Using GOD’s Ability – Taking Back Our Cities
Using GOD’s Ability – Taking Back Our Cities
Did you know that God has made His ability available to us? Jesus said in Mark 10:27, “With men it is impossible, but not with God; for with God all things are possible.” In this new teaching, Taking Back Our Cities, by Dr. Bill Winston, you will learn how to utilize God’s ability, so that we, as believers, can take back our cities for the Kingdom of God.
The believers walk of faith is paid for by Bill Winston Ministries Partners and viewers.
Up next on the believer’s block of faith.
From now, don’t you even be even entertaining the thought that you have to wait in line or you have to hope and may die a without it or something.
Don’t negotiate. Save trying to get you to back off of your promise.
You got the believers bill of rights. That is your right to have your heart’s desire.
Most of what god gives you.
Can’t be taught. It’s gotta be hard. And it comes like a flash.
Watch this. You got what I’m saying? Come on. Come on. Come on.
You all got that? You know, it it comes like a flash. You gotta catch it.
You gotta catch it. It comes like a lightning bolt.
Yes. Yeah.
And you gotta catch it. I’m on my knees that they’re praying, you know, some in my study there.
I get it in first thing and so forth.
And the thing come to me, I I got woe woe, woe, woe, gotta get up and get that.
And sometimes I miss it, and this is what I say. Holy spirit bring that back.
He said, that’s what he said. Surely. Surely. Every time. Surely.
She ain’t gonna bring it back, but now you gotta get ready to catch it again.
Second King chapter 6, and that’s when they were chopping wood.
And these when the junior prophets were being trained by the major prophet, and they were building a extension onto the church, I guess.
And so the axe had flew in the water. And and they and and they cried out master.
It was borrowed. Why? Cause Israel didn’t make iron at that time. You haven’t been to Jerusalem.
They have no iron in Jerusalem. It’s all stone.
And so they and so the axe had flew in the water and it went to the bottom.
And the prophet of god said, that’s alright. Cooling. Cooling. Where did it go?
They said, it went right out there.
He chopped down a a a a stick off the tree and threw it out there.
And the stick was on top of the water. The ax head came up and attached to the water.
And look what the man of god said. Grab You gotta grab it.
When that thing comes by you, he’s gonna give you an idea of how to start a business that’s gonna blow up up.
And if he does that, you’re gonna, I’m guaranteeing you, you’re gonna have to grab it.
Man, I’m giving y’all all the secrets here.
The spirit produces and the body gathers.
Am I right about it?
Now, you can look through the scriptures, and you can see that’s happening all over the scriptures because when you’re up there at that level, that’s where the spirit produces, because that’s the way you were originally made to operate.
You’re originally made to operate at that level.
Now you’ve got born again, so you’re going back to that level.
So you don’t need to live at the level of your flesh anymore.
You can come on up to the spirit. Same into that. Amen.
God’s ability is at your disposal.
God’s ability is at your disposal.
Do you hear what I’m saying? Yes.
And god wants you to use what is at your disposal.
So that tells me his ability is that he can get debt free by Christmas And this is at your what?
Disposal. He told me he said, son, buy that shopping mall.
Woah. First of all, it was bigger than anything. 33 Acres.
Next of all, I didn’t have any shopping mall money. But his ability.
Is at my disposal.
Yes, sir. Yes, sir.
And he wants me to use Yes. His ability to live.
And this living is gonna be above the living of the natural person. Amen.
Same into this. Amen. And this is part of what’s gonna cause me to have influence. Yes, sir.
So nothing is too hard for god. Amen. And get this. He’s in you. Amen.
Amen. Look what Jesus said. Over in John chapter 14 in verse 10, it’s the father in me. Yes.
He’s doing the work.
And over in verse 12, it says, who that believeth on me, the works that I do shall He do.
Also, and very well.
Yeah. Now my point to you is I’m not gonna keep preaching this.
See, because there are people who want me to preach it again. Yes.
And the reason why is because they’re not preaching it themselves.
Meaning that they’re not taking time to speak to themselves. They’re not taking time to meditate it.
They’re not taking time to to to to to, uh, yeah, to be able to to play my tape or CD over and over again.
They’re not taking that
time. Yeah.
They just want me to preach it again. Now that that that’s being graded.
Yeah. God god god doesn’t plan for you to be there.
He doesn’t plan for you to be at the same place next year as you are this year. Amen.
And I’m not. I just opened a grocery store. No.
You need to see it.
Yes, sir.
If you haven’t seen, you better see it. It’s worse you have seen. And we’re not done.
We don’t have some supernatural stuff going on.
So I don’t plan to be at the same place next year as I want this year.
But because his hability. Here’s what. Is that my disposal?
He plans for me to use it. Yes. Jesus use it. Jesus said feed them. Feed who? My sheep. Hey.
Feed my Jesus. He said, all those people out there, 20,000 people, and and he said, feed them.
And they said, woah. Wait. How are we gonna do this?
He’s busy raining them and saying, how long do I have to be with y’all? Come on.
Let’s let’s let’s let’s use my ability to his ability to do what he’s calling you to do. Right. Right.
Right. Folks is good preacher.
You know, it’s something when he tells Adam, the name, the animals, and Adam never been to school.
But god’s ability, is at Adam’s disposal.
Now you gotta get that.
I mean, you if nothing else put that in your spirit, because because I I know folks in quote scripted, but you’re still broke.
Yes, sir. You’re still living from paycheck to paycheck. Come on now.
You’re still dealing with same old things you’ve been dealing with, and I’m not coming down on you.
I just wanna encourage you to step out. Amen. You ain’t got nothing to lose.
That’s what one person said. You know, if I give all of this, I’ll be broke.
It wasn’t but $5. And and so that’s you, honey, you already broke. Get get rid of the brokenness.
Just give that do some with it. But anyway alright.
So so here’s what I’m saying.
Now did y’all get the fact that your spirit will produce it. Yes. And your body will gather it. Yes.
Yes. Yes. The spirit produce 2 fish with 2 fish and five loaves.
But the body, put that scripture up there, please, if you can.
And he said, now I want you to gather what’s left over. Didn’t didn’t he say that?
Yes. Yes. Yes.
See? And I’m saying the same thing in Luke chapter 5. Here’s Peter going fishes.
Jesus got in his boat and began to teach.
Then Jesus said, you know, push out a little from the shore he did.
And then he said, he taught the people, and then he turned to Peter said, now, launch on to the deep and let down your nets for a draw.
And Peter said, wait a minute, we’ve fished all night and caught nothing. Nevertheless, what? At that word, come on.
I’m a do it. And what did he do?
He, uh, launched out and caught so many fish until the net broke. He called for his partners so forth.
It’s on. Now what were they doing? They were in a season of what? Yeah. Gathering. Yeah. Oh, yeah.
Gathering, folks at I I was blamed for an airplane because the the normal system could not meet my schedule because I was getting too busy.
And so I said, let me believe God from the airplane. So I did.
So I didn’t have a seed.
So a person came here to preach on Wednesday night and he was preaching, he said, pass the oil plant is in Ecleasy, I see chapter 10.
Now where did he get that from? He heard it from god.
So he said, and when he said it, I knew that was god.
I opened up Keezys, chapter 10, didn’t see it, didn’t see it, didn’t see it.
And then the next time, I saw her. I caught it. A bird of the air shall carry your voice.
Yes. I took that seed See, I took lord have mercy.
I took that sea It says loop chapter 8, 11, the seed
In the word of god.
In the word of god.
Yes, sir. Yes, sir. Okay. Thanks.
The seed, said the seed is the word of god is the word of god.
So if I have a need I need some seed. Yes. Yes.
And the seed is the word of god.
I took the seed and took it into my spirit. Come on. Come on.
Come on. Yeah. Let’s take a look. They laugh.
Because my spirit is a production center. I’m not gonna let up. I’m gonna stay right here.
I’m gonna stay right here. I’m gonna stay right here.
I’m I ain’t gonna let up I’m gonna take you further, see, because the enemy wants me to go around that dugout.
No. We’re not going around this mountain anymore.
And I took the seed of the word of god, and I planted it in the soil of my heart.
And the Bible says, I can sleep night and day, and the seed should spring and grow up.
I don’t know how. I don’t need to know how it goes up.
All gotta do is hold on to the scene. Now, watch this.
And then it was time to put in the sickle because now I gotta gather.
Oh, yeah.
So god spoke to us and said, show a $100,000 to the southern ministry because they believe before an airplane.
Boop sold it. Once we sold it, now it’s harvest time.
And the next thing I know, here’s an airplane coming from California.
I didn’t go to California. It was brought.
Now it it
was brought, and it was in St. Louis.
Now at that time, Latasha was CEO, and and and and they called and said, Hey, we got an plane down here hurt the man of god, believe an airplane, so forth, is on.
And it says in Saint Louis.
Now, that airplane matched the picture that I have right now, I wish I had it.
But the interior of my airplane out there, right now, the ministry airplane is exact same as this picture.
Yes. Now, wait a minute. When I had the picture, I didn’t have no airplane. Yes.
But the airplane is coming to match the picture. I’m saying design your house.
That the house is gonna come to meet the picture.
Is somebody here over here.
And the airplane matched the picture.
See, I didn’t wonder whether this was the airplane.
See, if it don’t look like the picture, that’s the wrong one.
I’m saying I’m saying that’s what you it with is shocked.
It it will match the house that you wanted.
It’s got Five bedrooms on the top, three bedrooms on the next level. Come on.
It’s got 4 car garage. It’s got all of that and it all came by seed because the seed is a word of god.
Stay right there.
Now, see, there are people that don’t like me talking about this because you have not yet fully decided that you are saved.
You now, listen. That’s what I’m saying now. I know you’re born again. But you’ve got some rights.
Yes. You got I’m about to write a letter now to my partners on the Believer’s bill of Rights.
Yes, sir. Yes, sir.
And when you’re doing that you can’t compromise this thing.
You you can’t you can’t take it and say, wait a minute.
Now, I don’t know about this and so forth and so on and leave part of it there.
When Moses was trying to take them out of of Egypt didn’t Pharaoh try to do what? Negotiate. Negotiate.
And you don’t have to negotiate Come on. One bit.
When god got you born again, he also got you healed.
But, well, let’s put it up there because of I you know, listen, I I’m my my intent
Yes. Uh-huh.
It’s to give you the truth. Yes. I’m all frustrated. And it’s gonna either draw you We’ll drive.
Or drive you. No problem. And I wanna get all this unbelief out of this place because we’re gonna have miracles in this place.
It’s gonna be a house of miracles. Nobody’s gonna be lacking. Nobody’s gonna be sick. Nobody’s gonna be wanting.
See, I don’t care.
Don’t think you’re offending me if you get up and walk out. Ideas.
I’m just letting you know, I love to have everybody, but everybody talking about heaven is not gonna be safe.
Ain’t going there, man. There can be some unbelievers coming in this church that trying to keep me from preaching the truth, but I got new for you.
I got courage. I’m gonna I’m gonna say what god says, and I don’t care what you think Yes, sir.
See see see Listen.
Wherever you are now, this ought to be good news. Yes, sir.
It ought to be good news that you can get a car Come on.
It ought to be good news. God, you don’t have to be sick. It ought to be good news.
Well, have mercy. Sit down. Alright.
So I gotta live from the inside out.
I gotta realize that my body is not me.
And if it’s not me, then it doesn’t put a limit on what I can do. Same into that. Yes.
Is this quote me? No. No? So it’s got to go where I go.
So if I wanna walk on water, it’s got to walk.
Are you following what I’m saying? Now that’s the way you wanna get.
This is the maturity that we want, again, as Christians of walking into spirits, say amen to that, that your body is not the limit of what you can do.
Alright. Uh, god is the limit, lord, hamper. Alright. Let me let me do this.
So Daniel, Daniel chapter 3.
Daniel, if you don’t bow down, we’re gonna throw you in the fire. Am I right about that? That scripture.
So what did Daniel say? The god that we serve, come on, is able to do this, because no longer is my limit, my body, what it can do.
My limit now is what god can do. Are you with me?
Yes, sir.
So did they go into fire? Yes. Yeah. Did they get burned?
And they ended up in verse 29 and Daniel chapter 3 changing the law.
Sam about to change the laws here. Alright. Okay.
See, when you start thinking right, things in the scriptures begin to look right.
Other than that, you’ll read it like you read some kind of story book. No.
This is for you. Yes, ma’am. And it’s non what? Negotiable. It’s not negotiable.
That’s not what he promised me.
He promised me that I could call on him and he will answer. Yes, sir.
Didn’t that what he promised me?
He promised me that many of their pictures of the righteous, but the lord shall deliver them out of the mall.
That’s right. He promised me that the angel of the lord and camp around about me and delivers me.
And I’m saying that’s nonnegotiable. That don’t tell your let your flesh tell you all that can’t happen to you.
No, it can’t happen to you. Watch if it is legal
Yeah. Yes.
Now what happened to Job? Job made a mistake.
Job 1 verse 3, he was a riches man in the east. How did he get that rich?
Go over to Revelation chapter 5 and verse 12.
Over Revelation 5 in verse 12, let’s read what your inheritance is. Let it read.
All of those are honored.
The honor is whose. Mind. So don’t put nothing up on the tweet that’s gonna dishonesty. Yes.
Because if you do and I go to the god, to the lord of heaven and earth, I can make you take it down.
Yes, ma’am. Because you are violating and I’m not gonna compromise on what’s mine.
My my my my inheritance is honored. I’m supposed to be honored. My inheritance is strength.
I’m supposed to be strong at 90 as I was at 30.
I Don’t don’t let the devil tell you different. Say amen.
The blessing.
So the blessing now is supposed to manifest on your life.
And that blessing takes you to the top.
This blessing is on you, but we’re gonna learn to have faith in this blessing because when it’s really clicking like it should, you can’t hide it.
I said, you can try to hide it, but you can’t hide it.
Now, here’s the last one, Ruth. So here’s Ruth.
And as though you’d know, she was a motorbike, she and her sister, when their husbands died, And now, what happened now?
Mother Naomi said, Hey, why don’t y’all go on and leave?
I’m a go back to my people to the old country.
And what happened, here she was, and her sister left and went back to the moi Bites, moi Bites, but her, over to god, as a a roof stayed with a mother-in-law.
Now watch this but Ruth said something in Ruth chapter 1 verse 16. He said, now, your god God.
It’s gonna be my god. Now she’s coming up under this blessing in Ruth chapter 2.
Now look what it says here and just read that. Ready? Read.
Wait wait a minute.
Now, wait a minute. Now, she she’s down there cleaning. She’s picking pole beans. She’s got a head rag on.
Come on. Don’t nails are not done, but notice she’s attracting this man. Oh, yes. He’s not only this man.
He’s the richest man in the whole county. Now, notice what’s happening here.
What’s what am I saying? I’m saying when you are blessed, you can pick out what you want.
Lord habits.
Now, there’s a book called the 4th dimension by Doctor Yongi Cho, And he writes that book and the pages of 9 through 12 in that book tells about the woman who was looking for a husband.
So he comes and visits his pasture friend, and his pastor said, before we go eat, can you pray for her?
He said, what does your need preference? She needs she’s looking for a husband.
Oh, well, how long have you been looking told to ask her?
She said about 10 years, He said, well, what have you been praying?
And and, see, this is strange to him because you don’t have to negotiating.
Come on. My god shall supply. And you don’t have to negotiate.
The devil will tell you all the men are taken up, the men are in prison, the men are gay, the men if god has to make You better hear what Bill Winston is telling you.
If god has to himself, create one to fit just like that airplane. It ain’t no difference.
They is no shortage as far as you’ll concerned. God’s got what you need and what you desire.
Now from now on, don’t you even be even entertaining the thought that you have to wait in line or you have to hold and may dial without it or something.
Don’t negotiate. Same trying to get you to back off of your promise.
You’ve got the believers bill of rights. That is your right to have your heart desires.
Today’s message, taking back our cities is filled with life changing truths.
That can transform your world and the world around you.
However, you’ve only heard a portion of the message to receive today’s teaching in its entirety on MP3 or CD, on MP4 or DVD, order by calling 1807119327, or go line at
Operation 10 city is a 10 city campaign.
Empowering communities of people across challenged metropolitan cities throughout the US, restoring home providing resource and imparding entrepreneurial education.
Operation 10 city features a free Mega event with programming for you and next generation leaders, business owner, and entrepreneur, centered on community outreach, business and entrepreneurship, and faith.
Operation 10 city has impacted today in St. Louis, Detroit, Cleveland, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, and Chicago.
With a singular vision to inspire people and communities to access true economic prosperity and self sufficiency through wealth building and ownership.
It’s a
lot of single parents like Marcel that’s doing thing by itself, and this actually is a big help.
In these days and times, the way it is in this world today, it is very hard.
You know, and people are doing what they can to take, what they have to make it.
Some of us are, like, swamped in bills and in in property taxes, and then, um, this is excellent.
Um, we appreciate the blessing.
Today, I am here because I would love to expand my record.
I have made several mistakes at a young age.
Me having my record experience will be the most powerful impact in my life because I plan on getting my CDL so I can get a truck drop.
I have a future.
I’m Robert Alexander major, and I just won $10,000 here at Operation 10 City.
You’re gonna be ten times better than the best that the world can produce. This is your seed.
I felt the presence of god it would so powerful. When praise and worship started, I just felt the anointing.
And if you’re looking for change and you just wanna change your life, this is a place to come when they come to your city.
This is your date. Uh, no, no, no, this is your date.
This is your date.
I can tell you that many people have told me what a blessing it is that you’ve done this.
Gas carts have been incredibly excellent Lyft cards and Uber cards, along with groceries and free clothing, not just any clothing, but brand new clothing for folks who would have otherwise not being able to keep and do it.
You don’t know what we’ve been through here, but I feel extremely blessed.
I just wanna thank you.
Thank you, Lily Ward, Doctor Bill Winston, and Operation 10 City for what you’ve done for
I remember you need faith to get to your destiny.
So don’t forget to subscribe and click on the notification bell so that you don’t miss any of our videos.
This is Bill Winston. I love you and keep walking by faith.
Up next on the believer’s block of faith.
From now, don’t you even be even entertaining the thought that you have to wait in line or you have to hope and may die a without it or something.
Don’t negotiate. Save trying to get you to back off of your promise.
You got the believers bill of rights. That is your right to have your heart’s desire.
Most of what god gives you.
Can’t be taught. It’s gotta be hard. And it comes like a flash.
Watch this. You got what I’m saying? Come on. Come on. Come on.
You all got that? You know, it it comes like a flash. You gotta catch it.
You gotta catch it. It comes like a lightning bolt.
Yes. Yeah.
And you gotta catch it. I’m on my knees that they’re praying, you know, some in my study there.
I get it in first thing and so forth.
And the thing come to me, I I got woe woe, woe, woe, gotta get up and get that.
And sometimes I miss it, and this is what I say. Holy spirit bring that back.
He said, that’s what he said. Surely. Surely. Every time. Surely.
She ain’t gonna bring it back, but now you gotta get ready to catch it again.
Second King chapter 6, and that’s when they were chopping wood.
And these when the junior prophets were being trained by the major prophet, and they were building a extension onto the church, I guess.
And so the axe had flew in the water. And and they and and they cried out master.
It was borrowed. Why? Cause Israel didn’t make iron at that time. You haven’t been to Jerusalem.
They have no iron in Jerusalem. It’s all stone.
And so they and so the axe had flew in the water and it went to the bottom.
And the prophet of god said, that’s alright. Cooling. Cooling. Where did it go?
They said, it went right out there.
He chopped down a a a a stick off the tree and threw it out there.
And the stick was on top of the water. The ax head came up and attached to the water.
And look what the man of god said. Grab You gotta grab it.
When that thing comes by you, he’s gonna give you an idea of how to start a business that’s gonna blow up up.
And if he does that, you’re gonna, I’m guaranteeing you, you’re gonna have to grab it.
Man, I’m giving y’all all the secrets here.
The spirit produces and the body gathers.
Am I right about it?
Now, you can look through the scriptures, and you can see that’s happening all over the scriptures because when you’re up there at that level, that’s where the spirit produces, because that’s the way you were originally made to operate.
You’re originally made to operate at that level.
Now you’ve got born again, so you’re going back to that level.
So you don’t need to live at the level of your flesh anymore.
You can come on up to the spirit. Same into that. Amen.
God’s ability is at your disposal.
God’s ability is at your disposal.
Do you hear what I’m saying? Yes.
And god wants you to use what is at your disposal.
So that tells me his ability is that he can get debt free by Christmas And this is at your what?
Disposal. He told me he said, son, buy that shopping mall.
Woah. First of all, it was bigger than anything. 33 Acres.
Next of all, I didn’t have any shopping mall money. But his ability.
Is at my disposal.
Yes, sir. Yes, sir.
And he wants me to use Yes. His ability to live.
And this living is gonna be above the living of the natural person. Amen.
Same into this. Amen. And this is part of what’s gonna cause me to have influence. Yes, sir.
So nothing is too hard for god. Amen. And get this. He’s in you. Amen.
Amen. Look what Jesus said. Over in John chapter 14 in verse 10, it’s the father in me. Yes.
He’s doing the work.
And over in verse 12, it says, who that believeth on me, the works that I do shall He do.
Also, and very well.
Yeah. Now my point to you is I’m not gonna keep preaching this.
See, because there are people who want me to preach it again. Yes.
And the reason why is because they’re not preaching it themselves.
Meaning that they’re not taking time to speak to themselves. They’re not taking time to meditate it.
They’re not taking time to to to to to, uh, yeah, to be able to to play my tape or CD over and over again.
They’re not taking that
time. Yeah.
They just want me to preach it again. Now that that that’s being graded.
Yeah. God god god doesn’t plan for you to be there.
He doesn’t plan for you to be at the same place next year as you are this year. Amen.
And I’m not. I just opened a grocery store. No.
You need to see it.
Yes, sir.
If you haven’t seen, you better see it. It’s worse you have seen. And we’re not done.
We don’t have some supernatural stuff going on.
So I don’t plan to be at the same place next year as I want this year.
But because his hability. Here’s what. Is that my disposal?
He plans for me to use it. Yes. Jesus use it. Jesus said feed them. Feed who? My sheep. Hey.
Feed my Jesus. He said, all those people out there, 20,000 people, and and he said, feed them.
And they said, woah. Wait. How are we gonna do this?
He’s busy raining them and saying, how long do I have to be with y’all? Come on.
Let’s let’s let’s let’s use my ability to his ability to do what he’s calling you to do. Right. Right.
Right. Folks is good preacher.
You know, it’s something when he tells Adam, the name, the animals, and Adam never been to school.
But god’s ability, is at Adam’s disposal.
Now you gotta get that.
I mean, you if nothing else put that in your spirit, because because I I know folks in quote scripted, but you’re still broke.
Yes, sir. You’re still living from paycheck to paycheck. Come on now.
You’re still dealing with same old things you’ve been dealing with, and I’m not coming down on you.
I just wanna encourage you to step out. Amen. You ain’t got nothing to lose.
That’s what one person said. You know, if I give all of this, I’ll be broke.
It wasn’t but $5. And and so that’s you, honey, you already broke. Get get rid of the brokenness.
Just give that do some with it. But anyway alright.
So so here’s what I’m saying.
Now did y’all get the fact that your spirit will produce it. Yes. And your body will gather it. Yes.
Yes. Yes. The spirit produce 2 fish with 2 fish and five loaves.
But the body, put that scripture up there, please, if you can.
And he said, now I want you to gather what’s left over. Didn’t didn’t he say that?
Yes. Yes. Yes.
See? And I’m saying the same thing in Luke chapter 5. Here’s Peter going fishes.
Jesus got in his boat and began to teach.
Then Jesus said, you know, push out a little from the shore he did.
And then he said, he taught the people, and then he turned to Peter said, now, launch on to the deep and let down your nets for a draw.
And Peter said, wait a minute, we’ve fished all night and caught nothing. Nevertheless, what? At that word, come on.
I’m a do it. And what did he do?
He, uh, launched out and caught so many fish until the net broke. He called for his partners so forth.
It’s on. Now what were they doing? They were in a season of what? Yeah. Gathering. Yeah. Oh, yeah.
Gathering, folks at I I was blamed for an airplane because the the normal system could not meet my schedule because I was getting too busy.
And so I said, let me believe God from the airplane. So I did.
So I didn’t have a seed.
So a person came here to preach on Wednesday night and he was preaching, he said, pass the oil plant is in Ecleasy, I see chapter 10.
Now where did he get that from? He heard it from god.
So he said, and when he said it, I knew that was god.
I opened up Keezys, chapter 10, didn’t see it, didn’t see it, didn’t see it.
And then the next time, I saw her. I caught it. A bird of the air shall carry your voice.
Yes. I took that seed See, I took lord have mercy.
I took that sea It says loop chapter 8, 11, the seed
In the word of god.
In the word of god.
Yes, sir. Yes, sir. Okay. Thanks.
The seed, said the seed is the word of god is the word of god.
So if I have a need I need some seed. Yes. Yes.
And the seed is the word of god.
I took the seed and took it into my spirit. Come on. Come on.
Come on. Yeah. Let’s take a look. They laugh.
Because my spirit is a production center. I’m not gonna let up. I’m gonna stay right here.
I’m gonna stay right here. I’m gonna stay right here.
I’m I ain’t gonna let up I’m gonna take you further, see, because the enemy wants me to go around that dugout.
No. We’re not going around this mountain anymore.
And I took the seed of the word of god, and I planted it in the soil of my heart.
And the Bible says, I can sleep night and day, and the seed should spring and grow up.
I don’t know how. I don’t need to know how it goes up.
All gotta do is hold on to the scene. Now, watch this.
And then it was time to put in the sickle because now I gotta gather.
Oh, yeah.
So god spoke to us and said, show a $100,000 to the southern ministry because they believe before an airplane.
Boop sold it. Once we sold it, now it’s harvest time.
And the next thing I know, here’s an airplane coming from California.
I didn’t go to California. It was brought.
Now it it
was brought, and it was in St. Louis.
Now at that time, Latasha was CEO, and and and and they called and said, Hey, we got an plane down here hurt the man of god, believe an airplane, so forth, is on.
And it says in Saint Louis.
Now, that airplane matched the picture that I have right now, I wish I had it.
But the interior of my airplane out there, right now, the ministry airplane is exact same as this picture.
Yes. Now, wait a minute. When I had the picture, I didn’t have no airplane. Yes.
But the airplane is coming to match the picture. I’m saying design your house.
That the house is gonna come to meet the picture.
Is somebody here over here.
And the airplane matched the picture.
See, I didn’t wonder whether this was the airplane.
See, if it don’t look like the picture, that’s the wrong one.
I’m saying I’m saying that’s what you it with is shocked.
It it will match the house that you wanted.
It’s got Five bedrooms on the top, three bedrooms on the next level. Come on.
It’s got 4 car garage. It’s got all of that and it all came by seed because the seed is a word of god.
Stay right there.
Now, see, there are people that don’t like me talking about this because you have not yet fully decided that you are saved.
You now, listen. That’s what I’m saying now. I know you’re born again. But you’ve got some rights.
Yes. You got I’m about to write a letter now to my partners on the Believer’s bill of Rights.
Yes, sir. Yes, sir.
And when you’re doing that you can’t compromise this thing.
You you can’t you can’t take it and say, wait a minute.
Now, I don’t know about this and so forth and so on and leave part of it there.
When Moses was trying to take them out of of Egypt didn’t Pharaoh try to do what? Negotiate. Negotiate.
And you don’t have to negotiate Come on. One bit.
When god got you born again, he also got you healed.
But, well, let’s put it up there because of I you know, listen, I I’m my my intent
Yes. Uh-huh.
It’s to give you the truth. Yes. I’m all frustrated. And it’s gonna either draw you We’ll drive.
Or drive you. No problem. And I wanna get all this unbelief out of this place because we’re gonna have miracles in this place.
It’s gonna be a house of miracles. Nobody’s gonna be lacking. Nobody’s gonna be sick. Nobody’s gonna be wanting.
See, I don’t care.
Don’t think you’re offending me if you get up and walk out. Ideas.
I’m just letting you know, I love to have everybody, but everybody talking about heaven is not gonna be safe.
Ain’t going there, man. There can be some unbelievers coming in this church that trying to keep me from preaching the truth, but I got new for you.
I got courage. I’m gonna I’m gonna say what god says, and I don’t care what you think Yes, sir.
See see see Listen.
Wherever you are now, this ought to be good news. Yes, sir.
It ought to be good news that you can get a car Come on.
It ought to be good news. God, you don’t have to be sick. It ought to be good news.
Well, have mercy. Sit down. Alright.
So I gotta live from the inside out.
I gotta realize that my body is not me.
And if it’s not me, then it doesn’t put a limit on what I can do. Same into that. Yes.
Is this quote me? No. No? So it’s got to go where I go.
So if I wanna walk on water, it’s got to walk.
Are you following what I’m saying? Now that’s the way you wanna get.
This is the maturity that we want, again, as Christians of walking into spirits, say amen to that, that your body is not the limit of what you can do.
Alright. Uh, god is the limit, lord, hamper. Alright. Let me let me do this.
So Daniel, Daniel chapter 3.
Daniel, if you don’t bow down, we’re gonna throw you in the fire. Am I right about that? That scripture.
So what did Daniel say? The god that we serve, come on, is able to do this, because no longer is my limit, my body, what it can do.
My limit now is what god can do. Are you with me?
Yes, sir.
So did they go into fire? Yes. Yeah. Did they get burned?
And they ended up in verse 29 and Daniel chapter 3 changing the law.
Sam about to change the laws here. Alright. Okay.
See, when you start thinking right, things in the scriptures begin to look right.
Other than that, you’ll read it like you read some kind of story book. No.
This is for you. Yes, ma’am. And it’s non what? Negotiable. It’s not negotiable.
That’s not what he promised me.
He promised me that I could call on him and he will answer. Yes, sir.
Didn’t that what he promised me?
He promised me that many of their pictures of the righteous, but the lord shall deliver them out of the mall.
That’s right. He promised me that the angel of the lord and camp around about me and delivers me.
And I’m saying that’s nonnegotiable. That don’t tell your let your flesh tell you all that can’t happen to you.
No, it can’t happen to you. Watch if it is legal
Yeah. Yes.
Now what happened to Job? Job made a mistake.
Job 1 verse 3, he was a riches man in the east. How did he get that rich?
Go over to Revelation chapter 5 and verse 12.
Over Revelation 5 in verse 12, let’s read what your inheritance is. Let it read.
All of those are honored.
The honor is whose. Mind. So don’t put nothing up on the tweet that’s gonna dishonesty. Yes.
Because if you do and I go to the god, to the lord of heaven and earth, I can make you take it down.
Yes, ma’am. Because you are violating and I’m not gonna compromise on what’s mine.
My my my my inheritance is honored. I’m supposed to be honored. My inheritance is strength.
I’m supposed to be strong at 90 as I was at 30.
I Don’t don’t let the devil tell you different. Say amen.
The blessing.
So the blessing now is supposed to manifest on your life.
And that blessing takes you to the top.
This blessing is on you, but we’re gonna learn to have faith in this blessing because when it’s really clicking like it should, you can’t hide it.
I said, you can try to hide it, but you can’t hide it.
Now, here’s the last one, Ruth. So here’s Ruth.
And as though you’d know, she was a motorbike, she and her sister, when their husbands died, And now, what happened now?
Mother Naomi said, Hey, why don’t y’all go on and leave?
I’m a go back to my people to the old country.
And what happened, here she was, and her sister left and went back to the moi Bites, moi Bites, but her, over to god, as a a roof stayed with a mother-in-law.
Now watch this but Ruth said something in Ruth chapter 1 verse 16. He said, now, your god God.
It’s gonna be my god. Now she’s coming up under this blessing in Ruth chapter 2.
Now look what it says here and just read that. Ready? Read.
Wait wait a minute.
Now, wait a minute. Now, she she’s down there cleaning. She’s picking pole beans. She’s got a head rag on.
Come on. Don’t nails are not done, but notice she’s attracting this man. Oh, yes. He’s not only this man.
He’s the richest man in the whole county. Now, notice what’s happening here.
What’s what am I saying? I’m saying when you are blessed, you can pick out what you want.
Lord habits.
Now, there’s a book called the 4th dimension by Doctor Yongi Cho, And he writes that book and the pages of 9 through 12 in that book tells about the woman who was looking for a husband.
So he comes and visits his pasture friend, and his pastor said, before we go eat, can you pray for her?
He said, what does your need preference? She needs she’s looking for a husband.
Oh, well, how long have you been looking told to ask her?
She said about 10 years, He said, well, what have you been praying?
And and, see, this is strange to him because you don’t have to negotiating.
Come on. My god shall supply. And you don’t have to negotiate.
The devil will tell you all the men are taken up, the men are in prison, the men are gay, the men if god has to make You better hear what Bill Winston is telling you.
If god has to himself, create one to fit just like that airplane. It ain’t no difference.
They is no shortage as far as you’ll concerned. God’s got what you need and what you desire.
Now from now on, don’t you even be even entertaining the thought that you have to wait in line or you have to hold and may dial without it or something.
Don’t negotiate. Same trying to get you to back off of your promise.
You’ve got the believers bill of rights. That is your right to have your heart desires.
Today’s message, taking back our cities is filled with life changing truths.
That can transform your world and the world around you.
However, you’ve only heard a portion of the message to receive today’s teaching in its entirety on MP3 or CD, on MP4 or DVD, order by calling 1807119327, or go line at
Operation 10 city is a 10 city campaign.
Empowering communities of people across challenged metropolitan cities throughout the US, restoring home providing resource and imparding entrepreneurial education.
Operation 10 city features a free Mega event with programming for you and next generation leaders, business owner, and entrepreneur, centered on community outreach, business and entrepreneurship, and faith.
Operation 10 city has impacted today in St. Louis, Detroit, Cleveland, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, and Chicago.
With a singular vision to inspire people and communities to access true economic prosperity and self sufficiency through wealth building and ownership.
It’s a
lot of single parents like Marcel that’s doing thing by itself, and this actually is a big help.
In these days and times, the way it is in this world today, it is very hard.
You know, and people are doing what they can to take, what they have to make it.
Some of us are, like, swamped in bills and in in property taxes, and then, um, this is excellent.
Um, we appreciate the blessing.
Today, I am here because I would love to expand my record.
I have made several mistakes at a young age.
Me having my record experience will be the most powerful impact in my life because I plan on getting my CDL so I can get a truck drop.
I have a future.
I’m Robert Alexander major, and I just won $10,000 here at Operation 10 City.
You’re gonna be ten times better than the best that the world can produce. This is your seed.
I felt the presence of god it would so powerful. When praise and worship started, I just felt the anointing.
And if you’re looking for change and you just wanna change your life, this is a place to come when they come to your city.
This is your date. Uh, no, no, no, this is your date.
This is your date.
I can tell you that many people have told me what a blessing it is that you’ve done this.
Gas carts have been incredibly excellent Lyft cards and Uber cards, along with groceries and free clothing, not just any clothing, but brand new clothing for folks who would have otherwise not being able to keep and do it.
You don’t know what we’ve been through here, but I feel extremely blessed.
I just wanna thank you.
Thank you, Lily Ward, Doctor Bill Winston, and Operation 10 City for what you’ve done for
I remember you need faith to get to your destiny.
So don’t forget to subscribe and click on the notification bell so that you don’t miss any of our videos.
This is Bill Winston. I love you and keep walking by faith.
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