The Josiah Manifesto – Part 1 with Guest Rabbi Jonathan Cahn
The Josiah Manifesto – Part 1 with Guest Rabbi Jonathan Cahn
1 Timothy 4:16 says, “Watch your life and doctrine closely. Persevere in them, because if you do, you will save both yourself and your hearers.” On today’s edition of Family Talk, Dr. Tim Clinton interviews Rabbi Jonathan Cahn about his latest book, “The Josiah Manifesto: The Ancient Mystery & Guide for the End Times.” Be enlightened and forewarned as Rabbi Cahn takes you on a prophetic journey through the history of our great country, the United States of America. As Christians, we must remain watchful or fall prey to the evil ways of the enemy.
About Today’s Guest: Rabbi Jonathan Cahn Rabbi Jonathan Cahn is the New York Times best-selling author of “The Harbinger,” “The Paradigm,” “The Book of Mysteries,” “The Oracle,” “The Return of the Gods” and “The Josiah Manifesto.” He is also president of Hope of the World Ministries, an international outreach of teaching, evangelism, and compassion projects for the world’s most needy. Additionally, he serves as the senior pastor and Messianic Rabbi of the Jerusalem Center/Beth Israel in Wayne, New Jersey. Rabbi Cahn’s teachings focus on deep scriptural mysteries that have profound prophetic impact. He is an internationally sought-after speaker, having most notably appeared before the U.S. Congress and the United Nations. Rabbi Cahn is a Messianic Jew who has been called the prophetic voice of this generation. He and his wife, Renata, have three sons.
Well, hello, everyone.
I’m James Dobson, and you’re listening to Family Talk, a listener supported ministry in fact, thank you so much for being part of that support for James Dobbs And Family Institute.
Hello, everyone, and welcome into family talk.
I’m Doctor Tim Clinton, co host of broadcast here at the Doctor James Dobbs And Family Institute.
I also serve as president of the American Association of Christian Counselors.
I’m honored to serve alongside Doctor Dobson as the resident authority on mental health and relationships here at the JDFI.
We’re so glad you’ve joined us. Hey, you know, the world seems pretty crazy and dark.
We live in a time when evil is called good and good is called evil.
Our kids are having to deal with issues that adults weren’t even thinking about at their age.
In addition, we’re dealing with destructive hurricanes earthquakes, fires, rivers drying up, new water flowing out of deserts, um, many believe that we’re living in the end times.
You know, as it says in Matthew 24 verse 7, for nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom.
And there will be famines and earthquakes in various places.
But there’s hope as he goes on to say in Matthew 24 verses 1314.
But the one who endures to the end is the one who will be saved.
The gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come.
So how do we navigate these unprecedented times?
How do we understand what the Bible describes as it’s unfolding right before our eyes.
Well, our guest today, Rabbi, Jonathan Khan, has written a new book that explores the Biblical mysteries that we’re currently witnessing, and he lays out a blueprint on how to survive the days ahead.
His new book is entitled the Josiah Manifesto, the ancient mystery and guide for the end times.
Jonathan Khan is also a longtime friend of Doctor Dobson and family talk.
He’s the president of Hope of the World Ministries.
Jonathan also serves a senior pastor and messianic rabbi of the Jerusalem Center Beth Israel in New Jersey.
He’s a New York Times best selling author.
Some of his books include the harbinger, the paradigm, the book of mysteries, the oracle, Rabbi Khan’s teachings focus on deep scriptural mysteries that have profound prophetic impact.
He’s a renowned international speaker and hosts his own radio and television shows that are heard and seen around the world.
He and his wife, Renata, They have 3 sons. Jonathan, welcome back to family talk.
We’re so delighted to have you. Doctor Dobbs and his wife Shirley send their regards.
Oh, it it is a a joy to be back and, you know, Doctor Dobson, you know, it’s it’s been one of the great blessings of my life to actually know him and get to know him because when I was a new believer, I would listen to him all the time.
So I consider him a giant.
It’s just an awesome thing, and I I pray for them, miss him, but I’m glad that he put things in good hands to him, you know, because you’re a great man of god.
As well.
Jonathan, as we get started, we’re living in unprecedented times. I mean, we’re seeing what fires and wild storms.
We’re hearing rumors of war. Uh, the Euphrates river is drying up. This is biblical. Yeah.
Uh, Jonathan, but there’s a lot of beer and a lot of concern I see in the hearts and lives of people everywhere.
And I think people are so beat down. They’re angry. They’re confused.
They’re frustrated, but they’re crying out for help and hope. They’re praying for a better day.
They’re praying that god would do something. Jonathan, what are you seeing?
Well, you you know, I I’m kinda known for, you know, opening these things up and giving warning, but I also, you know, this I never write a book without hope because, you know, first of all, to me, it’s the most exciting time.
I mean, you know, the Bible said it’s gonna happen, so we can’t complain when things happen.
You know, the Bible says, these are the last days we’re gonna see this. So we’re seeing that.
It tells me that god’s on the throne. It tells me that the challenges are great.
It also and it tells me that if the dark is getting darker, the lights have to get brighter.
So, you know, the apostles did not live in, quote, a Christian culture.
You know, they they lived in an anti Christian culture, and yet they were the most powerful witness we’ve ever seen.
So I believe that’s what god wants.
So to me, yeah, we are not to fear because we, of all people, know who’s on the throne, and we know who the end of the story.
And we also know the power we have.
And so to me, really, Tim, to I’ll only put it this way.
You know, when you’re watching a movie, you know, what’s the most exciting part? The last 15 minutes.
So what’s the most exciting part? So god put us in the last 15 minutes. I’m I’m excited about that.
You know, we have to become the people god told us to be.
You know, over the next couple of days, we’re gonna be talking about your new book, the Josiah manifest though.
Uh, that’s a stunning, captivating work. I have it in my hands right now. I’ve been through every page.
I’ve read every word in this book.
I think it’s your best work to date, Jonathan, but it’s so captivating and challenging is what it is.
But Before we go into that, I want our listeners to hear a little bit more about you and your ministry.
You have a ministry called Hope for the World Ministries. It’s an end times based ministry.
Tell us about that and what work is being done in and through that organization.
Yeah. It’s hope of the world, and it’s, you know, the The congregation I lead is Beth Israel in Wayne, New Jersey outside of New York City.
Hope of the world is the world outreach. And basically, two things.
One is to get the word of god to the world, to the ends of the earth.
Um, it also has all my teachings on there as well.
And also to help with compassion projects around the world, to the most needy.
So really hope the world is twofold.
And and I believe that’s the great commission, you know, which is number 1, get the gospel to all nations, but and also Feed the poor, you know, I feed the hungry, help the poor, um, help the persecuted.
So that’s what we’re doing. We’re always in, you know, we’re doing tons of projects to help the most needy of the world.
Uh, and the loss of the world, which is really what it’s all about.
So, yeah, so that’s kind of our that’s the outreach, um, when people think of me that hope of the world Um, it’s on the web and, you know, and all the messages I’ve ever done are pretty much there as well.
Well, Jonathan, god has certainly gifted you in so many ways let’s go to that gift of writing, that voice that god has given to you, that Josiah manifesto, again, I said it’s stunning, really captivating new book, but in it, you open up with this present darkness that we’re in.
This time of shaking, these dark events that we’re seeing all around us, tell us, Jonathan, what does the Josiah manifesto reveal?
Well, I would put it this way.
What what if god was sending us away a message, a revelation for this hour.
What if, uh, he was giving, uh, really, uh, an opening of what is going on, what is how what’s behind it?
What if behind the events of our time? It’s not out of control.
It looks like it’s out of control, but what if there was an ancient mystery behind it?
And I mean, that, uh, uh, an ancient calendar that is so specific, it actually not only ordains the events of our times, but actually the year, the month, the week, the date, in some cases, the exact second of the events of our times.
That is what the Josiah manifesto is gonna open up.
And also to give an answer, what if there was a way that that from the Bible that god is highlighting that’s really the way to overcome for the for not only now, but what’s gonna happen in the days ahead, how to overcome, how to stand, how to prevail, this is, I would say, you know what this is, Tim?
I it’s it’s some ways it’s different from what I’ve written before and that this is kind of like a prophetic journey where the puzzle piece, it’s one puzzle piece, the other puzzle piece, then they all come together to really open up this key about, uh, really, the answer, what, how do we live and what do we need to know for the days ahead.
And and in some ways, for those who have read my other books, it’s kinda like an airport because of almost every book I’ve written from the harbinger to the return of the gods, the mysteries are kinda coming home and converging on this one.
They’re just so I believe in many ways, you know, it’s one of the most important things I could have written.
So I felt very strongly as we were talking before the show, very strongly that this was the message for such a time as this, that for god’s people to know.
Jonathan, you talked about this present darkness being an ancient pattern with a new manifesting.
You talked about it impacting our media, our entertainment, our places are schools, corporations, public squares, government, culture, and so much more, setting in motion, the transformation of a society.
And I took a deep breath, and I thought, boy, is he right?
You’re talking about it being an unrelenting darkness and a totalitarian darkness. Tell us what you mean by that.
Well, what we are watching is, you know, sometimes it’s been called soft totalitarianism, but we’re watching something really creeping in.
It starts very subtly at first.
It starts, you know, in the in the idea in the name of tolerance and, uh, do your own thing.
And now we’ve gone to another stage where it is gotten so much in so entrenched in our culture that now it’s anyone who doesn’t agree, every knee shall bow.
It’s not stopping. It has not stopped.
I mean, again, the Bible warns this gonna happen in the end times, but it’s, uh, the indoctrination of our children.
That has not stopped. It it is the our culture.
It is an alliance of government, culture, you know, media, you know, education, all these things.
Which are basically it’s a apostasy.
You know, the, you know, you know, Paul warned, you said in the last days, there’ll be a great falling away.
And we are watching that every day. If you wanna see biblical prophecy, like every day, this is what’s happening.
So, really, it is not stopped, and it is it has no intention of stopping.
And when I say I use the word totalitarian, it is seeking to eliminate all opposition.
Now we are what stands in the way.
Um, but, again, we are in the lights here, and nothing is gonna stop the light at the same time.
And, Jonathan, then you connect it to what you call is the valley up front as we step back and look at the ruins of a nation, a nation that is departed from her roots, her love, her passion, her commitment to god.
And as I think about stepping back and looking at our current culture, nothing could be further.
I mean, it’s just it’s there it is.
Yeah. You know, Tim, when I look at the books I’ve written, most of them have the theme in that.
What happened to ancient Israel when it turned away from god?
Here’s a nation that knew god turned away from god, and then these signs began appearing.
Well, the harbinger is the signs of judgment given to that nation warning.
Well, this is also this is taking this forward, these are really in the last days of ancient Israel.
Now, you know, America and Israel are very much joined because they’re I only know of 2 civilizations that were founded specifically for the purposes of god.
And one was America. The other was Israel.
Um, and, you know, America is not Israel, but it was actually created to be a form of Israel in the new world by the Puridans.
And the thing is we are now reenacting what happened to ancient Israel.
When you turn away from god, it’s a dangerous thing. You know, we are reenacting.
You know, you said the valley.
Well, the valley that I speak about at the beginning of the book It’s the valley of Hinnom where, you know, the prophet Jeremiah is overlooking it, and he is prophesying that, listen, you killed your children in this valley.
They sacrifice their children on the altars of bail and mala in the valley.
And so god says, judgment is coming. You cannot do that without judgment coming.
So it’s a warning and a wake up call America. You know, Israel was in deep trouble.
Actually, Israel went to judgment and destruction. America is also on that verge.
We are a in danger because of what we have done.
In the midst of it, you also then take us to an understanding of the year of Jubilee.
Because it is at the heart of this new book, the Josiah manifesto.
Rob I can’t explain to us what that is all about. What’s the meaning of Jubilee?
What are the key tenets for those who don’t understand that?
Yeah. The year, Jubilee, every 50 years, the 50th year, the Bible says you’ll sound the trumpet, and really everything gets reversed.
It gets undone. Now for him, in many ways, this is a great thing.
Um, if you are in pre if you were enslaved, you are released. It’s undone.
If you lost your land, you get it back. You are restored.
So in for many, it’s the year of duration, a year of blessing, you know, which it is.
But at the same time, it’s a year of reversal and restitution.
If you took somebody’s land, that didn’t belong to you, then in the year, Jubilee, it is all reversed.
It’s taken from what you took is taken from you.
So at the same time for the the there’s another side of it that people don’t realize.
It’s also a year of also restitution.
And this mystery is gonna basically reveal some, I believe, very incredible things about what’s been happening in America and the world, but particularly America in our days.
The Josiah manifesto begins the mystery on the island of Cuba where I gave an object and a word to Fidel Castro, and it had very much to do with the Jubilee.
In fact, It actually the mystery of it actually determined the exact year that his rain would end the exact day it would end and even the hour.
That’s how it opens up. That actually happened there. So that was in that sense, it was of restitution.
Uh, you know, it was taken away from him.
So there’s a judgment spect, but now this mystery has touched our entire life every every one of us.
Jonathan, there were some amazing things that happened as you visited Cuba.
And, uh, I want you to share a little bit about how these things align because to me, as I followed along, I couldn’t believe what was unfolding as I turned each page.
It was shocking from the moment when you presented Castro the show for her.
Well, you know, yeah, I I don’t, Tim, I don’t usually in my books, I usually don’t I’ve never included me because I don’t you know, it’s about the mysteries.
But I was I witnessed these certain mysteries. So this is the first time I I’ve mentioned that.
So, yeah, I was asked to go to Cuba that Fidel Castro was opening up 1 month of that year or ever to allow for, quote, religious freedom where there’d be the celebrations of Christians across the land.
They asked me to come open it up with the sound of the show.
And so I was there for a month.
I crossed the island, and I was actually led to share throughout Cuba all about the Jubilee, the Jubilee, the Jubilee.
And then at the end, the last event was in Havana Revolution Square and Fidel Castro Kane, and the lord opened the door for me to come to the presidential palace and present a gift.
Again, one of them was the show for, um, another was a Bible, which were actually banned in Cuba.
And another was a word which which which was like prophetic.
Um, and so the thing is that for the believers of Cuba, it was a it was a message of restoration, and we saw incredible things happen there.
But for Fidel Castro, again, he’s the one who took what didn’t belong to him. Basically, he took an island.
He took what didn’t belong. And so, therefore, you know, when you look at this and you and so I told them all I the the word and the and the object was all about the Jubilee.
And when you take the very day that he came to power and you go to the fiftieth year, And then you go to the 50th day, that exact day is when his rain ended.
On the the 50th year, 50th day, the Jubilee day, the Jubilee, and I and that was what I gave him.
And and so and was actually at the exact if you go, it goes to the hour, you know, to, uh, from when he came to power.
So, I mean, god is above all things, even Fidel Castro.
He, you know, we, you know, America was trying to get him out for a decade say could not, but the jubilee did.
You know, so this is the opening. The first kind of puzzle piece is this other side to the jubilee.
Indeed. As you continued on, you began to unpack the whole issue of abortion.
And the pandemic. And Yes. You make connections that again were stunning to me. I really breathtaking.
Jonathan, talk to us about the legalization of abortion in 1970 and the connection of the pandemic in 2020.
Uh, a
lot of millions of children died from abortion.
Millions of adults die during the pandemic, but the connection you made was Yeah. Was really earth shaking.
Well, I’m the first one to get stunned or blown away by god in this.
And And, yeah, the thing is that we’re setting up, you know, the jubilee.
So for everybody listening, keep that in mind.
But the second thing is there’s a law in the bible that you know, what you do to the children is coming back to you.
You cannot kill the children. Have it not come back.
Jeremiah, the prophet Jeremiah, that’s when he was speaking about the valley of Hinnom, he gave a prophecy and said, because you did this, it’s coming back to you.
When you killed the children, the death is coming back.
And one of the forms that he gives as that it comes back is the form of in Hebrew.
It’s called, which means a great plague or great pandemic.
And so now when did America begin actually killing children on abortion on demand? It actually began in 1970.
So when go when is the jubilee year of that? The jubilee year is 2020.
2020, another death comes to America. So that’s the first one.
Secondly, the day, you know, when abortion came to America, it came through to the continent.
It came through New York. New York was the key in everything.
Actually led to Roe versus Wade went New York Day.
That bill, that legalized first bill, that legalized abortion on demand, uh, on the American comment in New York came to the legislature of New York on the day of January 20 1970.
Now What happens if you go forward 1 Jubilee 2020 to the exact 2 of the day, it leads you to the date January 20th, 2020.
Anything happened? January, the day that the plague officially began in America, patient 0 identified was January 20th, 2020, 50 years to the exact date.
So the beginning of abortion coming to a to the land and the beginning of the plague coming to the land 1 Jubilee to the exact day.
Yeah. Which was incredible. I mean, how this connected together, Jonathan, you also cited Abraham Lincoln and talked about slavery and how the sort of the this contagion, if you will, which is a chapter in your book, brings these pieces together.
Yeah. Well, Abraham Lincoln kinda like Jeremiah. He said, in his last inaugural address, not long before he died.
He said, you know, the he spoke about the civil war as a judgment from god for slavery.
And he said, you know, uh, it it should will it go on until every drop of blood that was drawn by the sword, the lash, will be answered by the sword of war.
And and so he’s there’s just as Jeremiah said, the death of the children is gonna be answered by the death your death And so the question comes up and, you know, you have to ask the question.
Well, what about the numbers? You know, how many babies were killed in that initial period when abortion entered America 1970 until Roe versus Wade 1973.
It’s a 3 year period. How many were killed in that period?
Well, it the the answer is 1,300,000 by the CDC.
Well, then I had to ask, well, 50 years later, you have another 3 year period.
Uh, and it and it’s a jubileean period of that from any it’s the it’s the period of the plague from 2020 to the end of 2022, beginning of 2023.
So the question is how many Americans died of the plague? The answer is 1,300,000.
The exact same number.
As you continue to investigate all this, you began also to bring some connecting points between how abortion entered or began in our country, and you connected it with also how COVID or the pandemic entered our country.
John, I think it’s bringing those changes together.
Oh, yeah.
Yeah. Yeah.
Well well, you know what, Tim? We all remember it.
You know, the day that you know, I I just spoke about the very first entrance of each, abortion, and the play.
But then there was a day. If you remember that everything hit. I mean, it was a day.
It was the middle of March. And everything shut down. There was a quarantine came on America.
The stock market crashed. Everything went into locked down. We were all locked down.
Trump went on the television to announce it.
The media called it the day that everything changed, the day that everything changed. That was March 11th.
And that was 2020, March 11 2020. So what happens if you go back 50 years?
And it takes you to March 11th 1970.
Anything of significance, March 11 1970 is the date that abortion actually began in America.
And so the exact day when it fell on America, so the plague fell on America.
Tim, it goes even more because it’s not only the timing.
It’s also the exact place because at one point, I speak about the valley of Hinnom, there’s actually a place in America that answers to that valley.
You’re listening to Family Talk a division of the James Dobbs And Family Institute.
I’m Doctor Tim Clinton co host, our special guest, 7 time New York Times best selling author Jonathan Khan about his new book, the Josiah manifesto the ancient mystery and guide for the end times.
Jonathan, this book is just coming out. Where can people get copies of this new manifest.
I I did a sure instant New York Town’s bestseller.
Well, thank you. The Josiah manifest is gonna be literally everywhere.
Um, if you can go online Uh, when you see hear this, you can go right online.
Uh, Amazon will have it. Uh, Walmart will have it, um, Barnes and Noble. It’ll be pretty much everywhere.
I pray people get it not just for themselves, but for people in their lives who need to hear, need to know.
Jonathan, I have been just mesmerized by what god has shown to you, if you will.
And then through, um, your work, your research, looking at the scriptures, really taking a look at what’s happening in culture, in these days.
And, Jonathan, at the end of the day, I know we’re battling time here in our very first broadcast.
There’s always hope. You’re gonna take us on a journey.
There’s a lot more to, uh, expose, if you will, help people understand what’s happening.
But where are we going, Jonathan? Will you tease out where we’ll be going for days 2 and day 3.
Yeah. We’re gonna be opening up the mystery of days, the mystery of appointed days, an ancient calendar that actually gives the exact days, uh, the time of when the shakings of America happened.
We’re gonna see a mystery behind Donald Trump. We’re gonna see a mystery behind January 6th.
The overturning of Roe versus Wade.
We’re gonna see a lot of mysteries, and it’s all gonna lead to the what do we need to do?
There is hope. Yes. And that’s what the just high benefits was about.
Our special guest again has been grabbed by Jonathan Khan.
His new book, the Josiah manifesto, the ancient mystery and guide for the end times. It’s a must read book.
Jonathan again, where can people get copies of this book?
It’s literally everywhere. Whenever there are books, um, you can get on Amazon online anywhere right now.
View online and also on any bookstore, even Walmart will have it.
And, again, I pray if people get it for people in their lives as well who need to know.
Hey. On behalf of Doctor Dobbs and his wife, Shirley, the entire team at the James Dobbs at Family Institute, we salute you and appreciate what god’s doing in and through you for such a time as this.
Thank you so much for joining us. We can’t wait until tomorrow.
Thank you.
What a powerful program with Rabbi Jonathan Khan and our co host, Doctor Tim Clinton, here on Family Talk.
Be sure to join us again tomorrow and then again on Friday, to hear them continue discussing rabbi Khan’s new book.
It’s called the Josiah manifesto from which they’ll discuss the mystery of appointed days.
It’s an ancient calendar that connects biblical events to current happenings.
Now You may have heard this Bible verse before. It’s from Psalm 127 verse 3.
Children are a gift from the lord. They are a reward from him.
Well, if you’re raising kids right now, you know it’s hard work.
And I’m sure there are some days when you feel that that gift might need exchanging in the words of our own doctor and they’ll remember, parenting isn’t for cowards.
Even children who are sweet and mild mannered come with their own set of challenges.
But if your son or daughter is strong willed and defiant, that child can wear you out emotionally.
And if you have 1 or more of these independent youngsters or adolescents under your roof.
You know how difficult life can be, but be assured there is hope.
Here at the doctor James Stops And Family Institute, we wanna walk alongside you as a parent during the child rearing years, especially if you have strong willed kids in the home.
That’s why we’ve developed a new 10 day email series based on Doctor Dobson’s best selling book, The New Strong World Child.
It’s designed to equip you to wisely lead your kids through even the toughest trials.
To sign up, just visit us at forward slash strong willed child.
That’s drjamesdobson.orgforward slash strong willed child. You’ve been listening to family talk today.
I’m Roger Marsh. I pray that the lord will continue to richly bless you and your family as you grow deeper in your relationship with him.
This has been a presentation of the Doctor James Dobson Family Institute.
I’m James Dobson, and you’re listening to Family Talk, a listener supported ministry in fact, thank you so much for being part of that support for James Dobbs And Family Institute.
Hello, everyone, and welcome into family talk.
I’m Doctor Tim Clinton, co host of broadcast here at the Doctor James Dobbs And Family Institute.
I also serve as president of the American Association of Christian Counselors.
I’m honored to serve alongside Doctor Dobson as the resident authority on mental health and relationships here at the JDFI.
We’re so glad you’ve joined us. Hey, you know, the world seems pretty crazy and dark.
We live in a time when evil is called good and good is called evil.
Our kids are having to deal with issues that adults weren’t even thinking about at their age.
In addition, we’re dealing with destructive hurricanes earthquakes, fires, rivers drying up, new water flowing out of deserts, um, many believe that we’re living in the end times.
You know, as it says in Matthew 24 verse 7, for nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom.
And there will be famines and earthquakes in various places.
But there’s hope as he goes on to say in Matthew 24 verses 1314.
But the one who endures to the end is the one who will be saved.
The gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come.
So how do we navigate these unprecedented times?
How do we understand what the Bible describes as it’s unfolding right before our eyes.
Well, our guest today, Rabbi, Jonathan Khan, has written a new book that explores the Biblical mysteries that we’re currently witnessing, and he lays out a blueprint on how to survive the days ahead.
His new book is entitled the Josiah Manifesto, the ancient mystery and guide for the end times.
Jonathan Khan is also a longtime friend of Doctor Dobson and family talk.
He’s the president of Hope of the World Ministries.
Jonathan also serves a senior pastor and messianic rabbi of the Jerusalem Center Beth Israel in New Jersey.
He’s a New York Times best selling author.
Some of his books include the harbinger, the paradigm, the book of mysteries, the oracle, Rabbi Khan’s teachings focus on deep scriptural mysteries that have profound prophetic impact.
He’s a renowned international speaker and hosts his own radio and television shows that are heard and seen around the world.
He and his wife, Renata, They have 3 sons. Jonathan, welcome back to family talk.
We’re so delighted to have you. Doctor Dobbs and his wife Shirley send their regards.
Oh, it it is a a joy to be back and, you know, Doctor Dobson, you know, it’s it’s been one of the great blessings of my life to actually know him and get to know him because when I was a new believer, I would listen to him all the time.
So I consider him a giant.
It’s just an awesome thing, and I I pray for them, miss him, but I’m glad that he put things in good hands to him, you know, because you’re a great man of god.
As well.
Jonathan, as we get started, we’re living in unprecedented times. I mean, we’re seeing what fires and wild storms.
We’re hearing rumors of war. Uh, the Euphrates river is drying up. This is biblical. Yeah.
Uh, Jonathan, but there’s a lot of beer and a lot of concern I see in the hearts and lives of people everywhere.
And I think people are so beat down. They’re angry. They’re confused.
They’re frustrated, but they’re crying out for help and hope. They’re praying for a better day.
They’re praying that god would do something. Jonathan, what are you seeing?
Well, you you know, I I’m kinda known for, you know, opening these things up and giving warning, but I also, you know, this I never write a book without hope because, you know, first of all, to me, it’s the most exciting time.
I mean, you know, the Bible said it’s gonna happen, so we can’t complain when things happen.
You know, the Bible says, these are the last days we’re gonna see this. So we’re seeing that.
It tells me that god’s on the throne. It tells me that the challenges are great.
It also and it tells me that if the dark is getting darker, the lights have to get brighter.
So, you know, the apostles did not live in, quote, a Christian culture.
You know, they they lived in an anti Christian culture, and yet they were the most powerful witness we’ve ever seen.
So I believe that’s what god wants.
So to me, yeah, we are not to fear because we, of all people, know who’s on the throne, and we know who the end of the story.
And we also know the power we have.
And so to me, really, Tim, to I’ll only put it this way.
You know, when you’re watching a movie, you know, what’s the most exciting part? The last 15 minutes.
So what’s the most exciting part? So god put us in the last 15 minutes. I’m I’m excited about that.
You know, we have to become the people god told us to be.
You know, over the next couple of days, we’re gonna be talking about your new book, the Josiah manifest though.
Uh, that’s a stunning, captivating work. I have it in my hands right now. I’ve been through every page.
I’ve read every word in this book.
I think it’s your best work to date, Jonathan, but it’s so captivating and challenging is what it is.
But Before we go into that, I want our listeners to hear a little bit more about you and your ministry.
You have a ministry called Hope for the World Ministries. It’s an end times based ministry.
Tell us about that and what work is being done in and through that organization.
Yeah. It’s hope of the world, and it’s, you know, the The congregation I lead is Beth Israel in Wayne, New Jersey outside of New York City.
Hope of the world is the world outreach. And basically, two things.
One is to get the word of god to the world, to the ends of the earth.
Um, it also has all my teachings on there as well.
And also to help with compassion projects around the world, to the most needy.
So really hope the world is twofold.
And and I believe that’s the great commission, you know, which is number 1, get the gospel to all nations, but and also Feed the poor, you know, I feed the hungry, help the poor, um, help the persecuted.
So that’s what we’re doing. We’re always in, you know, we’re doing tons of projects to help the most needy of the world.
Uh, and the loss of the world, which is really what it’s all about.
So, yeah, so that’s kind of our that’s the outreach, um, when people think of me that hope of the world Um, it’s on the web and, you know, and all the messages I’ve ever done are pretty much there as well.
Well, Jonathan, god has certainly gifted you in so many ways let’s go to that gift of writing, that voice that god has given to you, that Josiah manifesto, again, I said it’s stunning, really captivating new book, but in it, you open up with this present darkness that we’re in.
This time of shaking, these dark events that we’re seeing all around us, tell us, Jonathan, what does the Josiah manifesto reveal?
Well, I would put it this way.
What what if god was sending us away a message, a revelation for this hour.
What if, uh, he was giving, uh, really, uh, an opening of what is going on, what is how what’s behind it?
What if behind the events of our time? It’s not out of control.
It looks like it’s out of control, but what if there was an ancient mystery behind it?
And I mean, that, uh, uh, an ancient calendar that is so specific, it actually not only ordains the events of our times, but actually the year, the month, the week, the date, in some cases, the exact second of the events of our times.
That is what the Josiah manifesto is gonna open up.
And also to give an answer, what if there was a way that that from the Bible that god is highlighting that’s really the way to overcome for the for not only now, but what’s gonna happen in the days ahead, how to overcome, how to stand, how to prevail, this is, I would say, you know what this is, Tim?
I it’s it’s some ways it’s different from what I’ve written before and that this is kind of like a prophetic journey where the puzzle piece, it’s one puzzle piece, the other puzzle piece, then they all come together to really open up this key about, uh, really, the answer, what, how do we live and what do we need to know for the days ahead.
And and in some ways, for those who have read my other books, it’s kinda like an airport because of almost every book I’ve written from the harbinger to the return of the gods, the mysteries are kinda coming home and converging on this one.
They’re just so I believe in many ways, you know, it’s one of the most important things I could have written.
So I felt very strongly as we were talking before the show, very strongly that this was the message for such a time as this, that for god’s people to know.
Jonathan, you talked about this present darkness being an ancient pattern with a new manifesting.
You talked about it impacting our media, our entertainment, our places are schools, corporations, public squares, government, culture, and so much more, setting in motion, the transformation of a society.
And I took a deep breath, and I thought, boy, is he right?
You’re talking about it being an unrelenting darkness and a totalitarian darkness. Tell us what you mean by that.
Well, what we are watching is, you know, sometimes it’s been called soft totalitarianism, but we’re watching something really creeping in.
It starts very subtly at first.
It starts, you know, in the in the idea in the name of tolerance and, uh, do your own thing.
And now we’ve gone to another stage where it is gotten so much in so entrenched in our culture that now it’s anyone who doesn’t agree, every knee shall bow.
It’s not stopping. It has not stopped.
I mean, again, the Bible warns this gonna happen in the end times, but it’s, uh, the indoctrination of our children.
That has not stopped. It it is the our culture.
It is an alliance of government, culture, you know, media, you know, education, all these things.
Which are basically it’s a apostasy.
You know, the, you know, you know, Paul warned, you said in the last days, there’ll be a great falling away.
And we are watching that every day. If you wanna see biblical prophecy, like every day, this is what’s happening.
So, really, it is not stopped, and it is it has no intention of stopping.
And when I say I use the word totalitarian, it is seeking to eliminate all opposition.
Now we are what stands in the way.
Um, but, again, we are in the lights here, and nothing is gonna stop the light at the same time.
And, Jonathan, then you connect it to what you call is the valley up front as we step back and look at the ruins of a nation, a nation that is departed from her roots, her love, her passion, her commitment to god.
And as I think about stepping back and looking at our current culture, nothing could be further.
I mean, it’s just it’s there it is.
Yeah. You know, Tim, when I look at the books I’ve written, most of them have the theme in that.
What happened to ancient Israel when it turned away from god?
Here’s a nation that knew god turned away from god, and then these signs began appearing.
Well, the harbinger is the signs of judgment given to that nation warning.
Well, this is also this is taking this forward, these are really in the last days of ancient Israel.
Now, you know, America and Israel are very much joined because they’re I only know of 2 civilizations that were founded specifically for the purposes of god.
And one was America. The other was Israel.
Um, and, you know, America is not Israel, but it was actually created to be a form of Israel in the new world by the Puridans.
And the thing is we are now reenacting what happened to ancient Israel.
When you turn away from god, it’s a dangerous thing. You know, we are reenacting.
You know, you said the valley.
Well, the valley that I speak about at the beginning of the book It’s the valley of Hinnom where, you know, the prophet Jeremiah is overlooking it, and he is prophesying that, listen, you killed your children in this valley.
They sacrifice their children on the altars of bail and mala in the valley.
And so god says, judgment is coming. You cannot do that without judgment coming.
So it’s a warning and a wake up call America. You know, Israel was in deep trouble.
Actually, Israel went to judgment and destruction. America is also on that verge.
We are a in danger because of what we have done.
In the midst of it, you also then take us to an understanding of the year of Jubilee.
Because it is at the heart of this new book, the Josiah manifesto.
Rob I can’t explain to us what that is all about. What’s the meaning of Jubilee?
What are the key tenets for those who don’t understand that?
Yeah. The year, Jubilee, every 50 years, the 50th year, the Bible says you’ll sound the trumpet, and really everything gets reversed.
It gets undone. Now for him, in many ways, this is a great thing.
Um, if you are in pre if you were enslaved, you are released. It’s undone.
If you lost your land, you get it back. You are restored.
So in for many, it’s the year of duration, a year of blessing, you know, which it is.
But at the same time, it’s a year of reversal and restitution.
If you took somebody’s land, that didn’t belong to you, then in the year, Jubilee, it is all reversed.
It’s taken from what you took is taken from you.
So at the same time for the the there’s another side of it that people don’t realize.
It’s also a year of also restitution.
And this mystery is gonna basically reveal some, I believe, very incredible things about what’s been happening in America and the world, but particularly America in our days.
The Josiah manifesto begins the mystery on the island of Cuba where I gave an object and a word to Fidel Castro, and it had very much to do with the Jubilee.
In fact, It actually the mystery of it actually determined the exact year that his rain would end the exact day it would end and even the hour.
That’s how it opens up. That actually happened there. So that was in that sense, it was of restitution.
Uh, you know, it was taken away from him.
So there’s a judgment spect, but now this mystery has touched our entire life every every one of us.
Jonathan, there were some amazing things that happened as you visited Cuba.
And, uh, I want you to share a little bit about how these things align because to me, as I followed along, I couldn’t believe what was unfolding as I turned each page.
It was shocking from the moment when you presented Castro the show for her.
Well, you know, yeah, I I don’t, Tim, I don’t usually in my books, I usually don’t I’ve never included me because I don’t you know, it’s about the mysteries.
But I was I witnessed these certain mysteries. So this is the first time I I’ve mentioned that.
So, yeah, I was asked to go to Cuba that Fidel Castro was opening up 1 month of that year or ever to allow for, quote, religious freedom where there’d be the celebrations of Christians across the land.
They asked me to come open it up with the sound of the show.
And so I was there for a month.
I crossed the island, and I was actually led to share throughout Cuba all about the Jubilee, the Jubilee, the Jubilee.
And then at the end, the last event was in Havana Revolution Square and Fidel Castro Kane, and the lord opened the door for me to come to the presidential palace and present a gift.
Again, one of them was the show for, um, another was a Bible, which were actually banned in Cuba.
And another was a word which which which was like prophetic.
Um, and so the thing is that for the believers of Cuba, it was a it was a message of restoration, and we saw incredible things happen there.
But for Fidel Castro, again, he’s the one who took what didn’t belong to him. Basically, he took an island.
He took what didn’t belong. And so, therefore, you know, when you look at this and you and so I told them all I the the word and the and the object was all about the Jubilee.
And when you take the very day that he came to power and you go to the fiftieth year, And then you go to the 50th day, that exact day is when his rain ended.
On the the 50th year, 50th day, the Jubilee day, the Jubilee, and I and that was what I gave him.
And and so and was actually at the exact if you go, it goes to the hour, you know, to, uh, from when he came to power.
So, I mean, god is above all things, even Fidel Castro.
He, you know, we, you know, America was trying to get him out for a decade say could not, but the jubilee did.
You know, so this is the opening. The first kind of puzzle piece is this other side to the jubilee.
Indeed. As you continued on, you began to unpack the whole issue of abortion.
And the pandemic. And Yes. You make connections that again were stunning to me. I really breathtaking.
Jonathan, talk to us about the legalization of abortion in 1970 and the connection of the pandemic in 2020.
Uh, a
lot of millions of children died from abortion.
Millions of adults die during the pandemic, but the connection you made was Yeah. Was really earth shaking.
Well, I’m the first one to get stunned or blown away by god in this.
And And, yeah, the thing is that we’re setting up, you know, the jubilee.
So for everybody listening, keep that in mind.
But the second thing is there’s a law in the bible that you know, what you do to the children is coming back to you.
You cannot kill the children. Have it not come back.
Jeremiah, the prophet Jeremiah, that’s when he was speaking about the valley of Hinnom, he gave a prophecy and said, because you did this, it’s coming back to you.
When you killed the children, the death is coming back.
And one of the forms that he gives as that it comes back is the form of in Hebrew.
It’s called, which means a great plague or great pandemic.
And so now when did America begin actually killing children on abortion on demand? It actually began in 1970.
So when go when is the jubilee year of that? The jubilee year is 2020.
2020, another death comes to America. So that’s the first one.
Secondly, the day, you know, when abortion came to America, it came through to the continent.
It came through New York. New York was the key in everything.
Actually led to Roe versus Wade went New York Day.
That bill, that legalized first bill, that legalized abortion on demand, uh, on the American comment in New York came to the legislature of New York on the day of January 20 1970.
Now What happens if you go forward 1 Jubilee 2020 to the exact 2 of the day, it leads you to the date January 20th, 2020.
Anything happened? January, the day that the plague officially began in America, patient 0 identified was January 20th, 2020, 50 years to the exact date.
So the beginning of abortion coming to a to the land and the beginning of the plague coming to the land 1 Jubilee to the exact day.
Yeah. Which was incredible. I mean, how this connected together, Jonathan, you also cited Abraham Lincoln and talked about slavery and how the sort of the this contagion, if you will, which is a chapter in your book, brings these pieces together.
Yeah. Well, Abraham Lincoln kinda like Jeremiah. He said, in his last inaugural address, not long before he died.
He said, you know, the he spoke about the civil war as a judgment from god for slavery.
And he said, you know, uh, it it should will it go on until every drop of blood that was drawn by the sword, the lash, will be answered by the sword of war.
And and so he’s there’s just as Jeremiah said, the death of the children is gonna be answered by the death your death And so the question comes up and, you know, you have to ask the question.
Well, what about the numbers? You know, how many babies were killed in that initial period when abortion entered America 1970 until Roe versus Wade 1973.
It’s a 3 year period. How many were killed in that period?
Well, it the the answer is 1,300,000 by the CDC.
Well, then I had to ask, well, 50 years later, you have another 3 year period.
Uh, and it and it’s a jubileean period of that from any it’s the it’s the period of the plague from 2020 to the end of 2022, beginning of 2023.
So the question is how many Americans died of the plague? The answer is 1,300,000.
The exact same number.
As you continue to investigate all this, you began also to bring some connecting points between how abortion entered or began in our country, and you connected it with also how COVID or the pandemic entered our country.
John, I think it’s bringing those changes together.
Oh, yeah.
Yeah. Yeah.
Well well, you know what, Tim? We all remember it.
You know, the day that you know, I I just spoke about the very first entrance of each, abortion, and the play.
But then there was a day. If you remember that everything hit. I mean, it was a day.
It was the middle of March. And everything shut down. There was a quarantine came on America.
The stock market crashed. Everything went into locked down. We were all locked down.
Trump went on the television to announce it.
The media called it the day that everything changed, the day that everything changed. That was March 11th.
And that was 2020, March 11 2020. So what happens if you go back 50 years?
And it takes you to March 11th 1970.
Anything of significance, March 11 1970 is the date that abortion actually began in America.
And so the exact day when it fell on America, so the plague fell on America.
Tim, it goes even more because it’s not only the timing.
It’s also the exact place because at one point, I speak about the valley of Hinnom, there’s actually a place in America that answers to that valley.
You’re listening to Family Talk a division of the James Dobbs And Family Institute.
I’m Doctor Tim Clinton co host, our special guest, 7 time New York Times best selling author Jonathan Khan about his new book, the Josiah manifesto the ancient mystery and guide for the end times.
Jonathan, this book is just coming out. Where can people get copies of this new manifest.
I I did a sure instant New York Town’s bestseller.
Well, thank you. The Josiah manifest is gonna be literally everywhere.
Um, if you can go online Uh, when you see hear this, you can go right online.
Uh, Amazon will have it. Uh, Walmart will have it, um, Barnes and Noble. It’ll be pretty much everywhere.
I pray people get it not just for themselves, but for people in their lives who need to hear, need to know.
Jonathan, I have been just mesmerized by what god has shown to you, if you will.
And then through, um, your work, your research, looking at the scriptures, really taking a look at what’s happening in culture, in these days.
And, Jonathan, at the end of the day, I know we’re battling time here in our very first broadcast.
There’s always hope. You’re gonna take us on a journey.
There’s a lot more to, uh, expose, if you will, help people understand what’s happening.
But where are we going, Jonathan? Will you tease out where we’ll be going for days 2 and day 3.
Yeah. We’re gonna be opening up the mystery of days, the mystery of appointed days, an ancient calendar that actually gives the exact days, uh, the time of when the shakings of America happened.
We’re gonna see a mystery behind Donald Trump. We’re gonna see a mystery behind January 6th.
The overturning of Roe versus Wade.
We’re gonna see a lot of mysteries, and it’s all gonna lead to the what do we need to do?
There is hope. Yes. And that’s what the just high benefits was about.
Our special guest again has been grabbed by Jonathan Khan.
His new book, the Josiah manifesto, the ancient mystery and guide for the end times. It’s a must read book.
Jonathan again, where can people get copies of this book?
It’s literally everywhere. Whenever there are books, um, you can get on Amazon online anywhere right now.
View online and also on any bookstore, even Walmart will have it.
And, again, I pray if people get it for people in their lives as well who need to know.
Hey. On behalf of Doctor Dobbs and his wife, Shirley, the entire team at the James Dobbs at Family Institute, we salute you and appreciate what god’s doing in and through you for such a time as this.
Thank you so much for joining us. We can’t wait until tomorrow.
Thank you.
What a powerful program with Rabbi Jonathan Khan and our co host, Doctor Tim Clinton, here on Family Talk.
Be sure to join us again tomorrow and then again on Friday, to hear them continue discussing rabbi Khan’s new book.
It’s called the Josiah manifesto from which they’ll discuss the mystery of appointed days.
It’s an ancient calendar that connects biblical events to current happenings.
Now You may have heard this Bible verse before. It’s from Psalm 127 verse 3.
Children are a gift from the lord. They are a reward from him.
Well, if you’re raising kids right now, you know it’s hard work.
And I’m sure there are some days when you feel that that gift might need exchanging in the words of our own doctor and they’ll remember, parenting isn’t for cowards.
Even children who are sweet and mild mannered come with their own set of challenges.
But if your son or daughter is strong willed and defiant, that child can wear you out emotionally.
And if you have 1 or more of these independent youngsters or adolescents under your roof.
You know how difficult life can be, but be assured there is hope.
Here at the doctor James Stops And Family Institute, we wanna walk alongside you as a parent during the child rearing years, especially if you have strong willed kids in the home.
That’s why we’ve developed a new 10 day email series based on Doctor Dobson’s best selling book, The New Strong World Child.
It’s designed to equip you to wisely lead your kids through even the toughest trials.
To sign up, just visit us at forward slash strong willed child.
That’s drjamesdobson.orgforward slash strong willed child. You’ve been listening to family talk today.
I’m Roger Marsh. I pray that the lord will continue to richly bless you and your family as you grow deeper in your relationship with him.
This has been a presentation of the Doctor James Dobson Family Institute.
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