Easier Than You Think | Joel Osteen
Easier Than You Think
God is going before you to arrange things in your favor. He’s going to make things happen that you couldn’t make happen on your own.
Dear Lord,
Today…….I am asking all my prayer warriors to say a prayer that may help others. So many people are hurting right now. Many are struggling with finances and need jobs. Some are facing foreclosure and don’t even know how they are going to make it from week to week.. Many are lonely. . Many are heartbroken. . Many are facing sickness and health is fading. . Some are dealing with difficult family members. Many have lost HOPE.. Tonight, let us put our prayers and faith together decree and declare breakthrough over our families. Financial miracles WILL take place. Jobs WILL be found. Our Bodies WILL be made whole & sickness WILL flee. Marriages and relationships WILL be restored. Family members WILL find Jesus. Heartbreaks WILL be healed. JOY WILL be restored and HOPE WILL be found. In Jesus Name. Amen!!!!!! Keep God First…….
God has the right people lined up for you. He knows how to change people’s minds.
He knows how to cause them to be before you.
You don’t have to do everything in your own strength, your own talent, your own ability, the most high God is going before you.
He’s fighting your battles. He’s arranging the good breaks, the healing, the favor, the promotion.
Well, God bless you.
It’s great to be with you today.
And if you’re ever in our area, please stop by and be a part of one of our services.
I promise you, we’ll make you feel right at home. I hope you’ll stay connected with us during the week.
We have a daily podcast. You can download our youtube channel, watch the messages any time follow us on social media.
We’ll keep you encouraged and inspired. I like to start with something funny.
And I heard about this husband and wife, they had been arguing now they were giving each other the silent treatment.
The next morning, the husband had to get up early and catch a plane and he needed his wife to wake him up, not wanting to break the silence.
He left her a note on her side of the bed. It said please wake me up at five AM.
He got up the next morning at eight o’clock missed his flight. He was so upset.
Went in to find out why she didn’t wake him up.
There was a note on his side of the bed.
It said wake up, it’s five, say it like you mean it, this is my bible.
I am what it says I am. I have what it says I have.
I can do what it says I can do today. I will be taught the word of God.
I boldly confess, my mind is alert, my heart is receptive. I will never be the same in Jesus name.
God bless you. I want to talk to you today about easier than you think when we face challenges and have things that come against us.
It’s easy to start dreading it thinking this is gonna be so hard.
How am I going to make it through this treatment? How can I deal with this child? That’s off course.
How can I accomplish this dream?
I don’t have the resources, the connections and yes, there are seasons where we have to endure, do the right thing when it’s hard.
But there are also times that God will step in and make it easier than it looks.
The scripture says He goes before us and makes the crooked places straight.
That means what should be overwhelming is no problem at all. What looks complicated, you don’t see a solution.
Suddenly things fall into place. You don’t have the connections, you don’t know the right people.
But out of nowhere, someone steps in and shows you favor, you thought it was going to be a long drawn out process, but it turned out easier than it looked.
Now, you may be in situations now that you’re tempted to dread, you’ve already decided it’s going to be hard.
You’re gearing up to endure it. God is saying it’s going to be easier than you think.
There’s going to be a supernatural grace, a supernatural favor, supernatural strength.
He’s working behind the scenes, making rough places smooth. He’s changing people’s minds causing them to be for you.
Now you have to get in agreement with God.
You can’t go around dreading, making plans for it to be hard. You’re drawing in what you’re thinking about.
If you’re telling yourself you can’t pass the course. This problem is too big.
I’ll never make it through this sickness. You’re defeating yourself. Turn it around.
Yes, this looks difficult but God, I know you’re still on the throne.
You said your yoke is easy and your burden is light. You said you’re making my rough places smooth.
So father, thank you that this will be easier than it looks when we were trying to acquire the compact center.
This place we needed 10 votes from the city council members. There were 14 of them in all.
We had worked a long time trying to convince them we finally had the 10 that we needed.
But two days before the main vote, one of the council members that was for us received so much pressure from the other side, he decided to be out of town.
Him not being there was a vote against us. We were so disappointed.
Two years of hard work, it looked like it wasn’t going to happen.
I went to visit a council member that had been against us the whole time.
He’s a young Jewish man. I thought this was my last shot. I had my best speech prepared.
This was going to be my biggest, strongest, most persuasive talk that I had ever given him.
I’d heard all of his reasons why he wasn’t for us.
I was going to go one by one and show him that that wasn’t right.
I walked in all fired up ready to go just when I was about to start.
He smiled and said, Joel, don’t worry, I’m gonna vote for you. I was so focused on my speech.
It didn’t fully register. I thought to myself, did I just hear what I thought I heard.
I must have looked confused because he said it again, Joel, I’m going to vote for you.
I nearly passed out. He went on to tell how an older Jewish woman had called the night before she was a good friend of his family.
Someone that he really respected, but he hadn’t spoken to her in over 20 years.
She said in no uncertain terms that he was to vote for Lakewood Heaven, the compact center.
It was that phone call that changed his mind. I had never met the lady.
I didn’t ask her to call. I went in there thinking it was going to be hard to convince him.
I was gonna have to give it my all.
What I didn’t realize is God had gone before me and made my crooked places straight.
It was easier than I thought God has the right people lined up for you.
He knows how to change people’s minds. He knows how to cause them to be before you.
You don’t have to do everything in your own strength, your own talent, your own ability, the most high God is going before you.
He’s fighting your battles. He’s arranging the good breaks, the healing, the favor, the promotion.
We had worked for two years to try to make that happen.
We stayed strong, fought the good fight of faith didn’t happen overnight.
It was a struggle but we kept believing, we kept declaring the promises, we kept doing the right thing.
Then in that one moment, God suddenly turned it around. It was difficult for years. Then suddenly it got easy.
You may go through seasons of struggle where you don’t see anything happening. No growth, no improvement.
Thoughts will tell you this will always be difficult. You’re always going to struggle.
It looks like it’s going to be long, hard drawn out.
But if you’ll stay in faith, you’re going to come in to these moments of favor where suddenly things fall into place, suddenly the burden is lifted.
Suddenly people change their mind. Suddenly your business takes off. Suddenly your health turns around. It’s not a struggle anymore.
God is going to make things happen that you couldn’t make happen.
And some of the things that are stressing you out now, you’re worried, thinking of all the reasons it’s not going to work out.
Like with me, you’re going to find God has already resolved the problem. He’s already changed their mind.
He’s already lined up the promotion, the healing, the good breaks.
You think you’re gonna have to work for it, convince someone earn it, endure outlast.
No, it’s gonna be easier than you think God has already gone before you.
He’s already worked out what you’re worrying about. Quit dreading it, quit losing sleep over it.
I spent a lot of time stressed over how I was going to convince that council member.
What was I going to say?
If I had known it was going to be so easy, I would have stayed in peace.
I would have relaxed and enjoyed my life knowing that God had already taken care of it.
I wonder if you’re dreading things that later on you’re going to realize God has already worked it out.
It’s not going to be as difficult as it looks. You’re going to find out God has gone before you.
He’s worked out what? Stressing you. He’s worked out the problem at the office.
He’s worked out the conflict with that relative looks like it’s gonna be a big ordeal.
Take a long time, you’re going to discover the rough places have already been made smooth.
This is what happened with the Israelites.
They were standing at the Jordan river contemplating whether to go into the promised land.
Their parents and grandparents stood at that same place 40 years earlier, but they talked themselves out of it.
The people living there were the Akis, they were descendants of giants, huge, strong, powerful people.
The Israelites parents thought they were too big, turned around and wandered in the desert for 40 years.
This was a critical moment for their Children. Would they do the same thing? Think it was too hard?
We’ll never defeat these people as they were debating what to do. God gave them a promise.
Deuteronomy nine says today you are about to face people that are much stronger and more powerful.
But the Lord, your God will cross over ahead of you like a devouring fire to destroy them.
He will subdue them so you can easily conquer when they heard that they changed their mindset.
This is not going to be difficult, this is not going to defeat us.
God has gone before us to take care of what’s trying to stop us.
They went in with boldness with confidence, they defeated the annoys and lived in the promised land.
It was easier than they thought you may have situations that seem much bigger, stronger, trouble at work, dealing with the sickness, legal problem.
The odds are against you. You’re thinking, how can I deal with this? It’s gonna be so difficult.
God is going to do for you. What he did for them.
He’s crossing over ahead of you right now so you can easily conquer.
It’s not going to be what it looks like.
You’re going to see favor, breakthroughs, freedom, things that you couldn’t make happen. It’s the hand of God.
Now get this down in your spirit. Easily conquer. You’re not gonna deal with that depression forever.
Easily, conquer that cancer is not going to take you out, easily, conquer that struggle and lack is not your destiny.
You will easily conquer it one touch of God’s favor and suddenly things turn around.
Suddenly giants come down, suddenly, addictions are broken, suddenly doors open. You see increase abundance.
When you’re tempted to dread, worry, think it’s too much. Turn it around bother.
Thank you that you’re crossing over ahead of me devouring what’s trying to stop me? Thank you.
That I will easily conquer that I will go into my promised land that I will become all that you’ve created me to be God gave Nehemiah a dream to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem.
They had been down for many years. People were living there unprotected.
Nehemiah was 1000 miles away, working as a cup bearer for the king. He wasn’t a builder.
He worked in the kitchen. He didn’t have the resources, the funds, the crew, the experience, all the odds were against him looked like an impossible situation.
Many times, God will ask you to do things that seem beyond your own ability.
He’ll put dreams in your heart that seem too big. You don’t have the experience, the talent, the connections.
And if we look at it only in our ability, then we’ll talk ourselves out of it.
But God wouldn’t ask you to do it if he hadn’t already lined up what you need.
It looks difficult. You don’t see how it can happen.
But if you’ll take steps of faith, you’ll discover God has already gone before you.
It’s going to be easier than you think.
I’m not saying there won’t be obstacles, people trying to stop you and times that you can feel overwhelmed, but God is not going to leave you.
There, there would be these moments of favor where God makes things happen that you couldn’t make happen like changing that council member’s mind, favor that catapults you into your destiny, favor that opens doors, you can’t open favor that causes your business to take off.
Nehemiah could have thought of all the reasons why he couldn’t rebuild the wall. God, this is too hard.
What you’re asking me to do is not reasonable.
It’s not practical, but deep down, Nehemiah understood this principle that the God who asked you to do difficult things is the same God that goes before you and makes the crooked places strike.
It’s a test if you play it safe and think I can’t do it.
Y’all the annoys are too big. The dream, too great. The opposition too strong, then it will be too hard.
The problem is you never saw what God was up to.
If you don’t take the risk, you’ll never see how God was going to step in and make it easier than you thought all the odds were against Nehemiah thoughts telling him he didn’t have a chance.
This was not possible, but Nehemiah chose to believe God is looking for some Nehemiah for some people who won’t get talked out of their dreams.
People that are not moved by how big the challenge is. People that don’t dread.
It’s too hard, too much, too long, too great. I can’t do it. No. Be a Nehemiah.
The reason God’s asking you to do something that’s beyond your ability is He’s about to show you His favor like you’ve never seen, it looks hard.
But if you’ll take that step of faith, you’ll discover God has gone before you.
He’s going to cause things to fall into place. It’s gonna be easier than you think Nehemiah chapter one.
He prayed God grant me success as I go to the king and ask for a favor, put it in his heart to help me.
Nehemiah prayed a bold prayer. God, I’m gonna go to the king.
I’m gonna ask him to be good to me, but I need a favor.
God put it in his heart to help me. What a great prayer.
God put it in people’s heart to help us. God calls us to stand out.
God calls people to want to be good to us. Well, y’all that’s kind of selfish.
Listen, if you’re gonna reach your destiny, if you’re gonna accomplish your God given dreams, if you’re gonna go places, no one in your family has gone.
You have to have a boldness. You can’t be weak, intimidated. This is too much.
You have to ask big pray, big believe big.
You’re gonna need other people to open doors, other people to fund your dream, other people to use their influence to push you forward.
Have you ever prayed? God put it in people’s hearts to help me put it in people’s hearts to show me favor.
Nehemiah went to the king.
The scripture says the first thing the king said was Nehemiah, how can I help you?
When God puts a big dream in your heart, he’s already lined up the people to say, how can I help you?
How can I be good to you? Where can I show you a favor?
Nehemiah asked the king for permission to take time off to go rebuild the walls.
There was no reason for the king to agree. The walls being down didn’t affect him.
But for some reason, the king said, fine, Nehemiah, you can go. Nehemiah said, thank you.
But I need another favor. I don’t have any materials. I don’t have the funds.
I need stones, rocks, mortars supplies. Now, he’s asking the king to fund his dream.
You would think the king would say, excuse me, this is your project. I’m giving you the time off.
Don’t expect me to pay for it. But once again, the king said, yes, I’ll give you the supplies.
God has already lined up the provision you need. I’ve heard it said what God orders he pays for.
You may not see how you could ever have the funds, how you could start the business, build that orphanage, move into a nicer neighborhood.
You know, God put that promise in your heart.
But when you look at what you have your resources, there’s no way the good news is, it’s not just up to you like Nehemiah God has people that will fund what he promised.
He controls the universe. He knows how to get to you what you need, not natural but supernatural increase contracts coming to you ideas, opportunities, people tracking you down, you have to do like Nehemiah Lord, I believe you’re going to cause people to be good to me.
You’re going to open the windows of heaven, pour out resources to bring the past what you promise it has to go beyond the natural because if you just focus on what you have, you won’t see a way.
God puts dreams in our heart that are bigger than what we can afford.
This is where faith has to kick in.
This is where you have to pray, bold prayers and believe for uncommon resources out of the ordinary increase so you can rebuild the walls so you can accomplish what God put in your heart.
Nehemiah said, King, one last thing I need protection as I travel to Jerusalem, the scripture says the king granted Nehemiah all his request because the gracious hand of God was on his life.
He went and rebuilt the walls in 52 days. Record time.
If Nehemiah were standing here today, he would tell you when you’re facing a big obstacle.
A big dream may look impossible. You don’t have the resources, thoughts are telling you it’ll never work out.
Let me encourage you. It’s gonna be easier than you think people will be there to help you.
The funds will show up, the good breaks will come. You have an advantage.
You’re not doing life by yourself. Like Nehemiah, the gracious hand of God is on your life.
How are you gonna beat the cancer? The gracious hand of God. How are you gonna overcome the loss?
The gracious hand of God. How are you gonna accomplish that dream.
The gracious hand of God, there is favor on your life that will cause you to go where you can’t go on your own.
I’m not saying that on the way to our destiny, that there won’t be challenges, there won’t be setbacks and things you don’t understand.
But if you stay in faith, you’re gonna come in to these moments of favor where God suddenly opens a door causes people to be good to you.
Turns the medical report around, it’s not gonna be a constant struggle.
You’re gonna say like Nehemiah, it was easier than I thought.
Well, Joel, what if I believe this and it doesn’t get easier?
What if you believe it and it does, you have to release your faith.
I can tell you if you’re dreading things convinced that the struggle is permanent, gonna be so hard to accomplish my dream and hard to raise my child.
Hard to get. Well, your own thinking is limiting your life, get in agreement with God.
He’s going before you right now, making crooked places straight. You’re about to see things begin to fall into place.
The right people show up the right doors, open the resources, things that you used to struggle with are not going to be a struggle anymore.
You don’t have to make it happen. You just have to believe father.
Thank you that your gracious hand is upon my life that I’m coming into these moments of favor that what I’m facing is going to be easier than it looks during World war two, an American fighter pilot was flying a mission over the Pacific Ocean.
When he ran out of fuel, he had to land on an island controlled by the Japanese.
He and his men knew they would soon be captured and taken as prisoners with their planes sitting on the beach, no fuel.
They had all given up. All that is except one man. It just so happened.
This bomber was carrying a chaplain. He believed that God could make a way where he didn’t see a way.
He began to pray and ask God to protect them, give them favor and help them to get back to their base.
The other men thought he was kind of far out. They were on a deserted island, no boat, no food.
Just a matter of time before they would be found early the next morning, one of the men couldn’t sleep.
He decided to go to the beach and take a walk.
He looked out in the waves and saw something strange bobbing up and down.
There was this large canister about five ft tall, three ft wide. He went over and looked closer.
The words were written on it. Aviation fuel. He couldn’t believe it. He shouted to the other airmen.
They came, pulled it out of the water.
They rushed to their plane, poured the fuel in it in a few minutes.
They were in the air on their way to their camp. Not far away, their lives were spared.
Later, it was discovered the canister was one of hundreds that were on a big cargo barge headed to the air base on the way, the barge was destroyed by the enemy forces.
All the other canisters had been lost.
This one floated over 1000 miles past 25 other islands just so happened to wash up on this island right where the plane had run out of fuel.
It just so happened. The soldier went out early that morning and saw it seemed like an impossible situation, deserted island on the enemy’s territory, no airport, no gas stations but God never runs out of options.
He had the solution before you had the problem that canister had been floating in that direction.
Months before the plane ever run out of fuel, it could have sunk, gotten lost, washed up on another island.
But what God has ordained for you is going to find you. It’s gonna show up at the right time.
God already has the healing en route. The promotion en route, the freedom en route. The abundance is en route.
The right people are en route may seem like you could never get out of your situation, never accomplish that dream.
You don’t know what God is up to. You don’t know what’s already en route.
It’s not gonna be as difficult as you think it’s not gonna take as long as it looks.
God is going before you making crooked places straight.
If you could see what he has coming, how he’s going to turn the trouble around, restore what you’ve lost.
Thrust. You to a new level. You wouldn’t be discouraged, you wouldn’t complain. You would thank him for His goodness.
It may look complicated, may seem stressful. You don’t see how the odds are against you. You could live worried.
You have to keep reminding yourself it’s going to be easier than you think God is in control.
He’s fighting your battles. His plans for you are for good.
He’s bigger than the sickness, greater than the trouble, more powerful than what’s trying to stop you in the scripture.
Gideon and his 300 men were facing an army of 100 and 20,000. Gideon was already afraid, intimidated.
God finally convinced him to lead the people of Israel against the Midon nights.
I can hear him saying God, this is impossible. We’re so outnumbered.
How do you expect me to defeat these people? God puts you in situations that are way over your head.
Number one, to see if you’ll trust him and number two so he can show out in your life.
God said in judges six Gideon, you will defeat the Midon nights as if you were fighting one man.
God was saying, Gideon, I know you’re facing 100 and 20,000 men. I know you’re outnumbered.
I didn’t put you in this situation by accident.
Trust me, I’m going before you, I’m going to make the crooked places straight.
It’s going to be easier than you think. Gideon and his men blew their horns and shouted.
The enemy got confused and ended up destroying each other. Gideon didn’t even have to fight.
They never even broke a sweat. There’s something called a no sweat anointing.
That’s when you don’t have to make it happen.
You don’t have to strive work, manipulate, you just stay in faith and God does it for you.
God will change the council member’s mind. God will cause the king to give you the resources.
God will bring the canister of fuel to you.
You may be up against a challenge that’s much bigger like Gideon, you feel outnumbered, the sickness seems stronger, the addiction seems permanent.
People against you are more powerful.
God is saying to you what he said to Gideon, you’re going to defeat it like you’re fighting one man.
It’s gonna be easier than you think God is going to do things out of the ordinary, uncommon, unusual.
You couldn’t make it happen. It’s God going before you making the crooked places straight, defeating giants, bringing promotion favor victory.
Now let faith rise up today. Sure. We’re gonna have challenges.
There are gonna be seasons, we have to endure out last stand strong.
But what I want you to see is there are also moments of favor where God’s going to step in and make it easier than it looks.
Don’t go through life, dreading, worried, stressed out. You’re not doing life on your own.
The gracious hand of God is upon you all through the day. Father.
Thank you that you’re going before me making crooked places straight.
Thank you that your yoke is easy and your burden is light.
If you’ll do this, I believe and declare you’re about to see the gracious hand of God.
What used to be a struggle is not going to be a struggle anymore. Negative situations are turning around.
Healing is coming. Breakthroughs are coming. Favor is coming. It’s going to be easier than you think in Jesus name.
And if you receive it, can you say amen?
I’d like to give you an opportunity to make Jesus the Lord of your life.
Would you pray with me? Just say Lord Jesus, I repent of my sins come into my heart.
I make you my Lord and Savior.
If you prayed that simple prayer, we believe you got born again.
We’d love to send you some information on your new walk with the Lord.
Just text the number on the screen or you can go to the website.
I hope you’ll get into a good Bible based church and keep God first place.
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We also want to take a moment and thank you for all you do to support the ministry with your donations and offerings.
You help keep the ministry going. When you give, I believe God will open the windows of heaven.
You’ll see his favor in new ways in your life.
I know our best days are still up in front of us.
We love you and we’ll see you next time.
- When It Looks Like God Doesn’t Care – BTháng 4 7, 2023