Understanding Righteousness | Joyce Meyer | Radio Podcast

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Understanding Righteousness | Joyce Meyer | Radio Podcast

Understanding Righteousness-4

A 15-minute teaching applying practical principles from God’s Word to everyday life.

Joyce Meyer, one of the world’s leading practical Bible teachers and New York Times best-selling author, shares encouragement and advice to help us enjoy our daily lives.

With a heart to share Christ and love people, Joyce’s messages help people in all walks of life to grow in their faith, learn to study the Bible, find healing from the wounds of life, get answers to life’s questions and encounter the love of God in a powerful way.

Welcome to enjoying everyday life with New York Times best selling author Joyce Meyer.
On today’s program, Joyce will be teaching from her series how to succeed at being yourself.
God created each one of us to be different.
He knows all of our faults and weaknesses, yet still loves us exactly as we are.
When we begin to understand god’s unconditional love and who we are in Christ, then we can stop trying so hard and just enjoy each moment as it comes.
Now here’s Joyce with today’s teaching.
I beg you in view of all the mercies of god.
To make a decisive dedication of your bodies. I’m in Romans 121.
Presenting all your members and faculties as a living sacrifice. He doesn’t want dead animal sacrifices.
He doesn’t want dead works. Guilt is a dead work.
He doesn’t want all that dead stuff.
He wants a living church, living sacrifices, people living the life that he died to give them.
Living sacrifice says holy devoted consecrate and well pleasing to god, which is your reasonable, rational, intelligent service, and spiritual worship.
So god doesn’t want all those silly sacrifices. What he wants is you.
He wants you to come to him and say, here I am.
God do with me what you want to. I give you my hands. I give you my feet.
I wanna go where you want me to go. I give you my eyes. Look at people through me.
I give you my mouth. Speak to people. Through me. I give you my finances.
I give you my time. I give you myself.
Here I am. I offer myself as a sacrifice to you.
I don’t know what you wanna do with me, but whatever it is, do it.
Now that doesn’t necessarily mean that god’s gonna give you some big pulpit worldwide ministry.
Everybody thinks they want this. Let me tell you something.
You may not want it as much as you think you do.
And just we’ll just let that be enough, but you just may not want it as much as you think you do.
I’d say, you know what? I have responsibility.
And, yes, it’s a privilege and it’s an honor, and I am very grateful that god is using me, but I have hard work, a lot of responsibility, So don’t go wanting something god hasn’t given you because if he hasn’t called you to do it, you will be the most miserable person on the face of the earth.
I have a gift of grace and a gift of faith to do what I’m doing.
If I didn’t have a gift of faith, I would faint every day when I see what the requirements are to keep this thing up and running.
Off yourself to god and be willing to be wherever you want you to be.
Don’t forget the the movie that I told you about last night, the five people you’ll meet in heaven about the guy who spent his whole life hating his life, feeling like a wretched miserable failure because all he did was work in an amusement park all of his life.
And when he finally died and went to heaven, he met five people there who showed him how, just by being where he was in his ordinary everyday life, that he affected them in a major way for the good good.
And they went on to do good things.
And They went on to live fruitful lives because he was where he was supposed to be when he was supposed to be there.
To him, it was very unexciting. It was boring. It was misery.
He saw himself as a failure because he never got out of working in the amusement park.
And so then in this movie, he got to pick what he wanted his heaven to be like after he met these five people.
Well, he entered heaven hating his life, despising it, feeling like a total failure, And by the time he met those five people and really understood reality, the heaven that he picked to live in, he could have picked a beach in Hawaii.
He could have picked anywhere he wanted to be?
A mountain in Switzerland, but he realized after wasting his whole life for the bad attitude.
Come on now.
When he got to heaven, he realized that was where I was supposed to be all the time.
And that was the best life for me. I just never knew how to enjoy it.
So he chose for eternity for his heaven to be the amusement park where he was all of his life and despise it.
Come on now. Stop hating where you’re at and start embracing it and loving it.
Well, I just can’t stand it if this is all I ever get to do.
Listen, god’s a god of progress.
And if you get happy where you’re at, there’ll be other things for you.
But if you’re not happy where you’re at now, you won’t be happy when you get to the place because you take you with you everywhere you go.
Anybody hearing me? Say I am everywhere I go.
Go back to Hebrews 10 for a minute. Look at verse 10 Hebrews 1010.
And in accordance with this will of god, we have been made holy consecrated and sanctified through the offering made once and for all Once for all, those are key words Jesus died once.
He never has to do it again, and it was for all.
Once for all of the body of Jesus Christ.
Verse 14 of verse 12, whereas this one Christ after he had offered a single sacrifice for our sins that shall avail for all time sat down at the right hand of god there to wait until his enemies should be made a footstool for his feet.
For by a single offering, he has forever completely cleansed. Forever completely cleansed. Verse 14.
He has forever completely cleansed. Stop and think about that forever.
Completely, cleansed, once for all never needs to be done again.
He paid. You don’t have to pay. He understand.
Yes. You need to be sorry. You need to repent.
You need to seek god so you can have improved behavior, but you don’t have to pay for something that’s already been paid for.
When a teacher can’t make it to school one day and they send in a substitute, she does not have to go back and redo that day’s work.
She just had a substitute.
And I don’t think that we fully realize what it means that god is that Christ is our substitute.
I’d like to end was gonna take me a few minutes to get there, but I want you to go to John 16 unless you think we’re closing right this minute.
Oh, no. I have 15 minutes and I’m using it.
John 14, I want to talk to you about the divine exchange.
I love this. If you can get a revelation on this, it’s just absolutely awesome.
Jesus said, I’m anointed to preach the gospel to the poor.
To bind up their wounds and heal their bruises. Now get this.
To give them to give them beauty for ashes. Divine exchange.
You give him your ashes. He gives you beauty.
Some people want the beauty and they wanna hang on to their ashes.
Keep them in a little jar somewhere.
So if you ever wanna have a pitiful day, you can.
The oil of joy from morning.
The garment of praise instead of depression and heaviness.
Divine exchange. You come to him with your mess.
He takes your mess and gives you everything good that he’s got.
He takes your sin gives you his righteousness. He takes your ashes, gives you his beauty.
He takes your depression, gives you his joy.
I mean, where are you gonna get a deal like this?
Why would every person on the face of the earth not wanna be a Christian?
Well, I’m just gonna be a self made person.
Well, okay. You silly you, you just go ahead and just be miserable all your life while the rest of us have fun.
People sometimes say, well, how do you know that what you’re believing is right?
You know, my answer is that even wasn’t. I’m having a good time.
And the whole thing is is if I’m wrong, it don’t cost me nothing.
If you’re wrong, it costs you everything. Come on now.
I mean, if somebody sitting there, they’re saying, well, I don’t believe all that stuff.
Well, you know, it’s not gonna cost you anything to believe.
Let me tell you exactly why most people don’t wanna be Christians.
I can tell you because they know they would have to alter their lifestyle.
And they don’t wanna alter their lifestyle. So they make up all kinds of excuses.
And the whole thing comes down to, I just don’t want to have anybody over my life telling me what to do.
That’s exactly where people are at that don’t wanna serve god.
They don’t want to have to follow anybody’s leadership but their own. So you know what I say?
Go ahead and follow your leadership. Sooner or later, you’re gonna get really fed up with you.
And sooner or later, you’re gonna look around and say, I haven’t really done so good.
Have I? And when you do, Jesus will be there waiting with open arms to give you what you could have had all your life.
If he would have just received it. Awesome. Woo.
We are kicking the devil in the head this morning.
Let’s look at John, uh, 16.
Verse 14. And the and the very first sentence of 15.
He will honor and glorify me because he will take of and receive and drop on what is mine, and he will reveal to declare, declare, disclose, and transmit it to you.
Everything the father has his mind, Jesus said.
He said everything the father has is mine.
He’s given it to me, and I’m gonna give it to you.
And I’m gonna send the Holy Spirit I’ve gotta leave, but I’m gonna send the Holy Spirit to be in close fellowship with you.
And he will transmit Oh, you gotta get this this morning.
Does it? God is transmitting so much that nobody’s receiving.
I transmit my television program.
It’s a it’s available to about 1 and 1 half billion people in 2 thirds of the globe, but if they don’t turn on their receiver, It’s there.
But only the people, the only ones who benefit from it, are the ones who go.
Exact same thing. I love it.
He said, I will transmit it to you.
Well, see, years ago, I thought, he’s transmitted I mean, the beams of light, the beams of joy, peace, righteousness, all the goodness of god is being transmitted into the hoist, just what I No. I don’t know if I’m doing that very good, but you get the point.
Right? You know, those sound waves and how they transfer.
Just But people gotta turn on their receivers.
Stop trying to buy what god wants to give you freely.
Stop trying to earn what Jesus already paid for and just face it.
You can’t do anything but humble yourself and let god help you.
And I’m telling you what if somebody in this place don’t get free today, you just got something wrong with you.
I mean, if you are listening to me and you’re letting this sink down in your spirit, And I’ll tell you something, this is a teaching you need to get and you need to listen to it about 50 times because I did not learn what I know now by studying this one time.
I I had to study righteousness until I thought I was just gonna look holes into the pages because I had such a burden of guilt on me and I had to study righteousness and I had to confess righteousness and still probably every day of my life at least once or twice.
Say out loud, I am the righteousness of God in Christ.
In Christ is the key, not in myself, but in Christ.
I’ve been made right with god through the blood of Christ. I don’t have to pay.
He paid.
God wants us to succeed in everything he calls and equips us to do, which is why today’s resource offering is perfect for diving deeper into this topic.
We pray Joyce’s newest release, the pathway to success will help guide you toward true godly success.
Available now for your gift of any out. Order at joycemeyer.org or call toll free at 1807890089.
Ladies, we’re going to Tampa.
Sunny Sky’s beautiful weather in god’s word. It’s the perfect getaway. Join us.
For the 2024 Love Life Women’s conference, September 12th through 14th in Tampa, Florida. With Joyce Meyer. Priscilla fire.
Kristine King and worship with Tayah and Riley Clemens. Register today at joycemeyer.org/lovely
Thanks for listening to enjoying everyday life.
Joyce Meyer Ministries mission is to share Christ and love people.
Together, we can do so much more.

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