The Master Blueprint of the End Times | Jonathan Cahn Saturday Weekly
The Master Blueprint of the End Times | Jonathan Cahn Saturday Weekly
“In America’s greatest moments there was always sin, and in its worst moments, greatness. But there are critical junctures. In the middle of the twentieth century America began officially removing God from its national life. It abolished prayer and Scripture in its public schools. As ancient Israel had removed the Ten Commandments from its national consciousness, so America did likewise, removing the Ten Commandments from public view, banning it from its public squares, and taking it down, by government decree, from its walls. As it was in ancient Israel, so too in America, God was progressively driven out of the nation’s public life. The very mention of the name God or Jesus in any relevant context became more and more taboo and unwelcome unless for the purpose of mockery and attack. That which had once been revered as sacred was now increasingly treated as profanity. And as God was driven out, idols were brought in to replace Him.” “But Americans don’t worship idols.” “No,” said the prophet, “they just don’t call them idols. As God was expunged from American life, idols came in to fill the void—idols of sensuality, idols of greed, of money, success, comfort, materialism, pleasure, sexual immorality, self-worship, self-obsession.”
― Jonathan Cahn, The Harbinger: The Ancient Mystery that Holds the Secret of America’s Future
― Jonathan Cahn, The Harbinger: The Ancient Mystery that Holds the Secret of America’s Future
But even in the first prophecy of the return, which comes from Moses himself in Deuteronomy 30 it says this, he talks about them being scattered to the ends of the earth.
All came true. It says this now it shall come to pass when all these things have come upon you, the blessing and the curse which I’ve set before you and you call them to remembrance in all the nations where the Lord has scattered you and you return to the Lord, your God and obey his voice according to all that I command you and, and you and your Children with all your heart, with all your soul, that the Lord will bring you back from exile and have compassion on you and gather you for again from all the nations where the Lord God has scattered you.
You shall return. What’s it saying Moses is saying here, it’s a prophecy given by God that in those days when you’re in the nations and you return to God, God will gather you back.
Now, how does that happen? Because on one hand, we know the Jewish people have come back to the land and they have not yet as a whole come back to God and that’s gonna come on the day when they look upon him.
So that’s not yet. So the physical came, but there’s gonna be a spiritual return as well.
But there’s two sides to the mystery because the Bible also says there will be a spiritual return and that will be connected that will lead to the physical return.
Ok. That’s right here. So did so did. so there’ll be an initial return. Did that ever happen? For two?
You know, in the book of Acts, the Jewish people had gatherings and the Jewish believers gathered in Jerusalem Acts 15.
That was that gathering that led to most of your coming to the Lord because that’s when they say it’s got to go out to the gentiles with no hindrance.
Well, there has not been another gathering like that since the first century.
The Jewish people, Jewish believers started disappearing from the world. The apostles disappeared, disciples disappeared.
They started disappearing more and more until they were virtually you couldn’t find them.
And there were no more such gatherings, but there came a gathering that was secret to the world.
It happened in the 19th century and first time in 2000 years that Jewish believers gathered together, they even linked it to the gatherings in Jerusalem.
The year was 1867, the same year where all these prophetic events start taking place in Israel, but it all begins the same year that I if you haven’t heard it, it’s on the other day, Mark Twain comes to Israel.
Same time that the man with the measuring line comes as a sign.
Same time that Jerusalem after 2000 years, the core is uncovered after 2000 years, same year that the land is released for the first time in 2000 years.
All but it begins. The first event was this kind of secret gathering of Jewish believers before the Lord.
And 18 67 less than 30 days after that gathering, Mark Twain set out on his journey less than 30 days after that gathering.
After 2000 years, the land is released for Jewish people to purchase it again.
18 67 that that meeting is gonna determine everything else in the end times.
It’s gonna determine if you count from that meeting. 86 7, 50 years, 1917 1967 2017, all comes from there.
And, and the the the six day war is the 100th anniversary of that meeting. That was the year.
But what date did they gather? They gathered on May 14 in the next century.
That’s the exact date that Israel will come back into the world. So first there’s the spiritual, then the physical.
So at the end of the age, it’s not only going to be a physical return of Israel, it’s got to be a spiritual return.
The two go together that just when the one starts.
The other Jewish people start returning to the land after this gathering 1967.
Another major prophetic event with when Jewish people returned to the city of Jerusalem as Messiah required for his coming.
It’s, it’s, it’s the 100th anniversary of that secret meeting.
Now, something else happened at when 96 7, some of you were alive when that happened right after that.
Another phenomenon happened after when 90, when they came back to Jerusalem, what happened was all of a sudden there was a revival of Jewish people coming to the Lord.
It’s dated from 1967 when you heard of Jews for Jesus, all that, all that ultimately comes from this.
What happened was it was right after that, you see what happened is there was a revival that happened and, and it, and it, it’s called the Jesus movement.
Many of you, many of you were saved from that many ministries today are from that the Jesus movement.
But the Jesus movement came out of what was called the Summer of Love, the Summer of Love in San Francisco, the Summer of Love.
What year was that? 1967? And God works through anything? 1967? That was the year of jubilee.
But what month did it begin?
The summer love began June the same time that Israeli soldiers are entering the gates of Jerusalem.
When you have the return of Jerusalem, you have the return of Jewish believers.
So all those things trace themselves to that. All that happened.
1967, June, uh they will return to David, their king. What is the setting of end time prophecy?
The setting is Jewish people in the land of Israel.
The first mentioning of the last days has Jewish people coming back.
Zechariah 12 says in that day, all nations will come against Israel over the issue of Jerusalem.
All nations will come against the Jewish people being back in the land.
You know, for most of 2000 years, the world didn’t really care about that land. Much Jewish people come back.
The whole world goes into an uproar because the enemy is in an uproar because he knows that if the Jewish people come back, somebody else is coming back.
It says in that day, when all nations come against Jerusalem, then they will look and they will look upon him whom they have pierced and mourn.
They will see the Messiah, the Book of Revelation ends where ultimately in Jerusalem, end time, prophecy can only take place with Jewish people in Jerusalem.
Everything has to return to where it was.
Messiah said, you will not see me again until you say blessed is he but he said it to Jerusalem.
Jewish people in Jerusalem. So all these things have to take place.
Now, I wanted to see how this goes in the beginning of the age.
You had Jewish believers in Israel land of Israel nation of Israel city of Jerusalem. Then what happens?
The Jewish people lose Jerusalem, they lose the nation, then they start disappearing. They start the Jewish believers start disappearing.
Jewish people start disappearing from the land. There is some are in the land but they keep scattering around.
There’s no nation. Well, if you take that and reverse it, play it in reverse, back it up, play it in reverse.
You get the end times first. What you have is Jewish people in the land again which they start returning.
But no nation, then you have the nation, then you have Jerusalem and then you have Jewish believers.
It all is the return or reverse of what was back then.
To find out how you can receive more of Jonathan’s teachings to receive special free gifts or get in touch.
Go to hope of the world dot org or call toll free 1 800 Yeshua one that’s hope of the world dot org or call 1 800 Yeshua one that’s 1 809 374821.
You can also get more at Jonathan Khan’s Facebook or write us direct at Hope of the World box.
1111, Lodi New Jersey, 07644 USA Hope of the world is dedicated to the goal of spreading God’s word and salvation to every land and people.
We do this by spreading the word throughout the world and sponsoring compassion projects to the most poor and needy around the earth to get in touch or have a part in God’s work.
Just write to Hope of the World Box 1111, Lodi New Jersey.
07644 USA or go to Hope of the world dot org or call 1 800 Yeshua one that’s 1 809 374821.
All came true. It says this now it shall come to pass when all these things have come upon you, the blessing and the curse which I’ve set before you and you call them to remembrance in all the nations where the Lord has scattered you and you return to the Lord, your God and obey his voice according to all that I command you and, and you and your Children with all your heart, with all your soul, that the Lord will bring you back from exile and have compassion on you and gather you for again from all the nations where the Lord God has scattered you.
You shall return. What’s it saying Moses is saying here, it’s a prophecy given by God that in those days when you’re in the nations and you return to God, God will gather you back.
Now, how does that happen? Because on one hand, we know the Jewish people have come back to the land and they have not yet as a whole come back to God and that’s gonna come on the day when they look upon him.
So that’s not yet. So the physical came, but there’s gonna be a spiritual return as well.
But there’s two sides to the mystery because the Bible also says there will be a spiritual return and that will be connected that will lead to the physical return.
Ok. That’s right here. So did so did. so there’ll be an initial return. Did that ever happen? For two?
You know, in the book of Acts, the Jewish people had gatherings and the Jewish believers gathered in Jerusalem Acts 15.
That was that gathering that led to most of your coming to the Lord because that’s when they say it’s got to go out to the gentiles with no hindrance.
Well, there has not been another gathering like that since the first century.
The Jewish people, Jewish believers started disappearing from the world. The apostles disappeared, disciples disappeared.
They started disappearing more and more until they were virtually you couldn’t find them.
And there were no more such gatherings, but there came a gathering that was secret to the world.
It happened in the 19th century and first time in 2000 years that Jewish believers gathered together, they even linked it to the gatherings in Jerusalem.
The year was 1867, the same year where all these prophetic events start taking place in Israel, but it all begins the same year that I if you haven’t heard it, it’s on the other day, Mark Twain comes to Israel.
Same time that the man with the measuring line comes as a sign.
Same time that Jerusalem after 2000 years, the core is uncovered after 2000 years, same year that the land is released for the first time in 2000 years.
All but it begins. The first event was this kind of secret gathering of Jewish believers before the Lord.
And 18 67 less than 30 days after that gathering, Mark Twain set out on his journey less than 30 days after that gathering.
After 2000 years, the land is released for Jewish people to purchase it again.
18 67 that that meeting is gonna determine everything else in the end times.
It’s gonna determine if you count from that meeting. 86 7, 50 years, 1917 1967 2017, all comes from there.
And, and the the the six day war is the 100th anniversary of that meeting. That was the year.
But what date did they gather? They gathered on May 14 in the next century.
That’s the exact date that Israel will come back into the world. So first there’s the spiritual, then the physical.
So at the end of the age, it’s not only going to be a physical return of Israel, it’s got to be a spiritual return.
The two go together that just when the one starts.
The other Jewish people start returning to the land after this gathering 1967.
Another major prophetic event with when Jewish people returned to the city of Jerusalem as Messiah required for his coming.
It’s, it’s, it’s the 100th anniversary of that secret meeting.
Now, something else happened at when 96 7, some of you were alive when that happened right after that.
Another phenomenon happened after when 90, when they came back to Jerusalem, what happened was all of a sudden there was a revival of Jewish people coming to the Lord.
It’s dated from 1967 when you heard of Jews for Jesus, all that, all that ultimately comes from this.
What happened was it was right after that, you see what happened is there was a revival that happened and, and it, and it, it’s called the Jesus movement.
Many of you, many of you were saved from that many ministries today are from that the Jesus movement.
But the Jesus movement came out of what was called the Summer of Love, the Summer of Love in San Francisco, the Summer of Love.
What year was that? 1967? And God works through anything? 1967? That was the year of jubilee.
But what month did it begin?
The summer love began June the same time that Israeli soldiers are entering the gates of Jerusalem.
When you have the return of Jerusalem, you have the return of Jewish believers.
So all those things trace themselves to that. All that happened.
1967, June, uh they will return to David, their king. What is the setting of end time prophecy?
The setting is Jewish people in the land of Israel.
The first mentioning of the last days has Jewish people coming back.
Zechariah 12 says in that day, all nations will come against Israel over the issue of Jerusalem.
All nations will come against the Jewish people being back in the land.
You know, for most of 2000 years, the world didn’t really care about that land. Much Jewish people come back.
The whole world goes into an uproar because the enemy is in an uproar because he knows that if the Jewish people come back, somebody else is coming back.
It says in that day, when all nations come against Jerusalem, then they will look and they will look upon him whom they have pierced and mourn.
They will see the Messiah, the Book of Revelation ends where ultimately in Jerusalem, end time, prophecy can only take place with Jewish people in Jerusalem.
Everything has to return to where it was.
Messiah said, you will not see me again until you say blessed is he but he said it to Jerusalem.
Jewish people in Jerusalem. So all these things have to take place.
Now, I wanted to see how this goes in the beginning of the age.
You had Jewish believers in Israel land of Israel nation of Israel city of Jerusalem. Then what happens?
The Jewish people lose Jerusalem, they lose the nation, then they start disappearing. They start the Jewish believers start disappearing.
Jewish people start disappearing from the land. There is some are in the land but they keep scattering around.
There’s no nation. Well, if you take that and reverse it, play it in reverse, back it up, play it in reverse.
You get the end times first. What you have is Jewish people in the land again which they start returning.
But no nation, then you have the nation, then you have Jerusalem and then you have Jewish believers.
It all is the return or reverse of what was back then.
To find out how you can receive more of Jonathan’s teachings to receive special free gifts or get in touch.
Go to hope of the world dot org or call toll free 1 800 Yeshua one that’s hope of the world dot org or call 1 800 Yeshua one that’s 1 809 374821.
You can also get more at Jonathan Khan’s Facebook or write us direct at Hope of the World box.
1111, Lodi New Jersey, 07644 USA Hope of the world is dedicated to the goal of spreading God’s word and salvation to every land and people.
We do this by spreading the word throughout the world and sponsoring compassion projects to the most poor and needy around the earth to get in touch or have a part in God’s work.
Just write to Hope of the World Box 1111, Lodi New Jersey.
07644 USA or go to Hope of the world dot org or call 1 800 Yeshua one that’s 1 809 374821.
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