What Do You Think? – Pt 2 | Enjoying Everyday Life | Joyce Meyer

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What Do You Think? – Pt 2 | Enjoying Everyday Life | Joyce Meyer

God’s Word can heal all wounds and help us enjoy our lives. On this episode of Enjoying Everyday Life, Joyce Meyer shares one woman’s inspiring testimony about the healing power of God.

Joyce Meyer, one of the world’s leading practical Bible teachers and New York Times best-selling author, shares encouragement and advice to help us enjoy our daily lives.

With a heart to share Christ and love people, Joyce’s messages help people in all walks of life to grow in their faith, learn to study the Bible, find healing from the wounds of life, get answers to life’s questions and encounter the love of God in a powerful way.

well I wanted to thank you for watching our YouTube channel and for those of you supporting our efforts to produce these videos thank you thank you you are part of spreading the gospel around the world if you’re not a partner prayerfully consider joining our efforts to help others the way you’ve been helped through the teachings we can only imagine all the places God sends these videos once we post them online but because it’s filled with his word we know it’s bringing light into Dark Places scan our QR code and give today
it’s a decision that provides Everlasting benefits to you and those waiting to see these messages this program is made possible by the partners of Joyce Meyer Ministries you don’t have to be frustrated you don’t have to be angry you don’t have to be worried all you need to know is there one thing he cannot stand against and that is the word of God I’m Joyce Meyer and I believe that God can heal you everywhere you hurt [Music] what does it mean to be rooted well a tree that has Deep Roots will not blow over in a storm will
it the wind doesn’t blow it over it might blow a few leaves off of it but it’s not going to blow over and likewise when you’re rooted in the truth of God’s word like for example if you if you are rooted in the love of God and that’s one of the things that the Apostle Paul prayed for the church church was that they would be rooted and grounded in the love of God and that they would know the love of God to such a degree that nothing could ever take it away from them nothing no kind of suffering no Peril no persecution
nothing threatening nothing they’ve got nothing that nothing can separate you from the love of God that’s in Christ Jesus amen and I can tell you when you’re going through literal hell and you can sit and say God I don’t understand this but I I know you love me I know you love me I know you love me I know you love me let me tell you it will strengthen you and it will get you through stuff that you would have never ever thought that you could have went through because the love of God is the healing for our
Brokenness and it gives you strength and power and I remember 20 some odd years ago when I had breast cancer and thank God I don’t have any cancer now praise the Lord but when I had when I had answer back then there were a few things that God said I want to hear you saying all the time and one of them was I know God loves me not God why don’t you love me or well God don’t you love me but I know that God loves me that’s right be rooted and grounded in the love of God another thing the Bible says in Colossians 2:7 is have the roots
of your being firmly and deeply planted in him fixed and founded in him being continually built up in him established in your faith just as you were taught and abound in it and overflow in it we need to be rooted in these in Christ principles how many times have I said out loud out of my mouth I don’t know maybe a million I am the righteousness of God in Christ because I tell you I started out and I felt terrible about myself I’d been sexually abused by my dad and I grew up feeling like I was no good and that it
was my fault and that I just felt terrible about myself how many of you spent a lot of years feeling terrible about yourself well you need to start confessing who you are in Christ God loves me I’m his special child I’m the apple of his eye I am God’s favorite and see that’s true because with God we’re all his favorites but he really means it when he says you’re his favorite God’s got his eye on me you need to say things like that God loves me I’m in Christ I’m born again I’m filled with the spirit I have
gifts I have talents let me tell you something if you’ll begin to think differently about yourself you’ll begin to act differently and the great things that you have on the inside of you will begin to Blossom and come out amen and I love this one be rooted in your faith rooted and grounded in your faith I believe this is what I believe and I’m not changing my mind I don’t care what it looks like I don’t care how long it takes this is what I believe I’m not changing my mind and we need to really
be firm in that in the days that we’re living in this is what I believe and I don’t care what you say you are not going to get me off of it I will go to the Grave believing this because let me ask you a question when it comes right down to it what do we have besides God and what is going to be left besides him when all of this is over nothing and we don’t need to be bowing down to the world we need to be standing firm in faith that God is alive and that he will take care of us and meet our needs
amen first Peter 5:9 now this has been talking about how the enemy comes against us every chance he gets withstand him be firm in faith against his onset I love that when the Devil Comes against you don’t wait 3 weeks to rebuke him don’t even wait 3 hours the Bible says resist him at his onset can I give you a little phrase that will just be very beneficial to you shut up devil can everybody say that shut up devil thank you be firm in faith against his onset rooted established strong immovable and determined knowing that the same
identical sufferings are appointed to your Brotherhood the whole body of Christians throughout the world so really in essence what he’s saying is look everybody’s going through something no matter what we’re going through there’s somebody that’s going through something so much worse and we will come out on the other side you will come out you may not get what you want but if you don’t get what you want you’ll get something better and it might not seem better to you in the beginning
but let me tell you something God knows what he’s doing right we need to be rooted and grounded in these things that we say we believe and when we are nothing is going to take them away from us rooted and grounded in God’s love you know what we have an enemy the devil who is a liar I said he is a liar I said he is a liar wonder what he’s been lying to you about just this week even just today and I wonder how long you listen to it without ever one time really coming against him you can’t hope the devil
will leave you alone you got to make him leave you alone amen and he needs to get it through his head that the longer he hangs around the longer he’s going to have to listen to you praise God Amen the more he comes against you the more he’s going to hear you talk about how good God is he is Relentless but we have to make our minds up that we’re going to be just as Relentless you cannot be a lazy Christian and have Victory I said you can’t be a lazy Christian and have Victory some people are so lazy they won’t even open their
mouth and confess the word it’s time to possess the land now let me tell you what the word possess means because we like to shout about that yeah it’s time to possess the land yeah well here’s what the word means this is enlightening possess means to occupy by driving out previous tenants and possessing in their place come on let’s get this again when when God told the Israelites to go in and possess the land he didn’t take them in quickly he took them the long route and the Bible says because they weren’t ready for war
see when you are determined that you’re going to possess what Jesus died to give you you better get ready for war cuz the devil’s not going to take a nap and just let you go in and do everything that God wants you to do you’re going to have a fight on your hands a wide door of opportunity opened unto me and Paul said with it many adversaries and we need to know how to fight like a Christian you don’t have to be frustrated you don’t have to be angry you don’t have to be worried all you need to know is there
one thing he cannot stand against and that is the word of God he can’t I’m convinced he cannot to possess to occupy by driving out previous tenants and possessing in their place to seize to Rob to impoverish to expel to ruin to cast out to destroy to dispossess to drive out to make poor let’s all get together and make the devil poor yeah to make poor and to take possession of now does that sound to you like a lady lukewarm apathetic pathetic Christian is going to be able to do that no we’ve got to know who we
[Applause] are we have to not give up in hard times and I’m telling you what if anybody in this room really knew what I was like and what I had gone through before God got hold of me for me to be where I’m at today didn’t just happen overnight and it wasn’t easy but I tell you one thing it was a lot easier than staying in bondage and I want to encourage you if you feel like you’re getting nowhere tell the devil to shut up some days you’re even going to feel like you’re going backwards you ever
feel like that like you’re going backwards it’s like my gosh I’m acting worse now than I ever have in my whole life but you know some days we have days like that I do some things occasionally that just like I can’t believe I did that I know better than that but you know what I also know better than to do I I also know better than to waste three more days feeling bad about it now I’m sorry I’m sorry and in one way I I do feel I’m like God I’m just you get disappointed in yourself but you know what you’re no
surprise to God he knew what he was getting when he got you and he knew every mistake that you were going to make before you ever made one of them and he’s already got good plans for you the Israelites wandered around 40 years in the wilderness trying to make an 11-day journey I don’t know how long you’ve been wandering in the [Applause] wilderness but I can tell you it is time to possess the land after Moses died God raised up Joshua and in Joshua chap 1 verses 2 3 and 11 we read this Moses my servant is dead so now arise take his
place go over this Jordan you and all the people into the land which I am giving to them the Israelites and watch this I love this every place on which the soul of your foot shall tread man that have I already given unto you I love that so this whole plan for our life is laid out all this good stuff Jesus bought and paid for it we’re new creatures in Christ now we got out of the world we’re now in Christ we’re new creatures and now God says okay I’m with you now follow my leadership follow the cloud if the cloud
moves move if the cloud Parks Park don’t try to do anything without God but always follow his leadership and now he said now this is all yours but you’re going to have to take it come on now come on don’t sit around and say I just feel like I’m going to go [Applause] crazy no you just say I have the mind of Christ and I can learn to do my own thinking and I’ll tell you something you need to let the enemy know I don’t care how long this takes I am not giving up come on that needs to be what what dig in
both heels and say I don’t get this inside of you I don’t care how long this takes I am not giving up one more time I don’t care how long this takes I am not giving up amen every place on which the soul of your foot shall tread that have I given already given unto you now let’s talk for a minute about a mistake that we make we got to talk about this old life New Life thing again the Bible says in Matthew 9:16 And1 17 and no one puts a piece of cloth that has not been shrunk on an old garment for such a patch te away from
the Garment and a worse rent or tear is made neither do we put new wine in old wine skins for if it is the Skins burst and are torn in pieces and the wine is spilled and the Skins are ruined but new wine is put into fresh wine skins and so both are preserved so I wonder how many years we look at that and don’t really have a clue what it means sometimes we act like we do just to be spiritual but we don’t really know what it means so I thought maybe we’d do a little example so this old shirt that’s ripped up and not so
good looking here this represents the old life how many of you your old life looks this bad at least if not worse okay and then over here we have this nice new life and actually the Bible teaches us to put off the old life and put on the new life put off and put on our action words by the way I’ve never went and stood in my closet and had my clothes jump on my body that’s why all of these things that Christ is giving us we put them on by getting them rooted into our thinking and we know who we are in Christ here’s
what happens what people should do is just get rid of this thing who’d want to keep that anyway you need to just trash can that and you need to wear this nice new one but here’s what we end up doing we got a third op under here this is what people do so here’s what we do and it takes us forever to even figure out what we’re doing we we take little pieces of the new [Applause] life well you know we we got a little bit of this new life we we got a little more on Sunday than maybe on Monday but you know we got
a little bit of this new life but we never really get rid of this old thinking this old way of serving God which is under the law that in order to please God I must do this and do this and do this and do this and do this to get God’s love I must do this I need to memorize the scriptures I need to pray a certain amount of hours a day I need to on and on and on I don’t know what kind of rules and regulations you got but even if the church didn’t give us any we could make up plenty on our own am amen I mean I had a rule that if all my
work wasn’t done I couldn’t enjoy myself well that was killing me because I never took me years to realize the work’s never done so I never got to enjoy myself so I finally thought hang that I’m going to enjoy myself and the dirt will be that’s what Jesus told me go have fun the dirt will be here tomorrow really yeah a bunch of my friends were going out one day and they called me and asked me if I wanted to go and I said oh I said no I got a clean house and I mean the Lord spoke to me he said go have fun the dirt will be here
tomorrow now you can’t do that day after day after day after day I don’t want to give you the wrong impression but see we think that if we don’t do everything just the way God wants it done then we can’t enjoy our lives and we got to feel bad about ourselves and that’s not true stop sticking patches all over an old life thinking that you’re ever going to really have what God wants you to have by doing it that way get rid of that piece of trash put this on and wear it all the time and know who you are in
Christ amen I’m going to leave that like that to remind you of what we do you know exactly what I’m talking about don’t you yeah we got a little bit of this we got a little bit of that I love what Paul said and I don’t know if you’re familiar with this or not but in Galatians 2:19 he said that we must die to the law in order to live for Christ we must die to the law in order to live for Christ anybody who lives under the law is doomed to disappointment you say well Joyce what do you mean live under the law what does
that mean okay well it means that I believe that I must do certain things and follow certain rules to earn God’s love and acceptance if I don’t then God will be angry at me and reject me let me read it to you again I believe that I must do certain things follow rules to earn God’s love and acceptance and if I don’t then God will be angry and reject me but if I live under grace it means that I believe that I am accepted in love because of God’s goodness and favor found in Jesus Christ I am invited into an intimate
relationship with Jesus intimate relationship with Jesus Jesus didn’t die so we could have a religion and frankly not to be offensive but it doesn’t matter to him tonight if you are a Baptist or a Pentecostal or a Lutheran or a Catholic or a Methodist or a presbyterian all he wants is for you to be his child that he loves and he wants you to forget about your brand of religion and come into intimate fellowship with [Applause] him I don’t try to be good to get God’s love now I do try to be good every day
but I don’t do it to get God’s love I do it because I have his love because I’m so amazed at what he’s done for me out of his goodness and for no good reason at all how can I do anything other than want to please him and want to serve him and want to do the very best that I can but as long as you’re trying to do good out of obligation or to keep God from getting mad at you one of the best books that I’ve written is called God is not mad at you and if you have not read it you need to read it especially if you’re somebody
that suffers with a lot of guilt and condemnation because whether you know it or not I think a large majority of Christians walk around with this lowlevel fear that God’s not pleased with them and he is pleased with you in Christ yes I said he’s pleased with you in Christ and he loves you in Christ everything is in Christ every day of my life I say I’m nothing without you but I’m everything in you get a hold of that I we’re nothing without him apart from him I can do nothing but we can do everything and
anything that he leads us to do in him and through him and by him and with him if I live under grace that doesn’t mean that I have permission now to live some sloppy life it means that I have the power not to have to Grace is undeserved favor and it’s power to perform undeserved favor and power to perform now listen to this John 1:17 says while the law was given through Moses Grace and Truth came through Jesus Christ Grace and Truth came through Jesus Christ now the truth is the word of God and Grace is God’s undeserved favor
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