The Altered Weights: End Time Apostasy, Persecution, and a Life of Integrity | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
The Altered Weights: End Time Apostasy, Persecution, and a Life of Integrity
What is behind the changes and transformations taking place in our culture, and our world? The world has altered weights: in an end time apostasy and persecution. Christians are on trial and in court.
There’s a woman in Finland who’s a believer and former member of parliament.
And years ago, years ago, she posted a scripture Romans 1 about about gender. Sexuality.
She is now being brought to trial.
Altered weight is a sign of corruption, a changed weight, a false weight.
That’s why he says god hates false weights or false standards. God is concerned with it.
The the weights of the bag belong to him. He condemns it. So what would what would they have?
So a corrupt merchant would have 2 or 3 sets of different weights.
Just like people who are corrupt today, or they they have different books, different accounting books.
1, the real one, 1, the fake one.
So the thing is if you had 2, you had double weights or double standards.
What does that mean? Does that apply to us? Yeah.
If you have a double standard, if you judge someone else, in a different way you judge yourself, that’s a double standard.
If you judge somebody who’s on the other side of the culture war or the other side of politics or the other side of anything, different from you judge people on your own side, that’s a double standard.
That’s not integrity. If, you know, you may disagree.
We disagree with people, but we still have to be honest in our judgments.
You know, in other words, somebody who you wanna vote for did something crazy and, oh, that’s fine.
Somebody on the other side does the same thing and you condemn them. That’s that’s double standards.
You can be against, but still, you know, you stand for the issues, but go by righteous standards.
In Bible times, you had what was called the temple standard, and that is the temple standard is there were there was they you had it actually that’s how we could tell actually where where the high priest lived in the time of Jesus.
We have the the the place.
When we go to Israel, we go to those places where they probably took Messiah and on, uh, on his his day of trial.
Well, the thing is that they had the priests were in charge of keeping the standards.
They had to have because there had to be one standard, so they had the it’s like the master standards.
The master wage and everything else had to follow that. The temple standard. Well, you know what?
We have a temple standard, and that is this. When you’re here, you worship god You probably dress well.
You speak wholly. You act wholly. But what happens when you get home?
Are you going by are you living by the temple standard, or do you have a double standard?
You’re one way here and you’re another way when you get home. Okay? That’s a double standard.
You need to be the people of god have to be of integrity.
The way you are here is the way you are in private, in public private.
It says, uh, here are some other verses about these things.
It says, proverbs 11, said, verse 1 says, false weights are an abomination. That’s pretty strong. Proverbs 2023.
Diverse weights are an abomination to the lord and a false balance is also these are sins is what god is saying.
He’s against that. But now let’s go beyond all that. Let’s go to a whole another realm. Guess it.
We’re go we’re leaving the marketplace, and we’re going to the realm of society, of culture, of values.
When a merchant has changes the standard chances are he’s corrupt, when a civilization or culture changes the standards, chances are it is corrupt.
Let me show you this ancient principle, how it reveals what’s happening right now.
Isaiah said woe to those who call evil, good, and good evil. What’s this saying?
Well, something is evil, you call it evil. That’s what it is, but they’re changing the value of it.
So now they’re calling what is evil Good. They changed the weight. They changed the standards.
So now the standard is evil, but they changed it.
I mean, you know, so now now this is what the enemy does.
He always takes something that’s evil and he tries to make it appear good.
That’s how it hot that’s how we fell. It was a we fell because he said it was good.
You’ll you’ll be as god. Well, those who tempt or seduce, use that too.
They they take something evil, adultery, fordication, and make it look good. Drugs make it look good.
They’re co they’re applying a standard of goodness to something that’s evil.
The Babylonians tried to make the Jewish people bow down to the idols. The idol is evil.
In Hebrew, it means abomination, but they called it good.
Those who are evil call what is evil good.
Those who are evil call what is good evil.
It’s so because it’s evil’s all twisted. The enemy’s all twisted.
When pharaoh looked at Moses, he didn’t see a good purr. He didn’t see the hero.
We see He saw an evil person who was troubling him because evil sees good as evil, assigns to good things, the standards of evil.
When they have in Jezebel saw Elijah, they saw he they thought he was evil because they were evil.
Right? The Roman authorities, when they saw the Christians, they they thought they were evil.
When the society tells you, look at you, you believers, you haters, you would tolerate That’s because they’re evil.
The standards are altered.
A civilization that once new god or once knew what was good, but then changes the values, it is a sign of corruption altered weights.
George Orwell wrote 1984 about a future totalitarian government, big brother.
And he had he said they they they did something called newspeak. They changed the language.
They changed words to us. They assigned new words and values to reality.
They had a ministry of love that was actually a ministry of hate.
They had a ministry of peace that was actually waging war.
And he based that on the communist, When they took over Russia, 1984 was based on that because that’s what they did.
When they came into power, they changed reality changed words. They changed terms.
What used to be good is now evil. What used to be evil is now good.
Anything that is anything they wanted to condemn, they called counter revolutionary or subversive imperialistic, Capitalism, that meant evil.
They redefined language. They called their state, their totalitarian t they called it the people’s republic.
Well, it’s not the people’s republic. The people the people didn’t want it. They didn’t vote for that.
The people it was totalitarian dictatorship and they they basically treated the people as nothing.
They actually killed millions of them. They were worth nothing, but it called it the people’s republic. That’s a mask.
That’s a false weight. They they they called something reeducation. What was it really? Brainwashing, torture.
They called prisons, hospitals. They even call themselves democracies, the people’s democratic Republic of China, but it’s happening now in our culture.
What’s taking place?
In or when when you see the the turning of words, be careful.
In earlier days, when when people broke the covenant of marriage, it was called adultery.
We still call it that, but the culture doesn’t because as more people did it, adultery had to be redefined because it would we can’t instead of repenting, let’s change the standard, and let’s call what is evil good.
So they called that they came up with. It’s an extramarital affair. It sounds nice.
Sounds like a vacation. Hey.
It’s an extra at a fair, you know, you know, or what used to be something called fornication.
Now a premarital affair, I’m going on a vacation. The false balances god says are an abomination.
The words obscure. They don’t express real.
Words are supposed to express convey reality, but these words hide, obscure, mask, and destroy, and suppress reality.
How about this? They’re trying to eliminate women now. And so you know what you are women.
According to this, you are you are now it is not there’s no more women. It’s birthing people.
Birthing people. This is not this is not a little thing.
You know, even even in the the, uh, the congress, At one point, I think it was Nancy Pelosi eliminated all gender in all rules.
Mother, father, daughter, son, husband, wife, god.
The weights are being changed because if you do if you change the weights, you change the words, you can destroy reality, and that affects people.
You see, ru standards only have meaning if they are unbendable.
You have ruler at home, 12 feet. It’s called a ruler because it’s supposed to rule.
And it is it is solid.
But if you have a ruler that’s made of made of rubber and you can stretch it.
I mean, the ruler means nothing anymore.
Who are the keepers of the standard I already told you, who are the keepers of the weights the priests were?
Well, the Bible, who are the priests today? The Bible says you are.
The Bible says, if you’re born again, you are a priest.
So you are the keepers of the standards. You are the keepers of god’s measures.
And so if you’re in a society that’s gone completely off where light is called darkness and darkness is called light, you are responsible to go against the darkness and say no.
No. Light is light. Darkness is still darkness. You haven’t changed anything. You can call gravity.
You can redefine gravity and call it whatever you want, but you’re still gonna fall off a cliff if you break the laws of gravity.
The people have got you are called, you are not to bend because of the majority.
It doesn’t matter. If the whole majority says that Now the ruler 12 inches is now 5 inches.
You can’t go along with that.
And be within believers, the ministers are even more accountable, those who teach the word preach the word, the priests.
But a whole segment of them have totally bent the standard. Broken the standard.
They be they conform to the apostasy. They become apostate themselves.
They’ve embraced what they never would have embraced just years ago. Why?
Cause they didn’t wanna hold up a ruler. They didn’t wanna turn on the light.
They didn’t wanna be rejected or not loved by the world so they went along with a with a disease.
Again, so say someone has a has a has a disease that could kill them, and you don’t want to have you don’t wanna be rejected by them, so you tell them everything is fine like they wanna hear.
But now you’re condemning them to death. The one who know who loves is the one who says, no.
This is not right. You need you need the medicine. You need the solution.
So they bent the ruler. They broke the moral compass.
They have no moral compass, and it’s not just them.
You have other churches and other posters and who may be, you know, good believers.
They know what’s right, but they’re afraid to say anything. So they keep silence.
They avoid those subjects at all.
And that and many people come here and they say, you know, I was guy was here, here, here, and they they will not say anything.
How can you not say anything when we’re in this state right now?
This is the time you have to speak. Our culture is changing the weights and measures every day.
They’re doing it through the school system without you knowing it.
They’re doing through the libraries, through the children’s cartoons, through the internet through TikTok, through laws, media, politics, social things, all music.
If you can change the measure, the standard, the standard doesn’t mean anything.
If you can change your values, your values become valueless.
If a man or society can create good and create evil, it becomes god trying to become god, and the values become nothing.
That’s why that’s why it becomes valueless. Once a society moves away from god, there’s nothing.
You’re basically a corrupt merchant who created his or her own standards.
It says the weights of the bag belong to god. They’re his work.
They are his doing in Hebrew.
The weights of the bag You see, that’s why all these revolutionary movements, they all all these total as soon as soon as they get to power, That’s exactly all they do because they wanna be god.
The state becomes god, and we can re redefine reality, change the standards and you do that in your life.
If you make up your own standards, you lose all value.
The standard of marriage was changed. And what happened, it became disposable.
It doesn’t mean anything anymore. It’s no it’s a dangerous thing to change the weights.
If you add weight to where there’s no weight or you take away weight where there is, Everything becomes nothing.
If you treat what is evil as good and good as evil, everything becomes nothing.
See, we are watching a society just like Israel when it turned away from god, it’s profaning the sacred, and it’s sanctifying the profane.
It’s calling the sacred. It’s treating the sacred like a curse word, and it’s treating profanities as if it’s something to celebrate.
It’s all happening. The weights are being changed. Now let’s take this home.
I want I want you to have some real keys here. Number 1, I’ve alluded to this.
First key, Beware of newly created words.
Beware of newly fabricated, artificial words that are specially are to relabel what has always been seeking to replace words and beware of words and phrases that are are created not to express reality, but to hide reality and to twist reality.
Newly created words, especially that are general and vague and that have little to do with what they are now representing, like inclusivity.
You don’t even bear with who knows exactly intersectionality. Who even knows what that is?
Gender expression, pride choice that all created as mass. Do not accept the redefining.
Do not accept the false weights.
Do not accept to accept the society when it’s saying good is evil, evil is good, is to go along with it.
Don’t accept it. Don’t accept the reframing. Be like Elijah.
When ahab, King ahab, evil, you know, he him and he and jezebel changed everything, the standards.
Then when they saw Elijah, he saw Elijah, he said, look. Here’s the one.
You are the troubler of it. You’re the one who is causing problems to this nation. You’re the enemy.
You’re a hater. You’re intolerant. You’re the traveler of Israel. Elijah was having none of it. He said, no.
No. No. No. No. I am not the trouble of Israel.
You, the king, you’re the trouble of Israel, because you got against the waves of the god of Israel.
He kept his ground. He refused. He didn’t go an inch. Don’t go an inch.
Don’t accept any shifting. He totally rejected a for what well, he didn’t care what the majority said, and you cannot care what the majority says.
You know, love the majority. Pray for the majority, but don’t follow the majority.
Secondly, he not only rejected the reframing, but he strongly upheld the ways of god.
If he didn’t, the lie would have prevailed.
They would have never turned back, but it only takes one elijah to change the course of a nation.
It only takes one person to break the spell. The one who will say what’s true.
When everybody’s afraid to say it, like the child in the emperor’s new clothes.
Every the emperor’s walking around naked, every day. This is this really looks great with his new clothes.
And one child says, the guy’s not he’s naked.
It only takes one to break the spell, but you gotta have you gotta have HutzPA.
You gotta have some you gotta say, listen. I don’t care. It’s god.
As for me and my house, we are serving the lord.
There’s a woman in Finland who’s a believer and former member of parliament.
And years ago, years ago, she posted a scripture woman’s one about about gender, sexuality.
She is now being brought to trial because of the scripture with a possible years in prison, but she doesn’t care.
She said, I don’t care. I’m standing for this. I don’t care.
She simply posted what everybody in Finland would have said, of course, just a little while back.
Now she’s in the minority because they’ve all gone off. And so but you know what?
Now she’s more powerful than she’s ever been.
Because to stand like Elijah, to stand in a culture that has gone totally off, like Elijah, to be bold, unafraid to speak the truth when it’s cutting into the dark you become powerful.
You have more power than you ever have.
It says the eyes of the lord searching the entire earth looking for the one whose heart is completely his, he’s gonna show himself powerful for that one.
You’ll have far more power The culture may hate you for it.
It may be but the you know what? God is gonna anoint you for it.
And when you stand for truth, when it even when it’s hard when harder to stand for truth, your witness in life becomes all the more powerful stand up.
Next key, When words and meanings don’t mean anything, you need to commit all the more in this these last days that your words are gonna mean something.
That when you give your yes, it’s a yes and no. It’s a no. You’re where you walk your talk.
You talk your walk. You live your faith. You’re act you’re all one. That’s it.
It is written the weights of the bags are god’s concern.
What are the weights of the bag? What’s the bag? You have the bag. You’ve got a bag.
Every one of you has a bag. You know what it is? It’s the Bible.
The Bible are is the bag of the weights. Inside the Bible are the weights of god.
Are the values of god? Are the measures of god all that. There’s the bag. You gotta open that bag.
You gotta you gotta fill yourself with that, especially in in these apostate days. You gotta fill yourself up.
This is what god said. And if there’s something in your life that’s not aligning with it.
It’s not a measuring with a measure. Get it measuring. Do what you have to do. Live by.
Don’t dilute it. Don’t dilute the word. Don’t soften the word. Don’t compromise the word.
Don’t bend the word to fit your life. Bend your life
to fit
the word. Lastly, to bring it fully home.
Spoken about worth and value and meaning, So what is the worth and value and meaning of you, of your life?
What is the weight of your life? What’s the weight? What gives it weight? What gives it value?
Let me share something with you. The Bible says to god is glory, glory, and god.
In Hebrew word for glory is Khabod, try
it. Khabod.
You know what it actually literally means? It means wait. God is the weight.
God is the only one
who has weight. God is reality.
God is truth. God is weight.
God alone gives meaning and purpose.
Without god, you cannot give your life meaning and purpose or value or worth.
That’s why when a nation moves away from god, it loses everything, loses purpose.
You know, this is a different America. It’s all it’s just fallen. It’s just breaking all over the place.
It’s not like what we once knew, but the same with life with an individual.
Without god, There’s no life. That’s why there’s no purpose. There’s no real meaning.
You can have you could try to come up with something, but it’s not real.
That’s why before you had god, you didn’t have purpose. You didn’t have real purpose. You didn’t have real value.
And so the more you go away from god’s will, the more you go away from worth and value and purpose.
If you give yourself to that which is against god, not of god, which is sin, that impure thing, that dark thing against the will of god, you are giving yourself to godlessness.
And when you give your the more you give yourself to sin, the more you’re taking away your own purpose.
And your own value and your own worth, the more you give yourself to that sin, to that gospel, to that lust, to that indulged, whatever it is, The more that that that bitterness, the more you devalue your life, god is the caved, the weight, and the glory of your life.
Not only the weight, not only the worth, but the price.
That’s why only god could redeem your life by giving himself who is the weight, who is the true weight for you to give your life worth, to give my life worth.
God gave himself on the cross because he is the weight of life.
He’s what only could give us the to give your life meaning.
God did not give his life to us because I was worth it or you were worth it.
He gave it to us to make us worth it.
Hi. I’m Jonathan Khan, and I hope you are blessed with the video.
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- Positioning ourselves to hear God’s voiceTháng 12 28, 2022