The Power to Turn the World Upside Down | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
The Power to Turn the World Upside Down
“America was founded on prayer. Therefore, the removal of prayer from its public life was a central part of its fall from God. A nation that turns away from prayer will ultimately find itself in desperate need of it.”
― Jonathan Cahn
This is an axe. When they did not find them, they dragged Jason and some brother in the rulers of the city crying out These are those who have turned the world upside down.
They’ve come here too. This was the accusation. That was the charge. They’ve turned the world upside down.
What a great charge. You wanna be charged with that? Why?
How could they be get be accused of turning the world upside down?
Because they were living by the spirit of god.
The power one of the powers of the spirit is to turn things upside down.
Turn the world upside down and turn your situation upside down. The spirit reverses things completely.
The spirit came upon people and the whole and the old testament, and the whole situation got turned upside down.
You have a problem how about the power of the spirit to turn the problem upside down?
A problem that’s right side up is just a problem. But a problem that’s upside down, that’s redemption.
God has something there. You’ve got a fear. Okay. Lord, give me the power to turn this upside down.
I’ve been over you know, a fear turned upside down is a victory. You have a messed up situation.
Okay. God. Help me to turn this. Help me to mess up the messed up situation.
Help me to turn it upside down because a mess turned up side down and god is something perfect.
I’ve been you have a defeat. You’ve got a setback right now you’re dealing with.
Lord, help me to turn this defeat this setback upside down. What’s a defeat turned upside down?
It’s a becomes victory. A life of sin turned upside down becomes blessing becomes freedom becomes freedom.
You have the power. This is the spirit filled life.
As shown to us by the brothe our brothers and sisters in the book of acts.
They weren’t perfect any more than we are. They weren’t superhuman. They weren’t they weren’t not like us.
They were like us. You’re like them. They had issues. They have they got irritated. They got they made mistakes.
They they had messes. But they walked in the power of the Holy Spirit. You can do the same.
Live by that power walk by the live by the spirit, walk by the spirit, overcome sin by the spirit, overcome fear.
You can overcome fear by that. Your life will become that.
You’ve got the power and god of I can do it. It can happen.
Yet they I can overcome that sin. I can turn down the temptation. I can go against my fear.
I can have victory over my problem. I can live in righteousness and holiness. I can walk in victory.
I can overcome all things I can fulfill the high calling that god’s given me.
I can live a spirit filled life of power. Take up your powers, people. Use the force.
Live, walk, move by the power and fullness of the Holy Spirit, and you too will shake off chains.
You will break open prison doors and turn your world upside down.
I I’m Jonathan Khan, and I hope you are blessed with the video.
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- Happy Sunday! Let’s pray for an amazing SundayTháng 3 12, 2023