How To Live By A New Calendar | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

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We are called to celebrate the profound truth that, in the Messiah, we are made new every single morning. His mercies are fresh and unending, renewing us daily. This transformation is not a distant concept—it is a tangible power within you, ready to be embraced. However, this renewal requires faith; you must believe it to live it. At any moment, you can let go of the burdens of the past and step into freedom, allowing the old to fade away.

When you awoke today, it might not have felt like a day of new beginnings. Perhaps it appeared like any ordinary day, but God’s power to renew transcends feelings and appearances. This renewal is an act of faith. Even though the world and the flesh remain tied to the old, God declares, “All things are made new.” As a follower of the Messiah, this declaration speaks to the transformation within you, regardless of external circumstances.

The power of newness is yours to claim. Celebrate it, live it, and let it define your life moment by moment. This renewal is not limited to a single day but is a continuous journey of faith.

Two Calendars: The Old and the New

God has granted His people two calendars. The first is the natural calendar tied to your physical birth, marking the passage of time and the inevitability of aging. But then comes the divine gift: the new calendar that begins the day you are born again in Christ. While the old calendar represents the decay and finality of the flesh, the new calendar symbolizes perpetual renewal and life in the Spirit.

Which calendar will you live by? The old calendar is burdened by the weight of mistakes and regrets, while the new calendar offers freedom and hope. Choosing the new calendar means living by faith rather than sight or feelings. It means acknowledging that the past no longer defines you because God has removed it entirely. Just as an old, filled calendar is set aside, so too is your old life when you embrace the newness offered in Christ.

A New Day, A New Beginning

When God gave Israel a new year, He declared that everything prior was nullified. The same is true for you in Christ. Every sin, every failure, every regret—they are erased, no longer recorded on your divine calendar. This means that you can truly live free from the past. If old mistakes resurface, tear them from your spiritual record and reaffirm your place in the newness of God’s grace.

This truth is doubly liberating. For some, it may even mean a fresh perspective on age and identity. You are no longer defined by the old but are continuously renewed in God’s timeline. Living by this truth requires more than acknowledgment—it demands active celebration of the renewal God offers.

Living in the Newness of Life

Unfortunately, many believers remain tethered to the old calendar, even while professing faith in the new. They carry the weight of old identities, failures, and limitations, allowing the past to dictate their present. Yet God’s promise is clear: you have the power to cut off the old and live fully in the new. To truly embrace this gift, you must celebrate it daily, acknowledging that in Christ, you are made new every morning.

Those closest to the beginning—those living in day one—experience the freshest renewal. Spiritually, this means continually returning to the mindset of someone newly born again, with hearts full of joy and gratitude for God’s grace. While we grow in wisdom and maturity, our hearts must remain anchored in that initial wonder and renewal.

Let today be your day one. Embrace the power of newness, celebrate God’s mercies, and live fully in the life He has made new for you.

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