Saturday Blessings! September 23, 2023!

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Saturday Blessings!

Prayer for the day

Decisions will have to be made each day, Lord. With Your strength and wisdom, help me to make the right ones.

Dear Heavenly Father,

On this beautiful morning of September 23, 2023, we come before you with hearts filled with gratitude for the new day you have granted us. We thank you for the blessings of life, health, and the opportunity to witness the beauty of this world once again.

As we embark on this day in America, we ask for your divine guidance and presence to be with us. May your light shine upon our nation, bringing wisdom, peace, and unity to our land. Grant our leaders the discernment and courage to make decisions that promote justice, equality, and the well-being of all citizens.

We pray for the people of America, that you bless them with good health, prosperity, and resilience. May you watch over families, friends, and neighbors, filling their lives with love, kindness, and compassion. Help us to recognize the value of unity and understanding among all communities.

Lord, we also ask for strength and courage for those who are facing difficulties and challenges on this day. May they find solace in your presence and receive the support they need from their fellow Americans.

As we greet the morning of September 23, 2023, we offer our hopes and aspirations to you. Guide us in our endeavors, inspire us to be agents of positive change, and help us spread love and goodwill wherever we go.

In your holy name, we pray. Amen.

Saturday Morning Prayers

Heavenly Father, I praise and glorify You! I thank You for this Saturday morning. Thank you that today is doing to be blessed. Lord, I thank You that You will guide and teach me. Help my heart and my mind to be transformed into Your likeness. Give me a fresh hunger for Your Word and truth. Cleanse me and make me new in You. In the mighty name of Jesus, amen.

God, I come before You this Saturday and I ask that You would give me eyes to see and ears to hear what Your Spirit is saying and doing. Draw me close to You so that I may feel Your precious presence and experience Your goodness. In the mighty name of Jesus, amen!

Lord Jesus, On this Saturday morning I ask you that you teach me. Teach me to be more like You, Lord. How to walk in kindness, mercy, love, integrity, and boldness. Let me become an extension of your hands and feet to this world. In the name of Jesus, amen!

Father God, Thank You so much for Your goodness and salvation. You are a good God and I am so thankful to have You in my life. You are my treasure! Lord I ask that you would bless this Saturday morning. Help me to keep my eyes on Your son Jesus. Let my heart become steadfast and firm in faith in You O’ Lord. In the precious name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior…amen and amen!

Saturday Morning Blessings

May the Father in Heaven give to your heart a greater sense of His love for you this Saturday morning. And may you walk along each step today with joy in your soul.

How blessed is this Saturday morning! May you bask in His goodness for you and may you rejoice in your salvation.

Good Morning! May this Saturday morning bring to your life the love of Jesus and His peace. May you find strength in Him, always!

May the comforts of God fill your heart today. May you know that He is with you each step along the way.



  1. thank you Father for coming into my life thank you for this Saturday thank you for waking me up thank you for Wanda in my life she is the best thing she is the best thing that ever happened to me with your blessings and prayers that I had asked for someone to come into my life to make me a better person and she has done that and I’ve made her a better person and I asked you dear Lord that put a band of angels an umbrella of angels over her to keep her safe from harm and pain hurt keep her safe from sickness keep her safe from anything that would hurt her in any way keep her happy mindful and moving forward and the love that I give her and show her be the best and more and more everyday than I love her and that she would love me and bless her family father and I ask you to bless her children and her grandchildren bless our family together we have that brought us together ask you to bless my family father my brothers my sisters my nieces my nephews Hunter ask you to bless Hunter help her get on her feet and make a new start and find you and love you and listen to you and I pray for bo childress that you will make your transition from this world to heaven and easy one and a peaceful one and all the ones that have asked for prayer father that you answer their prayers and I know you will in time I know it takes time for prayers to be answered but you do answer every prayer in ways we may not understand but in ways we do understand and we know that you’re there for us and with us and will not leave us or forsake us in any way I want you to know I love you father I love your son Jesus Christ thank you for giving your son for our sins he died on the cross and he rose in three days he died for our sins you give your son to die for our sins what a blessing what a blessing but I love you father and I thank you for each and every prayer you’ve answered I ask that you watch over my daughters Clarica Anna my grandchildren Jordan Landon Luke Haley I just asked father that you keep them safe and keep them from harm put an umbrella of angels over them as you would keep them safe from sickness from anything that would hurt them or harm them keep them healthy most of all turn their minds to you help them find you leave God and direct them Father as I ask you to leave kind direct me and ask you to bless their mothers and fathers and grandfathers and mothers and dads and their families ask all this in your precious holy son’s name Jesus Christ amen.

  2. My son is 31 and this past June he started feeling sick they did all kinds of tests on him, including a spinal tap, and said that he has an immunity disorder to where his immunity is attacking his body. His red blood cell count is always too low and the white cell count is always too high. I’m believing God to straighten this up. He’s having to take infusions, but they’re not lasting long. The blood goes back up to normal but it comes back down the red count that’s too low, please pray that God heals him of this immunity disease that he has gotten I know God can do it

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