Jesus Said I Am | Billy Graham Sermon

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Jesus Said I Am 

God’s Messages 💌

Today…….I am asking all my prayer warriors to say a prayer that may help others. So many people are hurting right now. Many are struggling with finances and need jobs. Some are facing foreclosure and don’t even know how they are going to make it from week to week.. Many are lonely. . Many are heartbroken. . Many are facing sickness and health is fading. . Some are dealing with difficult family members. Many have lost HOPE.. Tonight, let us put our prayers and faith together decree and declare breakthrough over our families. Financial miracles WILL take place. Jobs WILL be found. Our Bodies WILL be made whole & sickness WILL flee. Marriages and relationships WILL be restored. Family members WILL find Jesus. Heartbreaks WILL be healed. JOY WILL be restored and HOPE WILL be found. In Jesus Name. Amen!!!!!! Keep God First…….

I want you to turn the 3rd chapter of Exodus.
The 3rd verse.
And Moses said, I will now turn aside and see this great side.
For the bush is not burnt. He saw a bush that was burning, but it was not being consumed.
And god spoke to him out of the bush and told him that he was to
go to Egypt and help lead the Jewish people of the Israelis
who had been slaves for 400 years, you know, we get the idea that all
the slaves came from Africa. No.
Many nations have suffered slavery and different color skins And one of those
was the Israel. They were slaves of the Egyptians for 400 years.
And god said I’m going to send Moses down to lead them out.
And he was on his way.
And Moses was afraid And Moses said unto god behold when
I come unto the children of Israel and say to them, to god of your fathers have sent me unto you.
And they shall say to me, what is his name? What shall I say unto them?
And god said unto Moses, I am that I am.
And he said, shalt thou say, under the children of Israel, I am, had sent me unto you.
And god said, moreover, Moses,
thus shalt out sand of the children of Israel.
The lord god of your fathers, the god of Abraham, the god of Isaac and the god of Jacob have sent me unto you.
This is my name forever, and this is my memorial unto all generations I am that I am.
The mighty god of heaven
to earthly men, and Jesus later finished that sentence when he came.
Hundreds of years later.
And he used that word I am seven times in the book of John Alon.
And I want to look at some of those I am.
The first one, he says, I am the bread of life in John 635.
David, come up to me. She’ll never hang up. You have some wonderful bread here
in the for inside of eating, and I’ve
been here much longer than you know. I came here before the crusade began several days to walk around.
Little bit disguised to see what you look like.
And see what it felt like to be in San Antonio and to remember those wonderful historic days of the Alamo.
But Jesus wasn’t talking about physical hunger.
Jesus said, believe us have starved to death and are doing so in some parts of
the world even today. He was talking about spiritual debt.
Jesus had a great concern about physical body hunger. He fed the people that couldn’t feed themselves.
He fed 5000 men at one time besides all the women and children.
And all they had was a few loaves and a couple fish And it it kept multiplying as he handed it.
And when it was over, there were 12 baskets full leftover.
Man has an inborn hunger, not only for physical food,
but he has a hunger for spiritual food. Saint Augustine said long ago, thou has
made us for thyself and the heart is restless until it finds its rest in thee.
Jesus said, I’m the living bread, which came down from heaven.
If anyone eat of this bread, he shall live forever.
Have you eaten of the spiritual bread that Jesus came
to give? Many of you have not.
But when you come to Jesus, he gives you spiritual
bread. And that spiritual bread is the food that you need for daily life, and it’s the food that you need
to get you to heaven.
And he is the bread. Have you ever received him into your heart?
Then he said in John 812, I’m the light of the world.
Now I’m told by some scientists that we really don’t know what light is.
Uh, the scientists disagree. But we do know it by its effects.
We know that there could be no plant animal or human life upon this earth without light.
I would hate to think what it would be in this building without light tonight.
God put the sun in precise balance and distance from the world.
What the sun is to the earth.
Jesus Christ is to the human heart.
He brings warmth and light and helps us to direct our paths and guides us in our lives.
And this light
takes us shows us the way to heaven.
And then Jesus use that word again. Am that I am.
He said, I am the door. Every house and every building has an entrance.
The kingdom of god has an influence too. Only one.
And that’s Jesus Christ.
He said, I am the door.
Have you been through that door?
The way you get to that door, is to turn from your
sin. That’s repentance.
And say to god, I’m sorry I’ve sinned I’m willing to give up the wrong things in my life, and
I’m willing to follow Christ with your help. God, I don’t have the strength to do it.
But if you will help me,
I’ll do it. I’ll change my way of life.
As a carpenter, Jesus had probably made many doors, file a building like this building here has many doors, many entrances.
Yet the kingdom of god has only 1,
and you have to walk through that door. And you
can’t walk through that door unless the Holy Spirit leads you and guides you.
Jesus will reach out and take your hand and take you through that door into the kingdom of heaven, and you’ll be there forever.
The Bible says there’s a way which Seemath widened our man, but the end thereof of the waves of death Jesus said someone that climbs in by some other way is
a thief and a robber.
The door to heaven is Jesus Christ himself. Have you been through that door?
And then the 4th time he used that expression, I
am, but I am. I am the vine,
he said.
He said that in the upper room, and the last supper, the last time he was to be with his disciples, He said, I’m divine and you are the branches.
He that abide within me and I and him the same, bring it forth much fruit.
For without me, you can do nothing. Without me, you could not do anything
toward Getting to heaven. Now Seth
is in the life of a vine.
The Holy Spirit comes into your heart, the moment you receive Christ by faith,
and he begins to produce fruit
He produces love,
and the world needs love to know more than anything.
We’re never going to solve our racial problems in the world until we love one.
And only the Holy Spirit can produce that kind of love.
He also produces joy.
And how
we need joy today, true joy, and peace, and patience. And gentleness and goodness and faith and self control.
That’s done supernaturally by the holy spirit when you come to Christ by
faith and open your heart and your life to him. Jesus said my joy will be yours.
Do you have the joy of the lord in your heart tonight?
The dead branch of your empty life can be grafted into the true vine,
and you can live in him.
And then 5th, he said, I am the good shepherd.
I’m the good Shepherd and the good shepherd lays down his life for a sheep.
He lived in a world of sheep and goats. And shepherds.
She could not exist in those days without a shepherd. Did fall prey to the wolves.
The wild dogs, and the lions, and
the thieves, they would wonder and become lost without a shepherd.
There are many people in the church that don’t really know Christ.
They come to church because it’s the thing to do.
They come to Christ because they’re still seeking,
even in the church they haven’t found.
I was baptized and confirmed in the church, but I had a void in my heart.
a boy said to me you haven’t gone all the way. There’s something else that you need.
What I really need was to repent
of my sin and receive Christ by faith and make it a personal matter between me and Christ And that’s what happened.
And it changed my life. The good shepherd salt the law she
had great personal sacrifice that on the cross.
And when Christ died on the cross and shed his blood, he was dying for our sins.
He was dying in your place because
the scripture teaches without Christ, we’re lost. We’ve broken the laws of god and we’ve sin.
We deserve judgment. We deserve hell. But Jesus took the place.
That we were supposed to take. He was made to be sin for us.
He said I lay down my life.
For the sheep, where the sheep, and he laid down his life for us.
And when you look at the crops, you’re looking at the worst suffering
that the world knows anything about
it because Jesus not only suffered physically, he suffered spiritually
because he act actually went to hell for you.
And for me, he took a spiritual death as well as a physical death.
It’s more than just a cross
than we were around our neck.
I’ll look at as a beautiful thing of art.
Well, just something on the church stifle, the cross, carried with it the greatest meaning the world is ever known, and meant that god says, I love you.
In spite of your sins. I love you. I forgive you. Come into my home.
Come to heaven.
What a glorious time that’s going to be.
Do you know Christ that way? Has that happened to you?
And then the 6th time he used it, he said, I am the resurrection and the life.
A famous newspaper columnist wrote some time ago that he
had cancer, and he was terminally ill. And he side decided that in his column every day.
He would write his experience.
He described in graphic terms his feelings of emptiness lawlessness, helplessness, with Christ, you can live
not only until you die, but you can live
through death to be with him forever. Why should people say that we cannot rise again?
We’ve just celebrated Easter, which is more difficult to be born or to rise again.
Jesus said to Lazarus come forth.
And Lazarus rose from the dead right then on the command of Jesus.
And someday, Jesus is going to say that to all people who put their confidence in their trust in him.
He’ll say, come full.
And the graves will break open, and we will be with him forever.
To make.
And then lastly, Jesus summed it all up.
He said in John 146 I am the way.
I am the way of life and the way to heaven and the way of the future.
He also said, I am the truth. I’m the embodiment of all truth.
We’re still searching for truth in every area of life.
Every area of study, we’re searching for truth.
Jesus said, I am the truth.
And when Jesus Christ came to this earth, it was god coming in human fall for the purpose
of dying on the cross. And rising again for our salvation. How can there be such love?
There’s never been such an expression of love in the history of the universe I imagine those other galaxies watched an absolute amazement that the mighty god of all heaven and creation should come to this middle planet because he loves
you and me. How do you respond?
Jesus tells us how to respond.
There are 3 things you need to do. 1st, repent of sin. A lot of
people don’t know what it means
to repent. What the word means. It means to tell god I have sinned.
I’m sorry I’ve sin. I’m willing to change my way of life
if you will help me, lord.
I can’t do it by myself. I don’t have the strength to do it, but I can’t
I will if you will help me. That’s the first thing, repentance.
The second thing is
faith. Just believe.
Now that word believe means more than just saying, I believe.
It means that you put your total weight on.
You put your weight on Christ and you trust him and
him alone. For your forgiveness and for salvation and for the assurance of heaven.
And you’ve been asked to turn from your own sins
and turn your life over
to him. And he will forgive and change and make you a new person if you let him.
I’m going to ask you to do something we ask
people to come last night and hundreds did.
I’m going to ask you to make a commitment tonight that you are going to pant and receive him if god will help you.
He has to help you in the believing and the repenting.
And ask him to make you a new person.

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