The Precious Man | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
The Precious Man | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
Awesome book of acts. I’m going to see an event that changed the course of world history.
I won’t necessarily go into how it did, but it did.
I’m gonna look at how to find the will of God in your life.
Now Act 16, it says this now paul came to Derby and and like extra.
Alright, here’s the context, this is Paul’s second missionary journey which is pretty much the second missionary journey ever.
The first one was with Barnabas, it was Barnabas and saul or Barnabas and paul in anti Ock the spirit said separate these two for me and send them out so they send them out.
And then a young man john Mark who left them abandoned the mission, then later asked to come back, paul said no, Barnabas said yes paul had a point, Barnabas had a point, whatever whether what happened next was God’s best, we don’t know but God used it the to go their separate ways, Barnabas ministers to the islands and paul to the continent.
I won’t necessarily go into how it did, but it did.
I’m gonna look at how to find the will of God in your life.
Now Act 16, it says this now paul came to Derby and and like extra.
Alright, here’s the context, this is Paul’s second missionary journey which is pretty much the second missionary journey ever.
The first one was with Barnabas, it was Barnabas and saul or Barnabas and paul in anti Ock the spirit said separate these two for me and send them out so they send them out.
And then a young man john Mark who left them abandoned the mission, then later asked to come back, paul said no, Barnabas said yes paul had a point, Barnabas had a point, whatever whether what happened next was God’s best, we don’t know but God used it the to go their separate ways, Barnabas ministers to the islands and paul to the continent.

It goes on, paul comes to now Derby and lice tra he goes through a mountain range to get there to a relation border town of Derby and he says the disciple was there a disciple was there named timothy.
This is the entrance of timothy into the bible, the same timothy of which was written 1st and 2nd timothy.
This is near now now that is written near the end of paul’s life.
So you know, timothy is faithful, he’s gonna stick with paul to the end of his life, he is called the disciple meaning in the greek from the hebrew Tommy deem in the greek pupil learner student, his mother may have come to the Lord as a result of paul and Barnabas ministry in the region we don’t know but paul didn’t disciple him and probably didn’t know much about him.
It said there was a good report concerning him.
This is only the second missionary journey, but the faith is already spreading beyond anybody’s plans.
It’s a good thing that God is not dependent on us, He uses us, but he’s not dependent on us.
That’s good. The disciples in Jerusalem didn’t have to spread the word.
I mean they, they had to spread the word in Jerusalem and go beyond.
But the gospel is more powerful than they could have ever imagined. It’s going beyond their plans.
I administered in India to a gathering of at the end of a maybe 70,000 people I gave, I was led to give an altar call.
Years later, I was told of a well known Indian minister with a massive congregation in India speaking throughout the world and telling of how he came to the Lord as he prayed a prayer as Jonathan Cahn gave a message at an altar call.
I had no idea yet yet. He led thousands to the Lord. We have no idea. You lead one person.
The Lord, you have no idea how it goes and goes on because the gospel is living, it’s alive, that’s why we have to spread it.
No matter what one thing you may do, you don’t know, it may touch millions.
You don’t know how it will multiply and multiply you gotta do.
But if you don’t show that one, then maybe what happened to the millions timothy.
His mother is jewish, he’s half jewish and she’s a believer. She’s a Messianic believer.
His father is greek gentile it says, and he was well spoken of by the brothers and sisters who were in Lastra and meconium.
So timothy’s half jewish, half greek.
That makes them very valuable for the mission of the Gospel, which paul said is to the jew first and also to the greek timothy’s grandmother.
We learned in other places. In second timothy is named Lois and his mother, Eunice, it says he knew the scriptures from childhood.
So he was probably being brought up, jewish knowing the scriptures, knowing the hebrew scriptures and then his mother most likely gets saved, finds about the messiah and then timothy gets saved, Timothy’s father is probably not converted.
Otherwise he would have timothy would have been circumcised most likely and years later paul would write to timothy and timothy when you read it, don’t look, don’t let anybody look down on your youth now.
He wrote that years later. So timothy must have been really young here.
Maybe he would be someone in a youth ministry.
That’s how young he is his name timothy t which means value valuable, precious, like a price paid dear to God.
And timothy. God is in that so dear to God, valuable to God timothy was precious and valuable.
The word precious is linked to the word price. The Lord paid a price for us to make us precious.
We are precious. Not you know he didn’t pay a price because we were, he paid a price to make us precious.
I mean in his love were precious.
But we that we become that that if we live a life worthy, the fact that we are purchased and it’s a high price the life of God that that we take that to heart that will make us live a life that is precious, paul would later referred to timothy would call him my son timothy loved by God, faithful, faithful to God, faithful to man.
He was faithful of all the people around paul.
I mean there were faithful people but timothy had to be at the top of that.
He stayed with paul no matter what. Hi, I’m Jonathan cahn. Thanks for checking out my youtube channel.
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