America’s Future | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
America’s Future
God has called you to live now as a beloved child. This can change your life. A powerful message of healing, restoration, and transformation.
Friday, May 5, 2023
Passover is the first and central celebration of the Jewish faith. It’s when they remember they were once slaves in Egypt. God saved them by sending a Redeemer, and by the blood of the Lamb. It’s no accident that Jesus, the Messiah, is called the LAMB of God and He died on Passover. Every time you have the Lord’s Supper, you’re eating the bread and drinking the wine of Passover. He arose during Passover week, for Passover was the celebration of new beginnings and new life. There’s no other Messiah but Jesus; only He could do all this. We believers have a truly Jewish faith – a Passover Faith. Remember once you were a slave far from God, but God in His mercy sent you His Redeemer. By the Blood of the Lamb, He broke your chains, and set you free. He set you on a journey home to a land flowing with milk and honey, the Promised Land. Keep your eyes on the Lamb, and celebrate your salvation. You are a spiritual child of Israel and you’re saved in a Passover faith.
What happens next in the case of ancient Israel.
After that first warning, instead of turning back to God, the nation hardened itself, turned all the more away from God.
It’s apostasy accelerated. We are watching the same exact thing since 9 11.
You know, people thought, well, 9 11 people will come back to God.
Well, they rushed to the churches for three weeks.
They rushed and said, God bless America, but there was no repentance, no turning.
If you don’t turn, there’s no revival.
And so instead of getting, getting better, we got worse, it’s become now a free fall.
Where does it end? It doesn’t end well, the template ends with judgment with the fall of a nation.
Is there hope. Yes, as long as there’s God, there’s hope, but the only hope America has is revival and that’s why we have to pray for it fervently more than ever before.
Now, let’s take this home to America and beyond America. What does it reveal? Think about it.
If a civilization that was dedicated to God, to the glory of the name of Jesus to spread salvation could become what it is now at war with God at war with his word at war with his ways.
Then we must take warning. It happened to a nation. It has happened to churches.
It has happened to denominations that once gave glory to God.
Now they embrace a war against God and bless it. See, it’s man’s nature to fall.
It’s God’s nature to rise. We have to be on guard that it never happens to us.
America started out passionately for God to spread the gospel to the ends of the earth.
Now, what does it spread to the ends of the earth?
But officially it spreads well, both it spreads pornography to the world. It spreads sexual immorality to the world.
It spreads the destruction of gender to the world.
It spreads the killing of Children to the world and even nations that are saying you used to used to be America with the light.
Now they’re saying keep this away from us.
Now in war is beginning to war against the very people like you who are seeking to do what America was called to do from the beginning.
So what’s the warning you can start out dedicated to God?
But if you, you gotta be careful because you can lose sight.
You can begin serving other gods and idols without realizing it, money success, prosperity, you know yourself and not even realize it.
You can forget the purpose of your own life, your own salvation, you can lose your first love, forget why you’re here.
There’s so many churches that have forgotten why they’re here.
But people too, by getting so involved, you get so busy, you forget God gets out.
You lose the fire. You still give the name but the fire, you can grow cold and not realize it.
It can happen gradually. So you don’t even realize it. Could that be you in some way.
Is there some way? You even if you, you can’t just dedicate your life to the Lord.
Once you need to rededicate it every day, reconsecrate every day, seek him every day, renew your love, every day, every day, continually.
Lord, I want more of you. I want more.
I want more live in your, I wanna live in your power. I wanna live in your holiness.
I wanna live in your will. I wanna live in your spirit more. I wanna be filled with you.
I wanna be on fire in love.
Hi, I’m Jonathan Cohn and I hope you are blessed with the video.
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