Kent Christmas PROPHETIC WORD FOR THE AGES | August 24, 2023

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**PROPHETIC WORD FOR THE AGES** Pastor Kent delivering one of the most powerful prophetic words of 2023 at The Hub! God is about to release His presence everywhere!! Get ready for God’s presence to invade schools and colleges. You don’t want to miss this message.

You know, every once in a while you, uh, you meet people that you don’t know, but you feel like you’ve known them your whole life.
And, uh, when I got to meet, uh, brother Tim and Carol, I felt like I found, uh, lost family members in the kingdom of god and to feel that spirit.
And, uh, god is raising up people that are reviving the old paths.
And America has lost its way, but more than that, the church lost its way.
And god has begun to raise up certain men in certain places to begin to release the word of the lord and to preserve some of the things that god has done.
And and, uh, my desire is always to come and preach.
But for some reason, when I go out, god won’t let me preach. I always wind up speaking prophetically.
And so, uh, I never got a message to preach tonight.
So I guess god wants to speak prophetically to this house.
And so I’m just gonna share with you some things that I’ve been hearing god say to me.
Uh, one of the things that I began to hear the lord say was I have held back my deliverance until the church stopped asking me for blessing and begin to ask me for deliverance.
And we have pursued god said you have pursued me but not to be delivered, but to be blessed in your bondage.
And the lord said no longer am I responding to prayers of just in the natural, but I am responding to the prayers of people that are asking for the blessing of the lord and for the presence of god.
And god said, I am beginning to raise up a company of men and women who cannot live without the presence of god.
I am raising up a church in this hour, says the lord that is not content to live without their husband in the house.
Because in this hour, sayeth, god, I am your provider, and I am your deliverer.
And in this season, says the lord, I have had goshen places for my people where I have kept you protected from the spirit of pharaoh.
And in this hour, says, the lord, the god portals that you have seen so far are not the fullness of what I am doing, but they are places that I allowed my spirit to begin to drop in and to be light in the evening time.
But as I began to move on Israel the lord.
There came a day when I began to bring them out of their goshen, and I declared it was time to possess their inheritance.
And this hour sayeth the lord, I am getting ready not to leave you just in a place to where the blessing of god is upon you for I did not raise you up for this hour to be separate from your nation or separate from your world, but I am gonna the church says the lord, uh, with the society that has rejected me, and I’m gonna do it by the demon of power and authority in the Holy Ghost.
For there have been demons, says god.
In fact, hell has enlarged herself and emptied herself of the demonic forces and put them in the earth.
But know this, say it, god I have loosed an angelic army in this hour.
That is already a battle in the spirit realm and in the heaven, Lisa, and though you cannot see it sayeth god.
There is the flashing sword of deliverance that is being wielded by the hand of Michael and his army.
You would not be here right now, says the lord, if it was not for the angels of the lord that I have loosed in the spirit realm.
So this day, say it God.
I take authority, um, and I give it to you over every demon spirit, over every principality.
over every power, say it, god. I begin to release it into the house of the lord.
Uh, for the days, the demons have walked into my she where he says the lord.
And if mark my presence are over, for there will come the hour, sayeth god, that the unbeliever will come in to mark and to distract, and they will stand mute by the power of god because of the authority.
of the spirit of the lord. Uh, for I am holding back, saith god, for a season.
Now I heard the lord speak this strong.
He said, I have not yet come and brought deliverance to this nation.
because I’m gonna wait till he gets so dark that there is no answer There is no deliverer in the natural that can extricate you from where you are.
And in one moment, say if god I’m gonna reverse something in the heavens and in a 24 hour period, the wicked will begin to wail and the righteous will begin to dance.
For there is going to be a reversal, sayeth the lord, for the line Judah is already patient in the heavenly say of god.
Uh, and as he begins to pace in the heavenlies, uh, there is a build up of a roar saith god.
Uh, and this roar, when it begins to be loosed out of heaven, uh, will be so strong.
It will shake the heavens and the earth. Uh, and demon spirits will begin to bow down.
Now, I am not gonna totally remove the enemy, but I’m gonna silence them And in their silence, say at the lord, I’m gonna lose a voice of deliverance and power.
And there is not an accident say at the lord that the enemy has come against your children.
because he recognizes that the army that the lord is raising up in this hour that will finalize the last knockout punch of the enemy is gonna come out of your children.
And so, no me say it god.
Uh, I am standing for the fatherless the widows, the orphans say at the lord, and I am gonna defend them with the breath of my mouth the power of god.
Uh, and those that have attacked and those that have designed different things against your children.
I’m gonna break them in the name of the law. Uh, I am also gonna embarrass hell.
Uh, before I’m done, say it, god, I’m gonna touch the transgender generation.
and they’re gonna begin to go back and reverse.
And the days will come, say it the lord, uh, that transgender men and trench gender women are gonna be saved by the power of god.
Uh, you will see them stand on your platform, say it god.
preach under the anointing of the lord.
Uh, if I could take a saul of tarsus and turn him into an apostle Paul, I There is nothing too hard for me.
Uh, take your limitations off of me.
Says god, uh, let me lose, uh, let me lose, Let me lose sad god.
When you let me lose sad the lord, I will move as a way that you have never seen.
God said I am a god of confidence.
I’m a god of authority. I’m a god of wisdom.
And the wicked have raised themselves up against me, says the lord, because they think with their wisdom, their power and their authority.
They can defeat me. But they have power. They have authority.
They have wisdom says the lord.
Because when I created them, I put them put part of myself in them.
But they will be defeated by the church.
because god said to the wicked, I did not give the fullness of myself.
But the lord said to the church, I did.
And god said, I’m gonna use the church who has the fullness of god.
to defeat the powers of the enemy that rule and reign in the atmosphere.
And in the season that you are in, says the lord, things are gonna begin to happen so quick in the Holy Ghost.
And god said, because I do not have a strong media voice in the earth.
I’m gonna take the media voice of the enemy, and I’m gonna make them report.
what I am doing in the spirit realm.
I see media voices say at the lord that are gonna be on the air that are speaking for secular group and all of a sudden on camera, they’re gonna begin to weep because the presence of god is gonna go into their studios, and they’re gonna lose their composure, and they’re not gonna know why they’re doing what they’re doing.
And they’re beginning to begin to speak things say it’s god that are not on cue cards, uh, but god said I’m gonna take their voices and begin to make them declare and begin to speak things of of the sayeth the lord.
Uh, for this is my season, sayeth god, uh, now sayeth the lord, uh, though I put you in a goshen for a season, that was not your inheritance.
The next move of god that you’re gonna see is I’m going to begin to break a favorable spirit.
that is in this not only in this nation, but in the earth, sayeth the lord.
Uh, this pharaoh spirit that has stolen my people inheritance and made them slaves.
Uh, I’m gonna break that sayeth god, not just to give you liberty and freedom, but I am gonna lose you from your pharaoh eat you slavery because I’m gonna propel you over into the land of king enough.
I will deal with your pharaoh, but you will deal with your giants.
And I am raising up men and women, hallelujah. Oh my.
I am raising up men and women who are broken up that they will be able to be healers by the power of the lord.
and this spirit hallelujah of hard hardiness that’s been in the house of god from one side to the other.
May the breath of god begin to blow across this building. Uh, know this said the lord.
I’m gonna wake in your spirit. I’m gonna wake in your heart by the power of the Holy Ghost.
So I’m gonna make you rise in the spirit.
I went I come back, say it the lord, I’m coming back with a shout.
Um, but at the same time, you’re gonna rise up off the earth with a shout.
and it won’t just be because you’re going home. But when you went forth, weeping very precious seed.
Now say it God, your days of reaping up are over, and your days of harvests are upon you.
Uh, there is a shout coming up in the house of the lord.
Now, what I did for this sanctuary, what I did for this church was just a wave of my little finger and watch what I did with that.
Uh, how much more sad called?
Do you not think that I
can walk you to your white house of of your nation now and declare the word of the lord.
Now, and release the anointed of god and bright the powers and prince the palleties and rule over your nation.
for this final move says god.
And I have had god moments says the lord throughout the decades.
And I have moved in mighty ways, and I have used men in great ways.
But the lord says I’ve had too many fail and not finished strong.
God said, not this time.
The lord says that I have spent much time and much patience
to nurture a company of men and women that I’m getting ready to release a level of the
miraculous that other decades have not seen. And god said it’s gonna
create such a residue The heaven says the lord are gonna be so open
that in this last move, There will be an abundance of finance.
There will be an abundance of exposure.
But god said, this time, I have spent decades with men and women preparing them.
for this season,
that the glory of god is so waiting.
that god said, instead of them being able to, they lift it up.
They will go to their knees.
in reverence and give me the glory for what I’m getting ready to do.
God says that in this last move, men will not be worshiped.
It won’t be like other times.
Lord said they won’t flock to see a man.
But the lord said, what would draw people into my sanctuary is the presence.
of the lord, hallelujah, the presence of god.
The I I I see the lord.
I hear the lord saying that we’ve had to have large meetings and coliseum because that’s where people will congregate hoping to be touched by the presence of gone because it’s so rare.
The lord said I’m getting ready to release my presence everywhere.
Hallelujah, everywhere. Yera Bobo Bo Sante.
And god said that the devil put up. Oh my.
He said he put up no trespassing signs on so many places in the earth.
that enemy said, you cannot come in here, and god said, I’m gonna kick their signs down.
And the presence of god is going to invade the territories of the enemy and where the spirit of the lord has never been god’s spirit will begin to settle down.
And the lord says, secular meant no god.
And god said wherever it says secular, it’s where the spirit of the lord is gonna begin to target.
because god says this generation of younger men and women is not rejecting me out of rebellion they’re rejecting me because they do not believe that I exist, but I am going to release a manifestation of my present say at the lord, in colleges, but I just gave you a taste as a lord of what I could do at Asperry and other places.
But Cox said, uh, this was just a temporary outpouring.
Now, before I get done, says, god, it’s not gonna be in Bible schools.
In fact, says the lord, there are places that I release my spirit, and they said it’s inconvenient we don’t want you here.
Uh, so the lord said I left, but I’m going back to places.
Uh, even as I left the Jews and went to the gentiles, uh, so I might leaving those and said, god, we don’t need you here.
Uh, and the lord said, I’ll go to the highways, the hedges, and the byways.
Uh, in fact, when I get done says, the lord, your art, your congregation is gonna look totally different.
They’re gonna be tatted up. They’re gonna be dressed strange. They’re gonna have dyed hair.
They’re gonna have piercings, but they’re gonna be filled with a bat to some of the holy ghost.
And god said, I’m gonna take the rebellions, the lukewarm, the self righteous, and I’m gonna make a walk Hallelujah.
What I’m getting ready to do in this hour, but this is a new day, say it called.
Now, behold, I turn a page. disputed tonight by the spirit of the lord.
Uh, and I blow upon you. Uh, I blow my breath upon you. I blow my purpose upon you.
I release upon you, said the lord, the fullness of the glory of god.
I’ve said I was never intimidated by the enemy.
God said I cast him out of my presence once in a flash.
The lord said before I come back, as I cast him out of heaven, and Jesus said it was like lightning.
Now I’m gonna cast him
out of the earth. Yeah. And it’s gonna be light lightning.
And I keep hearing god say this to me that there’s been so much that what’s just gonna get worse, worse, worse,
But where sin abounds race this much more about.
And I and I hear this in the spirit from the lord from time to time.
He says, tell the church
that harv is time There’s gonna be peace.
And the lord said the peace that’s coming to this nation is not coming through politics.
He said it’s coming through the presence of the lord.
Hallelujah. Hallelujah.
And god says as I begin to release my spirit, and my presence into the house have gone.
Uh, and I heard this the other day, the lord said that we won’t take up offerings like we do now because there’s gonna be such a spirit of giving But the lord said that also
I’m gonna begin to touch the unbeliever, and I’m gonna begin to touch the center And god said, the church looked to save the poor.
And the lord said, I am also gonna save the poor.
But god said, my church is also going to touch
the wealthy and the intellectual.
and the educated. And the lord says, when they get touched by my presence, it’ll be like their newborn babes in the kingdom of god They will begin to release as Zackius did.
They’re gonna begin to release to the kingdom of the lord things that the enemy has given them, and it’s gonna be for the kingdom of the lord.
And god said that we’re getting ready to go over into the land of Kanan.
And god says that it’s gonna happen when the obstacle seems insurmountable, even as Jordan was at flood stage when Israel crossed over into the land of Egypt.
The lord said it’s gonna look impossible.
And in one moment, say it the lord, the priesthood is gonna touch it in the spirit realm.
And when they touch it in the spirit realm, this thing is gonna part Jesus just like it did the red sea and the presence of god is gonna go before the people of the lord and we are gonna take the strongholds of the enemy.
And the lord said the church for a long time has just touched symptoms of the enemy, but they’ve not touched the strongholds.
And god said that there has been fear in the church that if you speak out against sin, the enemy will come after you.
But I tell you this say at the lord, I have already said angels around my servants that the enemy cannot harm them and cannot touch them.
And when they come even in with weapons say at the lord and to the house of god, I will disarm them before they can ever release it into the house of the lord.
And this spirit of shootings that the enemy has raised up God said, I’m gonna put an end to that by the power of the Holy Ghost.
And the god says, also, I’m gonna begin now the revival that I’m gonna begin to loose.
It’s not gonna begin just inside the church. In fact, says the lord, it’s gonna start outside church building.
and when it begins to hit secular areas.
Uh, when you’re high school, all of a sudden, they tell you that there’s something going on and in your grade schools and in your colleges.
Uh, that the glory God have shown up in the midst of that. I am god says the lord.
Uh, you cannot ban me.
Uh, and I am coming to the cry of the man of Gadera, and I’m gonna set them free by the power of the lord.
Now say, god, I release in this house a new level power authority that honor your belly shopping in the flow rivers of of living water and the spirit of sickness and in affirmative that has bow my people.
I’m tired of it, says the lord. And in one moment, I release a healing virtue through
the year tire body of Christ.
Uh, and every spirit of infirmity, every demon of sickness is bound in the name of the lord.
Now, for by my stripes, g not are healed. You were healed in the name of Jesus.
Uh, so shout it to the lord.
Uh, for even in this sanctuary, by the power of god, I’ve been to release healing, healing, healing, healing, uh, on every section.
Make the spirit of god begin to flow through your body. Every demon spirit of hell. Uh, I break cancer.
I break arthritis. Uh, I break high blood pressure. I great diabetes in the name of the lord
and I declare that the body of Christ is healed in the name of Jesus and you are walking in the freedom and
the liberty of the holy ghost.
May god open your eyes tonight.
as he did a lies to serve it, that you begin to see in the spirit, they did before us.
are way more than they that be against us.
Hallelujah, have you forgotten as the lord that I told you, your weapons are not natural weapons, but they’re god weapons.
Hallelujah to the pulling down of strongholds. Hallelujah.
Hallelujah. Hallelujah. And there are some strong who says the lord, on the East Coast And the West Coast.
I try to be careful here, but
I I hear the spirit of the
lord said I’m not done with Disney.
And the reason god’s not done with
it is because they went after our children.
And I see that god is gonna do something.
I see gates shut. I see parking lots empty.
because the lord has said no more in the name of Jesus. hallelujah.
Hallelujah. hallelujah. hallelujah.
Make god begin to give us an option in the spirit of the lord. Praise the lord.
hallelujah, make god, begin to lose an unction in this house.
Nam must someday Hallelujah came here tonight, says the lord to lift your head in the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus.
In fact, there will never I see this movement.
I I have seen in other countries where there’s open air meetings because there’s no building that will hold them that are like a million people.
And I see god beginning to have open air meetings in this nation. hallelujah. hallelujah.
I see god filling up stadiums. where the enemy is triumphs over the years.
May the lord lose revival in the Hollywood bowl in Hollywood, California.
Make God, hallelujah, fill up Madison Square Garden with the glory of god.
may god fill up Shea Stadium in New York, you New York Stadium by the power of the lord in the name of Jesus.
Now say it, the lord, and I’m going after places that the world for gods.
I’m gonna hit South Dakota says god, I’m gonna hit new Mexico.
I’m gonna hit some of the New England states.
In fact, say it the lord, New England is a stronghold of the enemy but it’s where they came from England in order to have religious freedom.
And god said, I’m gonna pour out my spirit on New England from New Hampshire to Connecticut to Rhode Island, and I’m gonna break the demonic stronghold over that area, say it, the lord, and I’m gonna begin to release God begin to lose revelation in your spirit tonight.
hallelujah, may the lord begin to revive you in the name of the lord.
Now, may god be the lifter of your burden now and the lifter of your head.
Now, may the the lord says I getting ready to put a shout back in your spirit.
Uh, and this spirit of depression that’s been in the house of the lord.
I curse it in the name of Jesus and I’ll begin to lose the joy of the lord.
Uh, make god begin to release it. You right now, an understanding God before me.
Nobody can be against me.
Do you not know since god that the glory of the ladder house
shall be greater than that of the former that when I come back, I’m not coming back for a bruised wounded defeated church, but I’m coming back
for a glorious church without spark, reek, or blemish. Uh, that’s full. Uh, of the holy ghost, full
of the power of god.
Uh, and it’s casting out demons up
to raising the dead, uh, open the eyes
of the blind, uh, and preaching the gospel to the poor. Hallelujah.
Oh, hallelujah.
You are an army.
Uh, god has tried to empower
you, uh, with a revelation, uh, that I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me.
Lawrence said the measuring stick that we have used in the church for god has been
God said, you measure me and my power.
by how much money or what the building looks like or the natural blessings.
God said, those things I can do in my sleep.
He said, I am measured in the depth of my presence.
and the depth of my glory.
Hassan, pastor Tim, he was telling me the story of years ago when, uh, Benny Hinn came and it shut down the freeway and it turned around turned away almost eight thousand people trying to get in.
And I I was thinking on that, and god said, get ready.
It’s gonna happen again, but it won’t be because of a man.
maybe because of the presence of the lord.
God said I have with hell myself to some degree because I will not compete
with mortal men for worship.
And god said, the church has been too content with worshiping personalities and talent and yet left unchanged.
But god said, oh, do you not know that when you come into my
presence? You can’t leave unchanged.
That while you worship me, says god, cancers leave your body.
that while you worship me, says, god, I go after your children, even in other states, and I begin to move their hearts until their condition to receive me and to their lives.
And the lord said, I have waited until it got dark enough.
that the church will begin to ask for the light of the ages and that I would come back to the house of the lord.
I see the days coming, says, god, that you will worship with angels, not in heaven.
Well, god said there’s gonna be such a presence of the spirit of worship that’s gonna break loose and churches all over the nation
that angels will not be able to withhold themselves, and they’ll begin to worship me in the presence of the worship that’s going on in the house of the lord.
And god said, I’ll even let you see them as they begin to praise me and begin to worship me, and they will lift up the name of the lord.
But god said, the worship, hallelujah, what I’m after now is my children who never saw me, never felt me, never touched me in the natural, but they still believed in my authenticity.
Now, god sit where I have been in the spirit realm, I am manifesting myself in the natural realm angels are gonna be seen.
Now say it, the lord, I’m gonna also begin to do a greater work of healing than you saw in the fifties.
And what you saw with Catherine Coleman and A. E.
Allen and oral Roberts and William Brannam is just a drop in the bucket to what you’re getting ready to see by the power of the lord.
In fact, says god that when people begin to be sick, they will begin to call on the church first instead of a doctor.
They’ll begin to say, we gotta get him over to the house of the lord instead of taking him to the hospital.
They’re gonna come out of wheelchair Uh, they’re gonna come off of deathbed. So paralysis says the lord.
Uh, I see god beginning to heal people that are absolutely paralyzed that have to be carried in to the kingdom of the lord and to the house of god.
Um, and this time says the lord, it’s not gonna be the pastor that does all the healing.
Now, but god said you’re gonna be amazed, uh, that you’re gonna see the sick begin to come in, and all of us you’re gonna see little children go over and lay their hands on the sick, uh, on the terminally ill.
Uh, and you’ll see your grandchildren and your babies that are six, seven, eight years old.
And as they begin to touch him, say it, god, I see it already in the spirit.
Now, I see it on this place. Uh, and
as they begin to touch some hallelujah, they begin to get up
and they begin to dance. and they began to be set free, uh, by the power of the lord.
Uh, I have
not seen, uh, here it’s not heard. Uh, neither is in a
to the heart of man. Now, those things that god have prepared for them that love him.
Uh, there is a wave of my present say it. The lord, that’s coming over this congregation right now.
Wow. And it’s not making you to
move my spirit over your church, hallelujah.
It is compacted with the DNA of god that would you leave tonight, you will be forever altered up under the Holy Ghost.
Uh, may every demon bow down to the authority
of the lord Jesus Christ.
may god begin to lose a holy ghost revolution of the anointing of god all over this building.
God says I’d give you your hold back.
I’d give you your faith back. I’ll put a song in you tonight.
And in the middle of the night, you’ll wake singing.
My god is an awesome god, uh, that I’ll get you so mood, so excited by the spirit of the lord, that you’ll feel like the
I got a fire set up within my bones.
I said I needed people that are bold.
Well, it said the enemy has been much more bold. in the church.
And gone said, you can’t be all inclusive.
You gotta be inclusive of the word of the lord.
Oh god said, I didn’t come to
live with the center. I came to save the center.
I didn’t come down to Israel to moan with them in Egypt, but I said I came down to bring them up and out.
into a land that flows with milk and honey.
Hallelujah. The other day, god spoke just to me.
Authority over satellites in the earth
are getting ready to change.
And god is gonna take satellites that have been controlled by lukewarm and secular companies
and god said I’m gonna begin to give them to ministries that have not compromised but have paid the price.
And as the gospel goes out from Jerusalem, so shall the gospel begin to
go out through all of the earth. hallelujah.
And the lord said, even this year, I’m yanking the cover as you would yank a blanket off of a bed to reveal.
God said I’m yanking the cover off of the clean and the unclean.
And the lord says, do not say it would have been better for god not to have shown them unclean.
but god said, I have to reveal the sin to get the sickness out of the kingdom of god.
before I can heal the church to walk in the fullness of the lord.
And there can never be harvest according to Matthew
until the terrors are out of the field.
And god says I take the angels to remove the tears who are those who practice lawlessness and offend me.
And he said, I removed them from the harvest from the wheat field, and then I turned the church loose.
And the next thing that we’re gonna see is god is going to begin to lose.
Excuse me. Angelic hosts. Thank you, son.
God is gonna begin to lose angels.
And I think the church would
be a lot farther on
if we would have understood the ministry of angels.
because the Bible says they are ministering spirits for the heirs of Salvation, and we just totally left them out in left field.
For he shall give his angels charge over thee.
and god is going to lose angels.
And, um, I pray this almost every day that god will lose the death angel in the earth.
to start this process because the Bible says that god is gonna lose angels who are gonna physically remove those who offend god.
They’re the terrorists, and we’ve not yet seen the harvest because we’ve not yet seen that Angelie Cormie visit the body of Christ.
And the Bible says judgment begins.
in the house of the lord.
And god said, tell the church that as I told Aaron not to weep over his sons that I killed because they blasphemy Do not weep over those that you even call friends that I’m gonna remove from the body of Christ because they weakened the house of the lord with the sin that was in their life.
And the lord says the reason I’m gonna go to that extreme is because the cry of the loss has reached up into my throne room.
and I cannot hold back from deliverance for them.
hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah.
And as god begins to release the spirit of cleansing, the spirit of separation, It will be quick, and then the lord will begin to lose the harvest in the atmosphere.
And the days will come
when pastor Tim, when you built this building, god saw this day
coming. that all of these seats will be filled,
and churches will never be empty again
When god wants to do it,
I’ll just give you now, uh, an example.
when my wife and I, we pastor for years, small church many, many times, only be a third fill.
And then when god was ready to do it
days after Christmas, when nobody goes to church, We walk out of the office and cars are all the way out a half a mile.
Church doesn’t start for an hour, and the building is standing room only.
That’s god. That’s god.
So we can’t take credit because we didn’t do it.
Hallelujah. Can I can I pray over you, brother, Tim?
Come here. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah.
Yeah. This assignment that’s come against you, says the lord, to try to take you out.
I break that thing in the name of Jesus tonight.
And tonight says god, I give you an anointing of Caleb, and I’m renewing your strength And I’m renewing your vigor says the lord, and you will be alive when you see me coming the clouds of glory.
And I am making this covenant with you because all of these years you labored and you planted the seed I’m not gonna let another man bring in the harvest and you not get to see it.
So, oh, son, I’m gonna exceed your expectations.
I’m gonna let you stand with your wife, and there are gonna be times that you will just shake your head.
Now what I’ve done was just a down payment.
of what I’m getting ready to do, but it’s not the fullness says the lord of what I have already promised you.
This is still coming. but I’m gonna fill your house back up, and it won’t be like it was in the days gone by.
But this is a different move. This is a sovereign move.
But because I can trust you, says the lord, and because you will not take glory and you will not take credit, I’m gonna give you seeding abundantly above all that you can ask or think.
So now upon your body from the top of your head, to the soul of your feet. This day, hallelujah.
I put an angel on both sides of you that are gonna walk with you to the end of your days on this earth to protect you and to watch over you.
So the fear, hallelujah, it doesn’t matter what the enemy has said. It’s a lie. This night, say it god.
You shall live and not die. This night, say at the lord, you’re gonna prosper and not fail.
This night, say it the lord. Uh, I’m gonna fill this house, uh, to fool and overflowing.
Uh, it is a god portal that they’re gonna come from around the world says the lord and standing this building.
Now, and things that I’ve showed you as a young man now that you thought god not gonna be happen.
Get ready says, the lord in the next 18 months.
I’m gonna declare my word over this portal over you, over your family, and I bless you this night in the name of Jesus.
Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Alright. I I want you
to stand to your feet.
because when when god speaks prophetically, what happens is it’s loose in the atmosphere.
and it’s swirling right now.
And you’re gonna have to get ahold of it by faith.
whatever it is.
If you’re a tyrant, you need finance, breakthrough, and you’re gonna have to get ahold of the word of the lord.
If you’re sick in your body, you’re gonna have to reach up into the heavens and get ahold of the word of the lord.
if your children are not saved tonight.
I want you to reach into the heavens and get ahold of what god said about children.
And I want you to begin to declare god I’m receiving in. Now lift up your voice.
You can lose your prayer language.
But, lord, all around this building, we begin to release our faith God, we’re releasing.
God, we’re gonna catch a hold of this thing.
And, lord, we declare that not 2 months from now, not 5 months from now, but god before this next sabbath.
Lord, we declare that you’re gonna begin to perform the word of the lord that god phone calls you’re gonna begin to come in.
God that the impossible is gonna be done. Now, prayers that you forgot that you prayed.
God will begin to answer in the name of Jesus. Now I also declare an activation
of gifts that used
to be in you that died and went silent.
May the gifts of the spirit be researched in in your spirit right now.
make coffee, did you give you dreams and visions and open visions?
Uh, may angels come visit you and make Jesus in struck you and equip you.
Uh, may god lose good talents in this place, sir, may the lord touch you to play instruments, sir, may god touch you sing the song of the lord.
Make the spirit of faith be your portion in the name of Jesus.
May you Claire, you are the head and not the tailor.
May there be such a bonus upon you and you storm the gates of Uh, may there be such an authority in you, uh, and demons begin to tremble when you begin to pray?
Uh, may there anointing a copy upon you, uh, and every you’ll be broken.
Now, in the name of Jesus, uh,
make god, keep making you the lender, and not the borrower may cup, put defying favor on you.
Make god open the heavens over you tonight.
And may they never be closed? May he fill you with the
baptism of the Holy Ghost, uh, with the evidence of speaking in tongues, make god reverse every generational curse every word that’s been it against you in judgment, may you condemn, in the name of the lord?
Now, may the spirit of death be broken off for you, uh, and make God restore back to you, uh, what the enemy has stolen, and may he give it back
seven times?
Uh, may the devour be broken, and may the spirit of joy you.
Be your portion in the name of Jesus. We declare it in the name of the law.

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