Faith & How It Works – Part 1 | Joyce Meyer
Faith & How It Works – Part 1
God has more in store for you than you can imagine. On this episode of Enjoying Everyday Life with Joyce Meyer, be encouraged to pray bold prayers and release your faith in agreement with His Word.
God’s Messages 💌
Today…….I am asking all my prayer warriors to say a prayer that may help others. So many people are hurting right now. Many are struggling with finances and need jobs. Some are facing foreclosure and don’t even know how they are going to make it from week to week.. Many are lonely. . Many are heartbroken. . Many are facing sickness and health is fading. . Some are dealing with difficult family members. Many have lost HOPE.. Tonight, let us put our prayers and faith together decree and declare breakthrough over our families. Financial miracles WILL take place. Jobs WILL be found. Our Bodies WILL be made whole & sickness WILL flee. Marriages and relationships WILL be restored. Family members WILL find Jesus. Heartbreaks WILL be healed. JOY WILL be restored and HOPE WILL be found. In Jesus Name. Amen!!!!!! Keep God First…….
So faith is not something that you have because you see something that convinces you.
It’s not even something that you have because you believe or you feel something that convinces you.
But it’s something you first have in your heart.
I do what I do because I’ve seen God’s power transform my own life and he will do it for you.
The key to everything is found in God’s word. I’m Joyce Meyer.
And I believe that God can heal you everywhere you hurt.
How do we release our faith?
Well, the first thing we do is we ask, but you have to ask according to the word.
Now, what is Faith? Hebrews 11 1 says faith is the assurance, the confirmation, the title deed of the things we hope for being the proof of the things that we do not see.
See when you’re asking for something by faith, you don’t see it yet as a reality in your life.
And a lot of times it doesn’t even make any sense to your mind.
It’s like it’s way beyond anything that you would ever in your sane mind, think that you could have.
But faith sees things that don’t make any sense to the natural man.
What, you know, I marvel, I look back and I marvel at why in the world I would have ever in my wildest imagination thought that I could do what I’m doing today.
And yet when God speaks to you, when he puts something in your heart, when something in the word comes alive to you, if you’ll listen to your spirit and not your head, you see things and you can believe for things that just absolutely don’t even make any sense.
And I remember 42 years ago when I had listened to my first teaching back then teaching cassette tapes, and I listened to somebody preach for a whole hour on one scripture in Mark chapter five called Cross over to the other side.
And first of all, I couldn’t believe that anybody could keep my interest for a whole hour preaching on anything because prior to that 15 minutes in church was enough to knock me out.
But when the word that you hear is anointed by the Holy Spirit, and it’s a word in due season for your life.
And it’s something that you can apply to your life. There’s a part of you that gets really excited.
So I just couldn’t believe how exciting that message was to me and what I felt on the inside as I was listening to it.
And this desire rose up in me.
A lot of people want to know Well, how do I know if God’s speaking to me?
Well, one of the ways that he speaks to us is through desire, like a strong desire that just won’t go away.
And many times what we’re desiring doesn’t seem to make any sense.
And this strong desire rose up in me and to me, I felt like I heard words, but I’m not gonna tell you, I heard an audible voice, but I, there was something that I heard in the spirit and this is the way it came to me.
You are going to go around the world and preach the gospel.
And at that time, what I heard because we only can hear based on what we know how to apply it.
And I heard and you’re gonna have a large teaching tape ministry. Well, that was all I heard.
And from then on my whole desire from then till now has been to teach the Word of God.
And literally, I do have a teaching tape ministry.
Although that doesn’t make that much sense today because we’re on television in 100 languages in two thirds of the world on hundreds and hundreds of TV stations.
Now, wait a minute. I’m not trying to brag, I want to make a point.
This teaching that I’m doing here today will be divided up into 28 minute teachings and those will go on radio and television and podcasts and the website.
And so literally through recorded messages through C DS teaching tapes.
Now they just download all that stuff and it, it’s a lot easier. But literally that is what has happened.
This, what we’re doing here today is going to be seen and heard in 100 languages around the world.
And I don’t think that’s very bad for somebody with not a lot of education and not really all that.
And I still, I told somebody recently I said, you know, for the life of me, I don’t know what ever made me think that I could do this.
What would ever make? I mean, I didn’t have any religious training.
I mean, I went to church, I’ll tell you all I had, I love Jesus and I just either was pretty dumb or I had not a lot of nerve one of the two, but I just started taking little steps of faith and you see faith is released three ways.
If you’re taking notes, you wanna write this down.
Faith is released through praying, through saying and through doing praying, you ask God for something, you release your faith with it.
Bible says, don’t pray in doubt and unbelief, pray in faith, believing that what you’re asking for will happen.
It may not happen right away but you keep believing that it will happen.
You say something, you line your confession up with what you’ve prayed.
You don’t pray for your kids to be saved and then go to lunch with your friend.
And talk about how you’re afraid they’re never gonna get saved. Come on.
And that’s what we do so often. We pray for something when we’re feeling spiritual.
And then by the next day, we’ve already cursed our prayer by saying just the opposite four or five times of what we just asked God to do.
God. I pray that you’ll help us get out of debt and I pray that you’ll meet all of our needs.
I pray that the time will come God when we can own our own house.
I pray God that I can get my car paid off and then you go to lunch with somebody and you say we will never get out of debt.
I probably never own my own home, never have a new car.
I’m just the tail end of everything and every time I get $10 the devil steals 20.
Sound like anybody you know, come on, don’t sit there and look spiritual.
I want to know the truth.
And so we really need to learn if we want God’s will to get our mouth in agreement with God’s will.
And you know, this is not a name, it claim it message where you can just say anything you want and get it.
But you can say the word of God.
And if you are saying the same thing as God says, which is what confession is to say the same thing as if you say the same thing that God says, and you’re doing what God is asking you to do.
You know, there’s promises in the Bible, there’s conditions that go along with those promises, you believe you obey you.
Do what God asked you to do.
When I got that vision in my heart to teach, I had to take steps of faith.
I stepped out, I started a Bible study. Five years.
I felt like God said to stop that Bible study and he was going to do something new for a year.
I did nothing. That was not very much fun.
You know, you think if, if you, if you do something, you believe God’s asking you to do and it doesn’t seem to work for a while.
Don’t give up. Just keep believing.
If you heard from God that God will bring it to pass and make it happen.
He’ll either redirect you or you just need to wait on him.
Well, then I went to work at a church in Saint Louis and it was a brand new church, not very big, only had about 30 people.
The first service I went to and after a period of time, they asked me to start a ladies meeting at the church.
Well, I didn’t want to teach ladies because I had a vision to teach everybody that could breathe.
I mean, I had a big vision.
I mean, I prayed stupid stuff like God, let me help every person on the planet and even while I was praying it, my mind would go.
That’s dumb. That’s dumb. How do you think any one person and especially a woman?
Come on, ladies, when I started doing this, it was very unpopular.
Very unpopular. So I had to get out and dig up a lot of fallow ground and be really determined to not quit and not give up.
And so I didn’t want, I didn’t want to just teach. You’re welcome.
I didn’t want to just teach women. I want to teach everybody.
And so for a while I thought, no, I’m not going to do that.
And then the thing that God put in my heart is, well, that’s the only thing in front of you to do right now.
So it’s better to do something rather than do nothing. So I started doing that.
Well, after that, the pastor recognized there was a real anointing on my life.
So he started asking me to teach in the church when he wasn’t there.
So lo and behold now it’s not just women, there’s men there.
And so I became an associate pastor at the church. I taught in bible college on and on and on.
I worked there five years. And then God spoke to me again to step out and he told me to quit my job and take the ministry and go north, south East and Wales.
Well, the thing is nobody knew me north, south east or west, don’t you love it.
When God tells you to do something, your mind goes well, that doesn’t make any sense. Come on.
Has God ever spoken to you to do something? And you just couldn’t get your mind to agree with it.
You know what most people do when that happens? They just don’t do it.
They wait for something that makes sense, but I’m gonna tell you something. God is not always reasonable.
He doesn’t always tell you to do something that you can reason out and fit it into your normal way of thinking.
Now, I’m not suggesting that anybody just start doing all kinds of crazy stuff and wild stuff and stuff that doesn’t make any sense.
But I’ll tell you one thing if you believe that God’s put something in your heart and it stays and it’s not going away and it’s not going away.
And I don’t think there’s anything wrong with asking God if it’s something major to give you a good solid confirmation.
I don’t think that we should have to do that all the time. We need to trust God’s word.
But if it’s major, you wait for a good confirmation and then you take one step and you see what happens.
If that seems to work, you take another step and you see what happens and if that seems to work, then you take another step and pretty soon those steps that were baby steps are starting to get bigger and bigger and bigger.
And before you know it, you know what’s going to happen, you’re going to be running with God full speed ahead doing things that you cannot even imagine.
Amen. And so all of that stuff has been started 42 years ago and then I’ve been gone from the church about 32 years now and nobody knew me north, south east or west.
I was on one radio station in ST Louis.
And so I went to North Saint Louis, East Saint Louis, South Saint Louis and West Saint Louis.
I’m telling you the absolute truth.
We started a little monthly meeting in each north, south east and west of our city and I’m telling you what, we would have 20 people come, 15 people come, I did one meeting one time with nine people.
I took five of them with me.
I mean, I didn’t start in arenas and on television, you got to be faithful in small things and then God will make you ruler over much.
And even financially some of you need more finances.
Well, maybe you just need to step out and do something that God is telling you to do that you haven’t done before.
Maybe you’re gonna need to give more before you’re gonna get more.
Well, a lot of people don’t want to do that.
Well, if I just had more money, then I’d give more.
Well, I don’t want to be insulting, but if you won’t give some of what you got, you’re not gonna give any when you get more, you start by giving when it kind of pretty much hurts and doesn’t make too much sense and you don’t just do it once to try something and see what happens.
You get committed and you’re faithful and you do it and you let the devil know I am going to do this till I breathe my last breath, not to get something.
But because I believe it’s the word of God.
The point is, is I intend to do what I’m doing as long as I can breathe.
And I mean, I’ve told God many, many, many times however much energy I’ve got from now until I die, you’re getting it.
I’m giving it to you. I want to do what you want me to do. Amen.
And you know, here’s the thing, you’ll never be any happier than you will be if you’re right in the center of God’s will.
Now, all of you don’t have a vision to preach or teach or whatever.
Maybe your vision is to lose £10 and get your closet cleaned up. Well, that’s good too.
Whatever it is though, you’re gonna have to start somewhere and you’re gonna have to go through somewhere before you get somewhere.
And so we’ve got to be the kind of people that won’t quit and won’t give up.
So how do we release our faith? Praying, saying and doing? Let’s, let’s practice again.
How do we release our faith? Ok, see how easy that is.
You take action, you pray, you line your words up was what you believe.
Now I can back this up in scripture.
Romans 10, eight through 10, our scriptures about salvation about what we do to be saved.
And it says, well, what does it say?
The word God’s message in Christ is near you on your lips and in your heart, that is the word, the message, the basis and the object of faith which we preach.
Because if you acknowledge and confess with your lips, that Jesus is Lord and in your heart, you believe.
Now, do you see that? You believe in your heart?
You confess with your mouth, you believe in your heart, you confess with your mouth that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
So how do you receive salvation? You believe it in your heart and then you confess it with your mouth.
Now, let’s look at verse 10 for with the heart, a person believes adheres to trust and, and relies on Christ and he is justified, declared righteous, made acceptable to God and with his mouth, he confesses, declares openly and speaks out freely his faith.
And that then confirms his salvation.
So here’s the thing when I believe in my heart, God knows what’s in my heart.
When I open my mouth and say something, let that lets the devil and everybody else know where I stand, you believe in your heart and you confess with your mouth, don’t try to be a sneaky Christian who never wants to say that you’re a believer and never wants anybody to judge you critically.
That’s why many times when we ask people in meetings, if they want to receive Christ, we will ask people at the end to stand up or to come down front and people don’t always want to do that.
But here’s the thing. If you won’t take a stand in here, you’re not going to go out in the world and take a stand.
It’s not about embarrassing anybody, but you can’t be a sneaky Christian if you look at the disciples, the first thing they did after Christ called them was go tell somebody else, go tell somebody else.
Don’t keep your mouth shut about Jesus. Don’t try to hide the fact at work that you’re a believer.
Now you don’t have to go in and be obnoxious.
You don’t have to go in with a tape recorder in your ears and carrying four Bibles and you know, but neither do you need to hide it.
You need to openly let people know that you believe in God. Amen.
So faith, it’s first in your heart and then it’s got to get in your mouth.
Second Corinthians 57, we walk by faith.
We regulate our lives and conduct ourselves by our conviction, our belief, respecting man’s relationship to God and divine things, then we walk by faith and not by sight or appearance.
So faith is not something that you have because you see something that convinces you.
It’s not even something that you have because you believe or you feel something that convinces you, but it’s something you first have in your heart.
That’s why many times you believe something that doesn’t make any sense at all to your mind.
Do I have any people here today that you’ve got something in your heart that you believe God wants to do in your life and you can back it up in the word.
But to your natural mind, it makes no sense at all.
How about somebody who just, you don’t see any way that what you’re believing could ever possibly happen?
No, no. Well, see that’s why you need this message because there’s not enough of you.
You know, if you’re not believing for the impossible, then you’re not open for a miracle in your life.
The only way you’re ever going to get a miracle is if you have to have one, if you need one, when you stop, depending on everything else around you and believe that only God can help you.
The biggest thing that we need to do is learn how to think like God thinks.
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- Dr. Bill Winston: Salvation is NOW – Joint HeirsTháng 4 21, 2023