What In The World Is Next?
What In The World Is Next?
Well, it’s absolutely amazing, especially for those of us who are christians who have been studying our bibles for years.
We are looking around at the world scene and we’re seeing what’s taking place and we watch now in real time biblical elements aligning on the stage of what’s to happen next.
Imagine going to a play or a musical or presentation and all of the stagehands are moving the parts around on the platform and they’re just about ready to start the music and q the lighting why?
Because the next event is about to unfold and friends listen, it is no exaggeration for me to say to you today, you know, something’s up in the world.
We’re looking at a never before couldn’t imagine weakening of the United States of America.
Many experts believe that we’re in the midst of World War Three in a very unconventional way, that war has begun through all types of economic ploys and tactics, all kinds of policy decisions and actions taken against our military and against our freedoms and liberties.
But as many have said, if America fails, where can the rest of the world turn?
And did you know, that’s right in line with Biblical prophecy.
This world must come to a point where people are gonna look around and say, where’s hope and the bible tells us that satan himself will cause his agent to steppin onto the world scene.
A politician who’s gonna look like hope is anything but Well for now let’s grab our bibles and dive in to what in the world’s going on the same.
God that knows about the past? Who prophesized the future?
He’s also the God that is in control of the future. We need to remember that.
We need to stop worrying about stuff.
I’m watching all this stuff and I gotta, I’m glad to be an old guy.
Now when you get older you don’t worry about much.
And I grew up in a home, my mom, she could teach a course on how to worry, but we’re watching right now, what’s going on with china and how china is manipulating our economy right now and how China is holding up ships off the coast of Beijing that are not coming here.
But they’re supposed to be going to Houston. They’re supposed to be going to san Francisco in long beach.
They’re supposed to be going to London. They’re not going, you’re not reading about this in the news.
They’re loaded up and they’re parked, they’ve been told they can’t leave these ports, they can’t go any further.
Why? What’s going on? A lot of military analysts are telling us that we are actually now into World War Three.
The bombs haven’t started flying yet. America’s got to become weakened before that can happen? How do you weaken America?
We are looking around at the world scene and we’re seeing what’s taking place and we watch now in real time biblical elements aligning on the stage of what’s to happen next.
Imagine going to a play or a musical or presentation and all of the stagehands are moving the parts around on the platform and they’re just about ready to start the music and q the lighting why?
Because the next event is about to unfold and friends listen, it is no exaggeration for me to say to you today, you know, something’s up in the world.
We’re looking at a never before couldn’t imagine weakening of the United States of America.
Many experts believe that we’re in the midst of World War Three in a very unconventional way, that war has begun through all types of economic ploys and tactics, all kinds of policy decisions and actions taken against our military and against our freedoms and liberties.
But as many have said, if America fails, where can the rest of the world turn?
And did you know, that’s right in line with Biblical prophecy.
This world must come to a point where people are gonna look around and say, where’s hope and the bible tells us that satan himself will cause his agent to steppin onto the world scene.
A politician who’s gonna look like hope is anything but Well for now let’s grab our bibles and dive in to what in the world’s going on the same.
God that knows about the past? Who prophesized the future?
He’s also the God that is in control of the future. We need to remember that.
We need to stop worrying about stuff.
I’m watching all this stuff and I gotta, I’m glad to be an old guy.
Now when you get older you don’t worry about much.
And I grew up in a home, my mom, she could teach a course on how to worry, but we’re watching right now, what’s going on with china and how china is manipulating our economy right now and how China is holding up ships off the coast of Beijing that are not coming here.
But they’re supposed to be going to Houston. They’re supposed to be going to san Francisco in long beach.
They’re supposed to be going to London. They’re not going, you’re not reading about this in the news.
They’re loaded up and they’re parked, they’ve been told they can’t leave these ports, they can’t go any further.
Why? What’s going on? A lot of military analysts are telling us that we are actually now into World War Three.
The bombs haven’t started flying yet. America’s got to become weakened before that can happen? How do you weaken America?

You weaken her economy? How do you weaken her economy? You stop buying and selling. How do you do that?
You stop the importation of the stuff that we sent away to be made in some of the country because of greed and profit.
And now it’s come back to bite us because we didn’t trust God.
The hope is not in the White house.
The only hope for America is in God’s house.
It’s in God’s word, I’m telling you right now.
And then present day are God’s in control of present day. He’s in control of the future.
The past present day is you got that big, Have you read your bible?
Let me tell you church, know your bible.
The more you read your bible, the bigger God gets.
It’s an amazing thing how that happens.
And jesus said in Matthew 5 17 do not think that I’ve come to destroy the law and the prophets I did not come to destroy but to fulfill.
Which is a beautiful verse by the way, because there’s people who will say, I just believe in the God of the new testament.
Not the old. Well you got a problem right there because jesus said, I am here to fulfill everything of the old.
The old testament for surely I say to you till heaven and earth pass away one jot or one tittle one common one, hyphen of the hebrew language will by no means pass away till all is fulfilled.
That’s what, that’s what the author of the bible said about the bible.
So I’d like to tell you, I would like to debate him on that. Go ahead.
But he wrote the book, it’s his book, he’s the author and by the way, he’s giving you breath right now to debate him, which is kind of fun, right?
Because he could just, you know, Darth Vader, he could just kind of go, mhm he could, you know, I don’t believe in God, I think I’d like to see it, but that’s not christian, right?
So I’m gonna run through this.
The bible says the bible says that in the last days, Israel will return back to her homeland For 2000 years.
Israel had no home And on May 14, Israel became a nation, not in a week, not in three days, not in a month, not in a year, but based upon the book of Isaiah.
God says, I will re reassemble my nation in one day and little did President Truman know that when he defended and stood alone in many ways against the nations of the world declared I support America supports the United States is behind The creation of the state of Israel.
On May 14, Israel was born on May 15, Israel was attacked.
She’s been in her land ever since. She’s not going anywhere. God says in the Book of Amos.
Once I brought them back from all the nations of the world, they will never again be uprooted the bible says, Israel would be on the map again, question to any skeptics is Israel on your map Since May 14, The answer is yes.
The Bible says that the Jewish people would return back to their ancient land in unbelief.
The book of Ezekiel chapters 36 7 and eight, that Israel would move, Jews would move from there, Foreign homelands, if I can put it that way and move back to Israel though their ancestors had not been there for 2000 years.
jews were making Aliyah. I’m going home to a home I’ve never been to before and Israel today is one of the greatest cutting edge nations on technology.
In fact, if you go with us and we’ll drive up what is their version of the pacific coast Highway?
It’s the via maris, it’s the mediterranean 101. What are you gonna see? Hewlett Packard, Raytheon, Microsoft, Apple.
All these corporations, did you know that in their silicon valley, it is the epicenter of technology.
Now, the bible says that the world would be increasing in wars now, you can be a skeptic today.
So I don’t believe the bible.
Well then listen, the bible says that as we get further down the timeline that there’s going to be an increasing amount of wars, jesus said there’ll be and you read it today, wars and rumors of wars This slide shows you what’s going on with Seoul Korea right now, officials and experts in Washington and Seoul agree.
North Korea is set to conduct its seventh nuclear test in its first since January 2017 looming North Korea nuclear test leaves us and South Korea waiting for bad news next China and Taiwan, you guys all know right?
That China has been biting at the bit to take Taiwan back forever.
Why are they talking about this now? Because they can let me ask you this.
What’s happening now is who’s gonna stop them?
Who’s who’s gonna stop china ain’t no one gonna stop china.
No one can stop china wars and rumors of wars.
The bible says that there’s gonna be a destabilization of global economics and currencies. Don’t worry, don’t leave yet.
There’s some encouragement coming. The Bible says that there will be global unification revelation.
Chapter 13 it’s being dubbed, it’s been pawned as the great reset in Davos all the world.
Major players have signed on. Which is interesting because it’s not only nations, it’s the world elite, The Gates, the Brazos, the princes, the kings of this world, Isn’t it interesting?
The book of revelation says that when God intervenes in the tribulation period that the kings of the earth will mourn over their loss when it says that all the trading that they did by the sea, I would stop by virtue of God’s intervention into the world.
That’s that’s in the future. But wow the power of that. Think of that. Think of the power of God.
Look, I missed it. I guess I we were not here, but apparently is a shocker Rooney.
There was an electric storm here.
And normally if you see an electric storm, don’t you feel a little insignificant all of a sudden you don’t see anybody bragging with a lightning rod in their hand.
God can humble the nations in a second people.
The bible says the bible says that the Middle East would be In a state of crisis and that Israel must be isolated from the nations of the world.
I want to show you what Russia is talking about. This is actually insane, but not insane.
This is part of a world war spooling up. I guess I should stop. Leave that on the screen.
Let me give you some encouragement. How many of you are young when you’re 40 or under?
I can say that way over that. So come on, don’t be shy, I don’t want them to find out.
That’s it. How many of you are? 40 and over.
I thought this church was so much younger. I thought we had a young church.
I’m kidding. Listen, are you thinking about building that house or going to that school or getting that job or having that baby or getting married?
Listen, he said, well I was until I got here today, nope, that’s the awesome thing about being a believer do it.
Do it. So has prayed to the Lord for confirmation? God give me a word.
Should I marry her? Yes, I mean if you’re a believer as believers, we don’t live in fear.
We don’t know the day of the hour. Yeah. But with all the stuff going on.
Listen, not, this argues so much for you.