“The Magnificent Gift of Righteousness” – Episode 2

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This program is brought to you by the partners and friends of Creflo Dollar Ministries. Up next on Changing Your World:

Every time the devil tries to condemn you, redirect him to Jesus. Say, “Go talk to Jesus!” You don’t have to carry condemnation. Jesus took all your sins upon Himself, and God will never hold them against you. The debt has been fully paid. Jesus has cleared your account forever.

Grace Life Academy: Your Path to Clarity and Growth
God has given us the incredible gift of grace to overcome our limitations and receive clear direction. Introducing Grace Life Academy—a platform offering unlimited access to hundreds of hours of online teachings by Creflo Dollar. Discover e-courses, study guides, quizzes, and more. Start your 30-day free trial today! Sign up at MyGraceLifeAcademy.com.

A Call to Transform the World
This is your world, and together, we can make it better. Let every heart experience God’s love. It’s time to live a new life through His grace. Embrace His love today and be transformed!

Understanding Your Identity in Christ
The devil often traps believers in cycles of guilt and shame, leaving them unable to accept their true identity in Christ. But the moment you embrace who you are in Him, your actions will naturally align. Stop striving to “earn” righteousness—God has already given you the ultimate gift: Jesus Christ.

Hebrews 9:28 (NLT) reminds us, “So also Christ was offered once for all time as a sacrifice to take away the sins of many people.” This is not a progressive forgiveness but a one-time, complete payment for all sin. Jesus doesn’t remain on the cross, repeatedly dying for every new transgression. His sacrifice is like a fully paid insurance policy that covers you from the moment of salvation to eternity.

A Glorious Future Awaits
When Jesus returns, it won’t be to address sin—He’s already done that. Instead, He will bring final salvation to those eagerly waiting for Him. This includes the restoration of our glorified bodies—the perfection Adam and Eve lost in the Garden of Eden.

The Magnificent Gift of Righteousness
Jesus, who never sinned, took on the penalty for our sins so that we might receive the gift of righteousness. This righteousness is not earned but freely given—a permanent gift of grace.

Let this truth set you free: Your sins are not charged to your account. Through Christ, you have the forever gift of non-imputation. Embrace this grace and walk confidently in your God-given identity!

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