Kingdom of Heaven system.
Now those are two different systems. Now watch this praise God in those systems.
We have two different ways of speaking. We have two different ways of thinking.
We have two different ways of acting and responding.
Now these two kingdoms, one of them is inferior. The other one is superior.
Which one do you think is superior? The kingdom of life? See, it’s, it’s superior.
See, but because we have been trained in a dark system, there is a way that seems right.
But let’s, let’s read it here. Verse 12, there is a way that seems right unto a man.
But the end thereof, come on are the ways of death.
Let’s look at Matthew 13 in verse 10 and the disciples came and said to him, why speak it thou unto them in parables?
And the incident said to them because it is given to you to know the what mysteries of the kingdom of Heaven.
But to them what is not given they, they, they don’t understand that.
You go home and tell your cousin that you’re tithing. He said, what is that?
I’m giving 10% of my income to the church. What you, you, you follow what I’m saying? Why?
Because you’re from two different. What? Cover it? A card. You, you’re from another world.
Don’t, don’t be trying to run spiritual revelation, truth.
Oh, and get, and think somebody who’s completely controlled by the devil it’s going to send you.
See, I wondered why I called the guy in the newspaper. I said, why did you put that?
I didn’t say that. Oh, I thought that’s what you said.
I said, I, I, you know, I didn’t say that.
Well, well, that might be what he heard because the devil twist stuff in his mind.
See, we, I, I can’t get mad at him. We’re speaking two different languages.
See, and, and, and Jesus had to correct them.
He said, wait a minute now, now, now I know you got some haters out there but do good to them that hate you.
And I know some of God’s people said what I’m on, say it.
Say it again. Yeah, we gotta understand that’s low life and it seems right.
But the end of it is going to be death to you.
You know, I wrote something down here.
Let me, let me see. Let me see if I can find what I wrote down here because I see some of y’all need to be convinced.
The word of the kingdom gives us the ability to operate on a superior level that can cause us to overcome and be triumphant in every situation.
And this word of the kingdom is designed to fix anything in this earth that is out of line with the Kingdom of God.
That the Bible says the seed is the word of God. That’s Luke chapter eight verse 11.
And then it says that the seed is incorruptible. That’s first Peter chapter one verse 23.
And then it says in the beginning was the word, the word was with God and the word was God.
So the seed is incorruptible and the seed is God. Now name me something God can’t do.
So if you got any kind of situation, if I can just pour a little bit of this word into it, say amen to that, it is designed to bring it from chaos to order.
It is designed to take it through a miracle exchange and bring it back in line with heaven’s government.
This right here.
And so you’re in here now hearing me preach the word of the kingdom.
But I said last week that Satan has set up his world, you see, Lord have mercy.
Can I do this? Can I do this? I did let’s, let’s this.
I want you to put something right here because we’re coming back, we’re talking about the word of the kingdom.
Uh Let’s go over to Hebrews, Hebrews chapter one, Hebrews chapter one.
See, I made a discovery that words are powerful.
The Bible says death and what life are where it’s in the power of the tongue.
And the Bible says when you have a wrong thought, I showed you in Proverbs 30 put your hand over your mouth.
Well, because of these words coming out of here, look what it says here in verse one, God who it’s 100 times.
And Hebrews chapter one, verse one and diverse men is speaking time pass unto the fathers by the prophet had in these last days, spoken to us by his son whom he had appointed heir of all things.
Now Charles B. Williams translates and says this Jesus is a lawful owner of everything.
I’m gonna join it with him. I don’t know about you.
See by whom also he made the worlds who being the brightness of his glory in the express image of his person and upholding all things by the what word of his power when he had by himself, purge us and sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high.
So he is holding all things by the word of his power. No, this is what I’m saying.
I’m saying. That words are what made this planet watch this words are what’s holding this planet.
Satan has created another world darkness and he’s used words to do it.
I’m telling you now, this is a revelation.
And as long as he can get people with words and say his words, the words of the kingdom of darkness, he can keep his kingdom in place.
Words are the very foundation of everything you see. Think about it.
If you’re gonna do a contract that’s got words on it.
If it, it doesn’t make any difference, words, words, words, words were the original technology, God.
And in this words are the thing, death and life.
In the power of words, it was words which separated the two groups who were to go into can the the people who spoke an evil report didn’t go in the people who spoke a good report went in what made the difference words.
But we were studying the life of Jacob and what made his body age like that.
It was the words he spoke. And I’m telling you the words are at the very foundation.
The problem is many of God’s people don’t believe it.
He said, whosoever shall say to this mountain?
Come on be thou removed, be thou cast into the sea and shall not doubt in his heart but shall believe the words that he speaks, will come to pass.
He shall allow have tw balking on me.
Put it up there on the board, put up their math Mark chapter 11 and verse 23.
What did you see this? I want you, you learn to master words and your days of suffering, lack of whatever it is are over because words are just that powerful.
What words, the words of the kingdom that will uproot anything in your life and in anybody else’s life.
You got kids and not acting right. You believe in words, speak them over that book.
No one has said for Verly, I send you that.
Whosoever shall say to this mountain be thou removed and be thou cats into the sea and shall not what doubt where in his heart?
But shall what believe that those things which he said shall come to pass, he shall have whatsoever.
He said those are words.
Those are words put up there, please on Matthew chapter 12 and verse 34 oh generation of vipers.
How can you being evil? Keep going speak.
Look at the, we talk about words here, speak good things for out of the abundance.
Come on of the heart, keep going, the mouth speaks, keep going next.
Next verse a good man out of the good treasure of the heart.
What does he do brings forth good things?
Where are the good things in your life gonna come from your heart?
How do they get there by words?
Words deposited them there and once those words come to fruition inside you speak them out and they will change the situation in your life.
Yeah. Oh, wait. All right.
I didn’t mean to do all that.
But no, here’s the deal. So, words. So, both use them.
But this is a low life down here.
And the enemy tries to use words of darkness to get you to express yourself.
He set up a system on it and people use the words, I’m dying to go.
You make me sick.
I’m catching a cold who in their right mind would run to catch a cold.
But watch this. We don’t think about it because we’ve been trained in darkness.
But once you see, wait a minute.
Hey, first of all, a cole has no business coming on me. Now, how did I get that?
I got words of light. I had to go over to Psalm 91.
Come on, come on over there with me and I had to rebuild an image on the inside of me.
Verse sin. There shall no evil before me. Come on. Neither shall any play.
Come not me for.
He has given his angels charge over me and they keep me in all my ways.
Now, I’m supposed to say that what the enemy has tried to do is try to get us to speak wrong words, to express ourselves words of darkness.
You cannot alter the kingdom of God to fit your lifestyle.
You’ve got to alter your lifestyle to fit the kingdom of God.
Jesus always spoke the words of God.
It was the word of the kingdom and he always spoke them no matter what the situation was.
Now, let’s just go back there real quick. Let’s go back to, um, what did I tell you?
Uh Matthew chapter 13, please verse 18. Here in there, here, ye therefore the parable of the sower.
When anyone hear the word of the kingdom, underlying word of the kingdom and understand it not, then come at the wicked one and catch it the way that which was what sown in his heart.
This is he which receives seed by the wayside.
Now, where is this seed gonna be sown in the heart?
Now, he’s not talking about your blood pump, but he is talking about the spirit of a person and that the word is sown in their spirit and out your spirit is designed to produce everything you need.
And it’s a ground that the word of the kingdom is deposited in to bring forth first the image.
Then the reality of what you’ve just sold.
We are where we are because of what we think God many times characterizes himself as an eagle or as a lion, eagle vision, lion attitude of mind because an eagle can see and he can see a quarter at the length of two football fields.
He can see it in the ground.
He can see he’s got extremely high vision, he can fly very high and see all the way down there, small objects.
So you can see, but a lion has an attitude about it.
See, here’s what I’m trying to tell you, there’s an attitude that you have to have and that attitude is the same attitude that Jesus had.
He’s called the lion of the tribe of Judah.
Say amen to this and this lion is in the jungle.
Fearless. Thank you. He, he’s not the tallest one.
Giraffes are much bigger. He’s not the fastest one. A cheater is much faster.
He’s not the biggest one.
Hippopotamus and elephants, but he doesn’t see an elephant and think elephant, he thinks he’s an elephant and thinks dinner.
Are you following? What I’m saying? It’s his attitude.
And so he goes around and he roars but you can almost feel the vibrations.
Ah say that one time.
See there can’t you feel something now?
He’s not the biggest, the fastest or the tallest, but he thinks he is.
And what I’m telling you is you got to see situations and have a certain attitude about who you are.
I looked at what kind of attitude you should have in terms of how you see yourself because this is the way God sees you.
Now, I’m talking about you’ve been delivered out of the kingdom of Darkness. You’re in the kingdom of life.
You like you’re a brand new creature. Here’s what God sees you. He sees you unique.
There’s nobody else has been gifted with what he gifted you with when he made you.
He broke the mold. Yeah.
Well, I trust that you are blessed by this powerful teaching.
It’s called The Word of the Kingdom. Now, today’s teaching is part of an exciting for this series.
Now, here’s a very important point.
You want to remember, this is a word ruled planet that’s profound right there.
This is a word ruled planet. Now, this planet was started by words and it’s kept by words.
Do you remember when Jesus and the disciples were on the ship going to the other side?
Notice what happened, a storm came up and this is hurricane came for, I’m sure.
Or what did Jesus do? They woke him up, he stood up and spoke words and noticed the storm ceased.
Now, what do you know that can stop a storm? Ok. Got it.
I’m talking about words filled with faith can stop a storm. Why?
Because it’s not only words that created the earth but it words that keep this earth in check and you and I are the ones that speak them.
Praise the Lord. Well, uh the announcer is gonna give you some important information on how you can order this powerful set of teachings.
And I’ll be right back. We have been delivered out of the kingdom of darkness and we are now in a new kingdom.
Those are two different systems in those systems. We have two different ways of speaking.
The enemy tries to use words of darkness to get you to express yourself.
People use the words, I’m catching a cold, you make me sick.
I’m dying to go. Words are an authority in the Satan was on your words.
So we got to always speak the words of the kingdom because those words are gonna empower you and move you forward.
How do you get God’s word out of his book?
Speak something in line with what God says about your life inside of you is soil.
You stick something in it. It will try to grow it.
And what you’re gonna sow is the seed of the word of the kingdom.
And the word will become flash. Well, wait a minute.
Suppose I stick some house seed in there.
The word will become house once you meditate this and get this out in here, all of a sudden your seeing God with you is bigger than you seeing the devil coming against you.
Speaking, the word of the Kingdom would dominate anything that’s out of line with.
Discover the power to operate on a supernatural level and triumph over every situation in Doctor Bill Winston’s dynamic teaching entitled The Word of the Kingdom.
To order your copy of the Word of the Kingdom.
Contact us online at Bill Winston dot org, iphone at 1 807 119327.
You can also write to us at Bill Winston Ministries P O box 9 47 Oak Park, Illinois 60303.
Order this dynamic, teaching the word of the kingdom today. Well, hello, I have written a new book.
It’s called Revelation of Royalty. Now, this book was written because many Christians have not been receiving the divine inheritance because they really don’t know their identity in Christ Jesus.
They really don’t know who they are.
I’m talking about in the eyes of God, not talking about uh your relatives or, or the boss man or whatever, but who you are in the eyes of God because your image affects everything.
It affects how high you climb. It affects how rich you become.
It affects all of that and nobody really can affect like that.
But you now what we do is we allow other people to call us names or put us in certain position and we take on that identity.
But God is telling you who you really are. He sees you as royalty.
He sees you as one of his family.
It is the richest and wealthiest family that has ever been known to mankind. You are in that family.
If you’re born again, now this book will help you.
It’ll help you identify who you are, what you have and how to get it.
We have been missing out on our inheritance and that’s wrong.
We want you to get what God says is yours. The first step to it, change your image.
Go and understand who God says you are and be that praise God.
Well, this is Bill Winston saying we love you and keep walking by faith.
The mission of Bill Winston ministries is to preach the gospel of the kingdom throughout the world.
This broadcast has been made available to you through the faithful support of Bill Winston ministry partners and friends.
We invite you to become a partner and join doctor Bill Winston as he trains believers how to live independent of this world system and have Dominion over it.
Thank you, Bill Winston. Ministry partners and viewers for your continuous support of the believer’s walk of faith broadcast.
Now, remember you need faith to get to your destiny.
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This is Bill Winston. I love you and keep walking by faith.
We have been delivered out of the Kingdom of Darkness and we are now in a new kingdom.
Those are two different systems in those systems. We have two different ways of speaking.
The enemy tries to use words of darkness to get you to express yourself.
People use the words, I’m catching a cold. You make me sick.
I’m dying to go. Words are authority in the Satan was on your words.
So we got to always speak the words of the kingdom because those words are gonna empower you and move you forward.
How do you get God’s word out of his book?
Speak something in line with what God says about your life inside of you is soil, you stick something in it, it will try to grow it.
And what you’re gonna sow is the seed of the word of the kingdom and the word will become flash.
Well, wait a minute. Suppose I stick some house seed in there.
The word will become house once you meditate this and get this out in here, all of a sudden your seeing God with you is bigger than you seeing the devil coming against you.
Speaking, the word of the kingdom would dominate anything that’s out of line with Him.
Now, the Kingdom of God is this government that contained everything that mankind would need this kingdom.
And so now Jesus was preaching this kingdom and demonstrating the power of this kingdom which he brought with him.
And when he taught in Luke chapter 17, you can put it up there in verse 20 when he was the man of the Pharisees, when the Kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said, the Kingdom of God cometh not with what observation and neither shall he say low here or low there.
Behold, the Kingdom of God is where within you. So it’s an invisible kingdom at this point.
I understand in the days ahead in the millennium, it will be a physical kingdom when the city of God will come down out of heaven and sit up on the earth.
But now it is a invisible kingdom and God put you and I in the earth in that kingdom.
And we showed you that over Colossians chapter one.
And we’ll just start reading at verse 12, giving thanks unto you unto the Father which has made us meet or able to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light.
Say in light who had delivered us from the power of darkness and translated us into what the Kingdom of his dear son.
So we have been delivered out of the Kingdom of Darkness and we are now in a new kingdom and everything we need or desire in this earth will be in that kingdom.
And one of the things about it is that this kingdom functions, we appropriate the things that God has given to us by faith, we have to get them by faith.
So in that kingdom, it’s our health care in that kingdom is our economy, our wealth in that kingdom is our joy and our peace in that kingdom is our strength in that kingdom.
Our, our, our is our blessing.
Everything is coming for us and is in that kingdom now without the Kingdom of God and the teaching of the kingdom that you and I then are left with insufficient truth to overcome the enemy.
That many times what’s happened is we’ve been taught about the gospel of salvation, but we haven’t been taught about the Gospel of the Kingdom and salvation.
I get to save. But if you don’t get your mind renewed, you won’t be able to inherit what saved folks supposed to get.
And so you see a lot of people in the church and in church, they say, but they’re broke, save, but sick save but marriage breaking up, save and so forth.
Why? Because something is missing and I would submit to you.
That one of the things that’s missing is the teaching of the gospel of the kingdom.
It’s how to live in that reality.
See if, if, if, if, if you know enough, then Satan is defeated, be because he said my people are destroyed.
Come on, come on for the lack of knowledge. See what money wasn’t positioned when anything.
And, and, and in this, we’ve got to learn now how to come into that kingdom because it says here that we are saints in light.
See that Kingdom is a kingdom of darkness. We’re in light.
In this, this, this dark system of the Babylonian system, this the light system is the Kingdom of God, the Kingdom of Heaven system.
Now those are two different systems. Now watch this praise God in those systems.
We have two different ways of speaking. We have two different ways of thinking.
We have two different ways of acting and responding.
Now these two kingdoms, one of them is inferior. The other one is superior.
Which one do you think is superior? The kingdom of life? See, it’s, it’s superior.
See, but because we have been trained in a dark system, there is a way that seems right.
But let’s, let’s read it here. Verse 12, there is a way that seems right unto a man.
But the end thereof, come on are the ways of death.
Let’s look at Matthew 13 in verse 10 and the disciples came and said to him, why speak it thou unto them in parables?
And the incident said to them because it is given to you to know the what mysteries of the kingdom of Heaven.
But to them what is not given they, they, they don’t understand that.
You go home and tell your cousin that you’re tithing. He said, what is that?
I’m giving 10% of my income to the church. What you, you, you follow what I’m saying? Why?
Because you’re from two different. What? Cover it? A card. You, you’re from another world.
Don’t, don’t be trying to run spiritual revelation, truth.
Oh, and get, and think somebody who’s completely controlled by the devil it’s going to send you.
See, I wondered why I called the guy in the newspaper. I said, why did you put that?
I didn’t say that. Oh, I thought that’s what you said.
I said, I, I, you know, I didn’t say that.
Well, well, that might be what he heard because the devil twist stuff in his mind.
See, we, I, I can’t get mad at him. We’re speaking two different languages.
See, and, and, and Jesus had to correct them.
He said, wait a minute now, now, now I know you got some haters out there but do good to them that hate you.
And I know some of God’s people said what I’m on, say it.
Say it again. Yeah, we gotta understand that’s low life and it seems right.
But the end of it is going to be death to you.
You know, I wrote something down here.
Let me, let me see. Let me see if I can find what I wrote down here because I see some of y’all need to be convinced.
The word of the kingdom gives us the ability to operate on a superior level that can cause us to overcome and be triumphant in every situation.
And this word of the kingdom is designed to fix anything in this earth that is out of line with the Kingdom of God.
That the Bible says the seed is the word of God. That’s Luke chapter eight verse 11.
And then it says that the seed is incorruptible. That’s first Peter chapter one verse 23.
And then it says in the beginning was the word, the word was with God and the word was God.
So the seed is incorruptible and the seed is God. Now name me something God can’t do.
So if you got any kind of situation, if I can just pour a little bit of this word into it, say amen to that, it is designed to bring it from chaos to order.
It is designed to take it through a miracle exchange and bring it back in line with heaven’s government.
This right here.
And so you’re in here now hearing me preach the word of the kingdom.
But I said last week that Satan has set up his world, you see, Lord have mercy.
Can I do this? Can I do this? I did let’s, let’s this.
I want you to put something right here because we’re coming back, we’re talking about the word of the kingdom.
Uh Let’s go over to Hebrews, Hebrews chapter one, Hebrews chapter one.
See, I made a discovery that words are powerful.
The Bible says death and what life are where it’s in the power of the tongue.
And the Bible says when you have a wrong thought, I showed you in Proverbs 30 put your hand over your mouth.
Well, because of these words coming out of here, look what it says here in verse one, God who it’s 100 times.
And Hebrews chapter one, verse one and diverse men is speaking time pass unto the fathers by the prophet had in these last days, spoken to us by his son whom he had appointed heir of all things.
Now Charles B. Williams translates and says this Jesus is a lawful owner of everything.
I’m gonna join it with him. I don’t know about you.
See by whom also he made the worlds who being the brightness of his glory in the express image of his person and upholding all things by the what word of his power when he had by himself, purge us and sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high.
So he is holding all things by the word of his power. No, this is what I’m saying.
I’m saying. That words are what made this planet watch this words are what’s holding this planet.
Satan has created another world darkness and he’s used words to do it.
I’m telling you now, this is a revelation.
And as long as he can get people with words and say his words, the words of the kingdom of darkness, he can keep his kingdom in place.
Words are the very foundation of everything you see. Think about it.
If you’re gonna do a contract that’s got words on it.
If it, it doesn’t make any difference, words, words, words, words were the original technology, God.
And in this words are the thing, death and life.
In the power of words, it was words which separated the two groups who were to go into can the the people who spoke an evil report didn’t go in the people who spoke a good report went in what made the difference words.
But we were studying the life of Jacob and what made his body age like that.
It was the words he spoke. And I’m telling you the words are at the very foundation.
The problem is many of God’s people don’t believe it.
He said, whosoever shall say to this mountain?
Come on be thou removed, be thou cast into the sea and shall not doubt in his heart but shall believe the words that he speaks, will come to pass.
He shall allow have tw balking on me.
Put it up there on the board, put up their math Mark chapter 11 and verse 23.
What did you see this? I want you, you learn to master words and your days of suffering, lack of whatever it is are over because words are just that powerful.
What words, the words of the kingdom that will uproot anything in your life and in anybody else’s life.
You got kids and not acting right. You believe in words, speak them over that book.
No one has said for Verly, I send you that.
Whosoever shall say to this mountain be thou removed and be thou cats into the sea and shall not what doubt where in his heart?
But shall what believe that those things which he said shall come to pass, he shall have whatsoever.
He said those are words.
Those are words put up there, please on Matthew chapter 12 and verse 34 oh generation of vipers.
How can you being evil? Keep going speak.
Look at the, we talk about words here, speak good things for out of the abundance.
Come on of the heart, keep going, the mouth speaks, keep going next.
Next verse a good man out of the good treasure of the heart.
What does he do brings forth good things?
Where are the good things in your life gonna come from your heart?
How do they get there by words?
Words deposited them there and once those words come to fruition inside you speak them out and they will change the situation in your life.
Yeah. Oh, wait. All right.
I didn’t mean to do all that.
But no, here’s the deal. So, words. So, both use them.
But this is a low life down here.
And the enemy tries to use words of darkness to get you to express yourself.
He set up a system on it and people use the words, I’m dying to go.
You make me sick.
I’m catching a cold who in their right mind would run to catch a cold.
But watch this. We don’t think about it because we’ve been trained in darkness.
But once you see, wait a minute.
Hey, first of all, a cole has no business coming on me. Now, how did I get that?
I got words of light. I had to go over to Psalm 91.
Come on, come on over there with me and I had to rebuild an image on the inside of me.
Verse sin. There shall no evil before me. Come on. Neither shall any play.
Come not me for.
He has given his angels charge over me and they keep me in all my ways.
Now, I’m supposed to say that what the enemy has tried to do is try to get us to speak wrong words, to express ourselves words of darkness.
You cannot alter the kingdom of God to fit your lifestyle.
You’ve got to alter your lifestyle to fit the kingdom of God.
Jesus always spoke the words of God.
It was the word of the kingdom and he always spoke them no matter what the situation was.
Now, let’s just go back there real quick. Let’s go back to, um, what did I tell you?
Uh Matthew chapter 13, please verse 18. Here in there, here, ye therefore the parable of the sower.
When anyone hear the word of the kingdom, underlying word of the kingdom and understand it not, then come at the wicked one and catch it the way that which was what sown in his heart.
This is he which receives seed by the wayside.
Now, where is this seed gonna be sown in the heart?
Now, he’s not talking about your blood pump, but he is talking about the spirit of a person and that the word is sown in their spirit and out your spirit is designed to produce everything you need.
And it’s a ground that the word of the kingdom is deposited in to bring forth first the image.
Then the reality of what you’ve just sold.
We are where we are because of what we think God many times characterizes himself as an eagle or as a lion, eagle vision, lion attitude of mind because an eagle can see and he can see a quarter at the length of two football fields.
He can see it in the ground.
He can see he’s got extremely high vision, he can fly very high and see all the way down there, small objects.
So you can see, but a lion has an attitude about it.
See, here’s what I’m trying to tell you, there’s an attitude that you have to have and that attitude is the same attitude that Jesus had.
He’s called the lion of the tribe of Judah.
Say amen to this and this lion is in the jungle.
Fearless. Thank you. He, he’s not the tallest one.
Giraffes are much bigger. He’s not the fastest one. A cheater is much faster.
He’s not the biggest one.
Hippopotamus and elephants, but he doesn’t see an elephant and think elephant, he thinks he’s an elephant and thinks dinner.
Are you following? What I’m saying? It’s his attitude.
And so he goes around and he roars but you can almost feel the vibrations.
Ah say that one time.
See there can’t you feel something now?
He’s not the biggest, the fastest or the tallest, but he thinks he is.
And what I’m telling you is you got to see situations and have a certain attitude about who you are.
I looked at what kind of attitude you should have in terms of how you see yourself because this is the way God sees you.
Now, I’m talking about you’ve been delivered out of the kingdom of Darkness. You’re in the kingdom of life.
You like you’re a brand new creature. Here’s what God sees you. He sees you unique.
There’s nobody else has been gifted with what he gifted you with when he made you.
He broke the mold. Yeah.
Well, I trust that you are blessed by this powerful teaching.
It’s called The Word of the Kingdom. Now, today’s teaching is part of an exciting for this series.
Now, here’s a very important point.
You want to remember, this is a word ruled planet that’s profound right there.
This is a word ruled planet. Now, this planet was started by words and it’s kept by words.
Do you remember when Jesus and the disciples were on the ship going to the other side?
Notice what happened, a storm came up and this is hurricane came for, I’m sure.
Or what did Jesus do? They woke him up, he stood up and spoke words and noticed the storm ceased.
Now, what do you know that can stop a storm? Ok. Got it.
I’m talking about words filled with faith can stop a storm. Why?
Because it’s not only words that created the earth but it words that keep this earth in check and you and I are the ones that speak them.
Praise the Lord. Well, uh the announcer is gonna give you some important information on how you can order this powerful set of teachings.
And I’ll be right back. We have been delivered out of the kingdom of darkness and we are now in a new kingdom.
Those are two different systems in those systems. We have two different ways of speaking.
The enemy tries to use words of darkness to get you to express yourself.
People use the words, I’m catching a cold, you make me sick.
I’m dying to go. Words are an authority in the Satan was on your words.
So we got to always speak the words of the kingdom because those words are gonna empower you and move you forward.
How do you get God’s word out of his book?
Speak something in line with what God says about your life inside of you is soil.
You stick something in it. It will try to grow it.
And what you’re gonna sow is the seed of the word of the kingdom.
And the word will become flash. Well, wait a minute.
Suppose I stick some house seed in there.
The word will become house once you meditate this and get this out in here, all of a sudden your seeing God with you is bigger than you seeing the devil coming against you.
Speaking, the word of the Kingdom would dominate anything that’s out of line with.
Discover the power to operate on a supernatural level and triumph over every situation in Doctor Bill Winston’s dynamic teaching entitled The Word of the Kingdom.
To order your copy of the Word of the Kingdom.
Contact us online at Bill Winston dot org, iphone at 1 807 119327.
You can also write to us at Bill Winston Ministries P O box 9 47 Oak Park, Illinois 60303.
Order this dynamic, teaching the word of the kingdom today. Well, hello, I have written a new book.
It’s called Revelation of Royalty. Now, this book was written because many Christians have not been receiving the divine inheritance because they really don’t know their identity in Christ Jesus.
They really don’t know who they are.
I’m talking about in the eyes of God, not talking about uh your relatives or, or the boss man or whatever, but who you are in the eyes of God because your image affects everything.
It affects how high you climb. It affects how rich you become.
It affects all of that and nobody really can affect like that.
But you now what we do is we allow other people to call us names or put us in certain position and we take on that identity.
But God is telling you who you really are. He sees you as royalty.
He sees you as one of his family.
It is the richest and wealthiest family that has ever been known to mankind. You are in that family.
If you’re born again, now this book will help you.
It’ll help you identify who you are, what you have and how to get it.
We have been missing out on our inheritance and that’s wrong.
We want you to get what God says is yours. The first step to it, change your image.
Go and understand who God says you are and be that praise God.
Well, this is Bill Winston saying we love you and keep walking by faith.
The mission of Bill Winston ministries is to preach the gospel of the kingdom throughout the world.
This broadcast has been made available to you through the faithful support of Bill Winston ministry partners and friends.
We invite you to become a partner and join doctor Bill Winston as he trains believers how to live independent of this world system and have Dominion over it.
Thank you, Bill Winston. Ministry partners and viewers for your continuous support of the believer’s walk of faith broadcast.
Now, remember you need faith to get to your destiny.
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This is Bill Winston. I love you and keep walking by faith.
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