People Pleasing: A Set Up For Rejection x Sarah Jakes Roberts

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People Pleasing: A Set Up For Rejection x Sarah Jakes Roberts

I have to be honest, there are moments when I find myself dwelling on rejection from people and places where I felt unworthy. Then I realized, when I let the rejection from others impact me more than what God says about me, I’ve essentially removed Him from His throne and placed others there. Let’s explore how people-pleasing is a set up for rejection.

Jesus prepares his disciples for rejection uh that word we hate that word we hate the feelings and emotions connected to that word but that word is a reality that so many of us face that reality is that we are going to be rejected Jesus lets the disciples know straight up like everywhere you go is not going to be able to accept what you carry okay but he gives them a strategy for dealing with rejection okay so we categorize the people who want always like you right but Jesus doesn’t just stop there he gives them the ability to
to understand whether or not they’re they’re worthy of that okay so I want to dissect that word worthy uh that we see in the scripture where it says but if it is not worthy if that household is not worthy let your peace return to you you know how I did I had to Greek the word worthy and that worthy t talks about uh praise it talks about rewarded deserving comparable suitable those are all words that came up when I looked up that word worthy um but ultimately I what I wanted to focus on is um where it says
comparable or suitable It also says as if drawing praise okay so lets us know right there that your peace will either be praised or or comparable it’ll be met right so that means that when you engage with someone there’s going to be three things that that can happen they’re going to praise your peace they’re going to admire it they’re going to say wow I feel so enlightened as a result of what you carry thank you for releasing your peace or it’s going to be met someone’s going to say high five that’s exactly
the wavelength that I’m on I love it so much keep doing what you’re doing they’re going to have a comparable peace but that third component was rejection he says that there’s an there’s a possibility that your peace could be rejected okay your peace is important because you can’t effectively determine who you can engage with when it comes to people unless they fit into three either of those three categories people who Praise Your Peace are people who God has probably placed in your life for you to
inspire for you to influence them with how you are growing changing and evolving people who have comparable peace those are the people who are who are on that same wavelength those are the people you guys are going to be challenging one another just like on day one we talked about challenging they’re going to be growing you’re going to be growing and you’re going to be moving in that same pattern but those people who reject your peace those are the people that Jesus gives them that Jesus gives his
disciples a strategy for so one of the things I want to ask you about dealing with those rejections and handling those rejections is have you come to a place within yourself on your walk on your journey where you have made peace with rejection rejection comes from people peace comes from God but you have to come to a place where you have made peace with the reality of rejection if you’re like me and at some point in your life you became a people pleaser there may have been this part of you that wanted everyone to always like
you and why not you think you’re awesome you’re a good friend you’re loyal you show up for people how could anyone reject you but Jesus prepares them for navigating their Peace by letting them know that there are going to be people who reject your peace and you got to be okay with that I felt like this was important for us to cover over the long weekend before we get into purpose because as long as we are people Pleasers we will never be effective in purpose we will either make our purpose about doing what people want
and what people want or giving people what they desire and not about showing up in the way that God wants us to or we’ll stay in houses that haven’t proven themselves worthy of the peace that we carry they’ve rejected it or didn’t praise it they didn’t meet our effort so I want you to consider the last time you really really felt rejected oh goodness I feel like on social media all of the time like listen on YouTube like you can’t do this on woman evolve TV but on YouTube sometimes our videos are up for like five minutes
and have like three thumbs down that’s rejection right or someone comments on our post and they say you know I didn’t like that I didn’t like what you said that feels like rejection because someone is saying I reject what you said said I reject what you did I’ve had to come to a place where I really felt like I was okay with that but when it first happened it stung it stung because I felt like if they rejected me maybe maybe I won’t be accepted anywhere else if they rejected me maybe I did
something wrong what I learned to do is to take that rejection to God and to ask God what that rejection communicated to me part of us making peace with the rejection that we have experienced is understanding what that rejection communicated to us when you were rejected by your siblings your parents your friends your co-workers what did that communicate to you did it say you weren’t smart did it say that you didn’t have value did it say that you weren’t smart enough weren’t pretty enough weren’t strong enough and was that
true sometimes it is sometimes it isn’t and does that matter you see sometimes we give things more weight than they should have there are moments when perhaps someone tells me you know I that message didn’t feel like you studying and part of the reason why it’s stung is because I didn’t study as well or as thorough as I could have or I was tired when delivering and so what they said had truth to it what it communicated to me was something that I kind of already knew but my game plan is then made even
more stronger because I take that rejection I take that pain and I turn it into purpose so what do I need to set up to make sure that I feel like at minimum I can stand by what I deliver in that moment and that I didn’t let exhaustion or whatever stand in the way but I also recognize that even with that rejection and that criticism that there’s someone who says that message changed my life which means even the moments where I didn’t show up as my best or you didn’t show up as your best that there’s still
purpose in the midst of that pain this is so important for us to understand because sometimes we let rejection have the final say and rejection cannot have the final say when we’re continuing to grow that’s like putting a period where God placed a comma I love that Meme I see it all of the time but rejection tries to put a period where God is only plac to comma it tries to communicate something to us as final but our job is to take that rejection to erase that period and to find the comma connected to it you said this but God said that
you said this but I know know that you didn’t do this but God did this for me who I became as a result of that rejection is what is more important than the rejection itself


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