Dr. Bill Winston: Breaking Through Your Limits – Mystery of Meditation
Breaking Through Your Limits – Mystery of Meditation
Throughout the Bible, we are reminded that our thoughts greatly impact the fruit that is produced in our lives. This is why it is imperative that we meditate God’s Word. Practicing biblical meditation causes a heightened, spiritual experience with God and opens your mind to allow revelation knowledge to flow more freely!
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When we’re talking about meditation, we’re talking about transforming your belief in an accelerated manner using biblical meditation.
But thou shalt meditate there and they are not, they meditate means ponder.
It means think about it, read it and confess it now. That’s the way you’re gonna believe.
This is the way God planned for you to believe. What is impossible to believe.
What meditation does, it resets your boundary when your life is where it was 20 years ago.
And you know, there’s more for you.
I guarantee you we can come in and attack this thing in the area of meditating to work where the enemy has programmed us, weaken unprogramming, we can rewrite the script, we can transform and renew our minds.
I just told me to tell you get ready for the impossible dream.
It’s a dream again, dream, big dream, things about to happen to you.
What is possible for me may not be possible for somebody here.
What’s the difference? They believe it unqualified committal.
So I need to find out how to believe, think about it because if I can believe.
Come on, help me, all things are possible. Am I right about that?
And when we’re talking about meditation, we’re talking about transforming your belief in an accelerated manner, using biblical meditation.
God didn’t plan on anything being an obstacle that would stop his people from moving forward.
So he’s saying now, if you believe all things come possible, well, I gotta ask, ok, well, how do I believe?
Well, in the, in the book he said in Joshua chapter one and verse eight, this book of the Law shall not depart out of your mouth.
But thou shalt underline that word meditate there in how long they are not. Now.
That’s the way you’re gonna believe though. Meditate means ponder. It means think about it.
Meditate means read it and mutter it.
Meditate means confess it, meditate me to use it to think about it.
You lay in the bed, think about it again. What did my wife do?
She took cards and put them with scriptures on them all over the house. What was this doing?
This was a type of meditation because they said there were no jobs, there were no jobs you can’t get hired, there are no jobs people are being laid off by the hundreds.
Ok? She came back home and my God shall supply all your needs.
So she got like scriptures and she began to meditate these scriptures.
Here comes all of a sudden a friend of mine comes to visit.
And he said, hey, Veronica is Bill in the house. She said, yeah, he’s in the house there.
Oh, by the way, you got your job yet. What do you think? She said? Yep.
Because as she meditates that word, mark chapter 14 plea chapter four, verse 14, please mark chapter four verse, I’m taking you through this now because you’re about to go into houses, you can’t afford, you’re about to go Come on.
But watch, we raise your consciousness, we gonna raise up what you can believe for.
He said the so, so the what word? Verse 26 please.
And he said, so is the kingdom of God as if a man should cast seed into the ground and to sleep and rise how long night and day and the seed should spring and grow up.
He doesn’t know how first the blade and then the ear and then the full corn in the ear.
And then, but when the fruit is brought forth immediately, he puts in the tickle because the harvest has come.
Now check me out here. I was God is saying, I want you to leave. I B M couldn’t leave.
Why? Too much money? Why didn’t know what I was gonna do? Why the economy is bad, all these obstacles.
But I heard a man preach a man named Jerry Vell. He preached on sea time and harvest.
Then it got to a verse of Mark chapter 10 verse 29 30.
No man that’s left house, a mother, a father, sister, brother, a wife or Children or life where it’s Atlanta.
I put I B M in there for my sake. But he shall receive 100 fold now.
And he named all the things I said, OK, that struck my spirit.
The holy ghost is quicken it to me because that’s my verse.
So I took that verse begin to meditate it day and night.
All of a sudden on Saint Paul Minnesota in Saint Paul Minnesota on University Avenue, I’m going down the street not thinking about that.
Boom. Something comes up. Whoa, I said, whoa, I could see it. I’m not leaving this job.
I’m sewing this job. I said, I can see my future. I could see 10,000, 20,000.
I could see it because the Holy Spirit used is your spirit as a canvas.
He begins to paint a reality in your mind, in your soul and you could see it. What’s this?
It becomes more real than what you’re in right now. Praise God.
So the next thing I did, I pick a baby. I’m leaving. I B M.
Notice what I’m doing. I’m putting in the sickle going, my boss. I said, hey, John, I’m leaving.
He said, what, what do you mean? I said, I’m leaving. I B M. Whoa.
He jumped up, closed the door. What’s happening? Bill? He thought I was going to competition.
I said, well, I, I got a call on my life.
You gotta, I said I got a call in my life. He said, well, what does that mean?
I mean, I gotta go, you know, I’m going to the ministry. He said, oh, Bill, take two weeks off.
Just, just, just rest yourself. Why?
Because what I have said was so beyond anything that he could think he could reason out.
But it was real to me, it was real to me and look what God has done.
He’ll give it back to you 100 fold.
Say a man and my tax refund is more than what I was making.
So I’m just telling you right now. Listen, what God will do, say amen to that.
See, I’m your living example. I know Abraham is cool.
I know Brother Hagan is good, but I’m standing in front of you right now as a living testimony that this thing works is designed to take you to Jericho that is designed to pull down any walls.
No matter how thick they are. It’s designed to take cities. It’s designed to change laws.
It’s designed to change cultures. It’s designed to change institutions because of the power of what you can believe.
Do you believe that? Yep.
And all of a sudden she got instructions, instructions coming now, instruction told her to make some soup and put down the job that she wanted exactly on a car and she put it down in computers.
The night’s office, 10 minutes from the house so forth. I want a car with, it doesn’t make any difference.
Doesn’t make any difference. Why? Because the word is doing the work you’ve crossed over.
When you’ve crossed over, the word does the work. That word is living.
It will do anything that needs to be done on this earth.
And I come home and next thing you know, she’s cooking this soup.
I said, wow, we’re gonna have some good soup today. She said this is not ours.
I want to say uh the devil is a liar.
But she said the friend, what the instructions in the seed told her to sow a seed, the instructions in the word, the instructions in meditation because it’ll give you the instructions.
See you can’t miss, let’s read the verse again, right? Joshua chapter 18. Let’s read it.
It, it is powerful folks. He said this, this book of the Law shall not depart out of your mouth.
But thou shalt what meditate there in how long day and night that thou me observe to do according to all that’s written there in watch this for then thou shalt make thy way, what prosperous and then thou shalt have what good success in the amplified right there at the end there.
He said, for then you shall make your way what prosperous and then what happened, you shall deal wisely come on and have good success.
So you’re gonna deal why and why? Because it’s gonna give you light, it’s gonna give you instructions.
Come on, I’m taking you to another level. You’re getting it. Your spirit is receiving in Jesus name.
Psalm chapter one verse one blesses the man that walk not in the council of the who ungodly nor stand in the way of who sinners nor sit in the seat of the who scornful but is the light is in the what law of the Lord?
That’s the word of God. And in that law does he what meditate?
Come on day and night and he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water that bring forth his fruit and his season, his leaf shall also shall not wither and whatsoever he does, what does, what’s gonna happen?
He’s gonna prosper. Joshua chapter six verse one in Joshua chapter six verse one.
Look what he says here. Now, Jericho was straightly shut up because of the Children of Israel.
None went out and none came in and the Lord said unto Joshua C I have given into thy hand.
Come on Jericho and the king thereof and the what mighty men of look at all of that that he could see when you can see it.
It brings comfort. Now, this whole idea of believing is what I wanna give you. Mark chapter five.
This is a woman. Now this is a kind of meditation. OK?
Because the doctors have told her that hey, this is the way you’re gonna have to live.
And if you don’t get any better, you’re gonna die.
But the Bible says a certain woman which had an issue of blood. How many years?
12 years and had suffered many things and many physicians and had spent all that she had and was nothing better but rather were worse.
When she, what heard about Jesus came in the press behind.
That’s key because he didn’t even know she was there and touch his garment. Why?
For she said if I’m a touch but his clothes, I shall be hold now.
Wait a minute, wait a minute. Repetition. All of this.
See, that’s the way you got to where you are.
We had been scripted, we had been programmed and the programming of our soul came from family, came from the environment came from the experiences that we had including failures, all of that scripted, our subconscious and the subconscious mind handles roughly 85 to 90% of your daily activities.
You do it without being conscious that you did it.
And if somebody has scripted that and they scripted it to keep you where you are.
And as fast as you try to move out of that looks like your money gets eaten up.
That don’t put it on folk.
The devil has scripted all of us and what you have to do is script yourself.
Come on now, meditation is a rewrite. I’m gonna try that one. More time.
Meditation is a rewrite. One of the first things we have done with the people who are incarcerated is we gave them our book called, what is it?
Thinking? Change your thinking, uh transform, transform your thinking. That’s the first book we gave them.
Book has so much effect in using it in South Africa in the prisons. Wow.
Because where there was walking crooked now they’re walking straight. Why?
Because we’re resting the hard drive. We’re reprogramming.
Humans are the only thing in the earth that is self programmable where the enemy has programmed us weaken, unprogramming.
We can rewrite the script. Come on, we, we can transform and renew our mind.
What’s it to the word of God?
Now that’s what’s gonna trip the devil up when you find out that you don’t have to be afraid of him or what he can do.
Notice he in the garden. He was, he was in the, in the, in the garden here.
He was as a snake in revelations. He was a dragon.
So how did he get that big? Right up here. We amplified here.
Who the boogie man is gonna get boogie. Who? Listen, you, you got to understand.
Wait, wait, wait a minute. Now, I’m, I’m gonna go through a couple of things here.
Can I get, get a few more minutes with you?
My point to you is we own some with this meditation boy.
I, I can tell when I’m in a flow when they, when you, when you’re going somewhere that I mean sickness come on your body every month, every year.
At the same time, all that hay fever, all that stuff used to come on me, man.
I had to unscripted myself. I had the script. I found out that was a script.
There ain’t nothing in this Bible says I’m supposed to get hay fever once a year that there is not.
There’s not, if it’s not in that Bible, it’s not supposed to be in you.
You, you, you are on when you’re not, when you’re not rescripted or rewrite.
Then next thing you know what happens is you sabotage yourself because in in here is, is the limit of what you can do.
Your belief system is your limit system. It’s your boundary.
And so what you have to do is understand when you go outside that boundary sabotage comes why?
Because it’s job, the subconscious job is to keep you steady.
It is the key to keep you inside of what you believe.
So if you step outside of that, then then then something happens to get you back there and it happens without all you knowing it because you don’t attract what you want, you attract what you are.
So I gotta build something new inside of your soul that you see that your family didn’t teach you that your school didn’t teach.
You say amen to that. And when we build it in there, then you will either go to it or it will come to you folks.
Uh Do you hear what I’m telling you? A million dollars ain’t no.
You think it’s funny? It calls them the script been rescripted. Yeah.
Free. And it ain’t no money for preaching harder than I plan to preach.
Are you following what I’m saying? That’s all I’m saying.
Time is what you put, that’s been written in your, on your subconscious that you gotta wait on that healing.
That that is not true. That is not true. Your healing is already done.
And if it’s already done, why do you have to wait on it?
The fallen man’s got to wait on it.
The sons of God don’t have to wait on it to what is done? OK.
Let me, we got the devil what we want.
All right, let me just give you this and we’ll, we’ll close it out.
Who oh most are going through life based on a prior program, family program, your environment program, your teachers program, your uh uh experiences.
So, so repetition, all of that was programmed. Now, if it’s wrong, it’s got to be reprogrammed.
You were never supposed to know good and evil. You were supposed to know only good.
The Bible even tells you don’t even overcome evil with evil. What do you overcome evil?
With, overcome evil with good? Because you’re not supposed to know evil.
Adam looked at this earth and, and, and through the eyes of the blessing and whatever he saw, he healed it.
Uh uh Jesus did praise God, who else? Isaac? Oh, I’m looking at my notes here. OK.
So the result are the fact that if I’m not rescripted, I remain the same and God wants you transformed because you gotta transform your environment and you can’t transform what you’re transformed to.
OK. All right.
So here are a couple of things and I just want you to get these. All right.
Now, if I can believe, am I right about that?
So if I can believe that all things are possible to him, that believe.
So the first thing I went over is anointing oil. I said, OK, what about that oil?
Look at first Samuel chapter 16, please. And verse 12, praise God. And this is David.
Now watch this, check it out and he sent and he brought him, brought him in, talk about David now to Samuel.
Samuel was at David’s house. No, now he was ready and with all had a beautiful countenance, watch this and goodly to look to.
And the Lord said, arise and annoyed him for this is he check it out and Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the midst of his brethren.
Watch this and the spirit of the Lord came upon David from that day forward.
So Samuel Rose and he went to and watched this next first and the spirit of the Lord departed from Saul and it came to pass when the evil spirit from God, it really wasn’t from God because he doesn’t have evil.
He allowed it to happen was upon Saul that David took the harp. And what did he do?
He played with harp. So that what so Saul was what refreshed and was well oil.
And somebody goes and buys some olive oil and oil. Man.
This ain’t nothing but olive oil, nothing but olive oil. Let me bless it.
Let me bless it and it will deliver you of a demon.
Folks back in the days.
I’m talking about back when I was a kid and so forth them Pentecostals.
They always had oil in the bag. The women always had oil in the bag.
You tell you, you try to come up on them, they grab that bag, put that oil man, you put that oil.
I’ve seen people start shaking under that oil because please, and when you believe it releases the virtue for performance of what was promised.
Luke chapter 1 45.
If you believe it will release the virtue for the performance of whatever was promised.
Can’t you see when that lady came to me at Lake and Pulaski and all the drug dealers had taken?
I said, lady get in this circle. Let’s pray. Pray in the holy ghost. Receive the answer from God.
He said, take the bottle of oil, bless it and tell her to pour it down the middle of the street.
Somebody had to believe in all I did. She didn’t know nothing about it.
God used my faith when that all hit that street.
Every devil the drugs had to get off of that.
That’s all I got to give the Lord a praise. You finish, you won’t finish up this thing.
Save do you believe it?
And put that all in that house and them devils got to get up out of there.
Say amen to this. The Bible says they even took handkerchiefs, handkerchiefs from Paul.
Paul laid hands on them handkerchiefs. The anointing went in them.
They took the handkerchief and put it on that mean husband of their boom.
And next thing you know he’s sneezing. I’m praying the Lord.
I mean, let me tell you folks stop, impossible.
Come on, we’ve been civilized out of real truth.
We, we, we got so proper now we can’t even carry. No. Wait. Come on.
Now, I’m just saying, I’m gonna take you back to old school. That’s gonna be old school.
Next time I come on, this is a clash of spirit man.
You gonna get so that you can call money to come into you.
If you’ve got harvest out there, pull it in.
So I want you in this house by today at 5 30 you’re gonna stop trying to act so pretty and miss your blessing.
Trying to follow the world. That’s all they’ve got is a scientific solution. You’ve got communion.
It is designed to heal you.
But we’ve got to believe if thou can believe all things the past.
Well, I trusted you are blessed by that message.
Now, here’s a point you want to remember, meditation transforms what you believe in an accelerated manner.
Now let me say what I’m talking about here that when you go into a certain situation, maybe you believe you can’t win.
Well, give the word of God meditate it. What does it do?
It transforms what you believe into something that’s believable.
And so once you finish meditating that word, all of a sudden, you see yourself doing it, you see yourself winning, you see yourself making good grades, you see yourself having more than enough money.
Isn’t that powerful? Meditation transforms what you believe in an accelerated manner that’s powerful, isn’t it?
Praise God Bill Winston here saying we love you, keep meditating in the word of God and keep walking by faith.
When we’re talking about meditation, we’re talking about transforming your belief in an accelerated manner using biblical meditation.
But thou shalt meditate there. And they are not, they meditate means ponder.
It means think about it, read it and confess it. Now, that’s the way you’re gonna believe.
This is the way God planned for you to believe. What is impossible to believe.
What meditation does?
It resets your boundary when your life is where it was 20 years ago.
And you know, there’s more for you.
I guarantee you we can come in and attack this thing in the area of meditating to work at where the enemy has programmed us, weaken unprogramming, we can rewrite the script, we can transform and renew our minds.
I just told me to tell you, get ready for the impossible dream.
He’s a dream again, dream, big dreams to grab hold of the big dreams God has for you with Dr Winston’s, The Mystery of Meditation Order.
This four part series today on CD DVD or MP three P four and receive each teaching in its entirety including a never before aired message want even more revelation order the Meditation Bundle and receive The Mystery of Meditation four part series along with Dr Winston’s breakthrough book, The Missing Link of Meditation in paperback or E book.
This book provides insight to why meditation is the most important ingredient for spiritual growth and good success.
Get this must have meditation bundle today.
Now, remember you need faith to get to your destiny.
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This is Bill Winston. I love you and keep walking by faith.
When we’re talking about meditation, we’re talking about transforming your belief in an accelerated manner using biblical meditation.
But thou shalt meditate there and they are not, they meditate means ponder.
It means think about it, read it and confess it now. That’s the way you’re gonna believe.
This is the way God planned for you to believe. What is impossible to believe.
What meditation does, it resets your boundary when your life is where it was 20 years ago.
And you know, there’s more for you.
I guarantee you we can come in and attack this thing in the area of meditating to work where the enemy has programmed us, weaken unprogramming, we can rewrite the script, we can transform and renew our minds.
I just told me to tell you get ready for the impossible dream.
It’s a dream again, dream, big dream, things about to happen to you.
What is possible for me may not be possible for somebody here.
What’s the difference? They believe it unqualified committal.
So I need to find out how to believe, think about it because if I can believe.
Come on, help me, all things are possible. Am I right about that?
And when we’re talking about meditation, we’re talking about transforming your belief in an accelerated manner, using biblical meditation.
God didn’t plan on anything being an obstacle that would stop his people from moving forward.
So he’s saying now, if you believe all things come possible, well, I gotta ask, ok, well, how do I believe?
Well, in the, in the book he said in Joshua chapter one and verse eight, this book of the Law shall not depart out of your mouth.
But thou shalt underline that word meditate there in how long they are not. Now.
That’s the way you’re gonna believe though. Meditate means ponder. It means think about it.
Meditate means read it and mutter it.
Meditate means confess it, meditate me to use it to think about it.
You lay in the bed, think about it again. What did my wife do?
She took cards and put them with scriptures on them all over the house. What was this doing?
This was a type of meditation because they said there were no jobs, there were no jobs you can’t get hired, there are no jobs people are being laid off by the hundreds.
Ok? She came back home and my God shall supply all your needs.
So she got like scriptures and she began to meditate these scriptures.
Here comes all of a sudden a friend of mine comes to visit.
And he said, hey, Veronica is Bill in the house. She said, yeah, he’s in the house there.
Oh, by the way, you got your job yet. What do you think? She said? Yep.
Because as she meditates that word, mark chapter 14 plea chapter four, verse 14, please mark chapter four verse, I’m taking you through this now because you’re about to go into houses, you can’t afford, you’re about to go Come on.
But watch, we raise your consciousness, we gonna raise up what you can believe for.
He said the so, so the what word? Verse 26 please.
And he said, so is the kingdom of God as if a man should cast seed into the ground and to sleep and rise how long night and day and the seed should spring and grow up.
He doesn’t know how first the blade and then the ear and then the full corn in the ear.
And then, but when the fruit is brought forth immediately, he puts in the tickle because the harvest has come.
Now check me out here. I was God is saying, I want you to leave. I B M couldn’t leave.
Why? Too much money? Why didn’t know what I was gonna do? Why the economy is bad, all these obstacles.
But I heard a man preach a man named Jerry Vell. He preached on sea time and harvest.
Then it got to a verse of Mark chapter 10 verse 29 30.
No man that’s left house, a mother, a father, sister, brother, a wife or Children or life where it’s Atlanta.
I put I B M in there for my sake. But he shall receive 100 fold now.
And he named all the things I said, OK, that struck my spirit.
The holy ghost is quicken it to me because that’s my verse.
So I took that verse begin to meditate it day and night.
All of a sudden on Saint Paul Minnesota in Saint Paul Minnesota on University Avenue, I’m going down the street not thinking about that.
Boom. Something comes up. Whoa, I said, whoa, I could see it. I’m not leaving this job.
I’m sewing this job. I said, I can see my future. I could see 10,000, 20,000.
I could see it because the Holy Spirit used is your spirit as a canvas.
He begins to paint a reality in your mind, in your soul and you could see it. What’s this?
It becomes more real than what you’re in right now. Praise God.
So the next thing I did, I pick a baby. I’m leaving. I B M.
Notice what I’m doing. I’m putting in the sickle going, my boss. I said, hey, John, I’m leaving.
He said, what, what do you mean? I said, I’m leaving. I B M. Whoa.
He jumped up, closed the door. What’s happening? Bill? He thought I was going to competition.
I said, well, I, I got a call on my life.
You gotta, I said I got a call in my life. He said, well, what does that mean?
I mean, I gotta go, you know, I’m going to the ministry. He said, oh, Bill, take two weeks off.
Just, just, just rest yourself. Why?
Because what I have said was so beyond anything that he could think he could reason out.
But it was real to me, it was real to me and look what God has done.
He’ll give it back to you 100 fold.
Say a man and my tax refund is more than what I was making.
So I’m just telling you right now. Listen, what God will do, say amen to that.
See, I’m your living example. I know Abraham is cool.
I know Brother Hagan is good, but I’m standing in front of you right now as a living testimony that this thing works is designed to take you to Jericho that is designed to pull down any walls.
No matter how thick they are. It’s designed to take cities. It’s designed to change laws.
It’s designed to change cultures. It’s designed to change institutions because of the power of what you can believe.
Do you believe that? Yep.
And all of a sudden she got instructions, instructions coming now, instruction told her to make some soup and put down the job that she wanted exactly on a car and she put it down in computers.
The night’s office, 10 minutes from the house so forth. I want a car with, it doesn’t make any difference.
Doesn’t make any difference. Why? Because the word is doing the work you’ve crossed over.
When you’ve crossed over, the word does the work. That word is living.
It will do anything that needs to be done on this earth.
And I come home and next thing you know, she’s cooking this soup.
I said, wow, we’re gonna have some good soup today. She said this is not ours.
I want to say uh the devil is a liar.
But she said the friend, what the instructions in the seed told her to sow a seed, the instructions in the word, the instructions in meditation because it’ll give you the instructions.
See you can’t miss, let’s read the verse again, right? Joshua chapter 18. Let’s read it.
It, it is powerful folks. He said this, this book of the Law shall not depart out of your mouth.
But thou shalt what meditate there in how long day and night that thou me observe to do according to all that’s written there in watch this for then thou shalt make thy way, what prosperous and then thou shalt have what good success in the amplified right there at the end there.
He said, for then you shall make your way what prosperous and then what happened, you shall deal wisely come on and have good success.
So you’re gonna deal why and why? Because it’s gonna give you light, it’s gonna give you instructions.
Come on, I’m taking you to another level. You’re getting it. Your spirit is receiving in Jesus name.
Psalm chapter one verse one blesses the man that walk not in the council of the who ungodly nor stand in the way of who sinners nor sit in the seat of the who scornful but is the light is in the what law of the Lord?
That’s the word of God. And in that law does he what meditate?
Come on day and night and he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water that bring forth his fruit and his season, his leaf shall also shall not wither and whatsoever he does, what does, what’s gonna happen?
He’s gonna prosper. Joshua chapter six verse one in Joshua chapter six verse one.
Look what he says here. Now, Jericho was straightly shut up because of the Children of Israel.
None went out and none came in and the Lord said unto Joshua C I have given into thy hand.
Come on Jericho and the king thereof and the what mighty men of look at all of that that he could see when you can see it.
It brings comfort. Now, this whole idea of believing is what I wanna give you. Mark chapter five.
This is a woman. Now this is a kind of meditation. OK?
Because the doctors have told her that hey, this is the way you’re gonna have to live.
And if you don’t get any better, you’re gonna die.
But the Bible says a certain woman which had an issue of blood. How many years?
12 years and had suffered many things and many physicians and had spent all that she had and was nothing better but rather were worse.
When she, what heard about Jesus came in the press behind.
That’s key because he didn’t even know she was there and touch his garment. Why?
For she said if I’m a touch but his clothes, I shall be hold now.
Wait a minute, wait a minute. Repetition. All of this.
See, that’s the way you got to where you are.
We had been scripted, we had been programmed and the programming of our soul came from family, came from the environment came from the experiences that we had including failures, all of that scripted, our subconscious and the subconscious mind handles roughly 85 to 90% of your daily activities.
You do it without being conscious that you did it.
And if somebody has scripted that and they scripted it to keep you where you are.
And as fast as you try to move out of that looks like your money gets eaten up.
That don’t put it on folk.
The devil has scripted all of us and what you have to do is script yourself.
Come on now, meditation is a rewrite. I’m gonna try that one. More time.
Meditation is a rewrite. One of the first things we have done with the people who are incarcerated is we gave them our book called, what is it?
Thinking? Change your thinking, uh transform, transform your thinking. That’s the first book we gave them.
Book has so much effect in using it in South Africa in the prisons. Wow.
Because where there was walking crooked now they’re walking straight. Why?
Because we’re resting the hard drive. We’re reprogramming.
Humans are the only thing in the earth that is self programmable where the enemy has programmed us weaken, unprogramming.
We can rewrite the script. Come on, we, we can transform and renew our mind.
What’s it to the word of God?
Now that’s what’s gonna trip the devil up when you find out that you don’t have to be afraid of him or what he can do.
Notice he in the garden. He was, he was in the, in the, in the garden here.
He was as a snake in revelations. He was a dragon.
So how did he get that big? Right up here. We amplified here.
Who the boogie man is gonna get boogie. Who? Listen, you, you got to understand.
Wait, wait, wait a minute. Now, I’m, I’m gonna go through a couple of things here.
Can I get, get a few more minutes with you?
My point to you is we own some with this meditation boy.
I, I can tell when I’m in a flow when they, when you, when you’re going somewhere that I mean sickness come on your body every month, every year.
At the same time, all that hay fever, all that stuff used to come on me, man.
I had to unscripted myself. I had the script. I found out that was a script.
There ain’t nothing in this Bible says I’m supposed to get hay fever once a year that there is not.
There’s not, if it’s not in that Bible, it’s not supposed to be in you.
You, you, you are on when you’re not, when you’re not rescripted or rewrite.
Then next thing you know what happens is you sabotage yourself because in in here is, is the limit of what you can do.
Your belief system is your limit system. It’s your boundary.
And so what you have to do is understand when you go outside that boundary sabotage comes why?
Because it’s job, the subconscious job is to keep you steady.
It is the key to keep you inside of what you believe.
So if you step outside of that, then then then something happens to get you back there and it happens without all you knowing it because you don’t attract what you want, you attract what you are.
So I gotta build something new inside of your soul that you see that your family didn’t teach you that your school didn’t teach.
You say amen to that. And when we build it in there, then you will either go to it or it will come to you folks.
Uh Do you hear what I’m telling you? A million dollars ain’t no.
You think it’s funny? It calls them the script been rescripted. Yeah.
Free. And it ain’t no money for preaching harder than I plan to preach.
Are you following what I’m saying? That’s all I’m saying.
Time is what you put, that’s been written in your, on your subconscious that you gotta wait on that healing.
That that is not true. That is not true. Your healing is already done.
And if it’s already done, why do you have to wait on it?
The fallen man’s got to wait on it.
The sons of God don’t have to wait on it to what is done? OK.
Let me, we got the devil what we want.
All right, let me just give you this and we’ll, we’ll close it out.
Who oh most are going through life based on a prior program, family program, your environment program, your teachers program, your uh uh experiences.
So, so repetition, all of that was programmed. Now, if it’s wrong, it’s got to be reprogrammed.
You were never supposed to know good and evil. You were supposed to know only good.
The Bible even tells you don’t even overcome evil with evil. What do you overcome evil?
With, overcome evil with good? Because you’re not supposed to know evil.
Adam looked at this earth and, and, and through the eyes of the blessing and whatever he saw, he healed it.
Uh uh Jesus did praise God, who else? Isaac? Oh, I’m looking at my notes here. OK.
So the result are the fact that if I’m not rescripted, I remain the same and God wants you transformed because you gotta transform your environment and you can’t transform what you’re transformed to.
OK. All right.
So here are a couple of things and I just want you to get these. All right.
Now, if I can believe, am I right about that?
So if I can believe that all things are possible to him, that believe.
So the first thing I went over is anointing oil. I said, OK, what about that oil?
Look at first Samuel chapter 16, please. And verse 12, praise God. And this is David.
Now watch this, check it out and he sent and he brought him, brought him in, talk about David now to Samuel.
Samuel was at David’s house. No, now he was ready and with all had a beautiful countenance, watch this and goodly to look to.
And the Lord said, arise and annoyed him for this is he check it out and Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the midst of his brethren.
Watch this and the spirit of the Lord came upon David from that day forward.
So Samuel Rose and he went to and watched this next first and the spirit of the Lord departed from Saul and it came to pass when the evil spirit from God, it really wasn’t from God because he doesn’t have evil.
He allowed it to happen was upon Saul that David took the harp. And what did he do?
He played with harp. So that what so Saul was what refreshed and was well oil.
And somebody goes and buys some olive oil and oil. Man.
This ain’t nothing but olive oil, nothing but olive oil. Let me bless it.
Let me bless it and it will deliver you of a demon.
Folks back in the days.
I’m talking about back when I was a kid and so forth them Pentecostals.
They always had oil in the bag. The women always had oil in the bag.
You tell you, you try to come up on them, they grab that bag, put that oil man, you put that oil.
I’ve seen people start shaking under that oil because please, and when you believe it releases the virtue for performance of what was promised.
Luke chapter 1 45.
If you believe it will release the virtue for the performance of whatever was promised.
Can’t you see when that lady came to me at Lake and Pulaski and all the drug dealers had taken?
I said, lady get in this circle. Let’s pray. Pray in the holy ghost. Receive the answer from God.
He said, take the bottle of oil, bless it and tell her to pour it down the middle of the street.
Somebody had to believe in all I did. She didn’t know nothing about it.
God used my faith when that all hit that street.
Every devil the drugs had to get off of that.
That’s all I got to give the Lord a praise. You finish, you won’t finish up this thing.
Save do you believe it?
And put that all in that house and them devils got to get up out of there.
Say amen to this. The Bible says they even took handkerchiefs, handkerchiefs from Paul.
Paul laid hands on them handkerchiefs. The anointing went in them.
They took the handkerchief and put it on that mean husband of their boom.
And next thing you know he’s sneezing. I’m praying the Lord.
I mean, let me tell you folks stop, impossible.
Come on, we’ve been civilized out of real truth.
We, we, we got so proper now we can’t even carry. No. Wait. Come on.
Now, I’m just saying, I’m gonna take you back to old school. That’s gonna be old school.
Next time I come on, this is a clash of spirit man.
You gonna get so that you can call money to come into you.
If you’ve got harvest out there, pull it in.
So I want you in this house by today at 5 30 you’re gonna stop trying to act so pretty and miss your blessing.
Trying to follow the world. That’s all they’ve got is a scientific solution. You’ve got communion.
It is designed to heal you.
But we’ve got to believe if thou can believe all things the past.
Well, I trusted you are blessed by that message.
Now, here’s a point you want to remember, meditation transforms what you believe in an accelerated manner.
Now let me say what I’m talking about here that when you go into a certain situation, maybe you believe you can’t win.
Well, give the word of God meditate it. What does it do?
It transforms what you believe into something that’s believable.
And so once you finish meditating that word, all of a sudden, you see yourself doing it, you see yourself winning, you see yourself making good grades, you see yourself having more than enough money.
Isn’t that powerful? Meditation transforms what you believe in an accelerated manner that’s powerful, isn’t it?
Praise God Bill Winston here saying we love you, keep meditating in the word of God and keep walking by faith.
When we’re talking about meditation, we’re talking about transforming your belief in an accelerated manner using biblical meditation.
But thou shalt meditate there. And they are not, they meditate means ponder.
It means think about it, read it and confess it. Now, that’s the way you’re gonna believe.
This is the way God planned for you to believe. What is impossible to believe.
What meditation does?
It resets your boundary when your life is where it was 20 years ago.
And you know, there’s more for you.
I guarantee you we can come in and attack this thing in the area of meditating to work at where the enemy has programmed us, weaken unprogramming, we can rewrite the script, we can transform and renew our minds.
I just told me to tell you, get ready for the impossible dream.
He’s a dream again, dream, big dreams to grab hold of the big dreams God has for you with Dr Winston’s, The Mystery of Meditation Order.
This four part series today on CD DVD or MP three P four and receive each teaching in its entirety including a never before aired message want even more revelation order the Meditation Bundle and receive The Mystery of Meditation four part series along with Dr Winston’s breakthrough book, The Missing Link of Meditation in paperback or E book.
This book provides insight to why meditation is the most important ingredient for spiritual growth and good success.
Get this must have meditation bundle today.
Now, remember you need faith to get to your destiny.
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This is Bill Winston. I love you and keep walking by faith.