Jack Hibbs, Michael Knowles: How EVIL Hopes To WEAPONIZE Our SILENCE | Kirk Cameron on TBN

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“America has always been a Christian nation, and as believers, it is our responsibility to vote and defend the republic that God has given us. The Bible teaches us not to conform to the ways of this world. Regardless of who is elected president, we should desire for them to look to heaven and acknowledge the enormity of the challenges we face, saying, ‘Lord, the enemies are great, the threats are real, and we do not know what to do, but our eyes are on You.’

We have the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights, and the Constitution. While these documents are foundational, they are merely pieces of paper unless we, the people, actively uphold and practice the principles they embody. If we cease to defend and enact the vision of government outlined in these texts, they will lose their significance. Sir Edmund Burke famously stated that all evil needs to triumph is for good men to do nothing.

Many people, including those in pulpits, fail to recognize the scope of responsibility God has entrusted to us as stewards of this nation. I believe our nation is not solely in the hands of Sacramento or Washington, D.C.; it is in the hands of the church. We must be diligent stewards of the freedoms God has given us. If we choose to sit idly by, we are essentially surrendering the gifts bestowed upon us by our founding fathers to the enemy.

We do not need a 51% majority to make an impact. What we need is for God’s people to take our faith seriously, not merely by doing more, but by aligning our intentions to honor God with our lives. We must not underestimate the influence of the strong yet small minority of Jesus followers in our nation, especially among the new generation of young adults and teenagers. I see their zeal for the Lord everywhere I go, and many are stepping up to run for office and engage with their local school boards, actively participating in Freedom of Information Act requests to obtain documents from these institutions. This movement gives me hope.

What encourages me most is the truth of our message: you matter. The notion that you do not is a lie. If just ten righteous individuals could have made a difference in Sodom and Gomorrah, then imagine the potential impact we could have as a committed group. It may not require millions to effect change; rather, if we focus on our hearts, our families, and our close circles, we can become truth dispensers ourselves.

I fear that too many people have become complacent, content, or even lazy in defending what has been entrusted to us. In a similar way, Paul was on a ship in the Mediterranean with 276 people, yet only three were Christians. Yet that small percentage had a tremendous impact on the entire ship’s safety. In Sodom, if there had been ten righteous people among its thousand inhabitants, the city might have been saved. Gideon faced a similar situation, where a committed minority achieved great victories.

In our nation, a dedicated minority of Jesus followers praying for revival can create significant change, empowered by the Holy Spirit. Christianity is often mischaracterized as merely a private religion, limited to personal practice at home or on Sundays. However, Christianity is inherently public and political; we are called to go forth and make disciples of all nations.

Believers should possess a deep understanding of liberty and serve as the greatest defenders of it. As citizens who love the Lord and are grateful for our nation, we must engage with others to protect the liberties afforded to us.”

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