Special Guest: Allie Beth Stuckey
Special Guest: Allie Beth Stuckey
How can young women without a support system find courage in their faith? How can she cultivate a support system? Why is it important for all of us to find and be a part of an expositional bible teaching church? Pastor Jack sits down at the NRB Conference with podcast host of RELATABLE, author, and conservative advocate Allie Beth Stuckey.
Real Life presents the Jack Hibbs podcast with intention and boldness to proclaim truth, equip the saints and impact our culture today.
If this podcast lifts you up and encourages you to live a more fulfilled life in Christ, then make sure you leave us one of those five star ratings to us.
That’s like saying amen or yes, then that rating will encourage others to listen.
Now, open your hearts to what God’s word has to say to you. Here is Jack Hibbs.
Everybody. Welcome back to the Real Life Network. And we’re sitting down here at the National Religious Broadcasters Network.
It’s an incredible gathering of people and some of those incredible people.
One of them is right here with us today and it’s Ali Beth Stuckey and she is a powerhouse, what I would say for the young generation, I’m old enough to be her dad.
But the cool thing about what she’s doing is she’s standing in the gap, proclaiming truth. She’s a fighter.
She’s a contender. Many of you have seen her videos on Prager you, but she is from the blaze.
That’s Glenn Vets group. And so tell us about that.
Yeah, I host a podcast called Relatable that is distributed by Blaze TV.
And we analyze culture, news, politics from a Christian conservative perspective as well as theology.
It’s a unique podcast because the majority of my audience is women, which is not true for most political podcasts.
It’s kind of, it’s kind of a man sphere, a more masculine sphere.
But whether it’s on youtube or on the listening side, about 85% of the people who listen to me and watch me are young women.
And that’s what I want to do.
I want to try to help them navigate the chaos of our culture with clarity and courage.
And that’s what I feel called to. I love doing it.
Can I assume then because you want to reach those that really need parental direction that you had a good upbringing that you could say.
Well, my foundation was good, but I’m going to take that and transfer it or the other way around. Yes.
So people who listen to my podcast know that I’ve had both my parents on frequently.
They’re some of my favorite guests, my audience’s favorite guests because they want insight. OK.
You have these values, you passionate about these things. How did that come to be?
Of course, a lot of that is in my adult life and just what God innately puts in you, your interest, your drives and things like that.
But my parents cultivated those values. They cultivated those values from a young age.
So I was raised in the church by very strong parents.
Although we didn’t really talk necessarily about politics growing up, that just wasn’t as central to our conversations really as it kind of is today.
Politics are so pervasive. But the values of conservatism, which of course, I think are inherent in Christianity um were there and that foundation was laid.
And thankfully, I have a great relationship with my parents today and get to pass down that legacy to my kids.
And so yes, without my parents, not just how I was raised, but the continued support and love and encouragement and edification of my parents is really a difference maker.
Well, ok, so how do you communicate then to a young woman who did not have that upbringing?
Um They’re kind of adrift. May, they may not have a mom or dad to call or not even a husband or boyfriend, they’re kind of on their own.
What would you say to them? Because we’re hearing that that number is increasing. How do you reach them?
And II, I noticed that it’s kind of obvious you have a little baby coming along here.
Um What about that young mom to be out of wedlock? She’s feeling lost. What do you say?
What can you say? Yeah. First of all, I can really sympathize with that position being without a support system, being without a base being without my family calls it balcony people.
So people who are cheering from your balcony, who are telling you? Yes, this is what’s true.
You can do it. This is the direction that you’re supposed to go. Yes.
But um not everyone has that. Not everyone has that cheering section.
This person might also have people in their lives who are saying it’s stupid to be a Christian or it’s stupid to go against the grain.
It’s stupid to stream. It’s so much easier just to go with the culture.
And so I can really sympathize with the difficulty of that position.
But a woman with her Bible is more powerful than a woman with an army without her Bible.
And so the first thing that I would encourage you to do is one, get a good study Bible.
I like the ESB study Bible.
There are a lot of study Bibles out there and then join your local church.
Um Because that support and that community, that accountability, that reminder that fellow believers can give you of who you are in Christ.
What Christ has done for you? Why living for the truth in love is worth it is vital.
Yes, you have the Holy Spirit. If you’re a Christian, yes, your Bible is necessary.
But the body of believers, the body of Christ to spur you on to love and good works.
That’s going to be a huge difference make in your life. And a don’t you think?
Yes to everything you just said, don’t you think also that when she makes that decision to go to a Bible teaching church, a good church that she’s gonna have to apply herself to make friends as well.
A lot of people go to church and say, well, nobody said hi to me.
Well, how many people did you say hi to? Right. That kind of thing.
She’s gonna need to kind of insert herself, which raises the flag a little bit of, hey, we just met her.
She needs help. There’s so much protectiveness that we have where we think we can’t tell people our problems, they’re going to judge us.
But if you’re in a good church, people are going to scoop you up and love you.
So there’s this block wall of, I don’t know about a church.
Well, I think what you’re saying is why did you run the risk of going to a church getting established with a family, really a family of spiritual people who love God first, which enables them to love you.
But there’s people you can share with just like Paul spoke to Timothy that there’s older women that can help you along in the younger dynamics of life.
Yeah. So, so important. Right. And you described Bible teaching churches, unfortunately, we have to use that descriptor today because there are many churches who, well, they claim to be churches.
They’re really just gathering of people who never open their Bible. So that’s something as a believer.
Obviously, you need to watch out for.
And if your pastor is not reading from the Bible saying things that are contradicted by scripture that you need to run.
So that’s, that’s number one. But yes, make yourself vulnerable, which I understand can be very scary to go up to that woman in church or sometimes churches at the end will say, you know what, we’ve got people who are willing to pray for you, willing to talk to you up here and don’t be scared to do that.
There is absolutely no risk in that. Go for, ask someone anyone for help.
Hey, how can I get connected to someone? Hey, how can I, I don’t know, join a Bible study.
Can I talk to someone or I’m dealing with this in my life and I really need help.
That believer will be so excited, so filled with the Holy Spirit to help you.
And that’s gonna be a huge indicator about the atmosphere or the theater of which church you’re in, if you say, well, you know, I, you know, I’m lost or I’m homeless or I’m pregnant and I don’t have anybody if they say, oh, wow.
Oh, my goodness. Well, probably a good thing for you to walk out of there.
But, um, listen, I know our time is limited. You gave a while back.
Um, my pastors and staff were actually shocked.
They were shocked that you were so skilled at what you had said.
I sent it first to our pastors and I said, listen, we need more men like ali in this topic and you gave you were actually responding, oh my goodness, told me you were responding to some post or some comment.
It might have been an Andy Stanley comment. It might have been somebody else made a comment.
And you said, OK, we’re taking this program and we’re going to talk about the, the importance of exposition of Bible teaching.
Do you remember that? I don’t remember, I don’t remember which went on for like 50 minutes. I probably did.
I mean, that’s something I really care about. And I gotta tell you it’s obvious.
And so do I, we are an exposition of teaching church.
And I told the guys, I said, listen to her, most pastors conferences don’t even cover what she just covered.
So for that, I was like, oh, I, I have to meet her. Yeah.
Well, it’s, it’s such a great privilege.
I think that pastors have that you have all the material and all the clarity that you need right there.
The word that you don’t have to reach inside yourself and find all of these, you know, clever sayings.
You have the word of God right there, go verse from verse.
And that’s the best and most solid and most truthful sermon that you can give so true.
What you just said over the years we’ve been pastoring for over 30 years.
I’ve done, I was raised in a church that does exposition verse by verse chapter by chapter book by book.
And so now you look back after 30 years of ministry and people have, especially in light of COVID.
How did you know, how did you know to stay open or how did you know about teaching this or about that, or, or parsing out these scatological or so issues?
How did you know? Well, I didn’t know anything except going through the word of God, he’ll take care of it.
He will unpack it. And I think this, um, to, have you ever heard a w Tozer audibly?
Have you ever heard him speak? Well, you’ve read his book and they’re amazing.
If you hear him speak, you will quickly turn off the audio and go back to the books because his, his voice was horrific.
It was just terrible. But the point was this, his church averaged about 100 and 50 people, but his pen was mighty.
My point is this. He never wavered, he never wavered from what the word says.
And so now today I just found out that a w Tozer books are sold more today than ever.
And he’s been dead for like, I don’t know how many years for decades point is. The truth never moves.
And in this shifting culture, the word is that lighthouse. It’s that anchor. Yes.
And what a privilege in an age of chaos and cowardice and confusion to have the clarity and the courage that comes from the word of God.
We don’t have to wonder all of these seemingly complex and nuanced questions we’re told about what gender is or what marriage is or what morality is or what truth is.
Look, go back to the first verse of the first chapter of the Bible, God created the heavens and the earth.
If you believe that everything else follows, it’s all easy. Where can people find you?
Can they check in with you? So, podcast relatable with Ali Bay. It’s wherever you listen to podcasts.
It’s also on youtube. It’s also on TV. If you’re a subscriber, there’s a lot of subscriber content as well.
And then I’m on social media too. Yeah. So everybody please listen. Here’s what we want.
Do we want to send a message to the world and to those that are out there in the tech land when you go to her sites and when you subscribe, when you sign up, it sends a message and not only encourages her, but it sends a message to the powers that be, hey, wait a minute, people are listening to this stuff and it, it just helps you can do it.
It, it, it’s, it’s nothing does it cost anything? Sometimes it does. OK.
It doesn’t even cost, just go there and subscribe and give her some encouragement and send a message.
So and by all means, listen to what she has to say. We just love having her and Allie Beth.
Great to have you here. Thank God bless you. Thank you.
This Jack Hibbs podcast, as well as all the broadcast outreach opportunities are listener supported.
Will you consider partnering with us through a special gift?
Go to Jack Hibbs dot com to learn more and stay connected?
If this podcast lifts you up and encourages you to live a more fulfilled life in Christ, then make sure you leave us one of those five star ratings to us.
That’s like saying amen or yes, then that rating will encourage others to listen.
Now, open your hearts to what God’s word has to say to you. Here is Jack Hibbs.
Everybody. Welcome back to the Real Life Network. And we’re sitting down here at the National Religious Broadcasters Network.
It’s an incredible gathering of people and some of those incredible people.
One of them is right here with us today and it’s Ali Beth Stuckey and she is a powerhouse, what I would say for the young generation, I’m old enough to be her dad.
But the cool thing about what she’s doing is she’s standing in the gap, proclaiming truth. She’s a fighter.
She’s a contender. Many of you have seen her videos on Prager you, but she is from the blaze.
That’s Glenn Vets group. And so tell us about that.
Yeah, I host a podcast called Relatable that is distributed by Blaze TV.
And we analyze culture, news, politics from a Christian conservative perspective as well as theology.
It’s a unique podcast because the majority of my audience is women, which is not true for most political podcasts.
It’s kind of, it’s kind of a man sphere, a more masculine sphere.
But whether it’s on youtube or on the listening side, about 85% of the people who listen to me and watch me are young women.
And that’s what I want to do.
I want to try to help them navigate the chaos of our culture with clarity and courage.
And that’s what I feel called to. I love doing it.
Can I assume then because you want to reach those that really need parental direction that you had a good upbringing that you could say.
Well, my foundation was good, but I’m going to take that and transfer it or the other way around. Yes.
So people who listen to my podcast know that I’ve had both my parents on frequently.
They’re some of my favorite guests, my audience’s favorite guests because they want insight. OK.
You have these values, you passionate about these things. How did that come to be?
Of course, a lot of that is in my adult life and just what God innately puts in you, your interest, your drives and things like that.
But my parents cultivated those values. They cultivated those values from a young age.
So I was raised in the church by very strong parents.
Although we didn’t really talk necessarily about politics growing up, that just wasn’t as central to our conversations really as it kind of is today.
Politics are so pervasive. But the values of conservatism, which of course, I think are inherent in Christianity um were there and that foundation was laid.
And thankfully, I have a great relationship with my parents today and get to pass down that legacy to my kids.
And so yes, without my parents, not just how I was raised, but the continued support and love and encouragement and edification of my parents is really a difference maker.
Well, ok, so how do you communicate then to a young woman who did not have that upbringing?
Um They’re kind of adrift. May, they may not have a mom or dad to call or not even a husband or boyfriend, they’re kind of on their own.
What would you say to them? Because we’re hearing that that number is increasing. How do you reach them?
And II, I noticed that it’s kind of obvious you have a little baby coming along here.
Um What about that young mom to be out of wedlock? She’s feeling lost. What do you say?
What can you say? Yeah. First of all, I can really sympathize with that position being without a support system, being without a base being without my family calls it balcony people.
So people who are cheering from your balcony, who are telling you? Yes, this is what’s true.
You can do it. This is the direction that you’re supposed to go. Yes.
But um not everyone has that. Not everyone has that cheering section.
This person might also have people in their lives who are saying it’s stupid to be a Christian or it’s stupid to go against the grain.
It’s stupid to stream. It’s so much easier just to go with the culture.
And so I can really sympathize with the difficulty of that position.
But a woman with her Bible is more powerful than a woman with an army without her Bible.
And so the first thing that I would encourage you to do is one, get a good study Bible.
I like the ESB study Bible.
There are a lot of study Bibles out there and then join your local church.
Um Because that support and that community, that accountability, that reminder that fellow believers can give you of who you are in Christ.
What Christ has done for you? Why living for the truth in love is worth it is vital.
Yes, you have the Holy Spirit. If you’re a Christian, yes, your Bible is necessary.
But the body of believers, the body of Christ to spur you on to love and good works.
That’s going to be a huge difference make in your life. And a don’t you think?
Yes to everything you just said, don’t you think also that when she makes that decision to go to a Bible teaching church, a good church that she’s gonna have to apply herself to make friends as well.
A lot of people go to church and say, well, nobody said hi to me.
Well, how many people did you say hi to? Right. That kind of thing.
She’s gonna need to kind of insert herself, which raises the flag a little bit of, hey, we just met her.
She needs help. There’s so much protectiveness that we have where we think we can’t tell people our problems, they’re going to judge us.
But if you’re in a good church, people are going to scoop you up and love you.
So there’s this block wall of, I don’t know about a church.
Well, I think what you’re saying is why did you run the risk of going to a church getting established with a family, really a family of spiritual people who love God first, which enables them to love you.
But there’s people you can share with just like Paul spoke to Timothy that there’s older women that can help you along in the younger dynamics of life.
Yeah. So, so important. Right. And you described Bible teaching churches, unfortunately, we have to use that descriptor today because there are many churches who, well, they claim to be churches.
They’re really just gathering of people who never open their Bible. So that’s something as a believer.
Obviously, you need to watch out for.
And if your pastor is not reading from the Bible saying things that are contradicted by scripture that you need to run.
So that’s, that’s number one. But yes, make yourself vulnerable, which I understand can be very scary to go up to that woman in church or sometimes churches at the end will say, you know what, we’ve got people who are willing to pray for you, willing to talk to you up here and don’t be scared to do that.
There is absolutely no risk in that. Go for, ask someone anyone for help.
Hey, how can I get connected to someone? Hey, how can I, I don’t know, join a Bible study.
Can I talk to someone or I’m dealing with this in my life and I really need help.
That believer will be so excited, so filled with the Holy Spirit to help you.
And that’s gonna be a huge indicator about the atmosphere or the theater of which church you’re in, if you say, well, you know, I, you know, I’m lost or I’m homeless or I’m pregnant and I don’t have anybody if they say, oh, wow.
Oh, my goodness. Well, probably a good thing for you to walk out of there.
But, um, listen, I know our time is limited. You gave a while back.
Um, my pastors and staff were actually shocked.
They were shocked that you were so skilled at what you had said.
I sent it first to our pastors and I said, listen, we need more men like ali in this topic and you gave you were actually responding, oh my goodness, told me you were responding to some post or some comment.
It might have been an Andy Stanley comment. It might have been somebody else made a comment.
And you said, OK, we’re taking this program and we’re going to talk about the, the importance of exposition of Bible teaching.
Do you remember that? I don’t remember, I don’t remember which went on for like 50 minutes. I probably did.
I mean, that’s something I really care about. And I gotta tell you it’s obvious.
And so do I, we are an exposition of teaching church.
And I told the guys, I said, listen to her, most pastors conferences don’t even cover what she just covered.
So for that, I was like, oh, I, I have to meet her. Yeah.
Well, it’s, it’s such a great privilege.
I think that pastors have that you have all the material and all the clarity that you need right there.
The word that you don’t have to reach inside yourself and find all of these, you know, clever sayings.
You have the word of God right there, go verse from verse.
And that’s the best and most solid and most truthful sermon that you can give so true.
What you just said over the years we’ve been pastoring for over 30 years.
I’ve done, I was raised in a church that does exposition verse by verse chapter by chapter book by book.
And so now you look back after 30 years of ministry and people have, especially in light of COVID.
How did you know, how did you know to stay open or how did you know about teaching this or about that, or, or parsing out these scatological or so issues?
How did you know? Well, I didn’t know anything except going through the word of God, he’ll take care of it.
He will unpack it. And I think this, um, to, have you ever heard a w Tozer audibly?
Have you ever heard him speak? Well, you’ve read his book and they’re amazing.
If you hear him speak, you will quickly turn off the audio and go back to the books because his, his voice was horrific.
It was just terrible. But the point was this, his church averaged about 100 and 50 people, but his pen was mighty.
My point is this. He never wavered, he never wavered from what the word says.
And so now today I just found out that a w Tozer books are sold more today than ever.
And he’s been dead for like, I don’t know how many years for decades point is. The truth never moves.
And in this shifting culture, the word is that lighthouse. It’s that anchor. Yes.
And what a privilege in an age of chaos and cowardice and confusion to have the clarity and the courage that comes from the word of God.
We don’t have to wonder all of these seemingly complex and nuanced questions we’re told about what gender is or what marriage is or what morality is or what truth is.
Look, go back to the first verse of the first chapter of the Bible, God created the heavens and the earth.
If you believe that everything else follows, it’s all easy. Where can people find you?
Can they check in with you? So, podcast relatable with Ali Bay. It’s wherever you listen to podcasts.
It’s also on youtube. It’s also on TV. If you’re a subscriber, there’s a lot of subscriber content as well.
And then I’m on social media too. Yeah. So everybody please listen. Here’s what we want.
Do we want to send a message to the world and to those that are out there in the tech land when you go to her sites and when you subscribe, when you sign up, it sends a message and not only encourages her, but it sends a message to the powers that be, hey, wait a minute, people are listening to this stuff and it, it just helps you can do it.
It, it, it’s, it’s nothing does it cost anything? Sometimes it does. OK.
It doesn’t even cost, just go there and subscribe and give her some encouragement and send a message.
So and by all means, listen to what she has to say. We just love having her and Allie Beth.
Great to have you here. Thank God bless you. Thank you.
This Jack Hibbs podcast, as well as all the broadcast outreach opportunities are listener supported.
Will you consider partnering with us through a special gift?
Go to Jack Hibbs dot com to learn more and stay connected?
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