Jonathan’s Encounter with Sorcerers & Principalities in Cuba | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
Jonathan’s Encounter with Sorcerers & Principalities in Cuba
Jonathan Cahn’s encounter with sorcerers & principalities in the Island of Cuba and learn the keys of overcoming the darkness and fight the spiritual warfare at our anti-Halloween service.
“And America has done much good. And there’s no shortage of nations far exceeding any of its faults or sins. But no nation in the modern world has ever been given so much. None has been so blessed. To whom much is given, much is required. If a nation so blessed by God should turn away from Him, what then? It’s blessing will be replaced with curses? Yes. And has America turned away from God? I asked. It has turned and is turning. How? In the same way Israel turned. It started with a spiritual complacency, then spiritual confusion, then the merging of God with idols and then, ultimately, the rejection of his ways. Just as with ancient Israel, America began ruling God out of its life, turning, step by step, against His ways, at first subtly and then more and more brazenly.”
― Jonathan Cahn, The Harbinger: The Ancient Mystery that Holds the Secret of America’s Future
I felt let’s go to a place that needs the light. Let’s go to a place of darkness.
I heard about a place called a city called San Herman, which was filled with witchcraft.
I said, why don’t we go there? It was strange.
We’re just gonna go there and pray, you know, maybe sound Shawaka pray for breakthrough and then go.
And as soon as I started trying to go there, I interested. Why don’t we go?
It was as if a walk in.
It is where had a half where they had a mixed religion.
They believed in the god of the Bible, but they also kinda twisted it off.
They were half Jewish, half pagan, half gentle, and they came up with a religion like that.
So they when they say they say this is the power god.
Now this is a cult Now that what they say here in the in the original language, it says, this man is the mega great, dunamis power of thales god, the great power of god.
He amazes the whole region, the whole city. He’s a sorcerer.
Now we don’t know exactly what he did, but it doesn’t say that it was a trick or that it says it was magic, but it doesn’t mean a trick.
It means sorcery. It means it was occult. The occult is real. Now there are people who fake it.
But it’s real. You have a re you have a a spirituality of goodness of light of god, and then you have a spirituality of the other side.
Which actually substitutes for the things of god.
It’s no accident that with the growth of Halloween, with a falling way of America, the the falling away from faith, the apostasy, there is also now an explosion in our land in the growth of the occult.
There are now in America more witches than there are Presbyterian.
Now, Simone, Simon, the sourcer is holding court in Samaria, but then something happens, the gospel intrudes gets into his territory.
Philip Anderson doesn’t know He doesn’t know about Simon. He doesn’t know about Simon.
He doesn’t know what’s going on. He just knows, hey. I’m being persecuted.
I’m running away from death, but I’m also gonna go to places to preach the gospel where it has not preached because that’s where I’m not being persecuted.
He goes into the land of Samaritan. It’s a big step.
This is the beginning of it going to the gentiles. Because they’re kinda half and half. So he goes there.
And when those light comes into the darkness, there’s gonna be a conflict. It’s gonna be a shaking.
Light has to come head to head with the darkness. It has to be. You cannot avoid it.
You cannot avert. It’s gonna happen. So he comes in there.
It’s just like when Paul decides when Paul came to a Pagan City, notice the uproars that would come.
When they all the whole city got up and they were and they were they were persecuted.
They wanted to kill them, and they said, great is art. They’re they’re praising their god.
Their prince the principalities are upset. So now there are people getting set free. They’re being delivered.
And Simone Simon, here’s about it. The sorcerer, here’s about it.
And he says I want that power for me. Light and darkness 2000 years ago.
Now I’m gonna tell you a story, an account, a testimony of what I experienced now 2000 years later, of spiritual warfare in a land of darkness.
We’re on a mission to Cuba.
Cuba A land that had been taken over by Communism has a curse on it, darkness.
Now and and and we’re there We got in at a time when many were not getting in.
We completed the first part of our mission.
It was the first time they opened up the whole island for the gospel for 1 month because Fidel Castro was trying to show the world that they had religious freedom, not really, but he opened it up for 1 month for them to go across the island.
So we were I was invited to to open it up and go across the island, ultimately ending up with Fidel Castro in Revolutionary Square.
We gave him a Bible, gave him a show far. That’s a whole another story.
We completed the 1st part of our mission. Others had gone home.
There were 6 of us at that time left. There was nothing planned for that day.
We were sitting around at our home base in the province called the Orientes, the Orient church in the city of Oguim with nothing to do, but we’re on a mission.
When you’re on a mission, there’s never nothing to do.
And for use of well, I’m not a if you’re on if you are on planet Earth, most of you are, you’re on mission.
This is a mission field. You’re already on mission.
There’s never nothing to do, but you gotta know this is my calling.
My calling is not to survive and hang out and get by.
My calling is to do god’s will in advance his kingdom. That’s what it’s about.
So we felt I felt let’s go to a place that needs the light.
Let’s go to a place of darkness.
I heard about a place called a city called San Herman, which was filled with witchcraft.
I said, why don’t we go there? It was strange.
We’re just gonna go there and pray, you know, maybe sound the show far, pray for breakthrough, and then go.
And as soon as I started trying to go there, I started. I said, why don’t we go?
It was as if a wall came up.
And we’re told the people who were hosted says, no, you can’t go. I said, why not?
They said, you need transportation. He said, we don’t have it. I said, okay. Let’s get transportation.
They said, you’ll have to get some kind of bus. I said, okay. Let’s get a bus.
They said, you can’t because it’s too expensive. I said, okay. Let’s get a cab. They said, you can’t.
They said, why not? It says, because cabs don’t come here. I said, then where do they come?
Well, they come to the to the station in the city I said, okay.
Let’s go to the station in the city and get a cab. I said, you can’t because you need transportation.
I said, let’s take a let’s take a bike. Let’s do something.
Now my translator was excellent, but as soon as we started trying to get to San Ramon, it was like something came over him.
It was like he fell into a stupor.
He became slow, almost dazed, almost as if he was having trouble speaking Spanish, and he spoke Spanish.
And it was as if everybody was in a stupor, it was strange.
I began realizing no matter what I tried to do, I couldn’t get anything done to go to San Her mom.
I noticed it, and obviously, all others were noticing it and said, what’s going on? They’re so strange.
Everything I did was immediately blocked. I couldn’t make 1 inch of headway. It was frustrating.
So I get up. I look around. I’m on the balcony and I spot a cab.
I said, there is a cab. They’re right there. Let’s go. I went down there to the cab.
I said, let’s go. Go down to the cab. The driver says, I said, can you take us to center?
He said, no. I can’t. He said, because I’m taking other people to the airport, I’m taking them on peep taking people from the airport back here.
The pastor’s going in to the cabin. I said I said the cab driver is okay.
When you get back here, take us. He said, okay. I’ll get back here. I’ll take you. I said, okay.
We’ll be right here. So we wait. The cab returns drops off the people.
I start going down to the cab. The cab takes off without us. No cab. The pastor says, listen.
You can go another day, but there wouldn’t be any other day.
As it turned out, we were leaving the region the next day. And so that would be it.
So finally, no matter what I tried to do, I couldn’t do it. I I give up.
I say, lord, if you want us there, you do it. Our group then got kinda scattered. Afternoon.
Some went back to their room. Someone went into the church. Some praying. Afternoon, I gave up. It’s 3 o’clock.
A phone rings in the church. The pastor takes and looks at me, said, did you make any arrangements?
I said, no. I said, are you sure you didn’t make an arrangement?
I said, I can’t even arrange to get a cab. How can I make an arrangement?
He said, well, I said, why?
He said, all the the believers and ministers in the city of San Ramon are gathering together and waiting for you to come.
I said, why? They said they want you to speak to them.
And bring your trumpet, bring the show up. I said, that’s really weird because nobody arranged anything.
How did that happen? We couldn’t figure it out. I said, when does it start? Since 5 o’clock.
Takes a half an hour to get there. So they’re expecting you. We we’ll get you transportation.
Now they got us transportation. So go back to the others.
I said, you know that place we were trying to go to and and we figured we’d just kinda stop on the road.
We’d pray. You know, we’d do it. And then we’d leave.
I said, you know, you said, yeah, but we couldn’t go there. I said, yeah.
But we said, all the believers of the city are gathering together right now, and they’re waiting for us to come.
He said, how do they know we’re coming? I said, we weren’t coming. We couldn’t get a thing to come.
I don’t know. Apparently, what happened when I was looking for a taxi and saying we wanna go to San Ramon, somebody overheard it They called up their friends in San Ramon and said, this guy, they’re coming.
This one is coming who’s speaking here. They’re coming, and the words spread throughout the city.
That they’re coming. So they it didn’t the service didn’t exist, but they made it exist.
Or we spoke it into existence without even knowing what we were doing.
All I was trying to do was get a taxi, but god can use that. Yes.
And so for the first time, people from all different churches were gathered together in the city together for the first time because because we were asking for a taxi.
And because it was blocked, because god is greater. God is bigger. God is never stopped.
So we head off for this place having no idea what it is what we’re gonna do, all we know is there’s a lot of witchcraft.
In the van, I’m seeking to say, lord, give me a scripture because I don’t know what to do.
I don’t know what to speak on. I don’t know what. We weren’t prepared for this.
And I open the Bible. I’m not saying every time you open the Bible, is that, but sometimes god speaks that way.
Open it up and opens up to this section where it’s about the disciples going out with the gospel in and the darkness they encountered.
And I thought, okay. This is this goes with that.
But, you know, with that and so we’re going into a place, we knew that.
We arrive in San Herman at the church. The church is big, but it’s overflowing with people outside the doors.
Uh, the believers are gathered together, and it was not even a meeting that anybody planned.
And here they are together. The pastor first takes us upstairs with others And we began talking, and he starts telling me, he says, you need to know about this city.
This city is filled with spiritual strongholds. It’s a central place in Cuba. It’s known throughout Cuba.
In December, 2 of the greatest festivals of Santa Rhea.
That’s the worship of gogs, and spirits, and saints have all joined together. Um, that’s there. It happens here.
And people come from all over.
It’s like an orgy all night and animal sacrifices the occult Then he tells me in this city of San Hermon, there is a sorcerer.
He’s a very powerful man. He uses the phrase. He says he’s got great power.
He works miracles. People are amazed by him.
They come from all across the island to have an audience with him.
They’ll wait for days to get an audience with him. This is his strategic area. It’s his home base.
And he plans to raise many more occultists throughout Cuba from here. He mazes people.
It’s as if he controls the city, He has a map, and he claims each part each section, section by section, but the power of sorcery he holds territory by the same power.
In other words, by the occult, he does that and he keeps people out as if there’s a spiritual wall to keep the gospel out.
Then I thought, what happened? As soon as we started trying to go to San Juan, we were blocked at every part.
We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but again,
- Created To Do Good Works | Victoria OsteenTháng 9 25, 2023