Praise as a Weapon | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
Praise as a Weapon
Jonathan Cahn has been called the prophetic voice of his generation and is known for unlocking the deep mysteries and revelations of God’s Word. He leads Hope of the World, a worldwide ministry of outreach of God’s Word to all nations, and His love and compassion to the world’s most needy.
Recorded Live at Beth Israel at the Jerusalem Center in Wayne, NJ. Friday Nights (8pm) & Sunday Mornings (10am and 11:30am)
You know, we had a mission to India. Our I wasn’t there, but we were praying.
Our people were there. There are people who were on stage an event before thousands and thousands of people in Calcutta, and a suddenly, a mob of radical Hindu men cut the sound system.
And began storming the stage to take it over.
The believers didn’t know what to do, but they so they they began worshiping.
With no sound system, and multitudes joined in, and everybody’s worshiping.
And the radical Hindu men were thrown into confusion.
They were trying to get on the stage, but for some reason, they could not get up.
They were in total confusion. The power of praise The power of praise when praise is most unlikely, it’s even more powerful when you praise them.
The power of praise in the midst of conflict, the power of praise is even stronger.
The power of praise inside your problem is even more powerful when you’re praising him when you got a problem.
The power of praise and warfare. Paul inside instead of doing what is natural to do.
They do the most ridiculous, unwarranted, un fitting, foolish thing to do, most radical revolutionary thing.
They start praising god in the prison house. They start having a worship service.
In prison, what were they singing? Probably Hebrew? Most natural to sing Hebrew?
That’s where the that’s where the hymns would be in.
If it could be translated to us, it probably sounded like, hey. I will enter his gates.
You know, everybody cellblock 13 join in. Let’s praise the lord. I got a river of live. Look.
Talk about, you know, they talk about this on jailhouse rock. That was fiction. This is real. This is real.
Middle of the night, 12 o’clock midnight.
The rest of the prisoners probably wanna sleep, and they’re here in the system. What’s going there?
It used to be miserable. They’re used to be having everybody be miserable, but instead they’re hearing something they ever heard before, praise and worship.
What’s going on? It’s the new guys. They’re out of their minds. The guys, you’re in prison.
You’re in a dark, uh, dismal prison. Cut it out. We’re trying to be miserable. You’re ruining it.
We will rejoice. We will come on, everybody. Everybody’s serving life.
You follow silence for the first part. Everybody, you know, got a death row. Follow me. We’ll do a round.
You know? I’ve got a river of life. It opens prison doors. Sets the captives free.
Suddenly, verse 26, great earthquake. So the foundation of the prisons were shaken.
Immediately, all the doors were opened, and everyone’s chain was loosened.
Suddenly, there’s a whole lot of shaking going on in that prison. Hi.
I’m Jonathan Khan, and I hope you are blessed with the video.
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Thanks for watching, and I’ll see you next time.
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