Night Prayer for Saturday – Time to Pray

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Night Prayer for Saturday

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, amen.

Able to witness the majesty of your goodness. Thank you for surrounding me with such special people who love and care for me. Thank you for guiding me ever closer to the full happiness that is being with you. Lord, touch me with your healing hands and cure the wounds of my heart, for your love is the only medicine that saves me. Do not let the difficulties I may be experiencing make me doubt you for even a moment. Thank you for teaching me that your grace is enough and that living in your presence, I can find true happiness.

My Father, tonight I want to give you my weariness and my worries. Grant me the privilege of meeting with you, knowing that talking to you is not talking into the void, because I trust in you and hope in you. I ask you to relieve my heart and allow me to rest in you. Thank you, my God, because I feel welcomed in your arms and you show me that I can overcome obstacles. Thank you because in the harmony of your work, the stars that crown the night sky, I can contemplate your loving gaze watching over my well-being and the well-being of all your children. Thank you because in the whisper of the night, I can hear your voice that comforts and protects me.


Tonight, I place in your hands all those who are battling illnesses. Give them the necessary strength to emerge victorious in their fight and find the peace they so long for. Also, protect their families and give them the courage to be a stronghold of support. Lord Jesus, give me your peace and hope so I do not get discouraged and keep my eyes on you and not on my problems.

Tonight, I praise you with my humble prayer for all the great things you do with love in my life. I ask you, Lord, to help me remember that each day is an opportunity to draw closer to you. Help me to be better, to live according to your will, and to reflect your love in everything I do. Thank you, Lord, for always being with me, even in times of difficulty. Tonight, I ask that you give me a restful sleep, renew my strength, and fill me with your peace. Give me the wisdom to make just decisions and the strength to remain firm on your path. Help me to be an instrument of your peace and bring your love to everyone around me.

Beloved Father, thank you for your infinite mercy and your constant presence in my life. Help me to fully trust in your plan and rest in the security of your love. Thank you, Lord, for listening to my prayer. For this, I praise and glorify you for all the wonders you work in my life. My Lord, grant me the opportunity to rest in your embrace, for my being needs to regain the strength lost today.

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In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, amen.

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Saturday Night Blessings

Let this Saturday night bring forth from above great blessings and joy upon you. And let His peace fill your soul as you rest tonight.

May this Saturday night give to your heart the hope that all things will work out in your favor. That Lord is with you and helps you in all your situations.

Let this Saturday evening be blessed with the grace of God, that all throughout the evening your soul may be filled with it.

May this Saturday evening bring you happiness and joy. And may it fill your heart with a peace that surpasses all understanding.

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