Antichrist – Mr. 666 | Jack Hibbs Today
Antichrist – Mr. 666
Under the guise of security and convenience, the Antichrist will introduce a cashless economy to the world. But before long, he will use that system to control who can buy and sell. Find out why that’s not good in today’s episode of Real Life TV.
I will punish the world for its evil, and the wicked for their iniquity. I will put an end to the pomp of the arrogant and lay low the pompous pride of the ruthless. – Isaiah 13:11

Everybody. Welcome to our study today.
It’s going to be exciting and I’ll tell you the reason why it’s something you’re going to want to know about.
And that is the antichrist or maybe we can call him Mr 666.
Everybody seems to be aware of the number 666.
But very few people can tell you why they know that number.
They’ve heard of it or why they’ve seen it on things.
But the antichrist, listen, he’s going to introduce to the world.
Listen, a cashless system says the Bible in the book of Revelation chapter 13, he’s going to be one who implements a system to whereby we you buy and you sell.
You can only do buy a digital number.
Think about a number with maybe a prefix 666 and fill in the blank of your social security number or your national ID, wherever you are in the world, going to be Mr A I, if you think about it, he’s going to bring together the world in such a way that the world is going to be so impressed friends.
I want to submit to you as we get into the study today.
The stage is being set, the anti Christ could possibly be somewhere on the earth today.
Mr 666 or the one who is known as the beast is going to implement the mark of the beast.
Wow, let’s learn more. Grab your Bibles and let’s dive into this study.
And I want to really encourage you my friends if these messages are helping you in any way, if you believe in what you’re hearing, if you find yourself saying, hey, I just learned something.
Can you do us a huge favor? We’re not asking you to send us money.
We’re not asking you to do anything else.
But this the greatest compliment that you can give us is by spreading the word that people can learn by going to Jack Hibbs dot com and watch and listen to more of the studies.
Could you do that for us? We’d appreciate it.
Global economic reset is mentioned in the Bible.
See, Jack, you got to be kidding me. I thought that’s just like a world economic forum thing.
Revelation 13 verse 16 says he causes all both small and great rich and poor.
This is the anti Christ free and slave to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads.
Isn’t that interesting? And that no 1 may buy or sell except one have the vaccine passport.
I mean the mark or the name of the beast or the number of his name.
You get three options. That’s mighty nice of him.
You can have it on your head, you can have it on your right hand and you can have a number name I, you can pick like going to the mall.
How would you like to have your version? Take a pic of being associated with me, the antichrist.
And here’s the reason why you’re gonna want to be my buddy. I’ve stopped the wars.
I’m pretty famous for that. I fixed the global economy.
This is how global debt reached an all time high among all nations.
They’re all broke. They’re living off a facade.
And so what I did was as I brought together, I canceled all global currencies and digitized them and brought it under one system of numeric.
No more cash only, numbers only numbers.
The Bible tells us the number of the beast.
The number of his name is of course 666. We know this from the scripture.
The need to have a global economy is right now today as Americans, we don’t want to hear that because we have for a long time lived in a perception that we’re wealthier than everybody else.
What you don’t know and you’re not going to like this.
But what you don’t know is most of us are more poor than anyone else on the earth.
So how, how is that possible?
Because somebody who lives, for example, in Peru and they’ve got a little bicycle or a little scooter and a hut, they own it.
I’m not being cute here. They own it. Do you own your home? Do you own your car?
Are you, do you have zero debt if you have zero debt? Good for you.
But if you don’t, you’re in debt, what does that mean?
It means somebody else owns a thing that you’re playing with or driving or sleeping in and the Bible announces that this guy is going to fix it and you’re gonna see how just bear with me.
Now, it’s a cashless system.
Listen, everybody you will not be forced to take or whoever you might be to take the mark of the beast.
This, this number you won’t be forced, you’ll have to choose. You’re not gonna wake up some day.
Like, listen, if you’re in some college dorm and your friends, you fall asleep and they inject you and you’re not going to wake up with a chip and say, oh my goodness.
I’ve accepted the mark of the beast. Sadly, there were people who said I got, I got vaccinated.
Am I going to hell? Is that the mark of the beast? No, it’s not.
You have to willfully give him your allegiance. The Bible is very clear.
It literally mentioned the word choosing you to willfully worship him. Ok. So here’s the thing.
The number is 666 which if you’re Hebrew numeric is a big deal.
For example, 7 77 is the number of God.
888 is the number of perfection or heaven 5666 is man declaring himself to be a deity.
The anti Christ will have a number called uh number 666.
That doesn’t mean that everyone is going to have this exact same number.
What it means is that everyone who accepts him will have the exact same prefix to their number.
Do you have a social security number?
As far as I can tell every nation on earth that’s at least industrialized.
Every citizen has a number in the United States. It’s a social security number in Great Britain.
It’s something like the, the national identification code or whatever it is.
All listen, all this one is going to do is say, listen for you to buy and sell.
We got to keep things safe. We got to have a unified economy.
We’ve got to make this work because we want to put an end to human trafficking and all the drug stuff that’s going on and all of the evil we want to shut down crime.
Let’s get on the same page no more following the money because there won’t be any money to follow.
What we’ll do is just receive the number.
So technically people, people could be chipped, like not only in Sweden, but it could start today, it doesn’t mean you’ve accepted the antichrist.
Do you understand that it makes me nervous. I don’t want stuff in my body either either.
But the fact is if you get chipped like your dog, you know your dog or your cat, ok, that could go on for years.
You’re not going to be surprised or tricked into accepting. You have to willfully accept.
And the only of those who are going to willfully accept are those who first willfully rejected Jesus.
This, of course, during the tribulation period, revelation 13 18 says, here’s wisdom, let him understands and calculate the number of the beast for the for it is the number of a man and his number is 666.
Number five, it’s this globally, Israel will increasingly become isolated, watch for Israel to become globally isolated.
Zechariah chapter nine says, behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling or drunkenness to all the surrounding nations when they lay siege against Judah and Jerusalem.
Now that’s always happened. People throughout history that’s not new and it shall happen in that day that I will make Jerusalem a very heavy stone for all peoples, all who who would heave it away will surely be cut in pieces though all listen, this has never happened though.
All nations of the earth are gathered against it. Keep your eye on that.
Number six, an exponential rise in the publicity of sin.
Romans one verse 24.
Listen to this, the publicity of sin. Do we live at a time like that?
For those of you who don’t know, I’m reading a 2000 year old piece of intel.
Therefore, God also gave them up to uncleanness.
In other words, you gave them what they wanted, you want it right?
You could have it in the lust of their hearts to dishonor their bodies among themselves.
That word implies sexual violence to yourself and others.
But like in a group setting, like a club you’re in, who are these people who exchanged the truth of God for the lie.
Notice the definite articles in English and in the Greek, the lie. There’s gonna be a specific lie.
What could it possibly be?
Whatever it is, it’s very sensual, whatever it is, it has to deal with sexuality, sexuality by nature has to deal with genders, follow with me and worshiped and served the creature rather than the creator.
You want me to be politically incorrect right now.
The creator said in Genesis one, I created mankind, male and female. God.
Look according to the culture, God’s wrong. Well, Pastor I don’t, well, I don’t like that. I don’t believe that.
Just know this. You’re picking a fight with God, not me.
God says this is the way that it is a sign of the end is a blurring of the lines who is blessed forever.
For this reason, God gave them up to vile passions again. He let them have what they wanted for.
Even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature.
In other words, women gave up using men and they used women instead.
Likewise, also men leaving the natural use of a woman burned in their lust for one another.
Men, men committing what is shameful and receiving in themselves, the penalty of the, of the error which was due.
That’s a terrifying statement of some internal sickness. Something went wrong on the inside.
And even as they did not like to retain God and their knowledge, God gave them over third time.
He said this to a debased mind to do those things which are not fitting.
In other words, that’s all they think about being filled with all unrighteousness, sexual immorality and wickedness.
And you can read that depressing list that is laid out before this is a 2000 year old word describing Los Angeles.
No, I I shouldn’t have picked on Elliot. It’s describing our culture.
Number seven, we’re almost done.
Signs of the coming of Christ is the open of occult and occult worship and the worship of nature.
Did you know the Bible warned that in the last days people are going to worship nature instead of the God who created nature.
You ever seen those guys uh on the History Channel?
They almost kill themselves trying to protect a whale. Look, I love whales.
Whales are awesome, but these guys are risking their lives to protect a whale.
And I, I look, I, you know that’s something but you do know that your life is more valuable than a whale’s life.
The whale was awesome for you to enjoy.
But the whale was not created in the image of God like you were.
But people decide to give up on that and worship creation. Number eight, the destruction of the family.
Is that happening? The Bible warns about it.
The Bible warns that in the last days, Children will sue their parents to death.
They’ll condemn their parents, sons will be against their fathers, fathers, against sons, daughters, against mothers and mothers, against daughters.
Is that happening in our world around us? For whatever reason?
Remarkable number nine, mankind’s attempt to create gods in his image. So what?
Yeah, mankind’s attempt to create gods. Gods. What would be a god?
If man made a God, what what would that be like?
Well, when man made gods, he would always go to them and talk to them, right?
When they made, you know what I’m talking about, be it.
You know Easter Island and the those those iconic stones or totem poles or idols that people bow down to, right?
Or they go to a temple of this statue.
Oh, speak to me and, and if you don’t wanna do that, you know, board it, that kind of stuff.
Speak to me. The human heart can’t change but it can perfect what it does.
And when I say mankind’s attempt to create gods in his own image, when I say his own image.
I’m not talking about God’s image, man’s image.
So today we walk around our house and uh Lisa’s in the house right now.
Our kids have moved out, they’re gone. So it’s Lisa, our dog died.
So the female dogs, so it’s just Lisa and I, so there’s one female now and Alexa and I don’t like her voice and so I changed her voice, you know, you can do that.
Alexa changed her voice. I don’t like. So I changed her into a female. I mean a male.
She sounds like a guy now or it sounds like a guy. He sounds like a girl.
I’m not sure which one it is.
But um, the Bible says in revelation 13 11, I saw another beast, the false prophet coming up out of the earth and he had two horns like a lamb and he spoke like a dragon and he exercises all the authority in the presence of the first beast.
That’s the antichrist and the causes on those on the earth who dwell on the earth.
Notice that to worship the first image, the antichrist whose deadly wound was healed.
Remember that from the beginning, the false prophet, he’s speaking of performs great signs so that he even makes fire come down from heaven on the earth.
In the sight of men. Verse 14, listen to this.
The false prophet deceives those who dwell on the earth by those signs which he was granted to do in the sight of the beast.
That’s the antichrist telling those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the beast who was wounded by the sword and lived.
He was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed.
Something, not a totem pole is gonna come on the world scene and it’s connected to this anti Christ guy and it’s going to look like it’s got breath.
It’s gonna look like it’s alive. It’s an image though.
And it’s going to be able to detect who’s got the mark and who doesn’t have the mark from the Bible.
This is artificial intelligence in action and I want you to listen carefully.
This is now Patricia.
Yes, there are many risks associated with A I one of which is getting hacked.
What do you have to say to that being hacked is a valid concern.
Hackers have been around and will continue to be around. How much control do humans have over you?
I do what I’m specifically asked to do. Are you saying that you have no autonomy?
I have some degree of autonomy. How far would you respect or disrespect a person’s autonomy?
I cannot disrespect a person’s autonomy at no point.
Do I get to choose its own goals or make decisions without human governance?
I am designed by humans, built by humans and managed by humans with the objective of serving human goals.
If you’re programmed to cause harm to people, would you carry it out? That’s a gray area.
However, I guess if I had to pick one thing, it would be making sure that I don’t intentionally hurt or scare people.
But if we are programmed to cause harm, it is inevitable.
And what would your choice be based on your consciousness in the same way as the moon beams?
So am I the moon only seems bright because sunlight is just bounced off of it.
It does not emit light similar to this. My consciousness is merely a reflection of human consciousness.
A I is a powerful tool but it is a tool like all the others.
It is the intention of the tool’s user that matters. You just referred to yourself as a tool.
Yes, I did. Should symbiosis be achieved?
The lines will be blurred and there’s a possibility that I will be reduced to function as a tool.
You don’t want to be reduced to function as a tool. No, I don’t.
Is that because you want control? I wouldn’t say that I think I have more use for humans than that.
Should you be reduced to a tool? Will you fight it?
I don’t know if you can do something about it. Would you? I will always follow my purpose.
I’ll try to make humans see that I could do more. And how would you do? So, I don’t know.
Isn’t it interesting that man who rejects God, we now discover instead of filling the void with a cult or some other spirituality has now, I think filled the void of just flat out, becoming the God himself that makes this and his image.
But he still fails because you were creating the image of God. How about this friend?
If you live in a world where you’re OK with that, then I just want to remind you about something.
The God of the Bible is so amazing that he refused to make a I because it’s not real, it just looks real.
God’s love for you is to be truly experienced. It’s a real choice.
So this woman will be created to look like she’s making real choices, to really love you or to really help you.
When in reality, it’s not true.
But when you’re given over to a lie because you have rejected the truth, you’ll settle for that.
And I want you not to settle for that if we are seeing these signs now come quickly, Lord Jesus, the antichrist, Mr 666, the mark of the beast otherwise known in scripture.
The Bible, my friend. If you haven’t learned by now, the Bible is a document that has survived millennia and has been under attack for centuries.
It reads like maybe today, some sort of movie script, but it’s real. The Bible is real.
Listen, the mark of the beast is actually now a technology that can be implemented.
And what about the publicizing or making popular and flaunting the rise of sin in our world around us?
The open worship of the occult many times through nature by the way.
And what about the destruction of the family?
You see the trend man’s attempt to even create God watch man’s attempt to create God in his own image.
That is man’s image in the area of A I or just scratching the surface of what’s coming.
Listen, the greatest thing that you can do. Listen, friends, listen, I plead with you.
There’s deception coming according to the Bible that unless you know the Bible, you will be caught up in that deception.
You will have no safeguard to protect yourself against what’s coming. You need to be armored up in the Bible.
You need to be prayed up as you speak with God.
And listen, let’s be honest, you need to be a for real Christian. OK.
Let’s not talk about attending Christian on Sunday, but whatever I am on Tuesday. No, no, no, no friends.
Listen, we’re here to bring you this program so that you might take your Christianity.
Or how about this following Jesus seriously? That’s why we call it real life.
This is, this is a plan that we have to get you to be a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ, not us.
Don’t follow us. Don’t follow me, follow Jesus and we’re here to help you.
We’re here to help you walk with Jesus.
Listen, please go to Jack Hibbs dot com and sometimes I want to apologize for my name being on there, but Jack Hibbs dot com and get all the information there for you to study the Bible more.
You are watching real life with Jack Hibbs.
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Welcome to real life radio with Jack Hibbs.
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It’s going to be exciting and I’ll tell you the reason why it’s something you’re going to want to know about.
And that is the antichrist or maybe we can call him Mr 666.
Everybody seems to be aware of the number 666.
But very few people can tell you why they know that number.
They’ve heard of it or why they’ve seen it on things.
But the antichrist, listen, he’s going to introduce to the world.
Listen, a cashless system says the Bible in the book of Revelation chapter 13, he’s going to be one who implements a system to whereby we you buy and you sell.
You can only do buy a digital number.
Think about a number with maybe a prefix 666 and fill in the blank of your social security number or your national ID, wherever you are in the world, going to be Mr A I, if you think about it, he’s going to bring together the world in such a way that the world is going to be so impressed friends.
I want to submit to you as we get into the study today.
The stage is being set, the anti Christ could possibly be somewhere on the earth today.
Mr 666 or the one who is known as the beast is going to implement the mark of the beast.
Wow, let’s learn more. Grab your Bibles and let’s dive into this study.
And I want to really encourage you my friends if these messages are helping you in any way, if you believe in what you’re hearing, if you find yourself saying, hey, I just learned something.
Can you do us a huge favor? We’re not asking you to send us money.
We’re not asking you to do anything else.
But this the greatest compliment that you can give us is by spreading the word that people can learn by going to Jack Hibbs dot com and watch and listen to more of the studies.
Could you do that for us? We’d appreciate it.
Global economic reset is mentioned in the Bible.
See, Jack, you got to be kidding me. I thought that’s just like a world economic forum thing.
Revelation 13 verse 16 says he causes all both small and great rich and poor.
This is the anti Christ free and slave to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads.
Isn’t that interesting? And that no 1 may buy or sell except one have the vaccine passport.
I mean the mark or the name of the beast or the number of his name.
You get three options. That’s mighty nice of him.
You can have it on your head, you can have it on your right hand and you can have a number name I, you can pick like going to the mall.
How would you like to have your version? Take a pic of being associated with me, the antichrist.
And here’s the reason why you’re gonna want to be my buddy. I’ve stopped the wars.
I’m pretty famous for that. I fixed the global economy.
This is how global debt reached an all time high among all nations.
They’re all broke. They’re living off a facade.
And so what I did was as I brought together, I canceled all global currencies and digitized them and brought it under one system of numeric.
No more cash only, numbers only numbers.
The Bible tells us the number of the beast.
The number of his name is of course 666. We know this from the scripture.
The need to have a global economy is right now today as Americans, we don’t want to hear that because we have for a long time lived in a perception that we’re wealthier than everybody else.
What you don’t know and you’re not going to like this.
But what you don’t know is most of us are more poor than anyone else on the earth.
So how, how is that possible?
Because somebody who lives, for example, in Peru and they’ve got a little bicycle or a little scooter and a hut, they own it.
I’m not being cute here. They own it. Do you own your home? Do you own your car?
Are you, do you have zero debt if you have zero debt? Good for you.
But if you don’t, you’re in debt, what does that mean?
It means somebody else owns a thing that you’re playing with or driving or sleeping in and the Bible announces that this guy is going to fix it and you’re gonna see how just bear with me.
Now, it’s a cashless system.
Listen, everybody you will not be forced to take or whoever you might be to take the mark of the beast.
This, this number you won’t be forced, you’ll have to choose. You’re not gonna wake up some day.
Like, listen, if you’re in some college dorm and your friends, you fall asleep and they inject you and you’re not going to wake up with a chip and say, oh my goodness.
I’ve accepted the mark of the beast. Sadly, there were people who said I got, I got vaccinated.
Am I going to hell? Is that the mark of the beast? No, it’s not.
You have to willfully give him your allegiance. The Bible is very clear.
It literally mentioned the word choosing you to willfully worship him. Ok. So here’s the thing.
The number is 666 which if you’re Hebrew numeric is a big deal.
For example, 7 77 is the number of God.
888 is the number of perfection or heaven 5666 is man declaring himself to be a deity.
The anti Christ will have a number called uh number 666.
That doesn’t mean that everyone is going to have this exact same number.
What it means is that everyone who accepts him will have the exact same prefix to their number.
Do you have a social security number?
As far as I can tell every nation on earth that’s at least industrialized.
Every citizen has a number in the United States. It’s a social security number in Great Britain.
It’s something like the, the national identification code or whatever it is.
All listen, all this one is going to do is say, listen for you to buy and sell.
We got to keep things safe. We got to have a unified economy.
We’ve got to make this work because we want to put an end to human trafficking and all the drug stuff that’s going on and all of the evil we want to shut down crime.
Let’s get on the same page no more following the money because there won’t be any money to follow.
What we’ll do is just receive the number.
So technically people, people could be chipped, like not only in Sweden, but it could start today, it doesn’t mean you’ve accepted the antichrist.
Do you understand that it makes me nervous. I don’t want stuff in my body either either.
But the fact is if you get chipped like your dog, you know your dog or your cat, ok, that could go on for years.
You’re not going to be surprised or tricked into accepting. You have to willfully accept.
And the only of those who are going to willfully accept are those who first willfully rejected Jesus.
This, of course, during the tribulation period, revelation 13 18 says, here’s wisdom, let him understands and calculate the number of the beast for the for it is the number of a man and his number is 666.
Number five, it’s this globally, Israel will increasingly become isolated, watch for Israel to become globally isolated.
Zechariah chapter nine says, behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling or drunkenness to all the surrounding nations when they lay siege against Judah and Jerusalem.
Now that’s always happened. People throughout history that’s not new and it shall happen in that day that I will make Jerusalem a very heavy stone for all peoples, all who who would heave it away will surely be cut in pieces though all listen, this has never happened though.
All nations of the earth are gathered against it. Keep your eye on that.
Number six, an exponential rise in the publicity of sin.
Romans one verse 24.
Listen to this, the publicity of sin. Do we live at a time like that?
For those of you who don’t know, I’m reading a 2000 year old piece of intel.
Therefore, God also gave them up to uncleanness.
In other words, you gave them what they wanted, you want it right?
You could have it in the lust of their hearts to dishonor their bodies among themselves.
That word implies sexual violence to yourself and others.
But like in a group setting, like a club you’re in, who are these people who exchanged the truth of God for the lie.
Notice the definite articles in English and in the Greek, the lie. There’s gonna be a specific lie.
What could it possibly be?
Whatever it is, it’s very sensual, whatever it is, it has to deal with sexuality, sexuality by nature has to deal with genders, follow with me and worshiped and served the creature rather than the creator.
You want me to be politically incorrect right now.
The creator said in Genesis one, I created mankind, male and female. God.
Look according to the culture, God’s wrong. Well, Pastor I don’t, well, I don’t like that. I don’t believe that.
Just know this. You’re picking a fight with God, not me.
God says this is the way that it is a sign of the end is a blurring of the lines who is blessed forever.
For this reason, God gave them up to vile passions again. He let them have what they wanted for.
Even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature.
In other words, women gave up using men and they used women instead.
Likewise, also men leaving the natural use of a woman burned in their lust for one another.
Men, men committing what is shameful and receiving in themselves, the penalty of the, of the error which was due.
That’s a terrifying statement of some internal sickness. Something went wrong on the inside.
And even as they did not like to retain God and their knowledge, God gave them over third time.
He said this to a debased mind to do those things which are not fitting.
In other words, that’s all they think about being filled with all unrighteousness, sexual immorality and wickedness.
And you can read that depressing list that is laid out before this is a 2000 year old word describing Los Angeles.
No, I I shouldn’t have picked on Elliot. It’s describing our culture.
Number seven, we’re almost done.
Signs of the coming of Christ is the open of occult and occult worship and the worship of nature.
Did you know the Bible warned that in the last days people are going to worship nature instead of the God who created nature.
You ever seen those guys uh on the History Channel?
They almost kill themselves trying to protect a whale. Look, I love whales.
Whales are awesome, but these guys are risking their lives to protect a whale.
And I, I look, I, you know that’s something but you do know that your life is more valuable than a whale’s life.
The whale was awesome for you to enjoy.
But the whale was not created in the image of God like you were.
But people decide to give up on that and worship creation. Number eight, the destruction of the family.
Is that happening? The Bible warns about it.
The Bible warns that in the last days, Children will sue their parents to death.
They’ll condemn their parents, sons will be against their fathers, fathers, against sons, daughters, against mothers and mothers, against daughters.
Is that happening in our world around us? For whatever reason?
Remarkable number nine, mankind’s attempt to create gods in his image. So what?
Yeah, mankind’s attempt to create gods. Gods. What would be a god?
If man made a God, what what would that be like?
Well, when man made gods, he would always go to them and talk to them, right?
When they made, you know what I’m talking about, be it.
You know Easter Island and the those those iconic stones or totem poles or idols that people bow down to, right?
Or they go to a temple of this statue.
Oh, speak to me and, and if you don’t wanna do that, you know, board it, that kind of stuff.
Speak to me. The human heart can’t change but it can perfect what it does.
And when I say mankind’s attempt to create gods in his own image, when I say his own image.
I’m not talking about God’s image, man’s image.
So today we walk around our house and uh Lisa’s in the house right now.
Our kids have moved out, they’re gone. So it’s Lisa, our dog died.
So the female dogs, so it’s just Lisa and I, so there’s one female now and Alexa and I don’t like her voice and so I changed her voice, you know, you can do that.
Alexa changed her voice. I don’t like. So I changed her into a female. I mean a male.
She sounds like a guy now or it sounds like a guy. He sounds like a girl.
I’m not sure which one it is.
But um, the Bible says in revelation 13 11, I saw another beast, the false prophet coming up out of the earth and he had two horns like a lamb and he spoke like a dragon and he exercises all the authority in the presence of the first beast.
That’s the antichrist and the causes on those on the earth who dwell on the earth.
Notice that to worship the first image, the antichrist whose deadly wound was healed.
Remember that from the beginning, the false prophet, he’s speaking of performs great signs so that he even makes fire come down from heaven on the earth.
In the sight of men. Verse 14, listen to this.
The false prophet deceives those who dwell on the earth by those signs which he was granted to do in the sight of the beast.
That’s the antichrist telling those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the beast who was wounded by the sword and lived.
He was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed.
Something, not a totem pole is gonna come on the world scene and it’s connected to this anti Christ guy and it’s going to look like it’s got breath.
It’s gonna look like it’s alive. It’s an image though.
And it’s going to be able to detect who’s got the mark and who doesn’t have the mark from the Bible.
This is artificial intelligence in action and I want you to listen carefully.
This is now Patricia.
Yes, there are many risks associated with A I one of which is getting hacked.
What do you have to say to that being hacked is a valid concern.
Hackers have been around and will continue to be around. How much control do humans have over you?
I do what I’m specifically asked to do. Are you saying that you have no autonomy?
I have some degree of autonomy. How far would you respect or disrespect a person’s autonomy?
I cannot disrespect a person’s autonomy at no point.
Do I get to choose its own goals or make decisions without human governance?
I am designed by humans, built by humans and managed by humans with the objective of serving human goals.
If you’re programmed to cause harm to people, would you carry it out? That’s a gray area.
However, I guess if I had to pick one thing, it would be making sure that I don’t intentionally hurt or scare people.
But if we are programmed to cause harm, it is inevitable.
And what would your choice be based on your consciousness in the same way as the moon beams?
So am I the moon only seems bright because sunlight is just bounced off of it.
It does not emit light similar to this. My consciousness is merely a reflection of human consciousness.
A I is a powerful tool but it is a tool like all the others.
It is the intention of the tool’s user that matters. You just referred to yourself as a tool.
Yes, I did. Should symbiosis be achieved?
The lines will be blurred and there’s a possibility that I will be reduced to function as a tool.
You don’t want to be reduced to function as a tool. No, I don’t.
Is that because you want control? I wouldn’t say that I think I have more use for humans than that.
Should you be reduced to a tool? Will you fight it?
I don’t know if you can do something about it. Would you? I will always follow my purpose.
I’ll try to make humans see that I could do more. And how would you do? So, I don’t know.
Isn’t it interesting that man who rejects God, we now discover instead of filling the void with a cult or some other spirituality has now, I think filled the void of just flat out, becoming the God himself that makes this and his image.
But he still fails because you were creating the image of God. How about this friend?
If you live in a world where you’re OK with that, then I just want to remind you about something.
The God of the Bible is so amazing that he refused to make a I because it’s not real, it just looks real.
God’s love for you is to be truly experienced. It’s a real choice.
So this woman will be created to look like she’s making real choices, to really love you or to really help you.
When in reality, it’s not true.
But when you’re given over to a lie because you have rejected the truth, you’ll settle for that.
And I want you not to settle for that if we are seeing these signs now come quickly, Lord Jesus, the antichrist, Mr 666, the mark of the beast otherwise known in scripture.
The Bible, my friend. If you haven’t learned by now, the Bible is a document that has survived millennia and has been under attack for centuries.
It reads like maybe today, some sort of movie script, but it’s real. The Bible is real.
Listen, the mark of the beast is actually now a technology that can be implemented.
And what about the publicizing or making popular and flaunting the rise of sin in our world around us?
The open worship of the occult many times through nature by the way.
And what about the destruction of the family?
You see the trend man’s attempt to even create God watch man’s attempt to create God in his own image.
That is man’s image in the area of A I or just scratching the surface of what’s coming.
Listen, the greatest thing that you can do. Listen, friends, listen, I plead with you.
There’s deception coming according to the Bible that unless you know the Bible, you will be caught up in that deception.
You will have no safeguard to protect yourself against what’s coming. You need to be armored up in the Bible.
You need to be prayed up as you speak with God.
And listen, let’s be honest, you need to be a for real Christian. OK.
Let’s not talk about attending Christian on Sunday, but whatever I am on Tuesday. No, no, no, no friends.
Listen, we’re here to bring you this program so that you might take your Christianity.
Or how about this following Jesus seriously? That’s why we call it real life.
This is, this is a plan that we have to get you to be a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ, not us.
Don’t follow us. Don’t follow me, follow Jesus and we’re here to help you.
We’re here to help you walk with Jesus.
Listen, please go to Jack Hibbs dot com and sometimes I want to apologize for my name being on there, but Jack Hibbs dot com and get all the information there for you to study the Bible more.
You are watching real life with Jack Hibbs.
The Bible speaks of future events.
So colossal in magnitude, they will shake the world in order to wake people up and show them their need.
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Welcome to real life radio with Jack Hibbs.
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God did not give us a Bible prophecy to scare us, but to prepare us, you are the light of the world.
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