Adrian Rogers: Jesus is The Answer When Life is Hard

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Adrian Rogers: Jesus is The Answer When Life is Hard

John 6 tells the miraculous story of when Jesus used a little boy’s lunch to feed more than 5,000 people. In this message, Adrian Rogers shares the meaning behind the miracle: Jesus is God’s answer to Man’s desires.

How would you like to have a friend?
A friend who would help you to live a clean life.
How would you like to
have a friend that would draw you closer to Jesus?
How would you like to have a friend that would give you more strength?
How would you like to have a
friend that would help you to win your loved ones? To Jesus Christ.
How would you like to have a friend that would make you a mature believer in the lord Jesus.
Well, you already have that friend, and his name is trouble. Trouble.
That’s the name
This is love worth finding with pastor, teacher, and author Adrian Rogers.
You’re finding John chapter 6 please, word of god.
If you did not bring a Bible with you, there most likely is one there in the field before you, find John chapter 6.
When you found it look up here and, uh, let me tell you what I want to do this morning, I want to introduce you to an old friend that you’ve known for a long time, but you didn’t know he was a friend.
How would you like to have a friend?
A friend who would help you to live a clean life.
How would you like to have
a friend that would draw you closer to Jesus?
How would you like to have a friend that would give you more strength?
How would you like to have a
friend that would help you to win your loved ones to Jesus Christ.
How would you like to have a friend that would make you a mature believer in the lord Jesus.
Well, you already have that friend, and his name is trouble. Trouble.
That’s the name of this strange friend. That’s what we’re gonna be talking about today.
Look, if you will, in John chapter 6, this is a time when the disciples got in trouble.
In verse 15, when Jesus therefore perceived that they would come and take him by force and make him a king.
He departed a game into a mountain himself alone.
And when even was now come, his disciples went down onto the sea and entered into a ship and went over the sea toward Caperna, and it was now dark.
And Jesus was not come to them.
And the sea rose by reason of a great wind that blew.
So that when they had rode about 5 20 or 30 furlongs, they see Jesus walking on the sea and drawing nigh onto the ship, and and they were afraid.
But he said unto them, it is I. Be not afraid.
Then they willingly received him into the ship and immediately.
The ship was at the land, whether they went.
And I can just see that scene.
I envision the moon there in the beautiful sky, like a gardenia, pinned on the lapel of the night.
I can feel the gentle breeze as it kiss their cheeks like the kiss of a baby.
And these are seasoned sailors.
And there, they set sail because our lord has told them.
As a matter of fact, he has constrained them to do what they’re about to do.
Little aware, that any trouble is coming.
But they are sailing into the teeth of a storm. Maybe you’ve been there.
Maybe you’re not there. Maybe everything is fine for you.
Maybe it is smooth sailing for you right now. If so, Just wait.
Just wait. I mean, you, sooner, later, you’re going to find the winds going to begin to blow.
And things are going to seem to reverse on you. If you’re having smooth sailing right now, I’m grateful.
I want you to enjoy it.
But I want to give you 6 anchors that’ll help you to ride out the storm.
When the storm comes, there’s 6 things I want you to be able to say To find out that Jesus is god’s answer demands despair.
These are 6 anchors of the soul, wonderful, wonderful lessons that we get from this passage of scripture.
The first thing you need to say when you find yourself in a storm is this.
I am governed by his providence. Write it down. I am governed by his providence.
This storm did not take the wave walker. The lord Jesus by surprise.
Are you telling me that the one who had the power to steal the waves and to walk on water?
Was surprised that this storm came up.
So one of the as a matter of fact, the Bible says he’s the one that commanded and razor stormy seas.
He’s the one who created Galilee so long ago.
And Bible tells us over in Matthew chapter 14 verse 22, He constrained his disciples.
He constrained them to go and get in the ship.
They were not there because they were out of the will of god.
They were there because they were in the will of god.
And perhaps you’re right now in the eye of the storm.
Perhaps right now, it looks like your little boat is sinking.
Right now, the icy water is reaching up for you.
Right now, it’s so dark. You cannot see your hand before your face.
Right now, every wind seems to be contrary to you.
I won’t tell you something, friend.
There is nothing that comes to you that he does not cause or allow.
One way or the other. His providence is there.
Not a drop of water in the sea of Galilee was there without his permission.
And so put it down, first of all, I am governed by his providence, whether I can see it, whether I can understand it or not, it is a fact that god has not relinquished his rule upon his universe.
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2nd anchor of the soul. I am growing by his plan. I am governed by his providence.
I am growing by his plan. What is god’s plan for you?
God wants to enlarge you, not in the you.
God is not nearly so interested in making you happy and healthy as he is holy.
And so god will put you into trouble The lord Jesus engineered these problems for his disciples because he wants to develop us.
Psalm chapter 4 verse 1, the psalmist said this, thou hast enlarged me when I was in distress.
Now you think about that. Val has enlarged me when I was in distress.
Think about the times when you have grown the most.
When have been those times when you have developed and been enlarged spiritually?
Is when your good friend trouble came along, your old pal, name trouble, and that’s when you’ve been stretched And that’s when you’ve been enlarged.
We all enjoy not having trouble.
But folks, I wanna tell you, and I can give this testimony that I have grown the most in my own life in times of deepest despair.
I know that when joy I had a little baby boy to step over into heaven, we grew a quantum leap in that period of time.
I know when I had a daughter to go through deep, deep heartache and distress.
God stretched my heart, my life, I would never want it to happen again, but it did happen.
And I’m here to tell you that I am a better person because of it.
Many of us can think of the storms that we have gone through.
I walked a mile with pleasure.
She chatted all the way, but left me none the wiser for all she had to say.
I walked a mile with sorrow.
Not all words said she, but all the things I learned from sorrow when sorrow walked with me.
Ain’t that true? That has enlarged me when I was in distress.
Faith Like film is developed best in the dark.
I don’t know why it is, but that is true.
These are the things that will Well, it’s largest to grow. You have to have difficulty.
So first thing, I’m governed by his providence.
Number 2, I am growing by his plan.
Number 3, I am graced by his prayers.
What was the lord Jesus doing up on that mountain top?
When the lord Jesus sent them down to the sea and he went up to the mountain, do you know what he had right there?
He had advantage? He saw the whole thing. He saw them rowing.
He saw the clouds as they began to royal and boil.
He saw the sea as the waves begin to rise. He saw it all.
And what was he doing up there? He was praying. He was praying.
They may not have known that he had his eye upon them, but he did.
Put in your margin, Mark chapter 6, verse 47.
And when evening was come, the ship was in the midst of the sea, and he, Jesus, alone on the land, and he saw them poiling in rowing.
He saw them toiling and roi. They didn’t see him.
He saw then, and he never took his eye off of him.
And what was he doing there on that mountain? He was praying for them. He was interceding for them.
Are you in the midst of a storm?
You can say his eye is on the parallel, and I know he watches me.
He’s watching over you, and he is praying for you.
The Bible says in Hebrews chapter 7 in verse 25, wherefore he is able also to save unto the uttermost them that come unto god by him, seeing he ever liveth to make in a session for them.
He was watching them right in the eye of the storm. He was there.
They couldn’t see him. But he could see them. I am governed by his providence.
I am growing by his plan. I am graced by his prayers.
I’ll tell you another thing.
When I’m in the storm, I am gladdened by his presence. Write it down.
I am gladdened by his presence. Look, if you will, in verse 17.
The Bible says, and they entered into a ship and went over the sea toward Capernum.
And it was now dark, and Jesus was not come to them, but then down to verse 20.
But he saith unto them, it is I. Here I am. Be not afraid.
Now it’s the 4th hour when Jesus does this. The 4th hour is the between 3:6 AM.
It’s the darkest hour of the night. And in their darkest hour, Jesus came. Question.
Why did he not come sooner? Was he cruel?
Was he just wanting them to suffer?
I can imagine them there with their backs aching looking into the mouth of a watery grave, they’re asking, where is Jesus?
Where is Jesus? If he could feed 5000, where is Jesus?
He had his eye on them all the time. He’s praying for them all of the time.
He had not forgotten them. You know, the problem was Not that he had forgotten them.
They had forgotten him. Now he he waited for a while before he came to them.
He waited because he came to them strategically at exactly the right time.
The Bible says in Isaiah chapter 30 in verse 18, therefore, will the lord wait that he may be gracious unto you.
Many times, the lord will deliberately delay that he may be gracious to us.
And so I’m gladened by his presence.
He will come to me, and his eyes upon me as he prays for me.
Here’s the 5th anchor of the soul that I want you to write down.
When I am in trouble, I am guarded by his power.
Look if you will in verse 20. But he said unto them, it is I.
Be not afraid.
I don’t know who first said this, but I 100% agree with it.
The will of god will never take you where the grace of god cannot keep you.
The will of god will never take you where the grace of god cannot keep you.
That’s everlastingly true. Now Jesus had said to these disciples, go over to the other side.
He said go over. He did not say go under. He had a plan for them.
And so they see him and all of these waves, here he comes walking on the water.
At first, They say, what is that? Who is that?
They began to draw back in in terror They think it’s a phantom, a ghost.
They don’t know what it is.
But soon, Soon, the terror.
Is turned to joy.
Because they hear him say, it is I be not afraid.
And now let me tell you something. What he literally said is, don’t be afraid.
I am. That’s exactly what he said.
I and not I am afraid. I am I am.
What he used was the name for jehovah the most sacred name to the Jews when Moses said, who shall I say sent me when I tell pharaoh to let my people go?
Jehovah said, you tell them I am. Sent you.
Yesterday, he wasn’t I was. Yesterday, he was I am.
Today, he is I am. And tomorrow, he is not I will be tomorrow, he is I am.
He is I am. I am. I am.
Never was a time when I was not I am the great eternal god, and I was here when this pawn wasn’t even a vapor.
Don’t be afraid.
I am. I am guarded by his power.
What is I am? It is a declaration, a proclamation of presence, and a promise of abundance.
He is the I am in the midst of your storm.
Now why did he walk on the water? Was this theatrics?
Oh, no. No. Was he just saying, look at me.
I can walk on water. No.
There’s a message in the miracle of significance in the sign, something that goes beyond the miracle, something for your heart today when you’re in trouble, and what is it?
Listen. When they saw him walking on the water, what was their biggest problem?
That water What he was saying to them is this.
What looks like it is going to be over your head is already under my feet.
Did you get it? What you think is going to be over your head.
Is already under my feet. Don’t forget that. Jesus said in this world, you will have tribulation.
Be of good cheer I have overcome the world. We’re overcomers in the lord Jesus Christ.
You’ve got problems. You’ve got heartaches. You’ve got fears and tears.
You are guarded by his power. You are.
He is to you the great I am. I wish I had time to finish that.
But I am as an unfinished sentence. I am what? You fill in the blank.
I’m the bread of life. I am the water of life. I am the door.
I am the way the truth and the life.
I am the great I am in the midst of your storm.
Now here’s the last and final anchor of the soul I wanna give you this morning.
Not only am I guarded by his power, but I am guided by his purpose.
I’m guided by his purpose. Look up here and let me tell you something.
God has not promised you smooth sailing. He has promised you a safe landing.
He he said, go over. To the other side.
Now look if you will in verse 21, then they willingly received him into the ship and immediately immediately.
The ship was at the land, whether they went. There were 2 miracles.
Actually, 3 He suspends the law of gravity, but also overrules the laws of time and space.
Just like that. They’re there. I mean, here they are.
Uh, rowing their backs aching There brows mingle with desperation and seawater.
When Jesus comes to the media? There they are at the shore.
What does that mean? It means that he has a purpose You can bank on it.
No pun intended. He’ll see you to the shore. Well, maybe there was a pun intended.
I have to apologize. Now Andrew Murray said this, god is willing to assume the full responsibility for the life totally yielded to him.
God is willing to assume the full responsibility for the life totally surrendered.
To him. And he brought them to the destination. You may have trouble.
You may have tears and heartaches. But I’m gonna promise you something on the authority of the word of god.
You are predestined to be like Jesus.
And all things will work together for good to those who love him, who are the called according to his practice.
1 of these days, One of these days, your destiny will be fulfilled.
For the Bible says, in Philippians 1 6, he who has begun a good work in you will perform.
Let me tell you something.
Folks, if you’re in trouble right now, his eye is on you.
He’s praying for you. He will come to you, and I can promise you this.
He is going to see you through. Did you hear me?
You say Adrian, Who are you to promise? I’m not promising.
I’m repeating a promise. He said, I will never leave the North forsake He will see you through.
And one of these days soon and very soon, He is going to step down from the mountain of his glory.
And then walking on water will be like child’s play because he’ll be stepping on the clouds.
And he’s coming to us as the barometer is falling and the winds are whipping and the storms are coming.
And we say, What is the world coming to?
It’s coming to Jesus because Jesus is coming to this world, and he’s going to step out of the glory with the rainbow wrapped around his shoulders and with victory on his face as the great I am and the trumpet will sound in our little ship.
Will leave the sea of time, and immediately, we’ll be on the shores of eternity.
When he comes. When he comes. He is the great I am.
What savior. Bowlou heads in prayer. Oh, lord Jesus.
Thank you. That your providence allows us trouble and heartache but that you never take your eyes off of us.
And, lord, you’ve come to us in the darkest hour.
That you see us through. You always have.
And you always will.
Now while heads are bowed and eyes are closed, you need Jesus.
You need Jesus. He is god’s answer to your despair and every other need that you’ll ever have.
And I want to help you to invite him into your heart and into your life right now.
Would you pray a prayer like this? Dear god. Just pray it from your heart silently, but fervently.
Dear god, I know that you love me. And I know that you want to save me.
Jesus, you died to save me.
You promised to save me if I would trust in you I do trust in you, lord Jesus, this very moment, come into my heart.
Pray that friend, come into my heart, lord Jesus.
Forgive my sin, cleanse me, save me and begin now to make me the person you want me to be.
And, lord Jesus, Because you died for me, I will live for you.
And help me, lord Jesus. Never to be ashamed of you.
Give me the strength, the courage this morning to make it public.
In your name, I pray.
I’m in.

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