Wednesday Blessings! December 27, 2023

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Wednesday Morning Blessings!

Prayer for the day

In Jesus’ name, I have found peace with You, Father. My soul praises Your holy name.

I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep: for thou, Lord, only makest me dwell in safety.
—Psalm 4:8
In a materialistic world which has tried to sever diplomatic relations with God, we have nowhere to retreat except within ourselves. We are like turtles in a traffic jam—the best we can do is to pull our heads into our shells and shut our eyes. But that’s a good way to get the life crushed out of us, as any dead turtle can attest.

Man’s conflict with man has been but an expression on the human level of his conflict with God. Until man finds an armistice with God, he cannot know peace with his fellowman. If we are to be peacemakers, we first must make our peace with God.


Wednesday Morning Prayers

For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and self-discipline. – 2 Timothy 1:7
Lord, this Wednesday morning I ask that I would not walk in fear. That I would not be subject to the fear of man, but I would walk in Your power, love, and self-discipline. Help me Lord not to partner with the lies of the enemy that would make be anxious or worry about situations.

Precious Jesus, I praise You today! Thank You for this beautiful Wednesday morning. Thank you for your protection over my family. I ask that today that my lips would be filled with praise and worship. That this day would bring You glory, for You are good and kind, Lord. Thank You, for Your salvation that brings me so much joy. Bless this Wednesday Lord, in the name of Jesus, amen!

But let my heart trust in You O’ Lord! Knowing that You will take care of me and my family. Your Word is clear that You will never leave nor forsake me. I thank You for that! And I give you all the praise and glory! In Jesus’ name, amen.

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May this Wednesday be blessed with an overwhelming sense of God’s love for you.

May Wednesday be a wonderful day, full of God’s love and kindness for you. May his presence envelope you throughout the day.

Let this Wednesday be filled with God’s blessing for you! May He shower on you with such great joy, that will shine the love of Jesus all throughout the day.

I pray that Wednesday brings you an amazing sense of God’s love and mercy for you. May he bless and protect you today.

May this Wednesday be a wonderful day, filled with God’s divine blessings for everyone!

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Blessings for Wednesday morning! May the Lord fill your heart with joy and love throughout the day.

Have a blessed Wednesday! Full of God’s comforting love and strength to get through today with ease and pleasure.

May this Wednesday morning bring you much joy, love, and peace from the Lord! May you feel His presence throughout the day.

Blessings for this Wednesday morning! May Jesus fill your heart with His grace and love this day.

Blessings! May this Wednesday be full of God’s hope and love!

Let this Wednesday morning bring to you a sense of loving God’s grace for the rest of the day. That his blessings would surround and protect you.

Blessings for this Wednesday morning! May you feel God’s love and mercy all day today. Let his affection fill your heart with joy!

Have a wonderful Wednesday morning! Full of God’s grace and peace for you to get through the rest of the day.

I pray that this Wednesday morning would bring you abundant blessings from above.

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