God’s plan for America | THE TENTH OF AV REDEMPTION

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God’s plan for America | THE TENTH OF AV REDEMPTION

“A nation that turns away from prayer will ultimately find itself in desperate need of it.”
― Jonathan Cahn, The Harbinger: The Ancient Mystery that Holds the Secret of America’s Future

Two events that took place a day apart, joined together in an ancient biblical mystery that ended up bringing about the birth of a new nation America.
In the Book of Mysteries, the teacher leads the disciple to the ruins of an ancient house where he opens up an amazing mystery that has affected your life.
There’s a mystery in God and in history, it starts with a date called the 9th of Ave.
That date throughout history has brought tragedy to the Jewish people.
It’s the day that the first temple was destroyed in the time of Jesus.
It’s the day the second temple was destroyed, it was destroyed on the same day.
Then onward and onward throughout Jewish history.
On the ninth of the Jewish people have been expelled from one nation to the next nation to another nation.
It’s always been tragedy. But then there’s the 10th of all, because whenever God allowed that tragedy, he always prepared another refuge.
Whenever the Jewish people lost one refuge, one nation, God would prepare another refuge.
So the 10th of a is symbolic of the blessing God preparing another place centuries ago in the land of Spain, it was one of the greatest tragedies in the, in the history of the Jewish people because Spain was one of the greatest refuge the Jewish people had ever known.
But in the late 15th century, it all ended.
The Spanish kings gave the Jews until August 2nd to flee the land or be killed.
August 2nd turned out to be the ninth of all that same date on which the calamities had always befallen the Jewish people throughout history, the Spanish harbors were filled with ships carrying Jews fleeing for their lives.
But there was more to the story.
Three of the ships waiting there from the same harbors, Spain had a different purpose.
The year was 1004 92, Christopher Columbus, the momentous event, two momentous events of world history taking place in the same year, the same land, the same week, the same harbors happening one day apart.
Why? Well, those ships, what were the three ships?
It was the Nina, the Pinta and the Santa Maria, the discovery of America.
So in the midst of the calamity for the Jewish people of 1492, when they lost their greatest refuge, their greatest land of refuge, God was working through those same events for redemption on the very day after the calamity on the 10th of a day of redemption from the same land, the same harbors, three other ships set sail to discover the new world that would become America and America would become the greatest refuge for the Jewish people that they had ever known in history outside of Israel.
And so no matter who you are, it doesn’t matter if you’ve been blessed by America, you’ve been blessed because when the Jewish people are blessed, the world is blessed.
This all goes back the mystery of America, back to the days of Babylon.
See, for a child of God, he has a promise for you in the kingdom.
He will turn every sorrow in your life into joy.
If you’re following him, he’ll work every calamity no matter what it is into redemption.
And even in the midst of the calamity or the problem or the trouble in your life, the seeds of your redemption of the redemption that is yet ahead is already there.
A redemption that begins in the ancient mystery on the 10th of a.
So remember something, whatever it is in your life. I mean, the greatest tragedy for the Jewish people.
It’s the ninth of AV, they lost everything, the temple, the land, their home, everything.
Well, no matter what tragedy, no matter what calamity, no matter what problem you have in your life.
That’s your ninth of o. But for every ninth of, of God has 1/10 of a God is already planning it.
He is already working on it. So remember that there will always be an answer.
Keep going, keep hoping, keep knowing because if you don’t believe it, just look at the nation and the land that, you know, called America, the way of the world is that it’s gonna repeat.
But the way of God is that it will become something new.

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