Thankful Saturday Blessings September 14, 2024
Thankful Saturday Blessings
Dear God, thank You for this day. Thank You for all of Your blessings over my life. Thank You for the gift of Your Spirit. Your Spirit is always with me, shaping my character and helping me become the person You’ve called me to be. Today, I want to make an intentional decision to trust You by allowing Your Spirit to guide me. I pray that You would change the way I think and act so that my whole life would revolve around You. Thank You for hearing my prayer. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—His good, pleasing and perfect will. -Romans 12:2

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Lord, here I am once again at the start of this new day, humbly coming before You with gratitude to thank You for all the blessings You bestow upon me on this beautiful morning. Blessed and praised be Your name for granting me another day of life to share, love, and forgive. I am fully Yours, Lord, and I desire that Your will guide each of my steps throughout this day.
Remove from me all pain, resentment, malice, and hypocrisy—everything that hinders me from being a good person. I want to live to the fullest, Lord, and be someone who reflects Your love in every action. I praise You, God of heaven, for You have made a covenant with me, and You have always remained faithful, finding ways to stay close to me. Thank You for giving me the strength to rise and start this day in the best possible way. My hands are lifted in blessing, for the love You give me is limitless, and You make me truly happy.
In You, I find my joy. Thank You for the home where I can rest and worship, and for the work that allows me to provide for my table. Only You offer me the strength I need to achieve what truly matters and to find genuine happiness. I ask You to remove all negative feelings that imprison me in the chains of sin. Take away my selfishness and grant me solidarity and empathy. Remove my pride and arrogance, and give me humility. Free me from anger and grant me patience, Holy Father.

I need You to walk with me throughout this day. Do not leave me, for I know that without You, I cannot go on. I feel Your presence with me, strengthening me at every moment. I thank You for this new day You have given me, and I ask for Your help in viewing my life from Your perspective. Fill me with Your love, health, and inner strength.
How wonderful it is to wake up and feel Your presence, to have the desire to praise and thank You because I receive this new day as a gift of love. In You, Lord, I find the comfort I need to overcome my challenges, and I will praise You with all my strength every day of my life. I want to be a source of happiness for others, a vessel through which they can experience the joy of being in Your presence. The joy You give me is unique, and I don’t want to lose it for anything in the world. I trust in You completely, for You always know how to lead me to victory.
Lord, I step out to live this day with the confidence that You walk with me and guide each step I take. Amen.
I will offer a spiritual communion for the families going through difficult times, asking for strength and unity. “Reach down from heaven and rescue me; deliver me from the mighty waters, from the hands of foreigners whose mouths speak lies, whose right hands are deceitful.” – Psalm 144.
May the Lord bless us today. In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.