Use the Force! | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
Use the Force! | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
Well, that’s science fiction? That’s myth.
But there is a reality that that’s based on, that is based on the force of God.
That’s just a Hollywood thing. But that’s based there is a real force and it’s called the padesh, The Spirit of the Living God.
Use the Force. It’s clearly a takeoff because at the end, what they say, may the Force be with you.
Where’d they get that from? That’s the bible. May God be with you?
So it’s telling you even Hollywood is admitting it without saying that that is the power is the power of God.
And when you think about it, how, you know, if any of you were kind of like reluctant with the Holy Spirit, listen again, you can’t be saved without the spirit.
One with the other, the spirit has to come into your life. But also think about it.
If the spirit has the anointing for your life and it’s only it’s unique to you.
How intimate is God with you?
I mean from the time you’re in the womb, he knew this and he gives he’s given you the anointing for you to become everything you were born to be the spirit of God.
It’s not just about the gifts of the spirit, that’s another thing. It’s not just about the charismatic or not.
You know, the Spirit of the Lord came upon, a man named Bezalel? How many people have heard of?
How many people have not heard of Bezel. How do you ever heard of basil?
People don’t care about bezel at all. So you’re keeping your hands down. He would not appreciate that Bezel.
L was the guy who God said, you know, I got to build the Tabernacle.
So it says the spirit of the Lord came upon Bezalel and what he do, what he do?
Did he jump up and down that he speak in tongues? That’s that’s another thing.
But he didn’t what he did. It says he was given the power to do construction, masonry, craftsmanship.
He built the time. So the Spirit of the Lord gives that when the Spirit of Lord came on Samson, he didn’t, you know, speak in tongues.
You know, don’t, don’t get me wrong, I’m not speaking I fully, but that’s not it.
But he didn’t, he didn’t do the things we might associate. He killed some Philistines. He took a jawbone.
He was anointed to fight. So there’s an anointing. For every moment you have to fight the good fight.
You need skill. I don’t have the skill. Lord give it to me.
I’m sure you know, my, my friend here will be saying, listen, I don’t even know how I’m doing this, but it was the anointing of God.
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