The Mattanot Antidote To Selfishness | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
The Mattanot Antidote To Selfishness
Message Of The Week – From the offerings and sacrifices of ancient Israel and the words of Leviticus, to Messiah’s atonement – a revelation that affects every part of your life and can change the way you live your life.
Tuesday, September 26, 2023 – The Book of Gods Oracles
In the ancient world, people would travel across lands, oceans and seas to get oracles from those who were supposed to speak for the gods. Even kings were awed by them, wanting counsel from the divine. Romans 3 says, “What advantage has the Jew? … to them were committed the oracles of God.” They were entrusted with the true oracles of God, the Word of God, the Bible. You too have been entrusted with the oracles of God if you have a Bible. The Word of God isn’t just a book. It’s supernatural, from heaven, and it’s yours. People spend fortunes on psychics to get some supernatural counseling, getting nothing that’s going to help their lives. But you have supernatural counsel for your life, direct from heaven. Counsel for everything in your life from the God of the universe, worth more than money can buy. What are you doing with it? Don’t let it sit there unopened, wasting such a treasure. Open the Bible today and receive a word from the Living God. Don’t lose the treasure entrusted to you. It’s for real. You’ve got the oracles!
But the Matana is the whole opposite of all that. The spirit of the gift Matana.
You know what? It’s the anti dote to self enos.
So think of think of the what it says.
God so love the world that he gave his only begotten son is the giving.
So in Hebrew god, not gave the Ben the son who is the gift. Hebrew prophecy.
Think what it says. For unto us, a child is born. On to us, a son is given.
He wasn’t he didn’t just live like we do. He was given Everything he did was given.
We’re born. He was given. Every moment of his life, was given.
The atonement, the bro Bethlehem, the atonement, the cross, his death, his resurrection is given. Everything is.
He is the. He is given.
It was his mission to give himself because he is the sacrifice. He is the matanam.
Not just a life. He’s a gift.
So you can’t just read about Jesus You like you can read about Mohammed or read about Buddha or you can’t just read about it like its history.
The gospel is a gift that you have to receive no matter when you exist.
So it’s not just you’re just just reading a biography.
It’s not that no matter who, if you know god, you have to, at some point, have to receive the gift.
It’s a living, breathing reality for your life.
So god everything in the gospel in some way is a gift to you. You gotta say it personally.
It says whosoever, whomever if anyone, that’s you.
That’s why it says as many has received him, they didn’t just hear about him.
They received him no matter when they lived, it says they became the children of god.
So this is something that’s not about so much ideology. There’s no ideology like it.
There’s no religion like it. There’s no faith like it. It’s radical. There’s no gift in Islam.
There’s no gift in Hinduism. There’s no gift in Buddhism. There’s certainly no gift in communism or socialism.
There’s no gift. The Muslim doesn’t receive Mohammed.
He’s not the The orthodox Jew doesn’t receive Moses, but reads about Moses tries to follow the law.
The Buddhist don’t receive Buddha. Because they weren’t the gift. They weren’t the Matana.
It’s a whole messiah is the gift, whole different whole different realm.
In most religions, there is no, again, there’s only one that there really is.
Is that most religions are a system or a tradition or a set of rules or a philosophy way of life, and you have to follow it.
The Muslim has to follow Islamic law, the Sharia.
The Orthodox Jew has to follow the law and the tradition of the rabbis.
The Buddhist has to follow the way of Buddha.
The Hindu has to follow the wheel of karma to get reincarnated enough times to escape the wheel of karma.
In every case, religions, ideology. It’s all striving to get some to get it, to make it.
There’s no gift. There’s nothing added. There’s no surprise. There’s nothing in the equation.
There’s nothing there’s nothing new there, but salvation. The guy possible is radically different. It’s all about the gift.
It is the gift. He is the gift.
But even in the lord, you know, it’s so radical that we can talk about it. Yes.
It’s salvation is the good job without really ever getting it.
We can end up living a giftless faith where it’s basically used just struggling to be good with god.
Striving to do your best, trying to be good, trying not to be bad today. There’s no gift there.
You don’t need a gift. You don’t need god for that. Everybody can do that.
You just try on your own. It’s you. You do good. You believe god loves you more today.
You did bad today. You believe god’s a little bit less with you.
Hopefully, you were good enough to make it. That’s no gift. Some of you were raised in traditions.
If you did enough rituals, you did enough good deeds, you would get there’s no gift there.
When you were a kid and you got a gift, you weren’t thinking about how you could earn it.
It wasn’t work to get a gift. It was a joy. It was a celebration.
Human nature doesn’t go again. Human nature is doesn’t has a hard time with this. God’s nature is gift.
Give. So we can easily, even in the lord, start going backwards where we get into a giftless life, That’s not this faith.
His faith is totally centered on the Matana, the gift of god.
You see, again, Buddhist can read about Buddha Muslims read about Mohammed.
Though we do read about Messiah, it’s not primarily about reading about him.
Even though we must read about it, it’s not primarily it’s about actually receiving him beyond reading on the pages.
He’s real in my life. I can read about what happened to Mohammed a 1000 years ago, I can read about what Confucius said a long time before that, but I’m not primarily reading about him.
I am reading. We need to read, but I’m not I’m receiving him now. There’s nothing like it.
Those who are true believers, aren’t those who are brought up in Christian homes.
Those who received him As many as received him, they became the children of god.
I don’t know if they still have it. They might have it, but I was raised on cracker jacks.
Not that I that not that that’s all I ate, but cracker jacks had a snack. Right?
But they always had a prize inside a gift Well, it’s kinda like the other face or maybe, like, the, like, maybe, like, the food without the gift.
It but only this faith, it’s not just that you’re reading this.
There’s a gift inside that’s real and a lot.
It’s not, you know, the it’s the now the opposite of the gift is having no gift.
Most people live their lives that way.
The word, as I said, comes from which is to give. Now what’s the opposite of giving?
Taking. Most people live their lives in the spirit of taking, getting, meeting, desperate, seeking for myself, looking out for number 1, trying to get money, trying to get acceptance, recognition, that person to like me, that to marry that person, to get more, to get a thing, to get a career, to get success, to get acceptance, to get It’s the opposite, though.
It’s not that those things are necessarily wrong, but the spirit of getting, getting, getting, taking, that’s not the spirit of god.
Whether in religion, I wanna get into heaven or business I wanna get ahead or politics, I wanna get votes ideologies.
I wanna get my rights. I wanna get my share. I wanna get my justice. I wanna get my revenge.
A revolution. We’re gonna get everything that they took from us. Get get get get. That’s the way of nature.
That’s the way of the jungle. Get.
And we grow up and we get saved, but some a lot of times we bring it into the lord.
The old nature is the get nature.
The old nature, it’s like 2 believers could be fighting in the in god’s house over one position or fighting over a person.
You’re jealous. It’s about me because get is me living to get, but the is the whole opposite of all that.
The spirit of the gift, you know what? It’s the antidote to selfishness.
You might think, well, the antidote to selfishness is selflessness. Okay.
But how do you overcome the self by yourself? You can’t overcome yourself with yourself.
You need help from outside your health, yourself. You need something beyond, and that something is the gift.
So the antidote of living a life of taking is to start not to try to stop taking but to receive the Matanas, the gifts.
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