Creflo A.Dollaer – How to Avoid Identity Theft – Episode 3

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Creflo A.Dollaer – How to Avoid Identity Theft – Episode 3

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So we don’t do anything to make ourselves new instead. Something is done to us.
God didn’t just change us. He exchanges us in place of our own self
He makes us into a new self.
And 2nd Peter, chapter 1 4, we become partakers of his nature.
But you gotta believe it.
The countdown has begun.
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This is your world.
Let every heart of me is now.
You love a city today.
We are changed.
We’re quick to say I’m redeemed. We’ll say that real quick. Are redeemed.
But we slow to agree that we’re also righteous.
We’re quick to say, are redeemed. But we’re slow to say I’m holy.
What’s that? Oh, yes, brother doll. I’m redeemed.
Are you holy? Uh, well, well, you know, god’s holy. Yeah.
Bunch you and him? If you, if you believe it.
Cause he said he made you holy too.
He said he made you pure. My goodness.
Oh, yeah. I know what you’re saying, brother dolly. In Christ. In Christ.
As if that’s some sort of distant far off righteousness that is useless for us now.
But how righteous are you if Christ has become your righteousness?
And how holy are you if Christ has become your holiness?
These are qualities that we possess because Jesus has become our life.
Colossians 3, 4, flip over there. He said, and when Christ, who is your life?
And when Christ who is your life?
When Christ is your life, Christ is your life, And when Christ who is your life is revealed to the whole world, you will share in all of his glory when Christ who is your life is revealed to the whole world.
So once we realize our our crucifixion and and burial and resurrection with Jesus Christ.
Once we realize that, we can see that god announces us as righteous and that god announces us as holy because he is describing our nature.
He does more than put a righteous label
on us,
He does more than merely adopt us into the
family, and our human spirit He has made us like him.
We are righteous We are holy.
God sees us this way because we are this way.
We don’t get a final palace right before we go to heaven, we get a new body when we escape this world but not a new human spirit or soul.
Why not? Because our inner man is heaven ready.
Our inner man is heaven ready right here and right now.
In our human spirit, we are already seated in heaven.
What? Ephesians 26. Ephesians 26.
This is just stuff you gotta make up your mind to believe and have confidence in.
For he raised us from the dead along with Christ, and he seated us with him in the heavenly realm because we are united with Christ Jesus.
So he mentions heavenly realms. So there are two rounds that coexist.
There is the physical round, and then there is the spiritual round.
One round is no less real than the other.
This physical world is not more real than the spiritual world, but from the physical side, you see that.
You feel like, well, this is more real because you can touch it and you can hold it and all that stuff.
And you’re gonna find out when you die, where you’re going is gonna be as real as what you love.
In fact, the spiritual world has preeminence it’s it’s it’s above in in in importance, and it it has a higher level than the physical world because the spiritual world gave birth to the physical world.
Think about this, a world and a round that you can’t see.
Is responsible for the world and around you can’t see.
That this physical world matter, physical matter, Cain.
It is a child of the spiritual realm.
The spiritual realm is more real than the physical realm because the physical realm is destined to pass away.
But the round that cannot be seen right now is going to be for eternity for eternity after eternity.
The physical world will one day fade away and be replaced.
Everything that we see and touch will be destroyed and replaced, but our human spirits will live forever the spiritual is the lasting reality.
You think this is me, Crip Lo Dollar. No.
This is just the house I have to have in order to have comprehension of physical matter.
Without this body, I cannot have authority and pick up and have contact with physical things.
It takes physical things to have contact with physical things.
But I know that one day this physical man is gonna pass away, and I’ll have a spiritual man that will have the same access to spiritual matter as my physical man had access to physical matter.
Those of you who think that when you die, you just go fall asleep and out of consciousness, and that’s it, not gonna happen.
There is a spiritual world where there are angels and seraphims.
What they are there’s a spiritual world where they are spiritual matter. Praise god.
And physical body can’t can’t function in that spiritual world because the speed is too quick for physical matter.
Jesus did something that was so amazing that a lot of Christians don’t get.
That when Jesus was raised from the dead, he walked through the door, the door being shut.
Which means somehow his glorified body had the speed up greater than matter to walk through it as if it wasn’t there, and yet slowed it down to be able to sit down on a physical chair and eat some fish and honeycomb.
And now he has a party in two rounds.
And one day, The dead in Christ shall rise first to meet him in the air.
When we get our glorified body. You you you think this is it?
This ain’t it. I tell you. I tell you.
I don’t know what I don’t know what god was doing. Why? Why? Why?
Why are we what did why we got these bodies and why are
we in this physical world? And and
I can tell you what I think. I can’t prove it, but you can’t disprove it.
We we we missed the part that god made man in his likeness, just like him.
And we missed this part that he was clothed with glory, not with artificial clothes,
He was not naked. You couldn’t see the nakedness
of that body because it was clothed with glory.
I believe Adam and Eve had their glorified body.
That’s what we’re trying to get back.
Because when he, when he’s sinned, the Bible says he lost the glory of his body, and they hit themselves because they had shame of their nakedness, and they started making coverings with fig leaves.
There was no need to try to find coverings because they were already covered.
I don’t believe we were ever supposed to go this route. Yeah.
A bear has a natural coat on, and a and a and a dog has a natural coat on.
And everything got created has a natural coat, and the only one that’s got artificial clothes on.
I want my coat back.
I said I want my coat back.
How did he get how did he get their code?
He stole their identity.
And the consequences of identity theft was nakedness and having to wear artificial clothing and having to kill somebody else who had their code to get their code.
And that’s why I I’m like, dude, I’m not gonna go around here as a man Oh,
I know it all. Oh, I know more than any preaching word. Oh, I know everything. You know what?
I got up one morning. I said, I said, god.
There’s so much I don’t know.
Cause literally lets me see,
lets me realize how much I don’t know.
And we Christian people, and we can’t even get together with one another because we we’re still fussing about who taught what, what they taught, what I agree with, what I disagree with.
Bro, god gonna fix all of that when we get him. All of us might have missed it.
It’s gonna be something.
It ain’t all of us missed it, but I’m just trying to be nice, but I’m just saying.
So god invites us to recognize an invisible yet enduring reality that we are new.
That we are one with him, and that we are seated with him.
In heaven already.
It’s good for us to set our mind on things above where where you’ve been raised and seated with God.
You’re free to choose.
But don’t use your freedom as an opportunity for food is living.
The outcome of those choices is gonna be shamed and disappointment.
There are an expression shame and disappointment and choosing to go down that crazy path, it ex it expresses death.
And we, on the other hand, are designed to express god’s divine life.
We’re not designed to express death.
God not only forgave me, but also made me new at the core and allowed me to participate in Jesus’ death burial of his erection, so that I might truly live and have life.
But I gotta have confidence Christianity at its core is not about modifying your behavior.
It’s not a behavioral improvement program.
Real Christianity is about regaining what was lost in Eden.
Life, regaining life, and a personal relationship with god that gave us his life, gave us his likeness, gave us his image, gave us his ZOE.
So when we were sinners before salvation, you could have engaged and behaved your modification, but like I said before, you’d still be spiritually dead.
As a sinner, you may have started reading your Bible. You may have started going to church.
You may have started acting loving towards other people, but you still spiritually did.
We’re born on this planet with Adam’s spiritually dead genes.
And when we were born, we arrived in a spiritual location in Adam.
So if god is going to fix our problem, he has to change our location.
1st Corinthians 522, and then colossians 113.
He says in 22, as for as in Adam, all die.
Even so in Christ, shall all be made alive. Yeah. In Christ. In Christ. In Christ.
Colossians 113. In Christ, all shall be made alive. We’re in the right location.
If you’re in Christ, you’re in the right location.
Who has delivered us from the powers of darkness?
And has translated us into the kingdom of has translated us into the kingdom of his dear son.
It is by god’s doing that we are in Christ. You noticed that already.
By god’s doing, we’re already in Christ.
As we place in Christ, as we’re placed there in Christ, we obtaining not only a new future, but also a new past.
You know that? When you’re in Christ, you got a new past, as well as a new future.
See, Adam’s past consisted of, we died because he died. We were condemned because he was condemned.
But now in Jesus, we have a new past. We are crucified with Christ. We are buried with Christ.
We are raised with Christ. So Adam’s DNA extracted replace with Christ’s DNA.
We inherit Christ’s spiritual characteristics.
So we don’t do anything to make ourselves new and stay at something is done to us.
God didn’t just change us. He exchanges us. In place of our own self,
he makes us into a new self. And second, Peter, chapter 14, we become partakers of his nature.
But you gotta believe that. You gotta have confidence in that.
And as you begin to see this and have confidence in this, and you don’t let go of your identity.
You have to believe what he already said.
Spiritly speaking, you’re heaven ready. And check it out.
That’s what’s gonna be moving on. That’s what’s gonna be moving on.
Now I warned you that there’s no way that you should justify just doing things that put you in bondage, crazy stuff.
They’re they’re consequences, sin has consequences. All that stuff has consequences.
But the problem with most of this is that you let the sin you commit rob you of your identity, just like the sin in the garden, robbed Adam and Eve of their identity.
You can’t let that happen. Okay. How bad it feels? Okay.
How crazy it feels? On care how condemned you feel.
The condemnation and conviction is just a sign that you are changing.
And you don’t like that no more.
I don’t know where this thing came from.
I’m born again, so now it should be flawless. You were raised mohale after you prayed in tongues.
Then what what are you talking about? What is this?
It’s like everybody knows it. Why are you trying to act like you you have had no issues since you’ve been born again?
But but please. Know, you talk about you you don’t have no problems testifying about.
Before I got saved,
that used to be d d d d d
d d. D. D. Let’s talk about it after you guys say.
Let’s talk about the new habits you created after you guys say. Okay.
Let’s talk about the hours of porn you wash after you guys say.
Let’s talk about the weed you smoke after you got saved, praying in tongues.
Wouldn’t trust his rest so you went back to the rest you was used to.
Don’t you know god, know you?
And he can’t change you if you keep lying to yourself and creating this mythological, this, this mythology of Christianity, I’m in Christ.
That’s all I know. And he gonna take care of everything else.
And I’m gonna trust him. And what he says I am, I’m gonna say I am.
If he if I died with him, and he and I was raised with it, and I had been seated with him.
And if he say unrighteous, And if you say I got wisdom, and if you say I’m pure, and if you say I’m holy, I don’t care what’s happened in this physical life.
I will not relinquish my identity, to my feelings, because god
is greater.
Than my feelings. Father, we oh, god.
We need you. We need you to help us to maintain confidence in our identity.
We need you to help us to accept the reality of our spiritual position in you.
A spiritual location in you.
Help us to stop trying to achieve okayness with you and help us to believe that we’re already okay with you.
Help us to stop trying to pursue what you’ve already obtained for us.
But to sup but to pursue the confidence
in what you’ve already done.
And then trusting that if we hold on and maintain our identity, that everything else will just fall into place and all will be well.
Help us, lord, in these times that that are to come.
Men who’s who star for the word because a drought of the word has gone away and been replaced with weird sayings.
Help us to hunger for your truth of grace, and to trust that you know what you’re doing.
Thank you for not letting us go.
Thank you for adopting us as your real children.
With all rights and privileges of Christ and anointings.
But we take a deep breath sometime than we.
We just wonder because we’re in this physical body.
And there’s no way we can do what you’re calling us to do without you.
So here we are, lord.
If you can use us, use us, bring us to the place of our calling, our purpose, that you created us on purpose for a purpose.
And for that, we praise you for it now.
Do you know who you are?
God says one thing, but the devil tries to convince us of something else in the groundbreaking two part series how to avoid identity theft, creflo dollar teaches believers how to stop our true identity from being stolen.
As believers, your identity is found in Christ
placing your identity in your mistakes will keep you in spiritual slavery.
Your identity is that you are indeed children of the most high god.
This is not based on your feelings. This ain’t based on what what last year.
Holy Ghost came, joined with your spirit, got together with your spirit, and said, now, you are children of god.
For a love gift of only 15 US dollars for CDs or 25 US dollars for DVDs You can grab your copy today.
Call the number on your screen, scan the QR code or visit and click e store, secure your identity now.
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As a Christian, what happens after you sin?
Do you lose your righteousness God’s gift of righteousness gives us peace with him, not through our works, but through faith in Jesus’ finished work on the cross.
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I don’t ever wanna take for granted that you’ve received Jesus Christ as your personal lord and savior.
And there’s no better way to embark upon a new stage in your life than to enter into a personal relationship with Jesus.
So if you wanna become born again and began an exciting intimate relationship with Jesus, I want you to pray this prayer with me, and I’ll I’ll say it so you can repeat after me.
Repeat after me, heavenly father. I believe that Jesus is the son of god.
And that he died and was raised from the dead and has forgiven all of my sins.
And I receive him into my life right now as my lord and personal savior.
So by faith, I declare that I am saved. Praise God.
Now, that simple prayer change your entire eternal destination, and we wanna welcome you to the family of God.
The preceding program was brought to you in part by the partners and friends of creflo Dollar Ministries.


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