Israel’s Peace Conflict & World’s Double Standards | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
Israel’s Peace Conflict & World’s Double Standards
Messiah is the Prince of Peace, but He also bears a sword. What does that have to do with Israel’s Peace conflict, the world, the world’s double standards and the end-times?
“As God was expunged from American life, idols came in to fill the void; idols of sensuality, idols of greed, of money, of success, comfort, materialism, pleasure, sexual immorality, self-worship, self-obsession. The sacred increasingly disappeared, and the profane took its place.”
― Jonathan Cahn
I remember when I came to the lord, I went up a mountain, knelt down on a rock.
It was dawn. It was breaking right then. I prayed to receive the lord.
And I thought supposed to feel something like, you know, well, these things were so bad, but I didn’t but I remember that 1st week, I I there was something different.
That 1st week, I couldn’t curse. My mouth couldn’t curse.
It was as if by heart, it was was sensitized.
Chain it was like something came on felt it afterwards.
Messiah brings different because he makes the difference.
He is different. Only one who is different can make a difference, so that brings difference.
Moses came to Egypt to bring freedom, but to bring freedom into a land of bondage, there’s conflict.
You have the plagues. Jeremiah was a man of peace. But he brought conflict by his message.
Paul was an apostle of peace. Yet everywhere he went, there was conflict. Messiah is the ultimate.
He divides. He even divides the calendar of human history, BCAD.
And it’s amazing to see how true this is.
Peter wrote 2000 years ago, he said the people you he’s talking about people who just got saved.
The people you hung out with they’re surprised that you don’t you’re not running with them anymore.
You’re not hanging out anymore. Well, that still happens today. It happened to many of you.
When you came to the lord, you had your old friends, but you couldn’t hang out like you did.
Because you couldn’t do those things. You still love the you couldn’t do those things.
There might have been a division with some of you and your family and your background. And your culture.
Well, he there is a division between us and the world.
He does bring conflict believers in communist land, there’s a big conflict between the gospel and Karl Marx and the atheism.
There’s a conflict because of the gospel right now in China.
China’s trying to wipe out the faith because it’s a conflict.
You can’t it’s like having 2 gods, but also in America. And the west, the culture wars.
You know what the culture wars are really about? And I’m not talking about every part of it.
I’m not talking about every issue, but you know what? It’s a ultimate amount. It’s about Jesus.
Whether it’s abortion, whether it’s sexual immorality, whether it’s the altering of gender, whether it’s the altering of marriage, Whether it’s family, whether it’s religious freedom, whether it’s euthanasia, whether it’s prayer, it’s all about him, ultimately.
Without him, you wouldn’t have it. We’d just be pagan.
It’s about those who hold to the god of the Bible and those who don’t.
And the, I mean, there are others who taps themselves, but I’m saying, ultimately, it’s a spiritual thing.
And the reason why the overwhelming majority of people in America hold to the Bible is because of one name, yeshua Jesus.
Without him, we’d be pagans.
And, of course, they’re politicians that try to have it both ways for the sake of votes.
They’ll say, well, I’m personally against abortion. But I’m totally pro choice in policy. Really?
It’s kinda like saying in the time of the civil war, I’m personally opposed to slavery but I’m totally gonna fight for slavery to continue.
Someone said, well, you can’t say that somebody who’s for abortion isn’t a Christian. Well, you know what?
I think in many cases, you can’t say. Because how can you do it? I I’m sorry.
I’m not I mean, there are maybe extremes, but if you’re an ancient Israel and you’re a free child, sacrifice to bail, I don’t think that you could say you’re a follower of the god of Israel.
The dividing line is still Messiah.
The same way a recent president who was running for office of a few terms ago said, well, as a Christian, I can’t be for gay marriage.
And then guess what? After winning the office, he suddenly was for what he said he could not be for if he was a Christian.
As for the current leaders, including the president who say they are Christians, and yet they’re for the alteration of marriage, therefore alteration of children, I don’t believe you can be both.
Now you can think you’re both, but I don’t believe you can be both.
And for the clergy, who bless such things that god says, this is sin.
You might be clergy, but I don’t think you can be a Christian. Jesus is still the dividing line.
2000 years later. He makes the cover of time and newsweek again and again and again.
Still, nobody else does. And even with blasphemy, the movie, the passion of the Christ, that’s still about him.
The da Vinci quote, still about him. It divides over him.
Ever since the 19 eighties, the elections in America have often been won or lost depending on the actions or inactions of his followers.
The poll say it. If you go to church regularly, you believe in god more likely to vote one party.
Now let me say before I even go further. It’s not about politics.
We don’t put any trust in any party, but we also cannot pretend that there isn’t a difference between the 2 right now.
There is one that it didn’t used to be.
It used to be both celebrities, they were Christians, and maybe they were.
But now it is increasingly that one party tends to be again biblical values.
The and it’s it’s reflected in the polls, and the other one has tended to be more for biblical values.
I won’t fill it in for you. You’re a smart crowd.
But, you know, I will tell you, but it wasn’t always that way, and it doesn’t it’s not about the parties.
They can change names. They can change positions. Tomorrow, but we can’t pretend that there’s not a difference.
It’s easy to get compromised. That’s where the sword. It’s not just a cultural thing. It’s your own life.
Some of you live a kinda double life.
You know, you know, you know, you don’t you’re not letting other people know you’re a believer. That’s a bondage.
That’s a double life. That’s not good. Take out the sword.
Many of you grew up in supposedly Christian homes, And yet even in that, Messiah was the dividing line.
Cause when you came to the lord, your parents weren’t okay with it and yet they’re Christians.
Some of your parents were fine with the old messed up you rather than the together you and Jesus.
If a mom and dad, I thought I was supposed to believe in Jesus. Yeah. But not actually follow him.
You know, you pay your respects on Christmas and Easter, not the rest of the year. Don’t be radical.
The sword of change, your old life. You came to the lord because there was a dividing point.
I remember when I came to the lord, I went up a mountain, knelt down on a rock, It was dawned.
It was breaking right then. I prayed to receive the lord.
And I thought I was supposed to feel something like, you know, you know, things were so bad, but I didn’t but I remember that 1st week, I I there was something different.
That 1st week, I couldn’t curse. My mouth couldn’t curse.
It was as if by heart, it was was sensitized, changes.
It was like something came on, felt it afterwards. But that’s the dividing.
You cannot still live the old way if you found a new way in god.
I couldn’t do what I did.
When I was working before I was I was in uh, working in full time ministry.
And there was a a guy who I helped lead to the lord or, you know, in this, who was at on the job.
And and god was speaking to him.
And at one point, god really told us that he didn’t do it, basically, that he had to break with the old crowd break with the old things that he never did.
And he got just, just pulled right back in.
You know, you may be with non Christians and people are talking and and they don’t know you’re a believer.
And if you tell them you’re a believer, there may be conflict you gotta say, I don’t care.
Take out the sword of the spirit and let it have. Don’t skirt around the issue.
Because, you know, in the moment you come out with the lord, they’re either gonna reject you or they’re they might get saved.
Either way, the lord says you’re blessed. If they reject you because of the lord, jump for joy.
It says. If they don’t reject you, but they get saved, jump for joy. Either way, it’s win win.
But it’s lose lose if you don’t say anything. You hide it. You can’t hide the light.
You know, if if some of you are not because you’re afraid of what’s gonna happen.
You gotta witness. How do you expect revival to come without people hearing the gospel?
I don’t wanna hurt their feelings. My parents are old. I haven’t told them.
Well, then you don’t really love them because if you cared more about you really cared about them more.
You do everything to do what you cut, to have them find eternal life.
What is the most hateful thing is not to to know the truth, know the answer, and not give it to those who are in need of it.
That’s also the most anti semitic thing for a Jewish person. I don’t want to accept that.
The most anti semitic thing is not to share their messiah that they shared with you.
So Jewish woman got saved. Her husband was angry Jewish guy.
She’s talking to her friends on the phone about the lord. He couldn’t take it one day.
He got so angry he ripped the phone out of the wall.
But later on, he started Jews for Jesus. That’s how Jews for Jesus started.
You gotta be willing go through the thing.
It’s not if you’re, you know, if you’re not getting something, it’s if there’s not sometimes conflict is part of it.
Without that, there’s often not change.
Some come to the lord, and they never separate from the old religion.
And I’m not saying, listen, they might old religion might have good things in it, but it may not have good things.
I don’t know. But the thing is your identity is not your religion.
You know, you know, Jesus is not religious.
If you found him in in in a in a that great, but the point is it’s him.
It’s not the religion. You gotta even put that on your altar.
The sword of Messiah cuts away even from Christian religion when it’s not serving him, when it’s lost him.
I have a uh, I would say a regret in in ministry.
I don’t really dwell on this, but meaning I wish I did something different.
And that that was there was a believer who came and this a Jewish guy who came to the lord, he was in a relationship with a woman from a traditional old time church with doctrines that were against the gospel.
And she said she was born again, but he spent the summer on a a missionary campaign, and she was really unhappy.
Why don’t you why do you have to trouble it?
Why do you tell the gospel why why why make people upset?
And so he wanted me to talk to her. He says, I don’t know if she’s really safe.
And she but he didn’t tell her I was gonna talk to her about.
I thought he so we’re all together. I start asking her questions. She starts weeping, crying, crying. I felt terrible.
I kinda pulled back and I regret it because she ended up pulling him away from the lord.
The sword is necessary. If you’re in a romantic relationship with a non believer, you have to take out the sword.
Not against them, but against that.
If you’re in a situation, if you’re in a relationship with a believer that’s not biblical, You gotta take the sword.
I remember once my family was playing Boggle. Boggle is a game.
It’s like It’s like dice, but they has letters on it.
You shake it, and then you have to look and see words if you can find words in there.
So everybody’s doing every student, and I just kinda walked in the room and I look and I see a word.
And then they all go through a week down couple of words. They say, you missed one.
So what what one did we miss? So look right there. Jesus.
I said, isn’t it something that something you can miss something even though it’s right in front of your eyes?
They didn’t appreciate that. The Messiah was the dividing line.
You know, some of you are living with a fear of rejection, you’re not gonna be able to do what god has for you unless you get over it.
In Germany, most people call themselves Christians back then, and yet they delivered Jewish people to the gas chambers.
True Christians, hid Jews gave their life for them. Jesus was the dividing line.
And it and it was, you know, and it was only the true believers who stood against Hitler.
Most Christians, quote Christians, most, quote pastors did not.
The majority go with the majority, but the minority drew the line.
You know, in in organized crime, what what they would, you know, what you never you never wanna get involved in it.
Not not that you’re thinking of it, but some people take out loans from these people.
Once you take out a loan, you’re in trouble. You’re in danger.
They have something on you, blackmail, threaten you. The enemy wants to blackmail you. That, hey.
He’s got something on you the past life. He’s got something.
He’s got you he’s got you entangled in some way. You got the guilt. You gotta just cut that off.
A believer had a dream once the enemy came to him at night and wrote on his blackboard all these sins.
The man said, you’re right.
I’m guilty, then took out an eraser and said the blood of Jesus and wiped it away.
Be free, you know, for just go all out is the only way to live.
You know, I believe Peter lost his fear of people. He started losing it after the resurrection.
Once he was so afraid, he didn’t even associate with you, he denied he knew him.
And the next day, he’s speaking in front of the sanhedrin and telling him the gospel.
When you get to that point, listen. Do whatever. It looks like when Esther says, I don’t care anymore.
Esther’s living her whole life in fear. Finally, she says, oh, you know what?
If I perish, I perish, that’s the moment she fulfills her calling.
That’s the time you gotta get to that purpose. It doesn’t matter. Whatever happens happens.
I’m not here for the world. I’m here for god. I’m not here to survive.
I’m here to do god’s will. Some of you were in the occult.
I’ve known people who came from out of the occult but they never fully cut it off. That’s dangerous.
And the old you gotta cut it off. The old life, you gotta cut off. You know?
Many of you, this is human nature, are still living with things from the old life. Cut it off.
Take out that sword. Cut it off. That habit, that indulgence. He shouldn’t be doing anymore. That’s hurting you.
Something unbiblical cut it off. Living together with someone, that is not god’s will.
And you know, with congregation of our size, it’s gonna happen. That that people will come in.
That’s not that is against god. Cut it off. You will never find merit.
The marriage god has for you without cutting that, which is not of him.
We even if it’s that person, not gonna happen that way.
Whatever it is, Whatever is money, whatever is questionable, you gotta question it.
You know, the Passover lamb on the day of Passover, that Passover lamb separated the save from the unsaved.
Jesus is the Passover lamb. He separates us. He separates you.
There is a, you know, the the pharisees were separated themselves. The word pharisee means separated. They were prideful.
They they were self pride. It was arrogance. But there is a holy separation.
The priests had to be separated to serve god in the Old Testament.
The the Levi had to be separated. The word holiness is often linked to separation. You cannot be mixed.
You’re free when you when you just get it off.
You know, in the 19 twenties, Chicago was corrupt.
Much of it was paid for by the guy, you know, Al Capone. He paid the police.
They were on his payroll. Judges were on his payroll. You know, leaders government on his payroll.
He nobody could bring him down.
Finally, a bunch of federal agents came in, and so they recalled the untouchables. You know why?
Not because they couldn’t be touched or killed, but be they couldn’t be bought. They couldn’t be bribed.
They had no price And because of that, they brought him down.
The point is that, you know, you can only overcome evil if you cut off any stake you have in it.
Take out that sword. God wants you free. Cut it off. Be free.
God wants you to say, listen, come what may. It doesn’t matter as for me and my house.
I’m serving the lord. I don’t care. You can threaten me, Satan. You can you can try to bribe me.
You can try to to make me fear.
I will not fear because I’ve got nothing to lose I’m sold out.
I cannot be bought because I’m sold out for god.
I am Jonathan Khan, and I hope you were blessed with the video.
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- The Lost City | Jonathan Cahn SermonTháng 5 25, 2023