August 08, 2023! God’s Messages!

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August 08, 2023!

God is saying to you today,
“You are fearfully and wonderfully
made in My image. Embrace your
uniqueness, for I have gifted you
with talents and abilities to make a
positive impact in the world. Let your
light shine brightly, and do not be
afraid to share the love and grace
that I have poured into your heart.”

God is saying to you today,
“When you feel weak, remember
that your weaknesses are an
opportunity for My strength to be
made perfect in you. Trust in Me,
and I will empower you to
overcome any obstacle that
stands in your way. Through Me,
you are more than a conqueror.”

Does god still perform miracles?
Does god still heal? He certainly does.
I believe that the lord still heals the blind and causes him to see.
I believe that Jesus can still speak to sickness in a person’s body and command it to leave.
St. I truly believe the lord still heals today in the same way.
And according to the same standards, if you will, that he did when he walked on this earth thousands of years ago.
The Bible says in Hebrews thirteen verse eight, Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
And this I believe is an important scripture for every believer to remember.
Because it means that Jesus was a healer.
He is a healer, and he will forever be a healer. Our lord does not change.
The same Jesus who cast out evil can still cast them out today.
The same Jesus who freed those who were oppressed by demon can still free anyone oppressed today.
And the same Jesus who healed all that were sick can still heal all today.
Matthew fourteen verse thirty five to thirty six says, And when the men of that place recognized him, they sent around to all that region and brought to him all who were sick and implored him that they might only touch the fringe of his garment.
And as many as touched it were made well.
You and I can still touch the fringe of his garment through faith and be healed.
We can still be made perfectly well because the word of god also says, if you and believe.
All things are possible to him, who believes.
Matthew fifteen verse he says, and great crowds came to him, bringing with them the lame, the blind decrippled, the mute, and many others.
And they put them at his feet, and he healed them. The same Jesus who healed great crowds.
He still heals today. He still has power today.
The same Jesus who healed blind bartimaeus and the woman with the issue of blood is still healing today.
So I encourage you to bow down and surrender to the one and only son of god.
Lay down your requests defeat of the father and believe that he can do wonderful and miraculous things for you, even now.
And so let us pray.
Dear heavenly father, we come before you today, seek for a touch from your almighty hand.
We welcome you to do as you will, father, and have your way in our lives.
You are the king of kings and lord of lords.
There is none like you, There is no other healer beside you.
There is no better doctor than you King Jesus. There is no better physician than you, lord.
Your word says in Isaiah fifty three verse five, but he was pierced for our transgressions.
He was crushed for our inequities.
Upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with his wounds, we are healed.
So today, we declare that by your stripes, we are healed.
Not because we say so but because your word says so.
And because it is written in your word, We have faith that it can happen.
We have the faith and belief that if it is in your will, then healing will take place in our bodies, in our hearts and minds.
You know what is best for us, father, and you will never give us something that we cannot handle or overcome with your strength.
And Lord, you are in control. Your will, as the final say, over all matters.
And so if it is in your will that we may experience healing today, then we praise you.
And we give you thanks and honor.
And if it is your will that we might not be healed yet, then we submit law and accept that you will give us the grace to not only endure, but to wait on you faithfully.
Lord it as long as you are with us, as long as you are leading us as our shepherd and guide.
Then we know that even though we may walk through the valley of the shadow of death, we have no fear.
There is no evil that we will endure because your rod and staff will comfort us.
Father, we ask for your grace.
Even as we pray and ask for healing, we pray that we would not be discouraged or afraid even if our healing doesn’t come within our own timing.
We will choose to trust your timing above mine.
We choose to have faith in your divine plan because our lives are in your loving hands.
Lord, Jesus, you deserve all of the praise.
Our future and our lives are all in your mighty hands.
And regardless of what earthly doctors may say, we will remain confident that we always safe and taken care of by you, Lord.
As your children, we are blessed to be under the care of the greatest healer and chief physician.
And so, lord Jesus, we are not going to chase healing, but instead, we will chase you, lord, We will not chase miracles, but instead, we will chase the one who performs miracles, which is you.
And because you pay the ultimate price on the cross, I know that I can always count on you King Jesus being there in my life even in times when it doesn’t seem like you are there.
And because your word says, You are the same yesterday, today, and forever.
We can always depend on your character to never change We can always depend on your love to see me through and strengthen me.
We depend on you and all things at all times. And in all ways.
Though the world changes, circumstances change, people change, and even self as a person, I can change.
However, the lord Jesus never changes. You are an unchanging God.
You were a healer many years ago, and you are a healer today.
You were a miracle worker many years ago, and you are a miracle worker today.
We believe that we can always count on you, my it. Thank you for hearing this prayer.
We receive healing in your presence. We receive rest in your presence.
We believe that we can, and will be made whole again in your presence.
I bless your holy name. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.
The Bible says in Hebrews thirteen verse eight.
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday? Today and forever.
Matthew fourteen verses thirty five to thirty six says.
And when the men of that place recognized him.
They sent around to all that region and brought to him all who were sick.
And implored him that they might only touch the fringe of his garment.
And as many as touched it, were made well.
Matthew fifteen verse thirty says, and great crowds came to him.
Bringing with them the lane, the blind, the crippled, the mute, and many others.
And they put them at his feet. And he healed them.
The same Jesus who healed great crowds. He still heals today.
He still has power today. The same Jesus.
Who healed blind Barta Mayis and the woman with the issue of blood.
He is still healing today. So, I encourage you.
Bow down and surrender to the one and only son of god.
Lay down your request at the feet of the father and believe that he can do wonderful, and miraculous things for you, even now.
Lord, you’re in control. Your will has the final say over all matters.
And so god, if it is your will, that we may experience healing today.
Then we praise you. We give you thanks, and we honor you.
And if it is your will that we might not be healed yet, then lord, we submit, and we accept that you will give us the grace to not only endure, but to wait on you faithfully.
Lord, so long as you’re with us, as long as you’re leading us.
As long as you’re our shepherd and guide, then we know that even though we may walk through the valley of the shadow of death.
We will fear no evil. There is no evil.
That we have to fear because your rod and your staff. They will comfort us.
Father, We ask for your grace. Even as we pray and ask for healing.
We pray that we would not be discouraged or afraid even if our healing doesn’t come within our own timing.
We will choose to trust your timing. Above our own.
We choose to have faith in your divine plan because our lives are in your loving hands.
Lord, Jesus, you deserve all of the praise.
My future and my health are in your hands.
And regardless of what any earthly doctor may say, I will remain confident that I am always safe.
Always taken care of by you lord. As your children, we’re blessed.
We’re blessed to be under the care of the greatest healer. The chief physician.
And so lord Jesus, we’re not gonna chase healing, but instead, We will chase you.
Lord, we won’t chase miracles. But instead, will chase the one who performs miracles.
And that is you, lord Jesus. And because you paid the ultimate price on the cross.
I know that I can always count on you to be there in my life.
Even in times when it doesn’t feel like you’re there.
In those times when it doesn’t seem like you’re there, I know that you’ll never leave me, and you’ll never forsake me.
Because your word says you’re the same, Yesterday, today and forever.
I know that I can always depend on your character. To never change.
I can always depend on your love to see me through and to strengthen me.
I depend on you in all things. At all times, and in all ways.
Though the world changes, Those circumstances change, though people change. Lord, even me myself.
I know that as a person, I can change.
But god I am confident that you lord Jesus will never change.
You are an unchanging god. You are a healer many years ago.
And you are a healer, still today. You are a miracle worker many years ago.
And still, You are a miracle worker today.
Lord, we know that we can always count on you.
Father, thank you for hearing this prayer. We receive healing in your presence.
We receive restoration right here in your presence. We believe that we can and will.
Be made whole again. In your presence. We bless your holy name, lord.
We pray this and count it all done. In Jesus’ name, we pray.


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