Finding God’s Will – Pt 1 | Joyce Meyer | Enjoying Everyday Life

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Finding God’s Will – Pt 1 | Joyce Meyer | Enjoying Everyday Life

Are you searching for God’s perfect will for your life? Today on Enjoying Everyday Life, Joyce Meyer discusses how to find God’s direction and the plan He has for you.

Joyce Meyer, one of the world’s leading practical Bible teachers and New York Times best-selling author, shares encouragement and advice to help us enjoy our daily lives.

With a heart to share Christ and love people, Joyce’s messages help people in all walks of life to grow in their faith, learn to study the Bible, find healing from the wounds of life, get answers to life’s questions and encounter the love of God in a powerful way.

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I was trying to make a decision about something and I was just so afraid I was gonna make a mistake.
You ever get afraid you’re gonna make a mistake. You know, that can that can paralyze you.
The paralysis of analysis. I do what I do because I’ve seen god’s power transform own life and he will do it for you.
The key to everything is found in god’s word.
I’m Joyce Meyer, and I believe that god can heal you everywhere you’ve heard.
It’s always good to be back at Lakewood.
It’s a it’s a wonderful church.
You know, because we’re in Texas, I thought I’d tell you a little text and joke today before I start my message.
There was a man that came by a local church and he had his big had on in his boots and his Texas drawl, and he walked in and he said, I’d like to speak to the head hog at the trough.
And the secretary got a little offended.
And she said, if you mean the pastor, you should call him the pastor.
And he’s not available right now. And he said, Oh, I’m sorry.
I just stopped by a one to give a $10,000 offering to the building fund She said, porky, just walked in.
You know, like any church or ministry, we get a lot of calls at our office for people needing prayer.
And, uh, I’m glad when they need prayer, they call us.
But one of the there’s three top things that we get requests for.
One is for healing. 1 is for people’s loved ones to be saved.
And the third one interesting enough is pray for me to find God’s will for my life.
And so I’m gonna talk to you this morning in both services about finding god’s will for your life, because there’s a lot of people It seemed to me to be frustrated about it.
And I don’t think we should be frustrated about finding God’s will for our life.
I think it’s really pretty plain in the Bible.
And the Bible weighs out more just the general things that everybody should be doing but I think unless you’re doing those things, there’s not much point in looking for some specific thing that God wants you to do.
And, um, I don’t believe that I’m trying to find god’s will. Is even accurate biblically.
I don’t think you need to try to find god’s will. I think you need to just want god’s will.
I think your heart needs to be right.
And if you really if you really if you truly want what god wants, and you’re willing to do whatever God asked you to do, then god will guide you into his will.
And many times when god is guiding us, it feels so natural that we don’t even really realize what’s going on.
And I think when we deal with God, we always look for some big supernatural thing, but it’s not always that way.
It gets in the middle of our very normal lives and leads us and guides us one time I was this was when I was a much Much younger Christian.
I’ve been teaching for 45 years now and so this was probably 45 years ago when I first got started.
And, um, I was trying to make a decision about something and I was just so afraid I was gonna make a mistake.
Ever get afraid you’re gonna make a mistake. You know, that can that can paralyze you.
The paralysis of analysis you think about it so much, you analyze it so much that it paralyzes you.
And that’s because we’re afraid of making mistakes, but you don’t have to be afraid of making mistakes.
That’s one of the things I want to help you get over today is don’t be afraid of making mistakes.
If your heart is right, If your heart is right and you make a mistake, god will somehow take that and work it out for good and work it back into the plan for your life, and somehow another it’ll never ever be a problem.
Well, I was so worried about making a mistake, and I was trying to make this decision, and I remember I was driving down the road and And I said, But, god, what if I miss you?
What if I miss you? What if I miss you?
And the Lord spoke to my heart, and he said, if you miss me Joyce, I’ll find you.
So let’s decide right away before we get started that we’re gonna stop being afraid of missing god.
A righteous man falls seven times, and he gets up again. Amen? We’re learning. God knows we’re learning.
We’re learning how to hear his voice. We’re learning how to know what he wants us to do.
And he doesn’t expect us to do it all perfectly. Amen?
So you don’t have to try to find God’s will for your life.
You just have to want god’s will for your life. So we want to trust instead of trying.
Instead of trying to find god’s will, getting frustrated at him, ask him to show you what he wants you to do, And while you wait, now listen to this, live your life, be happy, and represent him everywhere that you go.
Just calm down if you’re Alex upset about what does god want me to do?
What does god want me to do? Calm down?
I really have it strong in my heart today that I just want people to Calm down, enjoy where you’re at, breathe a little, live a little, enjoy the life you have.
Enjoy where you’re at on the way to where you’re going. Amen?
I I missed a lot of years.
I was so focused on I mean, I had this dream and vision from god to do what I’m doing now, but I was so focused on trying to make it happen and trying to make sure that I didn’t miss God in any way that to be honest, I didn’t enjoy.
I didn’t enjoy a lot of the journey, and that’s a shame because life is really more about the journey than it is about the destination.
As soon as you arrive wherever it is you think you wanna be, you’ll get a new dream or a new vision, and you’ll be wanting to go somewhere else.
Amen? Colossians 3, 23, and 24 is the way we should live It says whatever you do, whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the lord and not for human masters.
You know, it’s amazing ordinary things done for god become extraordinary.
Natural things done for god become supernatural.
Your life can get very, very exciting if you begin to just think about that a little bit.
Even something as simple as getting dressed in the morning. Get trust for the lord.
Try to try to look your best.
Now, that doesn’t mean you have to get on some fancy outfit, but you could make sure it’s clean.
You don’t have to just let it sit in the dryer all night and pull it out with a thousand wrinkles in it and put it on.
You could try combing your hair before you go out. That’s always nice to do that.
We live in a very casual society now, and people like to dress in a very casual way.
And that’s all right. You know, there was a time when people went to ball games and three piece seats suits and long dresses.
There was a time when people played golf in suits. And long dresses.
Well, I don’t think we need to go back there, but you know, there’s a difference in casual and sloppy And everywhere we go, we represent the lord, and so we should look our best.
And just I’ll just throw this out because some people don’t seem to know any better.
If you’re if you’re a lovely lady that’s a Christian, be sure that you cover up enough of your body that that you don’t become a temptation to some man who’s already fighting a spirit of lust and trying to get healing in his own life.
Amen? We don’t need to see all your Be careful about those short skirts.
I remember going to a dress shop one time, and this was back when people were wearing slits and their skirts up to about right here.
And a lady tried to sell me a skirt like that, and she said, Oh, honey, it just looks so good on you.
And it’s style. I said it’s not style for what I’m doing.
I like the skirt, but sew the slit up to here.
So everything we do, we need to do it for god.
And I’ll tell you, he loves it when we do that.
And when god loves something, you’ll feel the joy that he feels.
You’ll get much happier when you do everything that you do for the lord.
1st 24 says since you know you will receive an inheritance from the lord as a reward.
It is the lord Christ you are serving.
So instead of trying to hear from god, trust him to speak to you.
And in the meantime, just do every little thing that you do unto the lord.
Colashians 19, Paul prayed for the church about them knowing the will of god.
And this is something you could include in your prayers on a daily basis.
For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you.
We continually ask god to fill you with the knowledge of his will.
Fill me with the knowledge of your will.
Your will be done, not mine, part of what we call the word’s prayer. Just simple.
Just begin to pray about it. God, I want your will. Fill me with your will.
You know, we have to make a lot of decisions in life.
And maybe some of you are at a decision point in your life right now, and you’re not real sure what to do.
You know, I’ve always said that I’m more of a a gut person, and that I don’t mean that to sound crude, but I just I go more by what I feel inside.
And you’re you’re better off when you’re trying to make a decision if you stay out of your head and feel led by your spirit.
And I think as 1st Corinthians 2, it says the natural man does not understand the spiritual man.
And just like if you were talking to somebody wasn’t born again and you were trying to talk to them about giving or some of the principles of god.
They they just wouldn’t get it because they don’t know what you know.
Well, it’s kind of the same way with our spirit and our head.
Sometimes your spirit may be leading you to do something that if you put your head on it, it’s that doesn’t make any sense at all.
That’s why we need to learn to be led by the spirit.
And usually, even if you, if you feel like god wants you to do something and you step out in it, If it’s not right, the next door won’t open.
You’ll know it’s not the thing for you to do. You’ll lose your peace, and you step back.
You know, sometimes we get all excited about something our emotions get in the way.
And then after a little while, we realized, nope, that’s not what I want to do.
A few years back, I got it in my head that I wanted to move.
I want to build a new house and move.
I wanted to move close to my daughter who helps Dave and I a lot.
And I talked Dave into it. Women do have power.
And, uh, he didn’t really want to move, but I talked him into it.
I think sometimes finally he just gives me my way just to shut me up because he’s not he yeah.
I see that. Okay. Do what you want. I don’t care.
And, uh, so we we even went so far as to start paying an architect to draw plans.
We had plans drawn up for this I was so excited talking about it, talk about it.
And then one morning, all of that had kind of died down.
And I was just walking And I thought, I don’t wanna build a house.
I don’t wanna do this.
I did all that just on the height of emotion.
And when the emotion died down, I realized I didn’t want to do it.
Well, I had to go back now and tell my daughter and other people I had told You know what?
I just didn’t hear from God. We are not gonna build a house.
Well, see, none of us like to do that.
We don’t want to go back to anybody and say, I didn’t hear from god.
So sometimes we’ll press on in things that are not really a right for us just because we don’t want everybody to know we made a mistake.
And there’s nothing wrong with just saying, I didn’t hear from god. Amen?
You gotta be careful about emotions. I always say let emotions subside and then decide.
It’s amazing how you can get all excited about something and think, yeah, I want to do that.
And then 3 days later, you’re like, no. I don’t want to do that.
It’s really better just to give it a little bit of time and wait.
One time I had a little bit of money saved and I mean a little bit.
This has been a good number of years ago. I think I had about a $125 I’d save.
And, uh, we were shopping, and I’ve been wanting a new watch, and we went into a jewelry store, and they had a they had to watch had a lot of rhinestones on it, and I just thought it was so pretty.
And while I had a salesman and a half, he was determined he’s gonna sell me that watch and He was gonna give me a 20% discount, but only if I got it right now.
Well, you know, first of all, you need to realize that God never tries to push us That’s always the devil.
God will always give us time to think.
He’ll always give us time to ponder but the enemy won’t do that.
He’ll always try to push you into making an immediate decision I should have known then it was the enemy, but I didn’t know then what I know now that I had learned enough to know that I needed to wait just a little bit And so I said, well, you know, I may come back and get the watch.
He told me he’d give me the discount.
If I got it before the end of the day, but I’m just gonna take a little walk here and just settle down and make sure that’s what I want.
So I walked down the mall a little ways, and lo and behold, I saw a suit in the window that I really liked.
And so Dave encouraged me, said, Well, why don’t you try it on?
So I went and tried it on, and I’m telling you what it just looks really, really good on me.
It fit at the waist and just kind of flare it out and it was purple top with black trimming and a black skirt.
I just really loved it. And they also had one just like it only in red.
Well, I I liked them both, but I I couldn’t afford boats.
I could only afford one And so I couldn’t afford the watch and the suit.
So now I was in a dilemma, which do I want?
So I thought, okay, I’m Gonna take a little walk. Think about this. Come on.
This is good advice. Just just give yourself just a little bit of time to kind of let those emotions subside before you go diving in and making a commitment that you can’t get out of.
So how many of you wanna know what I did? Alright.
I ended up realizing that more than I wanted the suit or the watch, I wanted to keep my money.
Because I preferred to not be broke and to have a little money that if I wanted to go out to lunch, or buy somebody a little something, you know, instead of spending all my money on one thing, I just decided it’d be better to wait.
And lo and behold, a few weeks later, Dave bought me the watch and both suits.
So what’s the message for you if you won’t be in such a big hurry and take, you know, just that little bit of time that we take, I think, is just we’re taking time to honor God.
We’re just taking a little bit of time to say, I’m gonna give you time to talk me out of this if it’s not what you want me to do.
And he can, boy, god, how many of you know when god steals your peace?
When he takes your peace, that’s a good way for you to know that you’re not supposed to do something.
Like, when I lost my peace about that house, Man, I didn’t want to go back and tell everybody that I didn’t hear from god, and I waited 2 or 3 days, and the longer I waited, the more I thought, I don’t want to do this.
I don’t want to move. I don’t want to box all this stuff up.
I just I don’t want to do it. I just don’t want to do it.
We’re still the same house. Never have moved yet.
Every once in a while, I’ll get a little flare? I think I wanna move.
And then I’m like, No, I think I’ll just stay right where I’m at.
I went back and told David, I said, you know what?
I’ve decided I don’t think god wants us to move. He said, well, I knew that.
Isn’t it amazing? And I knew I married Mister Wright.
I just didn’t know his first name was always.
You know, you might be looking for god to call you to do something spiritual.
But everything we do is spiritual.
If we do it with and far god.
And the biggest majority of people, and I hope this is not disappointing to you, but the biggest majority of people are not going to end up with a public ministry.
You’re not gonna end up in the choir, leading worship, preaching from a pulpit, teaching a Bible study, you may.
If that’s what God wants you to do, but I’m just saying of all the people in the world, The biggest majority of us are going to live our lives, probably get married, raise some kids, Go to work, come home, clean the house, do the dishes, cut the grass, go to the grocery store, we’re just gonna do regular ordinary life.
But god wants us to do all those things with and for him and get this part and be a representative for him everywhere that we go.
Let me tell you something. Every one of you are in ministry.
You’re all every person in here is called into ministry.
We’re all called to bring people to help reconcile them to Christ and to pray for people.
Everybody here has a ministry. Not just me because I’m up here and not you because you’re down there, you are called into ministry.
And to be honest, You are probably more important than the few of us around the world who stand up here because you’re the ones that are out there where people really need Jesus.
Most people who need Jesus are not sitting in here today. Amen?
And I’ve been trying to get this across to people for many, many, many years.
We are ambassadors for god.
The amplified Bible says we are his personal representatives and that god is making his appeal to the world through us.
Isn’t that pretty awesome?
You are god’s personal representative and he’s making his appeal to the world through you.
So responsible for your little section of the world, whatever that is.
The people you know at work, the people you deal with at the grocery store, the people you deal with at the gym, everywhere you go, it’s very important that you represent God And by saying that, I don’t I don’t even mean that you have to go preach to everybody.
Not everybody’s comfortable with that. I would venture to say most people aren’t comfortable with that.
If god opens the door and you have a chance to talk to somebody, then it’s important to be brave enough to do that, but I think we can preach and never say one word.
By living our life as Christians, especially today, because there’s so many on remain ugly people out there that if you just get out in the world and you’re nice, and you smile and you compliment people and you’re good to people and you help people it’s not gonna be very long, and they’re gonna wanna know what’s different about you.
And then pretty soon the doors open for you to tell them that Christ is your savior, that he has taught you all of these things.
As believers, we can get confused, even frustrated, trying to discover what god wants us to do with our lives.
But it doesn’t have to be that way.
Joyce Meyer wants to help walk you through the process of finding god’s will for your life.
Learn to hear God’s voice in the big decisions and the day to day.
You can live with confidence once up of faith at a time.
Today, we’re offering Joyce’s newest release, finding god’s will for your life for your donation of any amount.
Contact us now at or call toll free 1807092895.
Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess.
The problem was she didn’t even know she was a princess.
So this feisty godmother, lovingly known as mama Joyce, is gonna tell her like it is.
Oh, and the beautiful princess is you. So suck it up buttercup. This is real life.
And it’s time to grow beyond those insecurities, and learn to walk in your true identity.
You are a regular princess babe. Come on down for a weekend of Growth and tunes.
The 2024 Love Life Women’s conference with Joyce Meyer. Priscilla Shire. Christine Kane.
And worship with Tayah and Riley Clemens. It all happens September 12th through 14th in Tampa, Florida.
Register today at Hand of hope, the mission’s arm of Joyce Meyer Ministries, partners with embrace a village in India, to reach out to those suffering with leprosy.
The teams travel weekly throughout the state of Tamil Nadu, supporting the ongoing work of nutritional, educational, medical, and spiritual care for patients.
We also help footwear.
These custom made shoes enable the people to travel from place to place more comfortably and prevent more from developing on their feet.
Recently, Hand of Hope helped provide a mobile orthopedic footwear van.
They travel to remote villages and make shoes that fit perfectly.
Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart, especially the shoe making own it, we were able to take that one into the remote location of Tamil Nadu and caring for the reciprocity for the ulcer and providing the with the shoes for their feet to protect their feet.
And this really, uh, changing and helping transforming so many patients in the village.
He’s so happy to receive his new shoes from embrace the village.
Thank you. Thank you.
I will say thank you on behalf of Empress of Village, India.
Well, I have it on my heart today to pray for those of you who need guidance.
You’re in the situation and you really need god to show you what to do.
So let’s pray together and believe that god is gonna speak to you.
Bother you sent the Holy Spirit to be our guide, to show us what to do in life, rather to go to the left or the right or to say yes to something or no to something.
And you guide us by peace. By wisdom, by your word.
And you also speak to us. You speak to our hearts.
And I believe that there’s a lot people watching today that they really desperately need an answer to something But maybe they’ve tried so hard to get that answer that they’ve now become so confused that they can’t even hear you.
So I pray that people will calm down, breathe, resting you, and I’m asking you to them and show them what they should do in the situation that they’re in.
And I pray that you will give them courage and the boldness to believe that they can hear from you and be led and guided by you.
We don’t have to live in confusion. Thank you, father, for speaking to people in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Alright. God bless you. You have a great day and expect to hear from God.
We hope you enjoy today’s program.
Please contact us or visit to share your prayer request or partner with us in sharing Christ and loving people all across the globe.
This program has been made possible by the partners of Joyce Meyer Ministries.

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