Tuesday Blessings! January 9, 2024

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Tuesday Blessings!

Prayer of the Day: Lord, I trust You to give me the strength I need to make the right choices. Help me to understand the right decision is not always the easiest route to get to the end. Thank You for guiding me. I love You, amen.

Have a Tuesday filled with God’s beauty and strength. That you would feel the presence of His love through every step you take, and that He would bless all your endeavors.

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Tuesday Morning Blessings

Many blessings to you this Tuesday morning! May God guide your path and speak to your heart.

Blessings to start your Tuesday! You are Blessed today, tomorrow, and always. Jesus Loves You!

I pray for a Tuesday morning full of Christ’s love for you today! That you would feel His presence throughout every moment and find comfort in Him. That His blessings would abound in your life.

May this Tuesday morning bring you peace and love from God! That your day would shine with His light. Blessings to you today!

Blessings for Tuesday morning! May the Lord fill your heart with joy and peace throughout the day.

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Today’s Word

It’s easy to avoid things in life that we should be dealing with. Instead of forgiving people who have done us wrong and moving on, we push the hurt down. Or maybe we need to apologize to someone, but that’s uncomfortable, so we keep putting it off. Perhaps a new door opens, and we know it’s a God-given opportunity, but we’re afraid and feel unqualified. Instead of confronting our fear or what’s uncomfortable, we run from it, even from God’s call.

As long as you’re running away, you’re going to miss the greatness God put in you. You can’t conquer what you don’t confront. Too often we’re comforting what we should be confronting. We’re making lists of excuses. But you can’t run from everything that’s uncomfortable. You can’t ignore issues, sweep them under the rug, and think they’ll go away. When you get honest with yourself, when you confront what you know you need to deal with, it may be uncomfortable, but God gives you the grace, the strength, and the power to do what you couldn’t do on your own.


Prayer for Today

“Father, thank You for always calling me higher and calling me to lay aside the list of excuses that keep me from being my best. Help me to confront the areas I need to deal with and to step out in faith and see change. I believe that with Your help I can overcome and be victorious. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”


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